French 17 FRENCH 17

1993 Number 41

In Memoriam: Francis West Gravit (1904-1993)

It is with a genuine sense of loss that I note the death of a dear friend and colleague, Dr. Francis Gravit, who was the founder and editor of this publication, then known as the French III Bibliography, from 1954 to 1966 at which time he entrusted me with its direction.

Born November 1, 1904 in Elkhart, Indiana, he was graduated from Oberlin College summa cum laude in 1928. He received master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Michigan and special language certification from the University of Paris. Joining the Indiana University-Bloomington faculty in 1948, he retired a full professor in 1975. During that time, he was instrumental in creating an honors program for Indiana high school students and was largely responsible for the creation of the Strasbourg Indiana/Purdue University junior year abroad program. Gravit, as he was called by his colleagues, served for many years as the coordinator of the first-year French program and was highly regarded by the graduate teaching assistants. In 1963 Progessor Gravit received the "Legion of Academic Merit" from the French Ministry of Education for his leadership in the teaching of languages.

Professor Richard Danner, a member of the French 17 Editorial Team and now professor of French at Ohio University, completed his doctoral degree at Indiana University under the guidance of Professor Gravit and has many fond memories of him. He notes in particular his "good ideas for bringing the French langugage to life, his engagingly trenchant wit, and his firm conviction that literary works written in France three centuries ago were as fully alive and accessible in the American Midwest of the 1960s as they had been when experienced by their original public."

Francis Gravit, in founding this publication, began a bibliographic tradition which has richly served all of us in 17th century French studies and it is one which I am honored to continue.

This volume of French 17 is dedicated to the memory of Francis W. Gravit.

The Editor


French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of seventeenth-century French studies. It is as descriptive and complete as possible and includes summaries of articles, books, and book reviews. An item may be included in several numbers should a review of that item appear in subsequent years. French 17 lists not only works dealing with literary history and criticism, but also those which treat bibliography, linguistics and language, politics, society, philosophy, science and religion.

In order to be as complete as possible, the editor warmly encourages scholars to provide him or his co-editors with information about their published research.




Part I Bibliography, Linguistics and History of the Book
Part II Artistic, Political and Social Background
Part III Philosophy, Science and Religion
Part IV Literary History and Criticism
Part V Authors and Personages
Part VI Research in Progress


AJFS Australian Journal of French Studies
AnBret Annales de Bretagne
  Annales de l'Est
  Annales de l'Institut de Philosophie
Annales-ESC Annales-Economie, Société-Culture
Archiv Archiv für das Studium der Neveren Sprachen und Literaruren
ArsL Ars Lyrica
  Art Bulletin
  Art in America
AUMLA Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language and Literature Association
BB Bulletin du Bibliophile
BCLF Bulletin Critique du Livre Français
BILEUG Bolletino dell'Instituto de Lingue Esters (Genoa)
BJA British Journal of Aesthetics
BFR Bibliothèque Française et Romane
BHR Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance
BRMMLA Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
BSHPF Bulletin de la Société Historique du Protestantisme Français
  Bulletin de la Bibliothèque Nationale
  Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français
  Bulletin de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe (Le Mans)
  Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Limousin
  Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Bulletin de la Société Scientifique et Littéraire des Alpes-de-Haute Provence
  Bulletin du Bibliophile
  Bulletin Historique et Scientifique de l'Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand)
  Burlington Magazine
CRB Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean-Louis Barrault
  Cahiers du Chemin
  Cahiers Saint-Simon
CAEIF Cahiers de l'Association International des Etudes Françaises
CAT Cahiers d'Analyse Textuelle
  Catholic History Review
CdDS Cahiers du Dix-Septième
CHR Catholic History Review
Chum Computers and the Humanities
CL Comparative Literature
CLDSS Cahiers de Littérature du Dix-Septième Siècle
CLS Comparative Literature Studies
CM Cahiers Maynard
CMLR Canadian Modern Language Review
CMR 17 Centre Méridional de Recherche sur le Dix-Septième Siècle
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  Collectanea Cisterciensia
CollG Colloquia Germanica
CompD Comparative Drama
CQ Cambridge Quarterly
CritI Critical Inquiry
CTH Cahiers Tristan l'Hermite
CUP Cambridge University Press
DAI Dissertation Abstracts International
DownR Downside Review
DSS Dix-Septième Siècle
ECL Etudes Classiques
ECr Esprit Créateur
ECS Eighteenth Century Studies
EF Etudes Françaises
EFL Essays in French Literature
ELWIU Essays in Literature (Western Illinois)
EP Etudes Philosophiques
FHS French Historical Studies
  Le Figaro
FL Figaro Littérature
FLS French Literature Series (University of South Carolina)
FM Le Français Moderne
FMLS Forum for Modern Language Studies
FR French Review
Francia Periodico di Cultura Francese
FrF French Forum
FS French Studies
GAR The Georgia Review
GBA Gazette des Beaux-Arts
GCFI Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana
GRM Germanisch-romanisch Monatsschrift
  History Today
HZ Historische Zeitschrift
IL Information Littéraire
JAAC Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
JES Journal of European Studies
JHI Journal of the History of Ideas
  Journal de la Société des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Journal des Savants
KRQ Kentucky Romance Quarterly
LA Linguistica Antverpiensia
LangS Language Science
  Le Pays D'Auge (Lisieux)
LetN Lettres Nouvelles
LFr Langue Française
LI Lettere Italiane
  Library Quarterly
  Littératures Classiques
  Le Point
  Les Livres
L & M Literature and Medicine
LR Lettres Romanes
LWU Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
  Magazine Littéraire
M&C Memory and Cognition
MD Modern Drama
  Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
  Mémoires de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France
  Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Bretagne
MHRA Modern Humanities Research Association
MLJ Modern Language Journal
MLN Modern Language Notes
MP Modern Philology
MLQ Modern Language Quarterly
MLR Modern Language Review
MLS Modern Language Studies
MusQ Musical Quarterly
NCSRLL North Carolina Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
Neophil Neophilologus
NFS Nottingham French Studies
NLH New Literary History
NL Nouvelles Littéraires
  Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse
NRF Nouvelle Revue Française
NYRB New York Review of Books
NYT New York Times (microfilm)
OeC Œuvres et Critiques
OL Orbis Litterarum
P&R Philosophy and Rhetoric
PFSCL Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature
  Philosophisches Jahrbuch
PhQ Philosophical Quarterly
PMLA Publication of the Modern Language Association of America
P & L Philosophy and Literature
PQ Philological Quarterly
PRF Publications Romaines et Françaises
PUF Presses Universitaires de France
PUG Publications de L'Université de Grenoble
QL Quinzaine Littéraire
RBPH Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire
RdF Rivista di Filosofia (Torino)
RDM Revue des Deux Mondes
RdS Revue de Synthèse
RE Revue d'Esthétique
RenQ Renaissance Quarterly
Ren&R Renaisssance and Reformation/ Renaissance et Réforme
RevR Revue Romaine
  Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuse
  Revue de l'Angenais
  Revue du Louvre
  Revue du Nord
  Revue Savoisienne
RF Romanische Forschungen
RFNS Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
RG Revue Générale
RFHL Revue Française d'Histoire du Livre
RHE Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique
RHEF Revue de l'Histoire de l'Eglise de France
Rhist Revue Historique
RHL Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France
RHMC Revue d'Histoire Moderne Contemporaine
RHS Revue d'Histoire de la Spiritualité
RHSA Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et de Leurs Applications
RHT Revue d'Histoire du Théâtre
RIPh Revue Internationale de Philosophie
  Rivista di Storia e Litteratura Religiosa
RJ Romanistiches Jahrbuch
  Revue d'Alsace
RLC Revue de Littérature Comparée
RLM Revue des Lettres Modernes
RLR Revue des Langues Romanes
RLV Revue des Langues Vivantes
RMM Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale
RMS Renaissance and Modern Studies
RomN Romance Notes
RPac Revue de Pacifique
RPFE Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger
RPh Romance Philology
RPL Revue Philosophique de Louvain
RR Romanic Review
RSH Revue des Sciences Humaines
RSPT Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques
RUO Revue de l'Université d'Ottowa
Saggi Saggi e Richerche di Letteratura Francese
SCFS Seventeenth Century French Studies
SCN Seventeenth Century News
SEDES Société d'Edition et d'Enseignement Supérieur
SFIS Stanford French and Italian Studies
SFr Studi Francese
SFR Stanford French Review
SFrL Studies in French Literature
SN Studia Neophilologica
SoAR South Atlantic Review
SP Studies in Philology
SPM Spicilegio Moderno: Saggi e Ricerche di Letterature e Lingue Straniere
STFM Société des Textes Français Modernes
  Studia Leibnitiana
  Studi di Litteratura Francese
SVEC Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century
SYM Symposium
TDR TDR — The Drama Review
TheatreS Theatre Studies
THES [London] Times Higher Education Supplement
ThR Theatre Research International
ThS Theatre Survey
TJ Theatre Journal
TLL Travaux de Linguistique el de Littérature Publiés par Le Centre de Philologie et de Littératures Romanes de l'Université de Strasbourg
TLS (London) Times Literary Supplement
TM Temps Modernes
TraLit Travaux de Littérature
TSRLL Tulane Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures
UTQ University of Toronto Quarterly
VQR Virginia Quarterly Review
WLT World Literature Today
YFS Yale French Studies
YR Yale Review
YWMLS Year's Work in Modern Language Studies
ZFSL Zeitschrift für Französische Sprache und Literatur
  Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
ZRP Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie


ALBERT-SAMULE, COLETTE, BRIGITTE MOREAU, SYLVIE POSTEL-LECORQ, et BRIGITTE KERIVEN, éds. Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France. Du Ve siècle à 1958 (année 1990). Paris: CNRS, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 439: 12.708 références regroupées en neuf sections: Manuels généraux et sciences auxiliaires de l'histoire; Histoire politique; Histoire des institutions; Histoire économique; Histoire sociale; Histoire religieuse; Histoire de la France d'outre-mer; Histoire de la civilisation; Histoire locale.

ARBOUR, ROMEO. Un éditeur d'oeuvres littéraires au XVIIe siècle: Toussaint Du Bray (1604–1636). Genève: Droz, 1992.

Review: L. Desgraves in RFHL 76–77 (1992), 332–333: "Arbour consacre une monographie à l'un des plus importants éditeurs d'oeuvres littéraires de Paris, Toussaint Du Bray. Il estime, à juste titre, que pour poursuivre la voie tracée par Henri-Jean Martin, il importe d'entreprendre des études particulières sur le livre à Paris au XVIIe, afin de mieux cerner l'activité des presses parisiennes au cours de cette période. L'ouvrage est divisé en deux parties. La première retrace la carrière de T. Du Bray, la seconde est consacrée au Catalogue des éditions."

BERTRAND, DOMINIQUE. "Bruit et silence: la voix rieuse au XVIIe siècle, ses enjeux scientifiques, sémiotiques et disciplinaires." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 101–115.

Laughter was the focal point of many inquiries into the nature of language throughout the 17th century. For philosophers, laughter, far from being a Rabelaisian 'propre de l'homme', meant the opposite of articulated language, and for theologians, it represented a threat to social discipline.

BIEDERMAN-PASQUES LISELOTTE. Les Grands courants orthographies au XVIIe siècle et la formation de l'orthographe moderne: impacts matériels, interférences phoniques, théories et pratiques (1606–1736). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1992.

BLECHET, FRANCOISE. Les Ventes publiques de livres en France 1630–1750. Répertoire des catalogues conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1991.

Review: D. J. Adams in MLR 88 (1993), 467–68: "The entries, almost three hundred in all, provide summary information on where and when sales took place, who organized them, and what form they took; in addition, there are specific details of the copy of the catalogue referred to." Reviewer regrets absence of statistical analysis and failure to number the entries.
Review: Loius Desgraves in RFHL 72–73 (1991), 313: "Précédé d'une importante préface d'Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, ce répertoire met en valeur l'importance des catalogues de ventes publiques de livres pour l'histoire de la bibliophilie, mais aussi pour l'étude de l'évolution des mentalités. Une bibliographie, un index des possesseurs, un index des imprimeurs-libraires et rédacteurs, un index des provenances, de nombreuses illustrations font de ce répertoire un remarquable instrument de recherche et de documentation."

BODEKER, H. E., G. CHAIX, and P. VEIT. Le Livre religieux et ses pratiques. Etudes sur l'histoire du livre religieux en Allemagne et en France à l'époque moderne. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991.

Review: Thierry Wanegffelen in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 253–255: This collection of 18 essays focuses on the circulation of religious books in Europe from the Renaissance to the French Revolution.

BOGAERT, PIERRE-MAURICE, éd. Les Bibles en français. Histoires illustrées du Moyen Age à nos jours. Paris: Brépols, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 811–12: Bel ouvrage bien documenté. B. Chedozeau et F. Delfarge "traitent de la Bible française aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, marquées par le jansénisme . . . et l'apparition de la critique (R. Simon)."

BRAY, LAURENT. César-Pierre Richelet (1626–1698), Biographie et oeuvre lexicographique. With an English summary. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1986.

Review: M. Bierbach in ZRP 108 (1992), 359–363: Examines R.'s Dictionnaire françois as concerns relation to contemporary lexicography and its typographical presentation (compared with Furetière's dictionary and that of the Académie). Section on bibliography of R.'s work is excellent and rich in details; impressive biographical essay includes heretofore unpublished letter; annexes contain abundant material on R.'s life and work. Comprehensive and trustworthy bibliography and indices.

BUZON, FREDERIC DE. "L'Homme et le langage chez Montaigne et chez Descartes." RPFE 1107 (1992), 451–466.

A close study of Descartes' critique of Montaigne's philosophy of language. Descartes overlooked his predecessor's scepticism about basic language structures: "cette négligence cartésienne, jointe à un réalisme intellectuel constant, n'est-elle pas de celles qui faisaient que parfois Descartes acceptait comme idées des notions dont la possibilité n'était pas encore établie?"

CHARTIER, ROGER. L'Ordre des livres. Lecteurs, auteurs, bibliothèques en Europe entre le XIVe siècle et le XVIIIe siècle. Aix-En-Provence: Alinéa, 1992).

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 663: "Il s'agit, en effet, de déceler l'évolution de notre histoire culturelle liée à l'existence du livre et de démêler les liens complexes unissant le discours des livres, leurs formes natérielles et les pratiques de leur lecteur."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DANDREY, PATRICK. "La Phoniscopie, c'est-à-dire la science de la voix." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 13–76.

A detailed analysis of the prescientific study of human voice by 17th-century physicians, grammarians, and moralists (Mersenne, Cureau de La Chambre, Lamy, etc.).

DESGRAVES, LOUIS. "Naissance de la 'science des bibliothèques'." RFHL 70–71 (1991), 3–30.

An analysis of Gabriel Naudé's contibution to the new science of bibliotheconomy. The role of Louis Jacob de Saint-Charles (1608–1670), who did not get the recognition he deserved, is considered to be equally essential.

DOUAY, FRANÇOISE. "Traduction, transcription, transposition, dans la transmission du savoir des figures, en Europe au XVIIe siècle." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 53–74.

17th-century European rhetoricians maintained and yet, at the same time, adapted Antiquity's taxonomy of rhetorical figures: "le XVIIe siècle en hérite et le transmet, généreusement toutd'abord, lui conférant lors de l'apothéose baroque, une complexité rarement égalée; plus schématiquement ensuite, dans la mouvance de l'empirisme anglais, dont le modèle fonctionnel domine, avec le néo-classicisme, le XVIIIe siècle."

DUMONCEAUX, PIERRE. "La Lecture à haute voix au XVIIe siècle: modalités et valeurs." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 117–125.

In the 17th century, reading was a sharply different practice since a text, during the course of its publication, was read publicly, and since, long after its publication, potential readers preferred having it read aloud by a talented reader to a small audience. This practice explains many literary judgments made, for example, by Mme de Sévigné. It also explains particular uses of punctuation.

DURAND, JACQUES, R. ANTHONY LODGE, and CAROL SANDERS, eds. Journal of French Language Studies. I.1. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 288: Valuable firstnumber of new journal includes an article on the history of the concept of "good French" as well as theoretical and practical treatments of language.

FAUDEMAY, ALAIN. La Distinction à L'âge classique. Emules et enjeux. Paris: Champion, 1992.

Review: F. Lagarde in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 236–238: A study of social distinction using a linguistic method: "une saisie en diagonale de l'époque dite classique." Studies distinction, order, and mixture: signs and effects of rank; and literary stylistic devices of comparison, parallel, crescendo, and reversal. Extensive notes and lexical index. A basic tool for 17th century specialists because of its lexicon.

FONTAINE, LAURENCE. "L'Activité notariale." Annales-ESC 48 (1993), 475–83.

Systematic, informative overview of categories of order, contexts of use, and potentials of computerization of the notarial archives. Starting points of discussion are Jean Gaston, La Communauté des notaires de Bordeaux (1529–1791) (Toulouse, Mirail, 1991) and L. Laffront, ed. Problèmes et méthodes d'analyse historique de l'activité notariale (XVIe–XIXe siècle) (Toulouse: Mirail, 1991, Colloque de Toulouse, 1990).

FORESTIER, GEORGES. "Approche bibliographique. Vingt-cinq années d'études sur le théâtre tragique du XVIIe siècle (1965–1990). Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 269–278.

Une recension "qui ne prétend pas être un état présent exhaustif sur le genre tragique" mais qui trait de " 1) L'essentiel des études sur la tragédie et le tragique aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, à quoi nous avons joint quelques travaux plus larges qui ont servi de base, source, modèle à un renouvellement de la réflexion sur le genre tragique, comme dans le cas de l'essai de R. Girard, La Violence et le sacré. 2) L'essentiel des études qui portent sur Corneille et Racine en général ou sur un aspect général de Corneille et de Racine (et sur quelques-uns de leurs plus importants confrères en tragédie."

LE FRANÇAIS PRECLASSIQUE, 1500–1650. 1 & 2 Paris: Didier-Erudition, 1988, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63, 1975–76: "Cette revue nouvelle, publiée par l'Institut national de la Langue française, s'intéresse à la périod 1500–1650 en vue de combler un vide . . . ."
Review: Gisela Febel in ZFSL 103 (1993), 191–93: Journal of the Centre d'Etudes Lexicologiques des XVIe et XVIIe siècles of the CNRS whose line is that "plus qu'une dernière étape du moyen français cette époque est celle de la gestation d'un nouveau français." Three of the four articles are on L'Astrée: "'Prudence' et son réseau lexical dans l'Astrée" (P. Gondret), "'Dissimuler' dans l'Astrée d'Honoré d'Urfé" (J.-M. Messiaen), "Le double langage dans l'Astrée."
  • See French 17 (1992).

FUMAROLI, MARC. "La Parole vive au XVIIe siècle. (Entretien avec Christine Goëme)." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 7–11.

Fumaroli and Goëme stress the fact that oral tradition was as important for learned culture as for popular culture, and that from the Renaissance to the French Revolution, "un grand texte littéraire fait oublier qu'il est écrit pour reconstituer les conditions de la parole vive".

GANTIER, ODILE, MADELEINE ORIEUX, et JEAN-DOMINIQUE MELLOT, éds. Répertoire d'imprimeurs/librairies, XVIe–XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale, 1991.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 892: Ouvrage qui "se présente sous la forme d'un dictionnaire comprenant des notices principales (personnes physiques où collectivités) et des notes de renvoi. Les notices principales sont constituées d'informations biographiques et professionnelles . . . ."

GODENNE, RENE. Premier Supplément à la bibliographie de la nouvelle de langue française (1940–1990). Geneva: Droz, 1992.

GREEN, EUGENE. "Le 'Lieu' de la déclamation en France au XVIIe siècle." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 275–291.

According to Green, any attempt to reconstitute 17th-century theatrical diction and declamation cannot be based on purely material considerations. One must "comprendre la valeur que pouvait avoir le phénomène sonore pour celui qui le produisait où pour ceux qui l'entendaient."

GREEN, JOHN N. and WENDY AYRES-BENNETT, eds. Variation and Change in French. Essays presented to Rebecca Posner on the occasion of her sixtieth birthday. London/New York: Routledge, 1990.

Review: K.-H. Röntgen in RF 103 (1991), 443–446: Interesting, rich and successfully representative endeavor demonstrates some linguistic research which pays tribute to Posner. 17th c. specialists will value the essay by W. Ayres-Bennett, "Variation and Change in the Pronunciation of French in the seventeenth century."
  • See French 17 (1992).

GUELLOUZ, SUZANNE. "Eléments de bibliographie." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 299–310.

A selective bibliography of 17th-century theory and practice of translation.

HOLTUS, GUNTER, MICHAEL METZELTIN, and CHRISTIAN SCHMITT, eds. Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik (LRL). Vol V, i: Französisch. Tübingen: Niemayer, 1990.

Review: R. Martin in ZRP 108 (1992), 345–348: Judged "une synthèse de premier ordre," this series of volumes (8 are projected) will, when complete, undoubtedly be "un instrument incomparable pour les études romanes." While indicating various ommissions, M. praises the monumental undertaking and the clear plan of this volume which treats linguistic domains, socio-linguistic aspects, historical perspectives, dialects and certain individual authors.
Review: D. A. Trotter in MLR 87 (1992), 966–67: "Thestated aim of the LRL is to provide teachers and students with an up-to-date survey of the Romance Languages as well as of the discipline of Romance linguistics itself. . . ." Volume V, i treats French since the Renaissance with articles in German or French; "authoritative synthesis of past and present work."

HOSSAIN, MARY. "The Training of Interpreters in Arabic and Turkish under Louis XIV: The Ottoman Empire." SCFS 15 (1993), 279–95.

Discusses the proposal of Arvieux to Colbert (1670) concerning the teaching of the languages to French officials, merchants, travelers by trained "jeunes de langage" organized in Marseilles. The school for them continued to function until 1721.

ISIS 83.5 (1992).

Current bibliography.

JOLLY, CLAUDE, ed. Histoire des bibliothèques françaises. Tome II: Les Bibliothèques sous l'Ancien Régime. 1530–1789. Paris: Editions du Cercle de la Librairie-Promodis, 1988.

Review: G. Jacques in LR 46 (1992), 124–125: Forty specialists admirably present this history which details every tie of François 1er to the Revolution. J. finds that "toutes les questions importantes sont abordées," including acquisition, conversation, buildings, even the personality of librarians.
  • See French 17 (1989).

KESSELRING, WILHELM. Dictionnaire chronologique de la langue française, le XVIIe siècle. Tome I: 1601–1606. Heidelberg: Winter, 1989.

Review: M. Pfister in ZRP 108 (1992), 204–205: Continues the Dictionnaire chronologique du vocabulaire français, le XVIe siècle. K.'s work is based essentially on Nicot's 1606 dictionary and to a lesser extent on Crespin's 1606 Thresor des trois langues. Valued because of extensive citaion of primary sources and as a complement to the FEW.
Review: Arnulf Stefenelli in ZFSL 102 (1992), 194–95: Exhaustive listing of neologisms (form and semantics) unfortunately omitting those that do not persist and are lost. But fine definitions with synonyms, wordfamilies, equivalents in other Romance languages. The Trésor of Nicot stands of course as the background text.
  • See French 17 (1992).

KIMMINICH, EVA. Vom Gottesgeschenk zum Herrschafts-instrument. Beobachtungen zu ütopischen und universal-sprachen des 17. Jahrhunderts. ZFSL 103 (1993), 153–164.

Traces the influence in the fictions of Cyrano, Veiras, and Foigny of the humanist research on a universal language. The sole inheritance of the scholarly debate comes down to the utopian explorations of the utility of artificial languages in governing and manipulation of subjects. Interesting documentation.

KINROSS, ROBIN. Modern Typography: An Essay in Critical History. London: Central Books 1993.

Review: Sebastian Carter in TLS 4728 (12 Nov. 1993), 30: "A serious attempt to trace the development of typographical ideas . . . , " somewhat flawed by a superabundance of information and a puritanical tone (e.g. distaste for "fine printing"). Information on the proposal for rationalization of type by the Académie des Sciences and on French printers, especially the manual of Martin Dominique Fertel (1723).

KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischer Literaturwissenschaft. Ed by Astrid Klapp-Lehrmann. Vol. 30 (1992). Frankfurt: V. Klosterman, 1993.

KREMER, DIETER, ed. Actes du XVIIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes. Tome VII, section XIV: Histoire de la linguistique et de la philologie romanes; section XV: Philologie romane et langues romanes: prise de conscience, ou: la philologie pour quoi faire?; section XVI: Travaux en cours. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1989.

Review: Y. Malkiel in RF 103 (1991), 440–443: Exhaustive proceedings of the 1986 Congress at Trier. M. offers some regrets but generally praise for the enormous undertaking.

KRONICK, DAVID A. Scientific and Technical Periodicals of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Guide. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1991.

Review: Nordechai Feingold in Isis 84 (1993), 625: Comprehensive biblio. listing all scientific and technical periodicals published in Europe between 1665 and 1800. 1,858 publications with years, broad subject matter, editors, selected list of present locations.

LANG, GEORGE. "The Literary Settings of Lingua Franca (1300–1830)." Neophil 76 (1992), 64–76.

Analyzes representative but often ignored literary passages of LF and correlates its status with its history. Includes reflection on the "Mufti's Song" in Molière's Bourgeois gentilhomme.

LE GUERN, MICHEL. "Louis de Courcillon de Dangeau et les origines de la phonologie française." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 93–100.

An appraisal of Louis de Courcillon, Abbé de Dangeau's pioneering but largely unknown works on language. His Discours sur les voyelles and Second Discours, qui traite des consonnes still have a scientific value, and Dangeau's methodology constitutes "une vrai phonologie."

LE GUERN, ODILE. "Voix, parole et langage." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 77–91.

For 17th-century rhetoricians and grammarians, among whom Alphonse Costadeau, Bernard Lamy and Cureau de La Chambre, the study of human voice is the very basis of any inquiry into the nature of language. According to Le Guern, their approach puts forward an opposition between "le langage des passions, commun aux hommes et aux animaux, et le langage de la raison et de l'entendement propre aux hommes." This distinction sheds a new light on the origin of Descartes' analysis of passions.

LEPREUX, GEORGES. Gallia Typographica ou répertoire biographique et chronologique de tous les imprimeurs de France depuis les origines jusqu'à la Révolution. Rennes: Bibliothèque municipale, 1989.

Review: Ch. Teisseyre in RFHL 76–77 (1992), 336–337: La Bibiothèque municipale de Rennes à entrepris la réimpression en fac-similé des deux volumes du tome IV . . . consacrés à la province de Bretagne et parus respectivement en 1913 et 1914. This reprint should be useful for scholars interested in the activities of printers established in the vicinity of Rennes which was in the 17th and 18th centuries an active literary milieu.

LODGE, R. ANTHONY. French, from Dialectic to Standard. London: Routledge, 1993.

Review: J. C. Seigneuret in Choice 31 (1993), 462: In this work the author "stresses the sociolinguistic development of French through a well-written and well-researched essay. The stress is on France . . . . Eight chapters deal with the latinization of Gaul; the dialectalization of Gallo-Romance; the selection of norms; the codification, acceptance, and maintenance of the standard." "Many maps and a lengthy bibliography provide the general reader as well as the scholar with food for thought."

MANCINI, ALBERT N. "Translation Theory and Practice in Seventeenth-Century Italy: The Case of the French Novel." SYM 47 (Summer 1993), 132–46.

M. concentrates "on the translations of long prose fiction from French into Italian and on some of the issues these translations pose (i.e., translations of classical texts vis à vis translations of texts written in modern languages, the role of the translator and the publisher, etc.)" The nine French authors translated into Italian: M. de Scudéry, G. de Scudéry, V. d'Audiguier, J.-P. Camus, R. de Cériziers, D. de Saint-Sorlin, Gomberville, La Calprènede, H. d'Urfé.

MARIN, LOUIS. "Voix et énonciation mystique: sur deux textes d'Augustin et de Pascal." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 165–183.

Augustine's sermon on John the Baptist's birth is, at the same time, a meditation on the theological relationship between the prophet's voice (vox in deserto) and God's Word (Verbum) and a reflection on oral and written languages' intricate links. Marin suggests that Pascal's perception of the nature of human voice was influenced by Augustine's views.

MARXGUT, WERNER. Der franzözische Sozialwortschatz im 17. Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur paradigmatischen Semantik. Wilhelmsfeld: Gottfried Egert, 1989.

Review: Wolfgang Schweichard in ZFSL 103 (1993), 198–200. Technical discussion of models chosen for research. Continues earlier discussion of appropriateness.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MATAGNE, CHARLES. Répertoire des ouvrages du XVIIe siècle de la bibliothèque du C.D.R.R. Namur: Centre de documentation et de recherche religieuses, 1990–1992.

Review: L. Desgraves in RFHL 76–77 (1992), 330–331: "Le Centre possède une bibliothèque particulièrement riche en livres anciens. Ce second Répertoire donnant la liste des ouvrages publiés entre 1601 et 1700 est divisé en trois tomes. Quatre index facilitent la consultation: l'Index chronologique: l'Index des lieux d'édition; l'Index des Imprimeurs, éditeurs; l'Index analytique des matières. Il faut remercier le P. Matagne de mettre à la disposition de tous les ressources inestimables de la bibliothèque du C.D.R.R.".
Review: M.-T. Isaac in RBPH 70 (1993), 595–96: "Pour le XVIIe siècle tout particulièrement, rare sont les instruments de travail comme celui-ci, remarquable par son ampleur, et la commodité de sa consultation."
  • See French 17 (1991).

MARVICK, ELIZABETH WIRTH. "Loius XIII and His Doctor: On the Shifting Fortunes of Jean Héroard's Journal." FHS 18.1 (1993), 279–300.

A critical survey of the various editions of Jean Héroard's diary. Marvick has strong reservations about Madeleine Foisil's transcription, published in 1989. "Once again Héroard has defeated his would-be transcribers. A committee has produced an elephantine edition with little value for scholars. The complete edition that will make Héroard's diary accessible to the many who might discover new and significant meaning is still to be realized."


Review: M.-T. Isaac in RBPH 70 (1992), 596–99: Vingt-quatre articles répartis en trois périodes: l'époque classique, la Renaissance, le Moyen Age. L'article de P. Gasnault porte sur l'histoire du livre — l'inventaire de la biblilothèque de Richelieu.

MERCIER, ALAIN. La Littérature facétieuse sous Louis XIII, 1610–1643. Une bibliographie critique. Genève: Droz, 1991.

Review: R. Arbour in RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 143–144: Un apport considérable aux recherches sur la littérature populaire, malgré des lacunes, e.g., les textes des bibliothèques non consultées et des localisations incomplètes.
Review: R. Darricau in RFHL 72–73 (1991), 312: "Le propos de cet ouvrage est de faire revivre toute une littérature généralement oubliée ou méconnue, que son abondance place à un rang non négligeable." The reviewer summaraizes the evolution of "les écrits facétieux" from the Rennaissance to the French Revolution and underlines "l'importance de la publicationd'Alain Mercier, qui élargit notre connaissance de la bibliophilie et de l'histoire du livre."

MEYER, VERONIQUE. "Catalogue de thèses illustrées infolio soutenues aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles par des Bordelais." RFHL 72–73 (1991), 201–265 and 73–74 (1992), 23–51.

A bibliographical description of illustrated theses found in "la Bibliothèque, les Archives Municipales et Départementales de Bordeaux". Meyer argues that "ces documents devenus fort rares du fait de leur format—ils dépassent parfois un mètre de haut—nous ont semblé devoir être inventoriés ne serait-ce que par leur valeur artistique et documentaire."

MYERS, ROBIN and MICHAEL HARRIS. Censorship and the Control of Print in England and France, 1600–1910. Winchester: St. Paul's Bibliographic Series, 1992.

Review: J. H. Weiner in Choice 31 (1993), 345: "The essays ... focus on such varied institutions as the Stationers' Company, the index of the Catholic Church, ... and the Circultating Librairies Association.... Each of the six contributors reaches a similar conclusion about censorship: that it was a complex, shifting phenomenon." The book is described as "a lively contribution to scholarship" in light of its "revisionist conclusions, based ... on solid research...."
Review: Phillip Ziegler in TLS 4681 (18 Dec. 1992), 12: For France, as for England and even the Congregation of the Index, censorship is seen as "intermittent and spasmodic," "inconsistent and irrational." Interesting and well argued papers that lead to some paradoxical views of censorship's values.

ORIEUX, MADELEINE and JEAN-DOMINIQUE MELOT. Répertoire d'imprimeurs-libraires, XVIe–XVIIe siècles: état au 31 décembre 1990 (2,000 articles). Paris: Bibliothèque nationale, 1991.

Review: Joël Cornette in RdS 113. 1–2 (1992), 257: L'historien . . . saura gré à la Bibliothèque nationale de la parution d'un catalogue qui permet d'identifier avec précision les imprimeurs et libraires des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles." The first edition of this catalogue had only 1,000 entries and was published in 1989.

OURY, Friar GUY-MARIE. "La Vie intellectuelle dans la Congrégation de Saint-Maur: les bibliothèques au XVIIe siècle. Où entreposer les livres?" RFHL 72–73 (1991), 163–200.

The monasteries of the Saint-Maur Community were famous for the quality and richness of their book collections. G.-M. Oury studies the architecture of the order's most famous libraries and explains various solutions given to the crucial problems of library design.

PARUSSA, GABRIELLA. Les Recueils français de Fables ésopiques au XVIIe siècle. Geneva: Slatkine, 1992.

PEYROUS, BERNARD. "L'Oeuvre d'éditeur scientifique de Tamizey de Larrogue." RFHL 76–77 (1992), 219–234.

A reassessment of Philippe Tamizey de Larroque's work as editor of 17th-century authors. His editions of Balzac's and Pereisc's correspondences are still valuable.

RANCOEUR, RENE. Bibliographie de la littérature française (XVIe – XXe siècles). Année 1992. Paris: A. Colin, 1993. 17th c. section, pp. 44–84. Also issued as no. 3 of RHL (1993), 364–404.

REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE. Tables, 1893–1992. RMM 98 (1993), 193–270.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM. "Bibliography of North American Theses on Seventeenth-Century French Literature (1992)." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 301–314.

Listing of 18 theses in progress and 84 completed. Includes a background analysis.

RUPPELT, GEORG, ed. Uberlieferung und Kritik. Zwanzig Jahre Barockforschungen in der Herzog August Bibliotek Wolfenbüttel. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993.

SALAZAR, PHILIPPE-JOSEPH. "Essai de bibliographie." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 343–350.

A selective bibliography attempting to define the "paysage vocal" of classical culture.

______. "Parole sacrée, parole profane: la voix antérieure." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 185–198.

An analysis of the theological and rhetorical distinctions between sacred and profane uses of speech. They were based on the belief in the divine origin of a 'voix antérieure' preceding human language. This belief also permeates the appraisal of 'la voix royale', the highest form of profane speech.

SGARD, JEAN. Dictionnaire des journaux, 1600–1789. vols I–II (1600 –1789). Dictionnaire de la Presse. Paris: Universitas/Oxford/Voltaire Foundation, 1991.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 894–95): "La publication du Dictionnaire des journaux apporte une nouvelle source d'informations d'une grande richesse. Tous les recensements précédents de la presse de l'áncien Régime sont largement dépassés: des 350 titres signalés par Hatin en 1866, on passe, par étapes successives, à 1267 titres représentés chacun par un notice détaillé dont la longueur varie selon l'importance de la publication." De nombreux autres pays représentés — l'Allegmagne, la Grand-Bretâgne, les Pays Bas, la Suisse.
Review: Joël Cornette in RdS 113 1–2 (1992), 256–257: "Voici pour la première fois rassemblés, tous les périodiques de langue française publiés des origines de la presse à la Révolution. Chacun d'entre eux est accompagné d'une riche notice bibliographique et historique, agrémentée souvent de la reproduction de la page de titre. La partie bibliographique se compose de huit rubriques: titre, dates de publication et rythme de périodicité, description de la collection, adresse et éditeur, fondateur et directeurs successifs, contenu annoncé, localisation des collections, bibliographie, mentions dans les ouvrages de références, articles et monographies." "Indispensable".
Review: Roseann Runte in FR 66 (1993), 657: 1267 periodicals, each summarized by its history, contributors, indices, and term of publication. Locations of rarer volumes given. Editor also gives a chronological analysis of types and numbers of periodicals published.
  • See French 17 (1992).

TRUDEAU, DANIELLE. Les Inventeurs du bon usage (1529–1647). Paris: Minuit, 1992.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1242: T. "montre d'abord que la rupture entre les grammariens de la Renaissance et ceux du premier âge classique est moins nette que ne le croyait Boileau."

WELLER, FRANZ-RUDOLF and CHRISTIANE ROEHLICH. "Fachbücherei Französisch-Neuerscheinungen für den Literaturunterricht 1987–1991 (Teil II)." NS 91 (1992), 560–597.

Continues the earlier review article in NS 91 (1992), 254–283 and describes recent contributions in bibliography, dictionaries (including, for example, E. Stuckmann's 1986 Die Klassiker der französischen Literatur and other volumes on symbols, authors, etc.), histories of literature, source studies (including D. Janik's 1987 Die Französische Lyrik with a section on 17th c.), anthologies (including the 4 volume 1990 Französische Dichtung with vol 2 on 17th c.), and didactic literature (including the 1988 Littérature et enseignement).

WILKINS, NIGEL. Catalogue des Manuscrits de la bibliothèque Parker. Cambridge: Parker, 1993.

WOODROUGH, ELIZABETH. "The Seventeenth Century." YWMLS 53 (1992) 97–130.

This year's bibliographic essay provides an informed survey of the work done in 1991 and includes references to several items not found elsewhere.

WOOLDRIDGE, TERENCE RUSSON. Le Grand Dictionnaire François-latin (1593–1628). Histoire, types et méthodes. Toronto: Eds. Paratexte (Trinity College), 1992.

_______. Historical Dictionary Databases. Toronto: Center for Computing in the Humanities, 1992.

Working Papers 2.


ABRAHAM, CLAUDE K. "Ethos et Apparat: images de la grandeur féminine à l'âge classique." Continuum 5 (1993) 157–178.

A. développe une définition du mot portrait et montre ". . . comment les épouses et maîtresses de Louise XIV se sont présentées ou ont voulu se voir représentées." (Anne d'Autriche, Mme de Montespan, Mlle de La Vallière).

ALBERT, MECHTILD. "Le Geste et la parole dans la conversation mondaine au XVIIe siècle." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 149–152.

The ideal of 'honnête homme' imposed a very rigorous control of voice and gesture. However, at the end of Louis XIV's reign, moralists like Ortigue de Vaumorière recommended a relaxation of etiquette and favored more sincerity in social relationships.

ALCOVER, MADELEINE. "Le nom de la rose: étude médicale, juridique et lexicologique de la dévirgination." CdDs 5.1 (Spring 1991), 211–237.

A.'s study shows that the lexical treatment of female anatomy has political and moral implications. With glossary and extensive bibliography.

ANDERSON, KAREN. Chain Her by one Foot. The Subjugation of Women in Seventeenth-Century New France. London/New York: Routledge/Chapman & Hall, 1991.

Review: Patricia A. Philippy in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 13–14: Anderson's objective is "to answer the question of how, within thirty years of their arrival in New France, the Jesuits succeeded in enforcing a revised notion of the appropriate relationships between the sexes which resulted in the subjugation of Huron and Montagnais women." In short, "despite minor problems Anderson's study offers a vivid and memorable depiction of the fate of the Huron and Montagnais women."

ANFUSO, NELLA. "La Seconda Pratica: esthétique et pratique verbale." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 337–342.

An analysis of the birth of modern music in Italy at the beginning of the 17th century. Anfuso puts emphasis on Monteverdi's theory of "Seconda Pratica," based on the Platonist idea of harmony between music and poetry.

ARASSE, DANIEL. Le Détail, pour une histoire rapprochée de la peinture. Paris: Flammarion, 1992.

Review: Georges Raillard in QL (15 nov. 1992), 20–21: "Qu'est-ce que le détail? S'il se manifeste à l'attention, c'est parce qu'il ne se fond ni dans l'histoire mise en scène, ni dans la facture d'ensemble du tableau. Notons que D. A. borne ses analyses aux étapes de la peinture où règne le concept d'imitation, mais n'oublions pas l'avertissement de Poussin: 'Lisez l'histoire et le tableau.' Le détail peut appartenir à l'un ou à l'autre, ou aux deux, surtout si l'on se tient aux définitions proposées dans cet essai. A. distingue, en recourant à la langue italienne, ce que le français confond: le détail particolare et le détail dettaglio." R. describes the study as "ce beau livre."

ARONSON, NICOLE. "'Je vois bien que c'est un Amilcar': Mlle de Scudéry et Les Précieuses ridicules." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 85–96.

Argues that Mlle de Scudéry and her group were not the objects of the satire; rather, "précieuse" was perhaps anexpression "à la nouvelle mode" that would have disappeared were it not for M.'s play.

ASHER, R. E. National Myths in Renaissance France: Francus, Samothes and the Druids. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993.

Review: T. C. in TLS 4711 (16 July 1993), 32: A useful repertory of materials and examination of the critical limits of historiography at its "birth," from Lemaire de Belges to Jean Bodin and on concerning use of pseudo-Berosus as the principal source of the Gallic-Druidic stories. Part I concerns historiography; II, epics. Documents some interesting 17th-century versions.

AULD, LOUIS E. "Text as Pre-Text: French Court Airs and Their Ditties." Continuum 5 (1993) 15–83.

In this admirably well- researched and extensive article A. shows how ". . . the court airs of the seventeenth century have a particular kind of reality to the humanist belief in the expressive power of song." He also provides a history of the genre and illustrations of some typical musical traits. References to Pierre Guédon, Lully, Pierre Perrin, Michel Lambert, and Georgie Durosoir, among others.

BABELON, J.-P. Demeures parisiennes sous Henri IV et Louis XIII. Paris: Editions Hazan, 1991.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1301: B. "présente aujourd'hui, dans l'optique de la demeure, l'ensemble des problèmes posés par la vie à Paris dans cette première moitié du XVIIe siècle."
Review: R. Middleton in Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 489–490: Revised editon of this well-known architectural study embracing all forms of dwelling.

BARON, JOHN H. Baroque Music: A Research and Information Guide. New York: Garland, 1993.

Review: K. A. Abromeit in Choice 30 (1993), 1596: "Although B. concentrates on European music of the core baroque period (1600–1720), earlier and later music that shares the defining stylistic features of this core period has been considered as well." "Because of the size of the body of literature, B. has in many cases chosen a few representative and recent studies with substantial bibliographies and footnotes." A. commends B. for doing "an admirable job of representing the expanded canon of baroque musicians," adding, however, that "there are new oversights . . . ." "Overall, [this book] . . . is an excellent reference tool . . . ."

BATSCHMANN, OSKAR. Nicholas Poussin: Dialectics of Painting. Trans. byMarko Daniel. London: Reaktion Books, 1990.

Review: Richard Studing in SCN 50.3–4 (1992), 68–69: "Professor Bätschmann's new and exciting approaches to the art of Poussin are divided in two parts: part one includes a group of essays on 'dialectics' found in Poussin's works; and part two focuses on the painting of Landscape of Pyramus and Thysbe." Each chapter yields original and fascinating insights into the works of this great Baroque artist." On the whole, "Bätschmann's book is a satisfying reading and visual experience."
  • See French 17 (1991).

BAUDOUIN-MATUSZEK, MARIE-NOELLE, éd. Marie de Médicis et le palais du Luxembourg. Paris: Délégation à l'action artistique de la ville, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 626: Catalogue de l'exposition consacrée à Marie de Médicis et organisée au palais du Luxembourg (2 octobre 1991 - 12 janvier 1992).

BAYARD, FRANÇOISE et PHILIPPE GUIGNET. L'Economie française aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Gap: Ophrys, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 576–77: On trouve cet ouvrage "une excellente mise au point." Bibliographie abondante.
  • See French 17 (1992).

BEARD, GEOFFREY and ANNABEL WESTMAN. "A French Upholsterer in England: Francis Lapierre, 1653–1714. Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 515–524.

A study of the leading promoter of the "upholstered room."

BEAU, MARGUERITE. Essai sur l'architecture religieuse de la Champagne méridionale Auboise hors Troyes. Paris: Presses de la Renaissance, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 843–44: Etude/catalogue chronologique.

BELY, LUCIEN. Les Relations internationales en Europe (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles). Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 1048–49: "Une étude de grande mérite" de la collection "Thémis" qui est présentée comme un manuel avec des cartes et des tableaux et qui constitute "une synthèse au courant des derniers travaux . . . ."
  • See French 17 (1992).

BENEVOLO, LEONARDO. The European City. Trans.Carl Ipsen. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.

Review: Theodore K. Rabb in TLS 4714 (6 Aug. 1993), 3: Praise for this survey from 900 A.D. of the urban independence, expansiveness, and competitiveness that constitutes the distinctively vital character of European cities. Special attention is given to the development over ensuing centuries. "The overall effect is to make one think much more clearly about the roots of European identity."
Review: Michel Sot in Le Monde (18 June 1993), 30: Focuses the physionomy of the great European cities from the great beginnings (1050–1200), "Il y a une sorte de continuité entre l'urbanisme de Louis XIV . . . et celui de la bourgeoisie à la fin du XIXe siècle."

BERANGER, JEAN, PHILIPPE LOUPES, et JEAN-PIERRE KINTZ. Guerre et paix dans l'Europe du XVIIe siècle. Textes et documents (T. III). Paris: SEDES, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 829: "Ce petit livre permettra aux candidats à l'agrégation d'histoire de se rendre compte du niveau de difficulté des textes à expliquer à l'oral et de mieux préparer celui-ci."

BERENGER, JEAN. "Un diplomate suédois ami de la France: Esaïas Pudendorf (1628–1687)." DSS 179 (avril-juin 1993), 223–246.

Examine le rôle important de P. dans le maintien de l'alliance franco-suédoise.

LES BERENICES. TEXTES ET FIGURES. Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition organisé au musée des Granges de Port-Royal, du 14 mars au 15 juin 1992. Préf. dePhilippe Le Leyzour. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–561 (1992), 1769: "En guise de catalogue de l'exposition, voici un recueil qui regroupe iconographie et articles dont cette manifestation fut le prétexte: le commentaire du tableau de Watteau, les Comédiens-Français, conduit Noëlle Guibert à proposer Bérénice pour identifier la scène . . . . Dans un article d'Eric Lang, "Les Bérénices florides," il y a des analyses qui, sans être résolument nouvelles, proposaient, à l'occasion de cette exposition, un accès intéressant au texte de Racine." Des erreurs d'imprimerie typographique nuit à la lecture.

BERGIN, JOSEPH. The Rise of Richelieu. New Haven/London: Yale UP, 1991.

Review: A. Herman in RenQ 45 (1992), 579–582: Particularly valuable and illuminating first half reveals R. much the product of his milieu rather than a great visionary of absolutism. Self-interest and shrewd calculation join with devoted service to King. R.'s career in the church is seen as crucial to his political career. This volume as well as the previous Richelieu and Pursuit of Wealth (1985) are the fruit of B.'s fortuitous discovery of 5 volumes of records of R.'s financial affairs in the Paris notarial archives. Because of that discovery and B.'s admirable energy and discernment, we have a "completely transformed view of R. and his place in early modern French history."
Review: Helen Bates McDermott in FR 66 (1993), 830–31: An account of R.'s rise to power that eschews myth and hindsight patterning and focuses on the preministerial period through social history (What does it take for an individual to gain recognition and power in R.'s society?). Special significance is given to the "laboratory of the see of Luçon but R. is held to be an unknown quantity when he took office in 1616, a minister staying in power by political skills, and a member of the council without clear reason." The final importance of patronage leads to a far different portrait from the standard mythic one.
Review: Phillip J. Wolfe, in SCN 51.1–2 (1992), 24–25: The reviewer does not evaluate Bergin's book which focuses on the Cardinal de Richelieu's early career and setbacks in his quest for power: "the portait of Richelieu that emerges is that of a counter-Reformation ecclesiastic dependent on his family and entourage for his advancement, intent on strengthening both his influence in government and his financial position, and patient enough to await the end of royal disfavor."
  • See French 17 (1992).

BERGIN, JOSEPH and LAURENCE BROCKLISS, eds. Richelieu and his Age. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.

A collection of eight essays which ". . . deepen our understanding of the constraints under which Richelieu worked. . . " and ". . . also look at his multifarious activities in a more positive light. . . ." ("Richelieu as Chief Minister," A. Moote; "Une Bonne Paix: Richelieu's Foreign Policy and the Peace of Christendom," H. Weber; "Richelieu and Reform: Rhetoric and Political Reality," R. Briggs; "Louis XIII, Richelieu, and the Royal Finances," R. Bonney; "Richelieu, the 'grands', and the French Army," D. Parrott; "Richelieu and His Bishops? Ministerial Power and Episcopal Patronage under Louis XIII," J. Bergin; "Richelieu and the Arts," E. Caldicott; "Richelieu, Education, and the State," L. Brockliss. Informative introduction and bibliography.

BERTRAND-DORLEAC, LAURENCE, ed. Le Commerce de l'art de la Renaissance à nos jours. Lyon: La Manufacture, 1992.

BIMBENET-PRIVAT, M. Les Orfèvres parisiens do la Renaissance 1506–1620. Paris: Commission des Travaux historiques de la Ville de Paris, 1992.

Review: P. Glanville in Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 488–489: A "treasure house of hard-to-find and previously unpublished information about. . . this pre-eminent luxury craft. . . ."

BODDAERT, FRANÇOIS. Petites portes d'éternité: la mort, la gloire et les littérateurs. Paris: Hatier, 1993.

Review: François Bott in Le Monde (16 April 1993), 26: From Montaigne to Malraux with a chapt. on "La Mort au grand siècle." Reviewer considers Boussuet's death as emblematic.

BOHANAN, DONNA. Old and New Nobility in Aix-en-Provence, 1600–1695. Portraits of an Urban Elite. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1992.

BOUCHER, PHILIP P. Cannibal Encounters: Europeans and Island Caribs. 1492–1763. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP 1992.

Review: J. A. Gagliano in Choice 30 (1993), 1372: "An important addition to the recent literature delineating relations between European and Amerindian cultures during the three centuries after the Columbus voyages . . . ." The author "draws from archival records in France and England, as well as from varied contemporary accounts and traditional cosmographic writings, to analyze persistent European images of Caribbean natives as cannibals." "B. provides a convincing analysis of enlightenment currents in explaining why European perceptions of Carib ferocity and inferiority remained largely unchanged despite the relatively tranquil French experience among the islanders. Several illustrations, maps, detailed notes, and a complete bibliography contribute to his lively and occaisonally entertaining narrative."

BOUCQUEY, THEIRRY. Mirages de la farce: fête des fous, Bruegel et Molière. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1991.

Review: M. Slater in MLR 88 (1993), 465–66: The unifying theme of B.'s work is reversal, "the presentation of a distorted mirror-image of reality to subvert and warp through ridicule. This line of thought sees him through a diversity of subjects, from medieval merriment and Flemish painting to the role of authors in general and the plays of Molière" [Amphitryon and Le Malade imaginaire].
  • See French 17 (1992).

BOUGARD, PIERRE et ALAIN NOLIBOS, éds. Le Pas-de-Calais, de la Préhistoire à nos jours. Saint-Jean-d'Angély: Bordessoules, 1988.

Review: E. Magnou-Nortier in RBPH 70 (1992), 573–76: "Bel ouvrage collectif, remarquablement illustré, [qui] a tenu son pari: faire revivre une région qui fut toujours partagée entre deux vocations opposées et deux souverainetés rivales." Voir l'exposé consacré aux XVIe–XVIIe siècles sur la guerre.

BRAIDER, CHRISTOPHER. Refiguring the Real: Picture and Modernity in Word and Image. Princeton: UP, 1993.

BUKOFZER, MANFRED F. La Musique baroque. Paris: Presses Pocket, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1776: B. "a brillament montré le passage de la musique de la Renaissance à l'ère baroque, et illustré les diverses tendances musicales européennes. . . . La musique baroque commence avec l'avènement de Louis XIII et connaîtra son apogée avec Louis XIV."

BURKE, PETER. The Fabrication of Louis XIV. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.

Review: Claude Abraham in FR 66 (1993), 1004–5: The first and "a most satisfactory" comprehensive account of the propaganda machine fabricating Louis's public image and those who contributed to it. Some of the best pages are on Louis's own ability to put his cachet on the figure of the monarch he became. Not enough attention, however, may be given here to revision/rewriting as Louis's views changed (leading to the limited reliability of certain historical "sources"). A highly successful anthropological study of symbolic forms, thoroughly researched, elegant, beautifully and intelligently illustrated. "If one wished to understand the Sun King and could read only one book on him . . . ."
  • See French 17 (1992).

CABOURDIN, GUY. Histoire de la Lorraine. Les Temps modernes. T. I: De la paix de Westphalie à la fin de l'Ancien Régime. Amiens: Serpenoise, 1991.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 1049: C. "analyse et présente avec clarté cette période pourtant d'une extrême complication, notamment en ce qui concerne la géographie . . . ." Excellent bibliographie, index.

CANOVA-GREEN, MARIE-CLAUDE. La Politique-spectacle au grand siècle: les rapports franco-anglais. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 76 (1993).

Comparative study of both royal spectacles and the outre Manche foreigner in the two countries.

_________. "Melpomène, Thalie, Euterpe, et Clio: la querelle des muses dans les prologues des opéras louis-quatorziens (1672–1715)." Continuum 5 (1993) 143–156.

Etude des prologues qui fonctionnent en "manifeste artistique" et qui sont révélateurs au sujet de ". . . la querelle des trois muses. . .".

CARRIER, DAVID. Poussin's Paintings: A Study in Art-historical Methodology. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1993.

Review: W. B. Holmes in Choice 31 (1993), 277: This volume "on P.'s paintings and their extensive commentaries provides a promising focus for the development of ideas on the styles and methodologies of art history earlier presented in . . . [C.'s other books]." "The larger part of the book is an excercise . . . of 'new art history,' inspired directly by such contemporary art writers as Norman Bryson, Michael Fried, and T. C. Clark . . ., and indirectly by Barthes, Foucault, and other post-structuralist theorists." H. judges the study to be "a lively and imperfect book, more intersting for the questions it raises than for those it answers."

CARRIER, HUBERT. La Presse de la Fronde (1648–1653). Les Mazarinades. Volume II: Les Hommes du Livre. Genève: Droz, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 745–46: Etude des hommes qui "ont écrit, imprimé et diffusé" les mazarinades. "La conclusion insiste, à just titre, sur l'apport des mazarinades à notre connaissance de la Fronde et indique des perspectives nouvelles d'étude de ces documents, conduisant ainsi à susciter des recherches fécondes." Chronologie, bibliographie, index, illustrations.
Review: Mark Bannister in FS 47.2 (1993), 214: A valuable study of the techniques of production and the social milieu of the "mazarinades."
Review: P. Wolfe in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 213–214: Studies of the political pamphlets published during the Fronde: authors; printers and booksellers; pamphlet production; commercialization; and obstacles to publication.
  • See French 17 (1992).

_______. "Les derniers des héros: réflexions sur la permanence de l'idéal héroïque dans la génération de la Fronde." TraLit 5 (1992), 129–150.

Thoughtful and convincing study demonstrates, through close consideration of memoirs, letters, journals and pamphlets, that the heroic idea does indeed remain alive in mid-17th c. Finds that despite testimony of Coligny to contrary, the characteristics of a hero are incarnated in Condé: "sagesse politique, . . . constance dans l'adversité, . . . intrépidité à la guerre, . . . bravoure personnelle, . . . génie militaire."

CHARTIER, ROGER. "loisir et sociabilité: lire à haute voix dans l'Europe moderne." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 127–147.

17th-century novelists, memorialists and diarists show how widespread was the practice of reading aloud literary works to limited audiences, from family gatherings to learned circles and salons. For Chartier, this cultural custom raises the question of the written text's orality.

CHARVET JEAN-LOUP. "Hautes-contre et castrats: la voix des anges, la voix du coeur." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 305–321.

A study of the esthetic use of castrati and counter tenors. Most scores composed for them imply a hierarcy of themes and ontological values. In secular music they "embody" 'la voix du coeur', and in sacred music, 'la voix des anges.'

CHAUSSINAND-NOGARET, GUY. Le Château de Versailles. Louvain: Mémorie des Lieux, 1993.

CHONE, PAULETTE. Jacques Callot 1592–1635. Paris: Editions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1992.

Review: D. Russell in Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 152–153: Catalog of the 1992 exhibition of the artist's work.

CLODFELTER, MICHAEL. Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1618–1991. 2 vol. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1992.

Review: M. J. Smith Jr. in Choice 30 (1993), 1292: This "work describes more than 680 conflicts . . . , from the Thirty Years War . . . through Operation Desert Storm . . . . The work's major aim is . . . to track . . . the casualties of four centuries of warfare." "Entries . . . give the names and dates of conflicts, strategies and battle details, outcomes and impacts, and casualties. C. notes that many casualty figures are rough estimates . . . ." S. recommends the book "for collections that lack [Trevor N. Dupuy's Encyclopedia of Military History] or require information in greater depth on the casualties of armed conflict."

COHEN, SHERRILL. The Evolution of Women's Asylums since 1500: From Refuges for Ex-prostitutes to Shelters for Battered Women. New York: Oxford UP, 1992.

Review: M. Klatte in Choice 30 (1993), 1394: "The 16th and 17th centuries in Catholic Europe witnessed the growth of new institutions designed to house repentant prostitutes and girls and women at risk of becoming prostitutes." C. studies three such institutions (found in Italy). "C. demonstrates how the multifunctional women's institutions of the early modern era served as the prototypes for a variety of asylums for women that emerged in later centuries . . . . In a major revision of the historiography of social institutions, C. argues that the women's institutions of early modern Europe played a pioneering role in developing techniques and institutional forms in the fields of corrections and social welfare."

COMPERE, MARIE-MADELEINE and DOLORES PRALON-JULIA. Performances scolaires de collégiens sous l'ancien régime. Etude d'exercices latins rédigés au collège Louis-le-Grand. Paris: La Sorbonne, 1992.

CORNETTE, JOEL. "Les Pamphlets de la Fronde." RdS 113 1–2 (1992), 177–188.

This article is, in fact, a detailed summary of Hubert Carrier's La Presse de la Fronde (Genève: Droz, 1989/1991). Cornette concludes, "il reste une étape essentielle: il faut à présent atteindre le contenu des pamphlets. Que disent-ils? Quels discours, quelles histoires, quelles images, quelles croyances véhiculent-ils?" These questions should be answered in the forthcoming third volume.

COTTRET, MONIQUE. La Vie politique en France aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Gap: Ophrys, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 601: C. "présente les faits, c'est-à-dire les différents aspects de la croissance de l'Etat, selon leur rythme ternaire: creuset absolutiste (1515–1598), dynamique absolutiste (1598–1688), essoufflement et effrondrement (1688–1789). Puis, il en entreprend l'interprétation."
  • See French 17 (1992).

_______. "Raison d'Etat et politique chrétien entre Richelieu et Boussuet." BSHPF 138 (1992), 515–38.

Excellent chronological presentation of the reactions to Machiavelli, from the opposition of Gentillet to the assimilation by Meillet (1628) and Balzac. Finally the positive is focused in Richelieu's writer Machon (MS, ca. 1643) against a weak Protestant opposition. Revealing treatment of Boussuet's assimilation of the tradition for and against: "raison d'Etat apprivoisé," and "synthèse par la majesté."

DAVIS, NATALIE ZEMON and ARLETTE FARGE. Histoire des femmes en Occident. vol. III: XVI–XVIII siècles. Paris: Plon, 1991.

Review: Roger Chartier in Annales-ESC 48 (1993), 1005–6: Poses three fundamental questions on the methodology of "gender history," beginning with Louis Marin's "Le Sexe ni vrai ni faux" (1992): "limites de validité et les critères de pertinence de l'opposition entre féminin et masculin"; quelle part faire dans la domination masculine à la domination symbolique, qui suppose l'adhésion des dominées elles-mêmes aux catégories et découpages qui fondent leur assujetissement?; L'Histoire des femmes, peut-elle se concevoir sans une périodisation originale?" Excellent reference notes.
Review: Gianna Pomata in Annales-ESC 48 (1993), 1019–26: "Riche matériau pour notre réflexion historique. Une somme de connaissances sur l'histoire des femmes. Valuable discussion on the concept and nature of gendre history.

_______, eds. A History of Women in the West. Vol. 3: Renaissance and Enlightenment Paradoxes. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1993.

Review: Anon. in VQR 69 (1993), 116–17: "This volume continues the translation of a large and daring enterprise undertaken some years ago by an Italian publisher (though almost all the writing and editing is by French historians): a scholarly account of the changing status and condition of women in the West. It may be safely predicted," states the reviewer, "that this volume, like its predecessors, will markedly increase and improve our knowledge of its field of study, laying the ground for much subsequent work."
Review: B. B. Chico in Choice 31 (1993), 518: "Focusing on paradoxes associated with women's lives from the 16th to 18th centuries, the material contrasts everyday activities and beliefs with examples of challenging traditions in a triad social view of women: conforming, maneuvering, and resisting." "A few essays reflect original research," says C.; "many are useful syntheses of recent scholarship produced on both sides of the Atlantic."

DECHENE, LOUISE. Habitants and Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Montreal. Trans.Liana Vardi. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1993.

Review: B. Osborne in Choice 30 (1993), 1831–32: Book first published (in French) in 1974. "While recognizing the underpinnings of macrodevelopments, D. addresses the settlers' experience of colonial life and reconstructs their material and social environment." This work is one of the studies comprising "the core of accessible scholarship on pre-modern French Canadian life." (The others, according to O., are books by R. C. Harris and Allan Greer.)

DEMARS-SION, VERONIQUE. Femmes séduites et abandonées au XVIIIe siècle. L'Exemple du Cambrésis. Paris: Ester, 1991.

Review: Cécile Dauphin in Annales-ESC 48 (1993), 1041–42: Rich documentation that extends from 1665 to 1790. Traces and clarifies increasing rigor of 17th-century legislation and judicial practice as well as the definitions of criminalization.

DENIS, ANNE. Le Château de Chambord. Paris: Complexe, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 2045: La collection "La mémoire des lieux" des éditions Complexe "tente de mêler à une histoire de l'édifice, une chronique de ses occupants."

DESGRAVES, LOUIS. Voyageurs à Bordeaux, du XVIIe siècle à 1914. Suivi d'extraits du Voyage dans le midi de Stendahl. Bordeaux: Mallat, 1991.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1739: Ici "le lecteur retrouve où plutôt découvre une physionomie de Bordeaux, au cours des siècles, spontanée, vivante . . . ."

DETHAN, GEORGES. La Vie de Gaston d'Orléans. Paris: Eds. de Fallois, 1992.

Review: A. C. in CTH 15 (1993), 55: Augmented and corrected 2nd ed. (1st, 1959) with introductory remarks on reception of the 1st ed. 16 pp. of illustrations, restitution of footnotes and source references cut previously. "Quelques poètes mémorables de Gaston d'Orléans" (previously published in CTH 1989). For Dethan, a "dernier prince de la Renaissance," disconcerting but not so far into the "légende noire" as the depiction by Decaux and Castelot as "le plus vil prince de l'histoire de France" (Dictionaire illustré de l'Histoire de France, Perrin, 1989, p. 51).

DEWALD, JOHATHAN. Aristocratic Experience and the Origins of Modern Culture: France, 1570–1715. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1993.

Review: D. C. Baxter in Choice 31 (1993), 516: The author of "this perceptive and challenging monograph . . . argues that the nobility were not peripheral to the development of modern culture with its sense of individual autonomy, but actively participated in its formation." ". . . D. explores the concepts of self-worth, ambition, friendship, and calculation within the confines of court, military life, family, venality of office, and land ownership. Based on memoir literature and correspondence in several collections of family papers, D.'s evidence is derived from a small literary elite . . . . Nonetheless," in B.'s view, "this highly readable and suggestive account is a welcome contribution to a growing literature on aristocratic culture."

DOGLIO, MARIA, ed. Lorenzo Magalotti, Diario di Franci dell'anno 1668. Palermo: Sellerio, 1991.

Interesting addition to attractive new series. "E documenta, nell'arco di oltre due mese, dalla fine aprile all'inizio di luglio, non solo 'le cose viste' da un osservatore acutissimo ma un mondo peculiare di 'vedere' per il principe e un sistema radicato di 'confessare', di 'referire ogni cosa' al principe."

DORIVAL, BERNARD. Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne, la vie, l'homme et l'art. Paris: Léonce Laget, 1992.

Review: Anon in Le Monde (11 Dec. 1992), 33: First monograph on the nephew of Philippe, apprentice to his uncle (and much like him). Reconstruction of life shows, with the respected evident in his career, convincingly that J.-B. established his independent distinction.

DROST, WOLFGANG. Jean de La Fontaine dans l'univers des arts. Recherches inconnues et inédits du musée Jean de La Fontaine à Château-Theirry. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1991.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 1061–62: "L'auteur nous propose . . . en quatre chapitres, des études très serrées entre les textes et les oeuvres qu'ils ont inspirées; les analyses, toujours centrées sur des sujets précis, sont remarquables de finesse et de clarté." Bibliographie de travail.

DUBY, GEORGES, ed. Histoire de la France. T. II: Dynasties et révolutions de 1348 à 1852. Paris: Larousse, 1992.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1285: ". . . pour la première moitié du XVIIe siècle, appelée ici la 'France baroque', le problème des soulèvements populaires, pourtant renouvelé par des recherches récentes, ne donne lieu qu'à citer un ouvrage soviétique à peu près dénué de valeur en tout cas dépassé, ainsi qu'une monographie sur la révolte des va-nu-pieds. Quant à la thèse dYves-Marie Bercé sur la révolte des Croquants, qui porte bien sur la période, elle se trouve bizarrement releguée dans la bibliographie du XVIe siècle . . . ."

DULONG, CLAUDE. Marie Mancini. Paris: Perrin, 1993.

Review: Emmanuel Le Roy La durie in L'Express 2204 (7 Oct. 1993), 68: Praise for knowledge of Mazarin and relationships within his family and for tracing the decades of "existence gâtée" and wrong-headed political action after idyll with Louis. "Cette ravissante idiote, polyglotte, devient plutôt sumpathique avec l'âge, à force de bourdes et de rage de vivre."

DUPUY, R. ERNEST and TREVOR N. DUPUY. The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B. C. to the Present. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

Review: P. L. Holmer in Choice 31 (1993), 428–430: Comparing this new edition with the last one (published in 1986), H. has found "some happy improvements . . . ." Having also mentioned a few drawbacks, H. notes that "these failings are slight compared with the work's general utility," adding that "librarians who have learned the value of prior editions will want this improved version."

DUTERTRE, EVELINE. "A propos de quelques tragédies de la mort de César des XVIe et XVIIe siècles." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 199–227.

La mort de César "était en effet un thème fondamentalement tragique et toutes les conditions s'y trouvaient réunies pour en faire un sujet tragique de caractère exemplaire. Il était d'autant plus exemplaire que, tout en fournissant un fait intangible, puisque historique, ce sujet ne permettait pas moins au dramaturge d'en donner, tout en s'inspirant des tragédies antérieures, une vision personnelle et éventuellement d'enrichir le mythe de César. C'est ce que nous essaierons de montrer en nous appuyant sur quatre de ces tragédies, le César de Grévin, Il Cesare de Pescetti, la Mort de César de Scudéry, et Julius Caesar de Shakespeare."

ENCYCLOPEDIE DE LA MUSIQUE. Paris: Garzanti Librairie Générale, 1992.

Review: Edith Weber in BSHPF 139 (1993), 512–13: 7,000 entries with 500 new ones in French ed. provided by S. Gut, L. Jambou, and E. Weber. Many 17th-century entries in this "vade-mecum des mélomanes, discophiles, hymnologues, musiciens, chefs de choeur, et des amateurs de musique."

ERIKSON, FRANCK. "Médéee, la sorcière bien aimée." L'Express 2188 (17 June 1993), 59:

Review of William Christie's revival of Charpentier's Médée (Opéra comique, June, 1993). Especially interesting for Villégier's opinion of Thomas Corneille's libretto.

FOGEL, MICHELE. L'Etat de la France moderne de la fin du XVe au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Hachette, 1992.

FRAISSE, GENEVIEVE. La Raison des femmes. Paris: Plon, 1992.

Review: Stéphane Michaud in QL (16–31 déc. 1992), 27: "La force du livre de G. F., qui pense en philosophe la question du féminisme, ne se limite pas à rappeler la continuité d'une tradition, représentée dès l'époque classique par un écrivain tel que Poullain de la Barre, attachée à défendre la thèse que l'esprit n'a point de sexe. Elle met en relief le tournant qu'introduit la Révolution française. L'événement change les données du problème: on quitte les doléances ou remontrances pour entrer dans le combat politique." Considering issues "au niveau de la raison, l'ouvrage fait jaillir des quesitons importantes. Il attire par exemple l'attention sur le paradoxe qui vent que l'émancipation des femmes ait partie liée avec la relativisation du corps, voire avec le discrédit que la pensée cartésienne jette sur lui. Cette nécessaire étape passée pour sortir enfin du cercle d'une réflexion fixée sur la nature, le corps réclamera à son tour ses droits."

FRANKO, MARK. Dance as Text: Ideologies of the Baroque Body. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

An historical and theoretical examination of French court Ballet (1573–1673) which provides a picture of the complex theoretical underpinnings, the ideological tensions underlying experiments with autonomous dance, and the subversiveness of Molière's use of the court ballet traditions.

________. "Ut Vox Corpus: The Theoretical Bodies of Le Balet Comique de la Royne." Continuum 5 (1993) 85–109.

F. ". . . demonstrates how influential the harmonic notion of interval was. . . " and shows ". . . how the earliest choreography of Western dance promoted the body as a metaphor for theoretical ideas about harmony."

GABAUDAN, PAULETTE. "La Bergère Astrée ou une crise de la puberté au XVIIe siècle." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 399–413.

Sees the basis of Astrée's refusal of love in the "fin' amors" of the courts of love.

GABER, STEPHANE. La lorraine meurtrie. Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy/Serpentine, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 162: "L'originalité de cet ouvrage est de donner la parole aux contemporains de cette terrible période: de nombreuses citations replongent le lecteur dans l'époque, faisant appel à des temps directs de cette guerre [de Trente Ans] en Lorraine . . . ."

GOLDWYN, HENRIETTE. "L'Education des Femmes au Dix-septième Siècle." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 249–262.

Le double itinéraire de l'éducation des femmes: la scolarité restreinte acquise aux écoles, qui a pour but la conservation de l'infériorité féminine dans le cadre de la religion; et la formation qui vient de la fréquentation des salons et la lecture dans romans.

GOTTLIEB, BEATRICE. The Family in the Western World from the Black Death to the Industrial Age. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Review: D. C. Baxter in Choice 30 (1993), 1820–21: "G. . . provides a highly readable account of traditional themes: the definition of family and household, kinship, marriage arrangements, sexuality, and birth and child rearing, as well as the family's economic, political, and emotional roles. Focused on Western Europe, the work nonetheless draws parallels with European Jewish practices and those of Colonial New England. Posing a series of alternatives (love or duty, comfort or shelter, partnershp or hierarchy), G. provides a balanced summary of debate. Her bibliography reflects the scholarly work of the period from 1965 to 1985;. . . it is less representative of more recent efforts." The study is, however, "highly recommended."

GRAFTON, ANTHONY. New Worlds and Ancient Texts: The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1993.

Review: Alistaire Hennessy in TLS 4706 (11 June 1993), 5: "A superbly produced book" illustrating the long-drawn-out war of ideas fought on many levels originating from the displacement of authoritative texts by empirical observation.

GRASSIN, SOPHIE and GILLES MEDIONI. "Roget la Fronde." L'Express 2181 (29 Apr. 1993), 58–59.

Interview with Roger Planchon on "Louis, Enfant roi," of special interest on P.'s personal involvement with the Fronde, on Mazarin, and on pride taken in reconstruction of "cette vraie-fausse langue du XVIIe."

GREGOIRE, VINCENT M. "'Voir sans se faire voir:' gloire et déboires du 'mythe de l'impérialisme oculaire' dans la deuxième moitié du 17e siècle." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 185–209.

Le symbolisme du roi comme l'oeil qui surveille tout, dans les textes de 1665 à 1675, est dévalorisé plus tard dans les contes de Fénélon.

GROSS, DAVID. The Past in Ruins: Tradition and the Critique of Modernity. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press 1993.

Review: S. Bailey in Choice 30 (1993), 1821: "The clarity and force of G.'s interpretative essay on history are evident from the first pages to the last. Modernity, G. argues, began not with the Renaissance, which looked to the past. . . . Rather, the modern age began with the rise of the centralized state and the advent of early capitalism. A new sort of rationality. . . swept tradition aside. . . . The transformations that took place in the world of affairs were paralleled by the changes that were wrought in the intellectual sphere, thanks in no small part to Bacon and Descartes."

GRUBER, ALAIN, ed. L'Art décoratif en Europe. Paris: Citadelles & Mazenod, 1993.

Review: Anne Pons in L'Express 2168 (28 Jan. 1993), 65: First of three vols. in monumental series covers the classical and baroque, 1630–1760. G. (and his collaborators) "ouvre une perspective neuve et renouvelle la connaissance d'une époque" by returning to the ornements that cross arts, "partie d'un mouvement artistique en générale." This is the story of "auriculaire, acanthe, chinoiseries, arabesques et rocaille."

GUICHARNAUD, HELENE. Montauban au XVIIe siècle (1560–1685). Urbanisme et architecture. Paris: Picard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 844: G. analyse "d'abord les éléments de défense fortifiée et la conception urbanistique générale et évolutive, puis l'architecture des édifices eux-mêmes . . . ."

GUILLERM, JEAN-PIERRE. "La Marqueterie fondamentale. Quelques recueils d'emblèmes, d'Alciat à Rollenhagen." Littérature 87 (octobre 1992), 6–23.

The evolution of the use and interpretation of emblems from Alciat's Emblematum Liber to early 17th-century compilations. One has to conclude, "tenons donc les livres d'emblèmes pour l'un des cas d'une esthétique perverse qui a parmi ses principes la forclusion partielle du lecteur. Le déploiement des démarches et des plaisirs de l'interprétation érudite est sollicité, mais une réception 'naïve' ou 'semi-naïve' n'en est pas moins organisée."

HAASE-DUBOSC, DANIELLE et ELIANE VIENNOT, éds. Femmes et pouvoirs sous l'Ancien Régime. Paris: Rivages, 1991.

Review: BCLF 554 (1992), 378: "Cet ouvrage collectif pose la question du pouvoir des femmes et des situations qu'elles ont occupées dans les domaines de la politique, de la religion, du droit, du travail, des arts et des lettres, . . . ."

HALL, HUGH GASTON. Richelieu's Desmarets and the Century of Louis XIV. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.

Review: P. R. Berk in FrF 17 (1992), 224–226: While appreciating this "mine of information about literary and political arrangements in the seventeenth century," B. does not find convincing H.'s "passionate advocacy" of Desmarets.
Review: Rosa Galli Pellegrini in SFr 104 (1991), 349: An "organic panorama" of Desmarets's life and literary productions, in which biographical events and the "creative itinerary" are carefully integrated. Hall proposes a "coherent image of Desmarets" and of his career at the service of Richelieu and Louis XIV.
Review: E. W. Marvick in RenQ 45 (1992), 381–384: Although M. notes certain "occasional farfetched historical interpolations" and regrets little mention of autobiographical information from D.'s Délices de l'Esprit, M. appreciates this "dense and useful work [resulting] . . . from Hall's wide-ranging study of archival material." D. is presented as a "late Renaissance universal man," his literary work as worthy of appreciation, and his ideas are valued for their modernity.

HARRISON, HELEN L. "Politics and Patronage in the Bourgeois gentilhomme." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 73–84.

Confirmation of the values of kings, nobles, and bourgeois in the context of artistic patronage.

HASKELL, FRANCIS. History and Its Images: Art and the Interpretation of the Past. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

Review: R. Brilliant in Choice 31 (1993), 446: In this book H. examines "the changing use of artworks and their images by antiquarians and historians in reconstituting the rich texture of the past. He begins with the 16th- and 17th-century antiquarians who interpreted archaeological and numismatic material as visual evidence of the Roman past, confirming, extending, or contradicting textual evidence." In B.'s view this is an excellent, well-printed and well-illustrated book."
Review: Charles Hope in TLS 4729 (19 Nov. 1993), 9–10: Masterful survey of the reasons for seeking an imagery of the past and including much from French history including analysis of the significance of the Musée des Monuments français . . . . "Everyone will be in his debt . . . the story he has to tell not only reveals a prodigious amount about past attitudes to art, but in doing so has major implications for the way in which we think and write about it now."

HENSHALL, NICHOLAS. The Myth of Absolutism: Change and Continuity in Early Modern European Monarchy. Harlow: Longman, 1992.

Review: Jeremy Black in JES 23 (1993), 325: "This thoughtful, wide-ranging and often spikey book is a critical examination of the concept of absolutism. H. re-exmines early-modern European history, more particularly that of France and England, in order to focus on the limits of govermnental power and the nature of royal authority. He argues correctly [in B.'s view] that ancien régime studies have been dominated by the perspective of eventual revolution and that this has led to a misunderstanding of the nature and strains of absolute monarchy. The chapter 'Louis XIV Reassessed' is one of the best in the book," according to the reviewer. "H. emphasizes the role of consultation and consent, the absence of autocratic and despotic tendencies. He also underlines similarities between France and England. . . ." B. considers this work to be a valuable corrective to much that has been written on the period," stating as well that the book "deserves wide attention."

HEPP, NOEMI, ed. La Cour au miroir des mémorialistes (1530–1682). Paris: Klincksieck, 1991.

Review: D. Van der Cruysse in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 543–546: Studies presented at a Strasbourg colloquium on chronicles of court life written before Saint-Simon.

HOLT, MACK P., ed. Society and Institutions in Early Modern France. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1991.

Review: Ramona Cormier in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 25: "Written by former students and friends of J. Russell Major, this collection of essays demonstrates Major's thesis that the history of modern France can be understood only by showing the interaction rather than the separation between politics and social history." The emergence of absolutism is the focal point of most contributions, which "present another alternative to the traditional interpretation" of political and social issues of early modern French civilization.

HUREL, DANIEL-ODON. "Une source pour l'histoire politique et culturelle de la France et de l'Europe occidentale aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: la correspondance des Bénédictins de la Congrégation de Saint-Maur." RHEF 79 (1993), 139–44.

JAFFE, DAVID. "Aspects of Gem Collecting in the Early Seventeenth Century, Nicolas-Claude Peiresc and Lelio Pasqualini." Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 103–120.

A study of Peiresc's correspondence with the Roman antiquarian: the collecting of intaglios.

JOUANNA, ARLETTE. "Réflexions sur les relations internobiliaires en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles." FHS 17.4 (1992), 872–881.

Jouanna examines the conceptual model which is outlined in Sharon Kettering's analysis of patronage and clientelism relationships — "proportion variable des sentiments d'affection et de mobiles intéressés, durée plus ou moins longue des liens ainsi créés, possibilité de la pluralité des patrons, variétés des rapports entre clientèles et partis."

KETTERING, SHARON. "Patronage in Early Modern France." FHS 17.4 (1992), 839–862.

A critical survey of recent French historians' studies on patronage and clientelism in 17th-century France. For Kettering, "the study of early modern French patronage has usually been last on a variable agenda of other concerns and interests. There has been more interest in the methodology of cultural history and the development of the early modern state than in patronage. Isn't it about time that we looked at patronage in and for itself?"

KINDLEBERGER, CHARLES P. A Financial History of Western Europe. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Review: E. L. Whalen in Choice 31 (1993), 508: "In this revision of his widely accepted 1984 work the author updates and extends his overview and synthesis of the development of financial institutions in Europe from the middle of the 15th century to the beginning of this decade. Changes in money, banking, public and private finance, and international organizations are interwoven with war, panics, depression, trade, technology, and the ascension and decline of European nations over a period of 500 years." According to W., K. "draws almost exclusively on secondary sources and provides numerous citations throughout the text. A glossary, extensive bibliography, and index are included." W. says that ". . . the volume appears designed to serve well both students and scholars."

KINTZLER, CATHERINE. Poétique de l'opéra français de Corneille à Rousseau. Paris: Minerve, 1991.

Review: P. Robinson in MLR 88 (1993), 751–53: "This is a remarkable and important contribution to the study of the Age of Classicim in France . . . . It places the poetics of tragédie lyrique at the centre of French Classicism . . . an intellectually necessary component of its mainstream theatrical culture. Valuable critical apparatus.
  • See French 17 (1992).

KIRCHNER, THOMAS. L'Expression des passions. Ausdruck als Darstellungs problem in der französischen Kunst und Kunsttheorie des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Mainz: Berliner Schriften zur Kunst, 1991.

Review: T. Puttfarken in Burlington Magazine 134 (1992), 733: An uneven study of the history of facial expression and painting during the two centuries.

KLEINMAN, RUTH. Anne d'Autriche. TransAnia Ciechanowska. Paris: Fayard, 1993. Preface byPierre Goubert.

Review: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie in L'Express 2175 (18 Mar. 1993), 60–61: "Experte en archives madrilèenes ou parisiennes, Ruth Kleinman a consommé le procès de réhabilitation, voire de canonisation, d'Anne." Anne is rightly seen as learning from her early persecutors (Richelieu and Louis XIV) as having faith in the "génie" de Mazrain, and is in fact never without control during the Fronde (the only section of the book that might have been more forceful in presentation).

KNECHT, ROBERT. "The Reputations of Cardinal Richelieu: Classical Hero or Romantic Villain?" SCFS 15 (1993), 5–24.

On the hero, revisionist viewings (Bergin, Bonney, Parrot) leading to the author's Richelieu (1991), reviewed here, leaves little of R.'s own propaganda, which is given a résumé. On the tyrant/villain, interesting material on the Bulwer-Lytton-Macready-Vigny collaboration and the stage villain that still lives in the popular imagination in England. Notes 27–34 are unfortunately omitted.

________. Richelieu. London/New York: Longman, 1991.

Review: K. Malettke in HZ 255 (1992), 198–200: Generally informative biography by well-known Birmingham historian is recommended despite certain inaccuracies and a relative paucity of new material.
  • See French 17 (1992).

KRAJEWSKA, BARBARA. "Autour de l'affaire Foucquet: son impact dans le Samedi; sa trace dans ses lettres." AJFS 28.3 (1991) 223–234.

Etude de lettres écrites par Foucquet, Mlle de Scudéry, Mlle de Sévigné, Guy Patin, et Pellison, parmi d'autres, qui donnent d'importantes lumières sur cette affaire.

_________. Mythes et découvertes: le salon littéraire de Madame de Rambouillet dans les lettres contemporaines. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 52 (1990).

Review: Kathryn Willis Wolfe in SCN 50.3–4 (1992) 67–68: "This volume consists of twenty biographical sketches of 17th-century writers and aristocrats who were prominent in Madame de Rambouillet's salon." The reviewer has reservations on Krajewska's main objective, which is to claim "that the 'chambre bleue' and the people who frequented it have been unduly idealized by critics". But some of her interpretations can easily be dismissed by checking other sources. Moreover the author's "style itself is a source of irritation."

LA GORCE, JEROME DE. "Vie et moeurs des chanteuses de l'Opéra à Paris sous le règne de Louis XIV." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 323–336.

An appraisal of the Description de la vie et moeurs, de l'exercice et l'estat des filles de l'Opéra, an unpublished manuscript written circa 1694. Despite its moralistic bias, it remains a most valuable document on the social conditions of female opera singers.

LAIRD, MARK. The Formal Garden: Traditions of Art and Nature. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1992.

Review: D. Posner in Choice 30 (1993), 783: "In this survey of more than 50 West European gardens from the 16th century to present day, L. argues cogently that the distinction between the 'formal' and the 'natural' garden is far less clear than is usually supposed, and that a fusion of the two modes was more common than generally recognized. Furthermore, natural changes over time, renovations, and restorations have often significantly altered the intended character of many gardens. Clearly persented, beautifully illustrated, amply annotated and indexed. . . ."

LAZZERI, CHRISTINE et DOMINIQUE REYNIE, éds. Le Pouvoir de la raison d'Etat. Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 1992: Une importante contribution dont l'objet de l'analyse est: la pratique secret en politique; la pratique du coup d'Etat; les réactions des gouvernés à de tels types de gouvernement.

LAURENS, ANNIE-FRANCE and KRZYSZTOF POMIAN, eds. L'Anticomaine. Paris: EHESS, 1992.

Review: Philippe Dagen in Le Monde (29 Jan. 1993), 29: Richly detailed and informative essays on the 17th- and 18th-centuries' knowledge of Greek and especially Roman art as revealed by collectors.

LE MOEL, MICHEL. L'Architecture privée à Paris au grand siècle. Paris: Commission des travaux historiques de la Ville de Paris, 1990.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 176: "Un excellent ouvrage, consacré à l'architecture des résidences de la noblesse de la grande bourgeoisie à Paris, au siècle de Louis XIV."
Review: R. Middleton in Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 489–490: Second-half of the 17th century including a chapter on the development of the city.

LERNER, GERDA. The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Review: F. Burkhard in Choice 31 (1993), 194: The author "traces resistance to patriarchy and some of the searches for women's self-consciousness and self-expression from the 7th through the late 19th centuries . . . . She examines the educational disadvantaging of women and their struggle for the right to possess public voices, notably through mystical reformulations of religious traditions. L.'s reconstructed history of women analyzes examples of past struggles for empowerment through motherhood, education, self-authorization, supportive female clusters and networks, and quests for role models. Yet the early efforts to achieve a public voice were frequently smothered . . . ." "This provacative and important work is highly recommended for the general public as well as for all college levels," states B., who finds the bibliography "extremely useful and well organized . . . ."

LOWE, C. JANE. "Charpentier and the Jesuits at St. Louis." SCFS 15 (1993), 297–314.

Examines the means whereby liturgical works including elaborate psalm-settings at Vespers, and the non-liturgical works (motets, instrumental pieces, "opera"-like David et Jonathus) may be identified for specific use at St. Louis. Valuable on the Jesuit links in C.'s career, commentary on its development, and listing of archival resources.

MCCLELLAN, JAMES E. Colonialism and Science: Saint Domingue in the Old Regime. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992.

Review: K. M. Butler in Choice 30 (1993), 1373: "In this important new study of prerevolutionary Saint Domingue, M. examines the French government's active promotion of scientific and medical research as an integral part of its colonization policy, and the role of science in a slave-based economy." "The focus of this study makes it an excellent addition to the literature of colonial, scientific, and Caribbean history."

MC EVANSONEYA, PHILIP. "A Note on Hubert le Sueur and Isaac Besnier." Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 532–534.

Le Sueur and his collaborator's funerary monument commissioned by the Duchess of Buckingham.

MCMAHON, ELISE-NOEL. "'Le Corps sans frontières': The Ideology of Ballet and Molière's Le Bourgeois gentilhomme." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 53–72.

Studies the political implications of ballet, seeing the comedy as the "absolutist drama of statemaking and self-fashioning."

MACARTHUR, ELIZABETH J. "Nature Made Word: Guidebooks to the Gardens at Versailles." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 183–194.

Descriptions by Félibien, Piganiol de la Force, Morellet, and Scudéry mediate between the reader/visitor and the garden, directing its interpretation and lending textual permanency to its grandeur.

MAJOR, J. RUSSELL. "Vertical Ties through Time." FHS 17.4 (1992), 863–871.

Major assesses the importance of Sharon Kettering's research on patronage in early modern France and analyzes how the medieval patronage system fell into disrepute at the Estates general of 1614. "The way was thus paved for Louis XIV to assume personal control of the crown's patronage."

MANIERE DE MONTRER LES JARDINS DE VERSAILLES, PAR LOUIS XIV. Pref. deJ. -P. Babelon;intro. et commentaires deS. Hoog. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1992.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1300: "Ce texte, court, d'un style ferme et simple, écrit par Louis XIV, était vraisemblablement destiné aux fonctionnaires chargés de l'entretien des eaux animant les jardins."

MEROT, ALAIN. Retraites mondaines. Aspects de la décoration intérieure à Paris, au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Le Promeneur, 1990.

Review: R. Middleton in Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 489–490: A study that offers literary references and recognizes the role of women. However, it is not bold enough to "conjure up these [interior] realms."

MESNARD, JEAN. La Culture du XVIIe siècle. Enquêtes et synthèses. Paris: PUF, 1992.

MET, PHILIPPE. "Inclusion et exclusion: le corps dans les comédies-ballets de Molière." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 37–52.

In Monsieur de Pourceaugnac and Le Bourgeois gentilhomme respectively, M. studies the "expulsion du 'héros' éponyme sur un mode dysphorique" and the "élévation euphorique du corps."

MOCH, LESLIE PAGE. Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1992.

Review: B. Osborne in Choice 31 (1993), 197: "M. defines human mobility in Western Europe since 1650 as both temporary and permanent 'changes of residence' across any level of administrative boundary." "M.'s central thesis is that rather than being the diagostic feature of modernity, migration has always been 'embedded in the social and economic framework of human organization' and is central to understanding pre-industrial life, rural industry, the industrial revolution, and urbanization." According to O., "this provocative study affords a melding of the most current theory with engagingly written vignettes of the lived experience of those involved in the process. Superb bibliography and endnotes."

MOHRMANN, RUTH-E. "Everyday Culture in Early Modern Times." NLH 24 (1993), 75–86.

"To deal with everyday life and everyday culture in early modern times means to be aware of the lack of barriers between public and private life — the intimacy of familiar life is on the verge of beginning — and of the highly ritualized and formalized manners of life-style as well . . . . The freedom to decide individually on the ways of living and the life-style preferred was even very small."

MORICEAU, JEAN-MARC and GILLES POSTEL VINAY. Ferme, entreprise, famille. Grande exploitation et changement agricoles, XVIIe–XVIXe siècles. Paris: EHESS, 1992.

MOTLEY, MARK. Becoming a French Aristocrat: The Education of the Court Nobility, 1580–1750. Princeton: PUP, 1990.

Review: Antonella Romano in RHMC 40 (1993), 522–24: Concrete rather than "abstract (from manuals, theory) study designating all levels of societal apprenticeship through which the old aristocracy adapted to the Versailles model: the childhood regulation of manners, language, conduct natural to an aristocrat, pages in a microcosm of noble households; tutors, who adapt the college curriculum and space pragmatically; the académie, with its hierarchy (until Louis's intervention in the 1690s), finally testing on the field. Inclusive and convincing.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MURATORI-PHILIP, ANNE. L'Hôtel des Invalides. Paris: Complexe, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 2046–47: Ouvrage de la collection "La mémoire des lieux" qui évoque l'histoire de l'Hôtel des Invalides, "vivant reflet de trois siècles d'histoire de la France . . . ." L'auteur traite de sa fondation par Louis XIV et l'administration de Louvois.

MUSSET-PATHAY, VICTOR DONATIEN DE. Bibliographie agronomique où Dictionnaire raissoné des ouvrages sur l'économie rurale et domestique et sur l'art vétérinaire. Paris: INAPG, 1991.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1118: "Cette réimpression à l'indentique comprend, après un discours préliminaire et explicatif de l'auteur, trois listes assimilables à trois entrées. La première présente 2.078 titres dont 256 parus entre 1600 et 1750, classés par ordre alphabétique; suivi du nom de l'auteur, du lieu et de la date d'édition . . . ; la deuxième entrée présente "1,320 mentions ou notices bibliographiques, égalament en ordre alhabétique [qui] donnent un aperçu des principaux auteurs . . . ;" la troisième entrée présente 327 mots clés, définis et commentés dans une perspective historique . . . ."

NATHAN, JAMES. "Force, Order, and Diplomacy in the Age of Louis XIV." VQR 69 (1993), 633–49.

"Louis' single-minded search for advantage was so raw, unencumbered, and bellicose that even in the ethos of the times it was unique. From the onset of his reign Louis XIV was intent on ensuring that French diplomatic hegemony ceased serving any abstract international order which may have emerged, in part, as a result of Richelieu's ministry. Instead,. . . French statecraft was to become Louis' own instrument: a great narcissistic engine—fueled and sated only by war." This clearly written essay appears to be intended for a general audience.

NIDERST, ALAIN. "Le 'Peintre philosophe.'" CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 175–183.

Cette description de Nicolas Poussin par Anthony Blunt est affirmée par les tableaux qui illustrent le quiétisme et le platonisme.

NORMAN, BUFORD. "The Exile of Reason: Representation of Emotion in the tragédie lyrique." ArsL 6 (1993) 65–74.

After discussing writings on French opera (P. Perrin, Abbé Villiers, François de Callières, Antoine Bauderon de Sénecé, Charles Perrault, Claude-François Ménestrier), Norman asserts that ". . . Racine reveals a concern similar to that of Quinault with creating emotional scenes, with more than building tight plots," and urges critics to study ". . . how all the various representational elements of tragedy and of the tragédie lyrique work together to create the emotional response. . . we know they did."

________. "The Tragédie Lyrique of Lully and Quinault: Representation and Recognition of Emotion." Continuum 5 (1993) 111–142.

N. develops a ". . . general approach to opera from a literary perspective. . . " and then informatively discusses the ". . . notion of drama, the expression of emotion, and the related concepts of imitation, representation and recognition" in the works of these two writers.

OLSON, RICHARD. The Emergence of the Social Sciences, 1642–1792. New York: Twayne, 1993.

Review: M. L. Dolan in Choice 31 (1993), 330: "In this lucid, richly contextual book," says D., "O. argues that the social sciences developed from the attempts of 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-century European social and political thinkers to apply the methods and concepts of the natural sciences to human behavior and social problems in order to understand and control the rapid social change around them." The author "concludes that the three dominant ideological families of Western culture — liberal, socialist, and conservative — can be understood only in light of how they were shaped by the early social sciences."

PACE, CLAIRE. "Le Plus illustre des amateurs: Aspects of Richelieu's Patronage of the Visual Arts." SCFS 15 (1993), 33–54.

Finely balanced and documented review of questions concerning the nature of R.'s taste, the extent to which his public patronage (seen against his personal collections and commissions in decorative arts), and prededent as arts administrator. Conclusions underscore the eclecticism of his collections (reflecting in part an historical moment), the active part taken in commissions reflecting it, the importance of his artistic policy as precedent for statesmen.

PAGDEN, ANTHONY. European Encounters with the New World: From Renaissance to Romanticism. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

Review: G. J. Martin in Choice 30 (1993), 1827: According to M., "P. . . has written a fascinating book concerning the ways in which European experiences arising from encounters with the New World shifted thought and vision." The study is described as "thoughtful and very well written. . . ."

PEYSER, JOSEPH L., trans. and ed. Letters from New France: The Upper Country, 1686–1783. Champaign: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1992.

Review: P. B. Waite in Choice 30 (1993), 1018–19: "Handsomely produced, this book is the result of the labor of a dozen years in French and Canadian archives by its editor and translator. . . . It is a volume of some interest to those who want to know more about the history of Michigan and Illinois. . . . For historians familiar with French Canada, the book is a rather naive recitation of what is known. Nevertheless," says W., "it is what one may reasonably call a well-done, worthy, local history."

PITTE, JEAN-ROBERT. Gastronomie française: histoire et géographie d'une passion. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: Ronald Tobin in FR 66 (1993), 518–20: Geographer, the author considers from early history the links to the area but also national "constants" in this civilizing ritual: the aristocratic, then monarchical influence, the latter emancipated from Italy in the Cuisinier françoys (1651). "Synthèse à la fois charmante et brilliante, qui ajoute une forte pierre à l'édifice de la littérature gastronomique et oenologique."

POITRINEAU, ABEL. Histoire du compagnonage. Lyon: Horvath, 1992.

PORPHYRIOS, DEMETRI. Classical Architecture: The Living Tradition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.

Review: P. Kaufman in Choice 30 (1993), 1307: This work "expounds on the virtues of Greek and Roman architecture and their progeny, commonly called the Classical Tradition, in terms of structure, craftsmanship, aesthetics, and design." P. "stresses its Mediterranean, especially Italic character, as opposed to its transformations in Germany, France, England, and Spain." As "a practicing architect who designs in the classical style . . . ." P. "is in tune not only with original buildings but also with postmodern ambiguities. The book is especially notable," says K., "for its fine color illustrations. . . ."

POUJOL, ROBERT. Basville, roi solitaire du Languedoc, intendant à Montpellier de 1685 à 1718. Montpellier: Presses du Languedoc, 1992.

Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 139 (1993), 527–28: "Documentée, innovatrice, merveilleusement equitable et nuancée," contributes toward dispelling the "légende noire" of B. as scourge of Protestants (Part II). The life is reconstructed with much new documentation (Part I); administrative practices for Languedoc thoroughly examined (Part III); the man seen personally in somewhat surprising revelations (Part IV). The concluding section deals with B.'s urban planning for Montpellier.

RANUM, PATRICIA. "The Longs and the Shorts of It: Some Considerations on Operatic Recitative and Song and their Relation to Theatrical Recitation." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 111–127.

Examples from Lambert, Lully, Charpentier, and texts by Th. and P. Corneille, Racine, Quinault. "Natural" speech patterns are abandoned in favor of strictly-metered and sonorous forms that are meant to express the "mouvements" of the soul.

_________. Méthode de la prononciation latine dite vulgaire ou à la française. Petite méthode à l'usage des chanteurs et des récitants d'après le manuscrit de Dom Jacques Le Clerc. Arles: Actes Sud, 1991.

Review: P. Pidoux in BHR 55 (1993), 837–38: Ouvrage "solidement documenté au départ d'après le manuscrit de Dom Le Clerc (vers 1665) mais considérablement enrichi de notes et de transcriptions phonétiques."
Review: D. L. Ranson in CdDS V.1 (Spring 1991), 315–317: Un manuel dont l'intérêt n'est pas limité aux musiciens, mais qui "rendra service également à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la prononciation du français au XVIIe siècle," avec des explications claires et complètes.

RAVEL, JEFFREY S. "The Police and the Parterre: Cultural Politics in the Paris Public Theater, 1680–1789" (UC-Berkeley, 1991). DAI 53:6, 2067A.

The role of public opinion and audience reaction in influencing playwrights and actors, with analysis of police archives describing "the parterre in action."

REINBOLD, ANNE. Georges de La Tour. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992) , 175: Cet ouvrage "correspond plus à une recherche de la vie sociale en Lorraine pendant cete première moitié du XVIIe siècle qu'à l'étude de l'oeuvre du peintre . . . ."

REVUE ARCHEOLOGIQUE DE PICARDIE, No 1–2 (1991). Amiens: Société archéologique de Picardie.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 1041: Ce numéro regroupe huit articles, dont sept sont consacrés au prieuré de Saint-Nicolas d'Acy, dans l'Oise, du XIe siècle.
  • See French 17 (1992).

RIVARA, ANNIE. "La Problématique de l'insertion d'un modèle culturel: deux traductions d'Arcadia (1625)." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 147–162.

Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia was translated simultaneously by Jean Beaudoin and Geneviève Chappelain in the early 1620's and both translations were published in 1625. Those translations show a complex relationship between literary ideals and political conflicts, and demonstrate how cultural influences mask basic ideological and religious misunderstandings.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM. "Louis XIV's Manière de montrer les jardins de Versailles, An Unknown View." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 195–210.

Contemporary illustrations (c. 1693) are compared with versions of the king's own description, reconstructing the experience of the late 17th c. visitor.

ROMANO, RUGGIERO. Conjunctures opposeés, La 'crise' du XVIIe siècle en Europe et en Amérique ibérique. Geneva: Droz, 1992.

ROY, JEAN-MICHEL. "Les Marchés alimentiares parisiens du XIVe au XVIIIe siècle." Mémoires de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et Ile-de-France 44 (1993), 77–132.

Fascinating account of the growth and nature of markets with listing (15 out of 18 dating from the 17th century). Maps and appended listing of documents founding and regulating trade.

RUGIN, DAVID L., ed. Sun King: The Ascendancy of French Culture during the Reign of Louis XIV. Washington: The Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992.

Review: Susan Read Baker in FR 66 (1993), 1007–8: Product of 1985 interdisciplinary symposium at the Folger, essays on literature, history, science, poetics, dance, offer provocative perpsectives for future from the most vital present areas. Special mentions are given to Régine Astier's remarkable documentation of Louis's career as a dancer, the late R. Nicolich's erudite clarification of the funeral ceremonies at the end of the reign, J. Dejean's revisionary study of the women's novel during the century; Roger Hahn's tracing of Louis's science policy as a model for the future.

SAINT-GUILY, AGNES. Georges de la Tour, une lumière dans la nuit. Paris: Mame, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1752–53: "Après un exposé de ce que nous savons de la vie du peintre, l'analyse de quelques peintures . . . ."

SAINT PULGENT, MARYVONNE DE. "Plans-reliefs: La guerre en maquettes." Le Point (2–18 déc. 1992), 52–55.

This article concerns "villes miniatures" that were first created during the reign of Louis XIV for military purposes and that were to become "d'authentiques chefs-d'oeuvre."

SALMOND, ANNE. Two Worlds: First Meetings between Maori and Europeans, 1642–1772. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1992.

Review: L. C. Duly in Choice 30 (1992), 674: Study based on "meticulous research," in which "S. . . . provides a richly detailed, illustrated analysis of the first encounters between New Zealand's Maori societies and the European explorers and traders. Her balanced account treats both groups in terms of their respective histories and cultures, belief systems, and immediate responses. Moving through the period of initial contact by the Dutch in 1642 to the English and French voyages of the late 18th century, the author combines anthropological and historical skills to give new meaning to the records and traditions of these encounters. As a result, the book offers a new and expanded understanding of the context in which European and Maorie interacted. In particular," says D., "her work corrects European-applied stereotypes and assumptions about 'traditional' Maori society." The book is described by D. as "exceptionally well written and presented. . . ."

SAWYER, JEFFREY K. Printed Poison: Pamphlet Propaganda, Faction Politics and the Public Sphere in Early Seventeenth-Century France. Berkeley/Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1990.

Review: J. H. M. Salmon in RenQ 45 (1992), 577–579: Despite its brief treatment, some over-simplifications and focus on "items already described by his precursors," the volume is a "significant contribution to the analysis of political process in early modern France" as it classifies the documents and discusses the rhetoric and development of absolutism.
  • See French 17 (1992).

SECCOMBE, WALLY. A Millenium of Family Change: Feudalism to Capitalism in Northwestern Europe. London: Verso, 1992.

Review: P. G. Wallace in Choice 30 (1992), 702–03: "This work of historical sociology employs Marxist analysis that is bolstered by feminist critiques of 'malestream' scholarship. S. combines a clear theoretical perspective," says W., "with a synthesis of numerous studies in social history. His key theoretical contribution is to expand the concept of mode of production to include reproduction and thus to place family structures within the center of the social relations of production." The book is called "a gracefully written and analytically critical countermodel to the dominant literature on the historical family. It is a must for students of the family," W. adds, "whether historical or contemporary."

SMITH, CHRISTOPHER and ELFREIDA DUBOIS, eds. France et Grande-Bretagne de la chute de Charles Ier à celle de Jacques II (1649–1688). Actes d'Oxford. Norwich: Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 1990.

Review: D. A. Watts in MLR 87 (1992), 783–84: Twenty-one papers given at a conference at St. Catherine's College, Oxford in January 1989. D'Aubignac, Corneille, Saint-Evremond, and Racine treated among others. "Taken as a whole, the Conference proceedings tend to confirm one's impression that Anglo-French cultural exchanges in the seventeenth century were more often marginal than mainstream. Nonetheless the participants have shed valuable light on some major issues of the time."

SMITH, GIL R. Architechural Diplomacy: Rome and Paris in the Late Baroque. Cambridge/New York: MIT/Architectural History Foundation, 1993.

SOUCHAL, FRANÇOIS. French Sculptors of the 17th and 18th centuries: The Reign of Louis XIV. Illustrated Catalogue, Supplementary vol. A-Z. Trans.Augusta Audubert. London: Faber, 1993.

SUMMERSON, JOHN. Le Langage classique de l'architecture. Paris: Thames & Hudson, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 2051: S. présente et analyse le langage codé de l'architecture de l'âge classique (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle). Ouvrage "richement illustré."

TALLETT, FRANK. War and Society in Early-Modern Europe, 1495–1715. London: Routledge, 1993.

Review: F. J. Baumgartner in Choice 31 (1993), 197: "T. draws on a vast number of sources, mostly secondary, for this highly detailed and informative study of the early modern military. The title is not entirely accurate," says B.; "coverage is limited to Western Europe and there is little on the half-century after 1495. T. eschews a chronological approach for a strictly topical one. . . ." "Although the book offers a wealth of information about the early modern military, that detail and the format make for rather difficult reading."

THUILLIER, JACQUES. Georges de La Tour. Paris: Flammarion, 1992.

Review: Philippe Dagen in Le Monde (11 Dec. 1992), 33: New documentation: "révélations peu flatteuses . . . de l'intrigant, du politique et du ruffian," "mauvais sujet mais grand peintre." T.'s collection of the works, with the chronicle of the life, successes in establishing LT as a "peintre-philosophe." Literary echoes are suggested: Malherbe, Descartes, Régnier.
Review: P. S. in L'Express 2163 (24 Dec. 1992), 55–56: A remarkable monograph, with a "catalogue hardiment raisonné," that renounces displays of erudition in favor of attempts at understanding the "a bigu, indéchiffrable . . . , poètique. "Faire vrai et tromper la vue se rejoignent vite."

TILLY, CHARLES. European Revolutions, 1492–1992. London: Blackwell, 1993.

Review: L. E. Oyos in Choice 31 (1993), 350: "T. attempts a systematic, historically based analysis of revolutionary processes that 'connects them firmly to . . . accumulating knowledge of state formation and routine political contention' for the last 500 years of European history. Using social science methodology, T. incorporates several concepts, terms, and statistical tables listing wars and revolutionary situations into his analysis of revolutions in . . . [various European countries] since 1492." O. states that "many of the assumptions made in . . . [this book] are provocative and debatable, but always interesting."

TINSLEY, BARBARA SHER. History and Polemics in the French Reformation: Florimond de Raemond, Defender of the Church. Cranbury, NJ: Susquehanna UP, 1992.

Review: J. E. Brink in Choice 30 (1993), 1371: "The author explores the career of this 'enormously popular' magistrate . . . ." "R.'s polemicism is examined in the context of the reign of Henry IV and his scholarship is placed in the mainstream of early modern historiography. Students of early modern France will profit from this balanced description of the prejudices and principles of some of the ordinary people who had to contend with the volatile challenges to traditional Christianity."

TREVOR-ROPER, HUGH. From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1992.

Review: Anon. in VQR 69 (1993), 43: "The true virtue of T.-R. as an historian and essayist," in the reviewer's opinion, "lies in the fact that, though his scope of sympathies is narrow (and in the case of religious disputes, all but nonexistent), his scope of interests is immense. His careful attention to the involutions of particular historical situations, his stern clarity of judgment, and his broad erudition combine to make his essays enlightening and provocative. This volume is an ideal selection of his scholarly offerings, perfect for the reader whose curiosity is any match for the author's ability to illuminate obscure aspects of history's innumerable complications and enigmas."
  • See French 17 (1992).

VAN BELLE, J.-L. Plans inédits de places fortifiées, XVIIe–XVIIIe: Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Republique Fédérale d'Allemagne. Bruxelles: Ciaco, 1989.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS. "Entre nature et culture: le statut de la voix dans l'anthropologie classique." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 153–163.

The status of human voice in classical anthropology is twofold. As a cultural manifestation, it is integrated into a social and esthetic ideal; as a natural phenomenon, it can be the object either of a clinical study or of a theological analysis.

VAN DER CRUYSSE, DIRK. Louis XIV et le Siam. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 603: L'histoire des premières relations entre la France et le Siam. Index, glossaire, chronologie, bibliographie.
Review: F. Karro in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 584–586: A "modèle d'histoire comparative des mentalités": the diplomatic exchanges during the 80's involving a Buddhist prince's quest for a military alliance and intellectual cooperation with Louis XIV and the latter's most ambitious colonial project.
  • See French 17 (1992).

VARDI, LIANA. The Land and the Loom: Peasants and Profit in Northern France, 1680–1800. Durham: Duke UP, 1993.

Review: F. K. Metzger in Choice 30 (1993), 1828–29: "By analyzing parish registers and notarial records in her study of the village of Montigny (Nord), V. . . . significantly refines the work of the Annalistes and the Marxists on the French peasantry. V. examines how industry (weaving) came to the village and how it affected the peasant economy." M., highly recommends this volume to readers, and finds it to be "carefully structured and competently written."

VENESOEN, PAUL. "An Assessment of Critical Thought on Male Misogyny: the Case of Pierre Charron Confronted with Women and Marriage." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 489–498.

Charron's paternalism and disdain of women seen as the personal and simplified reading of Montaigne's complex and changing thoughts on the matter.

VERSCHAVE, MICHEL. "La Voix du corps ou l'éloquence dans la tragédie lyrique." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 293–304.

In the 17th century, opera singers had to master an intricate art of gesture which was in many respects as important as the mastery of vocal technique, for "le message sonore transmis au public peut être aussi 'entendu' par les yeux."

VIALA, ALAIN, et al., eds. L'Esthétique galante. Paul Pellisson: Discours sur les 'Oeuvres de Monsieur Sarasin' et autres textes. Toulouse: Société des Littératures Classiques, 1989.

Review: Patrizia Oppici in SFr 104 (1991), 356: For Oppici, this is a useful collection of hard to find texts "which constitute despite their apparent disparateness, as the editors say in their informative and penetrating introduction, a literary strategy and poetics that transform 'la galanterie' into a style able to conciliate science and pleasure." Pellisson intended to "create 'une poétique moderne' based on the alliance of the 'auteur galant' and a cultured and fashionable audience."
  • See French 17 (1991).

VIDAL, MARY. Watteau's Painted Conversations: Art, Literature, and Talk in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992.

Review: D. Posner in Choice 30 (1993), 955: "The thesis of this book. . . is that the 'art of conversation'—its structure, forms, devices and purposes—as practiced by the aristocracy in France around 1700 can explain the paintings of Watteau, even those in which conversation is not actually pictured." The author "attempts to demonstrate that W. deliberately constructed his works as pictorial analogues of contemporary conversation. The thesis entails some serious historical and theoretical problems, not all of which are satisfactorily addressed by the author, and many readers may find it more suggestive as an analogy than convincing as an explanatory propostion. The book is, however, clever and stimulating," P. contends, "well-written and nicely illustrated. . . ."

VON PROSCHWITZ, GUNNAR, ed. Influences. Relations culturelles entre la France et la Suède. Göteborg: Société Royale des Sciences et des Belles-Lettres, 1988.

Review: J. Glauser in RF 103 (1991), 476–477: Praiseworthy proceedings of a 1987 Paris collogue on this topic includes only two studies of the period before 1690, one on the reception of Cartesian thought in 17th c. Sweden.

WALTHALL, JOHN A. and THOMAS E. EMERSON, eds. Calumet & fleur-de-lys: Archaeology of Indian and French Contact in the Midcontinent. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.

Review: R. L. Haan in Choice 30 (1993), 1684: "Whereas the earlier volume [in the collection, French Colonial Archaeology, ed. J. W.] examined the French colonial archeological record, this volume offers a number of analyses and research reports on 'historic Native American sites and related topics such as Indian interaction with French colonists.'" "What is strikingly similar in these essays," H. points out, "is the wealth of local information on the cooperative and mulitcultural nature of French-Indian contact in the 17th and 18th centuries."

WAQUET, FRANÇOISE. Le Modèle français et l'Italie savante (1660–1750). Rome: Ecole française de Rome, 1989.

Review: Paolo Alatari in SFr 106 (1992), 101–103: "An erudite book on erudition". Waquet has based her study on almost all the manuscripts and published sources on the subject, and she focuses on 17th-century works on Antiquity. The first chapter analyses Italian science as perceived by French opinion and the second, French erudition as recieved by Italian opinion. All in all, this "rich and well-written" contribution gives a better understanding of the complex and ambivalent relationship between French and Italian learned circles.
  • See French 17 (1992).

WATT, JEFFREY R. The Making of Modern Marriage: Matrimonial Control and the Rise of Sentiment in Neuchâtel, 1550–1800. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1993.

Review: J. E. Brink in Choice 30 (1993), 1829: "W.'s statistical and anecdotal analysis of 4,100 court cases in a western principality of Switzerland is superbly bolstered by argument from contemporary theory and the impressive research on the family published over the past 20 years." Information gathered on separation and divorce W. considers to be "signs of legal equality between the sexes and an anticipation of modern marriage laws."

WIEBENSON, DORA. The Mark J. Millard Architectural Collection, vol. 1: French Books, Sixteenth through Nineteenth Centuries. National Gallery of Art. New York: Braziller, 1993.

Review: R. J. Havlik in Choice 31 (1993), 274: "One of the finest private collections of rare illustrated books and bound series of prints on Western European architecture, design, and topography was collected by the financier M. (1908–85) . . . . This impressive, well-illustrated volume is the first of a four-volume catalog of the Collection. It covers French books on architectural design and theory, 16th-19th centuries." Introduction and catalog are by W.; bibliographic descriptions, by Claire Baines.

WOLFE, KATHRYN WILLIS & PHILIP J, WOLFE. Considérations politiques sur la Fronde. La correspondance entre Gabriel Naudé et le Cardinal Mazarin. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 64 (1991).

Review: O. Ranum in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 269–271: Awelcome edition of Naudé's letters illuminates the relations between the press and revolution, writing and political activism, and the remarkable presence of N., whose letters are a joy to read. Includes a lucid and erudite introduction.
Review: P. Ronzeaud in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 297: An excellent edition of a correspondence rich in humanist and ideological themes on the relationship between writing and politics.
Review: D. A. Watts in MLR 88 (1991), 464–65: "This largley unpublished correspondence forms a useful addition to the documentation of the later years of the Fronde (1651–53). Of the fifty-three letters published here, forty-six date from the time of the civil war and seven (forming Appendice I) from the years 1641–46; forty-six more were written by Naudé and seven by Mazarin . . . ."
  • See French 17 (1991).

WOLFE, MICHAEL. The Conversation of Henry IV: Politics, Power, and Religious Belief in Early Modern France. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1993.

Review: J.K.P. in TLS 4728 (12 Nov. 1993), 31: Embodies a wealth of perceptions in a lucid framework and a plain style. Skillful blend of narrative and thematic discussions makes this book "the definitive treatment of its subject." Hints at a "political fideism" that seeks no other justification than the king's command with jurists aplenty to sell this message.

ZARUCCHI, JEANNE MORGAN. "Symbolism and Politics: The Construction of the Louvre, 1660–1667." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 79–93.

The sucess of Claude Perrault's design for the colonnade of the Louvre is attributed to its symbolic evocation of Augustus and Apollo, as well as to factors of political rivalry and finance."


ABDURA, BERNARD. Abbayes, prieurés et monastères de l'ordre de Prémontré en France des origines à nos jours. Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique. Nancy: PU de Nancy, 1993. Preface byRené Tavenaux.

ARIEW, ROGER. "Theory of Comets at Paris during the Seventeenth Century." JHI 53 (1992), 355–372.

Demonstrates the tenacity and vitality of scholastic Aristotelianism during the period.

ARMOGATHE, JEAN-ROBERT, ed. Le Grand Siècle et la Bible. Paris: Beauchesne, 1989.

Review: Jacques Le Brun in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 251–252: The title of the 6th volume of the "Bible de tous les temps" collection is somewhat misleading since it corresponds to a French vision of Europe. If some articles are "sommaires, sans notes ni références," others, however, like "la contribution de F. Laplanche sur l'orthodoxie réformée et celle de H. Reventlow sur Grotius" are remarkable. In short, "l'imposant ensemble que constitue ce livre nous apporte énormément. Ce n'est que la considération de la somme qu'il constitue qui nous fait regretter les insuffisances de sa mise en oeuvre."
Review: Denise Leduc-Fayette in RPFE 1107 (1992), 614–616: Le panorama général de la Bible au XVIIe siècle déployé par une quarantaine de spécialistes de huit pays est, à l'instar des sept autres volumes de la collection (dorénavant complète), un instrument de travail précieux pour tous ceux qui cherchent à prendre la mesure du rôle joué par les Ecritures dans l'espace mental des civilisations qui se sont succédé." Some contributions are excellent, among which J. Beaudé's article on "Malebranche et la Bible", Ph. Sellier's on "Pascal et la Bible", etc.

BARNOUW, JEFFREY. "Passion as 'Confused' Perception or Thought in Descartes, Malebranche, and Hutcheson." JHI 53 (1992), 397–424.

The necessity of passion and the virtues of confusion in D.'s thought.

BAUSTERT, RAYMOND. "L'au-delà dans les lettres de consolation de 1600 à 1650." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 447–465.

A study of the "modest" place occupied by the theme, allowing one to "entrevoir les espérances dernières d'une époque dont la foi, incorrumpue, s'alimente aux sources d'un christianisme authentique."

BAUSTERT, RAYMOND. "L'image de Dieu dans les lettres de consolation de 1600 à 1650." TraLit 5 (1992), 109–127.

The second in a series (a previous essay had treated "les arguments profanes" in Sprachkunst, Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft, [1991] Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), this article examines the attributes of God and the attitudes they are to inspire in these letters of consolation. Those who seek to console demonstrate a solid biblical culture while they speak of a possessive, loving God whose intention is above all "salvatrice." The appeal to submit to God's will is presented on the basis of reason. Excellently documented investigation of nearly 100 letters concludes with a promise of a third article on the theme of the au-delà which should provide a more complete image of the "consolateur de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle."

BENZENHOFER, UDO and WILHELM KUHLMAN, eds. Heilkunde und Krankheitserfarung in der frühen Neuzeit: Studien am Grenzrain von Literaturgesischichte und Medisingschichte. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1992.

Contains among 15 essays D. von Englehart, "Uberlegungen zur Verhältnis von Medizin und Literatur im Zeitalter des Barok," W. Shmitt, "Die Darstellung des Geistes-Krankheit in der Barokliteratur," J. J. Berns, "Utopie und Medizin: Der Staat der Gescunden und der gesunde Staat in utopischen Entwürfen des 16. und 17, Jahrhundert.

BEREK, LAURENT. "Vision du messianisme juif et apologétique chrétienne dans l'Histoire des Juifs de Jacques Basnage." DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 247–271.

Cet article examine le raisonnement qui méne l'historien huguenot à revendiquer pour les Juifs la tolérance civique et religieuse.

BLAY, MICHEL. La Naissance de la mécanique analytique. La science du mouvement au tournant des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: Florence Viot in RdS 113.3–4 (1992), 511–513: "Peu d'historiens de la physique ont trouvé leur inspiration dans le développement concomittant des idées ou techniques mathématiques et des notions physiques fondamentales. C'est ce que démontre avec force et clarté l'ouvrage de M. Blay, à l'occasion de ses travaux sur la coneptualisation différentielle de la science du mouvement." Blay's book focuses mainly on French mathematicians' critique of Leibniz' differential calculus (the marquis de l'Hospital, Pierre Varignon and Michel Rolle).

BORD, ANDRE. Jean de la Croix en France. Paris: Beauchesne, 1993.

17th-century influence is great because of Carmelites and Jesuits. Large-scale treatment (17th through 19th centuries) with good attention to iconography. The Saint is said to be third in influence after Thomas Acquinas and St. Augustine.

CAUDWELL, FRANÇOIS. "Un Prêtre huguenot au début du XVIIe siècle, Nicolas Champion." BSHPF 139 (1993), 331–45.

Interesting reconstruction from judicial records of the Parlement of Dole of the actions leading to execution for heresy in 1623.

CAVAZZA, MARTA. Settecento inquieto: Alle origini dell'Istituo delle Sceinze di Bologna. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1990.

Review: Jan B. Sloan in Isis 84 (1993), 149–50: Eight essays that provide a history, including the 17th century, of "the institutionalization of science in Bologna in all its cultural and sociological complexity." Chronicles the decline of the University and considers the relationships with foreign scientific academies including the Paris Academy.

CERTEAU, MICHEL DE. The Mystic Fable: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Trans.Michael B. Smith. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1992.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 55 (1993), 363: "Certeau identifies the causes and the characteristics of a new mysticism produced in the Renaissance out of the more traditional mysticism of the new Age of Faith." He explores the "Little Saints of Acquitaine," the "mad" Jean-Joseph Surin, the Jesuit Labadie.

CHATELLIER, LOUIS. La Religion des pauvres. Les Sources du christianisme moderne, XVIe–XIXe siècles. Paris: Aubier, 1993.

CHEDOZEAU, BERNARD. La Bible et la liturgie en français. L'Eglise tridentine et les traductions bibliques et liturgiques (1600–1789). Paris: Ed. du Cerf, 1990.

Review: Monique Cottret in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 250–251: Chedozeau examines the Catholic Church's permanent opposition to the laity's access to sacred texts. "C. livre au lecteur érudit un précieux dossier qui rassemble les textes concernant le débat. Le premier chapitre présente la législaton tridentino-romaine. Le deuxième chapitre étudie les interprétations restrictives qui l'emportent en Espagne. Mais l'auteur s'attache dans un fondamental troisième chapitre à dégager une spécificité française, largement majoritaire entre les deux pôles ultramontains et gallicano-jansénistes." The conclusion outlines the importance of oral transmission of the Church's doctrine and Christian faith.
Review: Denise Leduc-Fayette, RPFE 1107 (1992), 614–616: Chedozeau's analysis focuses on the Catholic Church's reaction to the ever increasing accessibility of sacred text translations: "Si la position française se caractérise par quelque souplesse . . . c'est en rapport avec la tendance gallicane. Un des mérites, précisément, de l'ouvrage estl'attention portée . . . à la surdétermination que représente le conflit gallican/ultramontain. Est également bien mise en lumière la valeur conférée par l'Eglise catholique à la transmission non imprimée, par opposition à la sola Bibleprotestant".
  • See French 17 (1992).

_________. "Quelques remarques sur la traduction des textes sacrés catholiques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 197–207.

Chédozeau examines how, despite the hostility of the Catholic Church, French translations of the Bible and other sacred texts became acceptable in the 17th and 18th centuries: "Il est possible d'affirmer que le passage à la traduction des textes sacrés, ou plus précisément le renversement qui, de l'explication étayée par la traduction, fait passer à la traduction expliquée, puis à la traduction seule est une des formes majeures de l'évolution intellectualiste qui marque le XVIIe siècle français."

CHRISTODOULOU, KYRIAKI. "Cosmos et apologétique chez Pascal" TraLit 5 (1992), 151–160.

Succinct and thoughtful treatment focuses on the historical aspects of P.'s argument in fragment 199/72. Demonstrates how this apologist who lived at a time of momentous scientific discoveries offered "à l'homme désorienté de son siècle un point de référence, un viatique, susceptible de lui redonner la certitude et la foi qu'il avait perdues."

COCKERHAM, HARRY and ESTHER EHRMAN, eds. Ideology and Religion in French Literature: Essays in Honour of Brian Juden. By Pupils, Colleagues and Friends. Camberley: Porphyrogenitus for Royal Holloway and Bedford New College French Department, 1989.

Review: B. Rigby in MLR 87 (1992), 967–68: Twenty-three contributions organized in alphabetical order by author are of high quality on a wide range of topics from the late seventeenth century to the present.

COPENHAVER, BRIAN P. "Did Science have a Renaissance?" Isis 83 (1992), 388–407.

Central attention is given to Naudé, his reception of Pomponazzi, his unphilosophical scepticism, finally as a "poor fit between Foucault's Renaissance and his classical ages, but surely no Don Quixote."

COPENHAVER, BRIAN P. and CHARLES B. SCHMITT. Renaissance Philosophy. Oxford: OUP, 1993.

Review: John Cottingham in TLS 4715 (13 Aug. 1993) 22: Meticulously detailed, comprehensive survey of thinkers from the 15th century through the early 17th, from eight "neglected" Aristotelians (including Lefèvre and Pomponazzi), the latter "showing the kind of transitional thinking that paved the way for conanical achievements of the early modern period."; Florentine Platonists; novatores like Campanella, scorned by Descartes, in his promotion of empiricist naturalism, more clearly seen as a part of a movement whose richest fruits came in the work of Galileo, Mersenne, Gassendi, and Descartes himself. Something of a "history of art stroll," inevitably, it would seem since there is really little here to fire the imagination.

COSSE, JEAN-MICHEL. "Fascination, Art, and Religion" (UC-Santa Barbara, 1992). DAI 54:2.

The effect of hypnotis/possession on artists and audiences, including mention of Nicole and Bousset.

COTTRET, BERNARD. The Huguenots in England: Immigration and Settlement c. 1550–1700. Trans.Peregrine andAdriana Stevenson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 55 (1993), 366: "Searching study," first published in French in 1985, treats immigration of French Huguenots in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to England where they enriched commercial, cultural life.

CUCHE, FRANCOIS-XAVIER. Une Pensée sociale catholique. Fleury, La Bruyère, Fénelon. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1991.

Review: A. McKenna in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 218–222: Reviewer finds this to be a clear study that makes manifest all the problems raised by the social thought in question: ". . . leur commentiare sur les moeurs, mais aussi leur analyse des structures sociales et économiques, est ici envisagée dans la perspective des initiatives post-tridentines du parti dévot, et en particulier des actions de saint Vincent de Paul, de saint François de Sales et de la Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement."
Review: Anne Sanderson in SCFS 15 (1993), 205–11: Considering the three social critics as deriving from Bossuet's Petit Concile, censorship of money-making, speculation, and urban consumerism are common and in part reflect origins. Modernity and St. Thomas are the synthesis they would achieve, reconciling the optimistic with St. Augustine. Fleury's educational schemes and economic thought (outlined here) makes him the "most forward-looking of the group." C. situates the group at the turning-point of poitical thought from the Renaissance heritage to "modern ideas about society and state."

DAVIES, CATHERINE GLYN. Conscience as Consciousness: The Idea of Self-Awareness in French Philosophical Writing from Descartes to Diderot. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1990.

Review: P. Naudin in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 889: Un excellent ouvrage "d'analyses et de réflexions dont on ne peut que louer la rigueur et la pertinence."

DELFORGE, FREDERIC. La Bible en France et dans la francophonie. Paris: Publisud, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 581: D. "présente successivement, et en les situant succinctement dans l'histoire sociale et religieuse, les Bibles de la pré-Réforme, ainsi que les Bibles catholiques du XVIe siècle, étudiées à travers des grands débats théologiques de l'époque. Le XVIIe siècle est marqué par la Bible catholique . . . de Port-Royal et l'essor de la critique biblique." Ouvrage thématique, analytique.

DELTEIL, JACQUES. "Un Cévanol qui refuse l'exclusion: François Vivent." BSHPF 139 (1993), 127–32.

Exemplary portrait of the schoolmaster become prédicant and of the life of faith, 1685 to his execution in 1691. Relation with Basville detailed.

DELUMEAU, JEAN, ed. La Religion des femmes dans la transmission de la foi. Paris: Eds. du Cerf, 1992.

Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 139 (1993), 526: Seminar papers that sometimes give "un éclairage inattendu" contain treatments of both Catholic and Protestant 17th Century.

DONAHUE, WILLIAM H., trans. and ed. Johannes Kepler, New Astronomy. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.

Review: John North in TLS 4706 (11 June 1993), 12: "At last a solid version open to all" of all 70 chapters of the 1609 text, "nothing less than the blow-by-blow account of a long intellectual struggle by one of the finest minds in the history of science."

DUNCAN, DAVID ALLEN. "Campanella in Paris: Or How to Succeed in Society and Fall in the Republic of Letters." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 95–110.

The Italian philosopher condemned by Mersenne and Descartes, who sojourned at the French court and was befriended and later rejected by Naudé.

ELUKIN, JONATHAN M. "Jacques Basnage and the History of the Jews: Anti-Catholic Polemic and Historical Allegory in the Republic of Letters." JHI 53 (1992), 603–630.

B.'s use of Jewish history to attack Catholicism in 1706–7.

FICHANT, MICHEL, éd. De l'horizon de la doctrine humaine (1623). La Restitution universelle (1715). Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Paris: Vrin, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 551: Textes inédits, traduits et annotés par Fichant avec introduction, appendices, extraits de la correspondance de L., et postface. F. "replace les textes dans leur contexte et détermine les sources et les prolongements."

FLOURET, JEAN. Nicolas Venette médecin rochelais 1633–1698. Etude biographique et bibliographique. La Rochelle: Ed. Rupella, 1992.

Review: L. Desgraves in RFHL 76–77 (1992), 333: "Surtout connu par son Tableau de l'amour conjugal publié pour la première fois en 1686, le médecin rochelais méritait l'étude fouillée que vient de lui consacrer Jean Flouret. Par des documents inédits et irréfutables, cet ouvrage met fin à des légendes concernant la famille et la situation de Nicolas Venette." In short, "l'auteur apporte ainsi une appréciable contribution à l'histoire de l'édition français."

FREMONT, CHRISTIANE, ed. Maine de Biran: Commentaires et Marginalia, XVIIe siècle. Paris: Vrin, 1990.

Review: Michel Adam in RPFE 1108 (1993), 69–70: This is the eleventh volume of Maine de Biran's collected works. It contains de Biran's critique of Descartes' philosophy: "On sait l'importance de la lecture biranienne des textes cartésiens pour la critique de la notion de substance et pour la mise en relief de l'originalité de sa conception de l'effort."

GAUNA, MAX. Upwellings, First Expressions of Unbelief in the Printed Literature of the French Renaissance. Rutherford/Madison/Teaneck/London and Toronto: Associated University Press, 1992.

Review: F. Berriot in BHR 55 (1993), 449–50: M. G. voit "dans l'histoire de la pensée occidentale un courant permanent qui, issu de l'Antiquité, traverse le Moyen Age où il . . . apparaît plus distinctement dès la fin de la Renaissance pour s'imposer enfin au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle."

GELIS, JACQUES. Accoucheur de campagne sous la Roi-Soleil: le Traité des accouchements de G. Mauquest de La Motte. Paris: Imago, 1989.

Review: Marie-France Morel in RdS 113.3–4 (1992), 537–540: "Voici, accompagnée d'une nouvelle préface d'Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, la réédition d'un livre épuisé, paru en 1979 aux éditions Privat." It is, in fact, a collection of excerpts from Mauquest's Traité des accouchements naturels. . ., first published in 1715. This treatise is a testimony of a new mentality towards life and birth that manifested itself at the end of the 17th Century.

GOHAU, GABRIEL. Les Sciences de la Terre aux XVIIe et XVIIIe. Naissance de la géologie. Paris: Albin Michel, 1990.

Review: Goulven Laurent in RdS 113.3–4 (1992), 515–517: This well-documented and well-written essay studies the pivotal role of Nicolas Sténon's scientific role — "c'est avec Sténon (1638–1686) que la Géologie en tant que discipline scientifique trouve son véritable fondateur."

GOUBERT, PEIRRE. Louis XIV et vingt millions de Français. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 554 (1992), 377–78: Réédition qui ne tient toujours pas compte de plusieurs travaux récents et dans laquelle on retrouve "la même incompréhension . . . à l'égard des problèmes religieux."

HALDANE, JOHN. "Editorial Introduction: Scholasticism — Old and New." PhQ 43 (1993), 403–11.

This essay, which introduces a special issue of PhQ on "Philosophers and Philosophies," includes references to Descartes and Pascal.

HALL, MARIE BOAS. Promoting Experimental Learning. Experiment and the Royal Society. Cambridge: CUP, 1991.

Review: Peter Dear in Isis 84 (1993), 148–49: Final chapter, "The View of the World: Friend or Foe," includes the contemporary French perception of the nature of the enterprises undertaken by the R.A.

HARTH, ERICA. Cartesian Women: Version and Subversions of Rational Discourse in the Old Regime. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1992.

Review: Margaret J. Osler in Isis 84 (1993), 582–83: Foucaultian framework claims that Cartesian thought eliminated the metaphorical discourse of resemblance, replacing it with discourse of reference. The discursive paradigm embedded in Cartesianism in its claim to universality and value neutrality "concealed the bias of gender." Demonstrates the marginalization of women intellectuals and in the Académie des Sciences, which adapted Cartesianism and excluded women. Of particular interest are M. de Scuder's opposition to Descartes's beast-machine theory and Charles Perrault on the description of the newly discovered cameleon. Presents also materials that might be used for a critique of Foucault.

HAYDEN, J. MICHAEL and MALCOM R. GREENSHIELDS. "The Clergy of Early Seventeenth-Century France: Self-Perception and Society's Perception." FHS 18.1 (1993), 145–172.

According to the authors, French society's perception of "the peasant majority and their parish clergy" changed dramatically after 1600, and this evolution of mentalities can be perceived in the "cahiers de doléances of the Estates general of 1614." The mainly negative views expressed by noblemen and bishops implied a vision of the ideal pasteur and sharply criticized the curés' private lives and public vices, thus "the Catholic Reformation was under way and France would never be the same."

HILDESHEIMER, FRANÇOISE. Le Jansénisme en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Paris: Publisud, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1726: "Françoise Hildesheimer présente d'abord l'augustinisme, puis Port-Royal, et enfin les divers jansénismes (religieux, politique, parlementaire); accompagnant l'exposé, des textes bien choisis et des cartes permettant de suivre la poussée du jansénisme dans les diocèses." Excellente bibliographie.
Review: Frédéric Delforge in BSHPF 138 (1992), 596: Successful synthesis on "jansenisms," origins, evolution, political strugles (through Revolution), and spiritual heritage. See also the author's Le Jansénisme, histoire et héritage (Paris: Desclée, 1992), a more schematic work on basic facts and values, "ce qui permet deux approches substantielles d'un mouvement dont l'actualité demeure."

________. Le Jansénisme. L'Histoire et l'héritage. Paris: Desclee de Brouwer, 1992.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1267: H. "examine successivement un `livre condamné', l'Augustinius, un `couvent réformé', Port-Royal, une `bulle contesté', Unigenitus. Elle s'efforce ensuite de situer et d'évaluer l'influence du jansénisme parmi les causes de la Révolution, et présente enfin des `définitions pour une compréhension'."

JARROSSON, BRUNO. Invitation à la philosophie des sciences. Paris: Seuil, 1992.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 746–47: "En somme, en peu de pages, mais avec pertinence, avec pédagogie aussi, le lecteur traverse les segments les plus essentiels — ce n'est une histoire des sciences — de la physique et des mathématiques, pour s'entendre poser la question de la nature de la connaissance scientifique."

KIRK, ROBERT. "'The Best Set of Tools'? Dennett's Metaphors and the Mind-Body Problem." PhQ 43 (1993), 335–43.

"In this 1991 study Consciousness Explained . . . , D. offers . . . 'an outline of the solution' to the mind-body problem . . . . He has certainly produced a splendid speculative empirical account of human mentality," in K.'s view, "with a wealth of interesting information and much useful philosophical discussion." On the other hand, K. considers D.'s "treatment of the core philosophical problems unsatisfying." D. "aims to exorcize Cartesian materialism . . . ."

KORS, ALAN CHARLES. Atheism in France, 1650–1729: The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.

Review: R. Whelan in MLR 88 (1993), 205–06: K.'s "perceptive analysis of a myriad of authors, teachers, theologians, and journalists — often more talked about than read — is a compelling (and well-written) story of how the debates and divisions, the institutional tensions and educational policies of a complex theological culture not only undermined its own certainties but also created an intellectual climate where `atheism became more than thinkable by the eighteenth century'."
  • See French 17 (1991).

KROLL, RICHARD W. F. The Material World: Literate Culture in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1991.

Review: James J. Bonno in Isis 84 (1993), 384–86: "Important and impressive book" in which Gassendi appears prominently on the English scene among science figures significant for the emergence and self-fashioning of the new Restoration culture. At its core is a "contingent epistemology" ultimately "premised on a sceptical empiricism." Gassendi's new discourse of contingency fundamentally shaped the methods and uses of Boyle, Charleton, Evelyn, not only natural philosophy but also the intersecting discoveries of linguistics, philosophy and scholarship, and biblical and literary criticism until well into the 18th century. "Emphasis on Gassendi will occasion much debate."

KUIZENGA, DONNA. "Once More with Feeling: Rhetorics of the Passions." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 41–57.

Evolution of philosophy and style in the imagery of texts by N. Coeffeteau, J.-F. Senault, M. Cureau de la Chambre, and P. Le Moyne, showing a link between each author's conception of the passions and the rhetorical choices he makes.

LABROUSSE, ELISABETH. "Marie Du Moulin éducatrice." BSHPF 139 (1993), 255–68.

Expands and corrects information on the family of Pierre I Du Moulin. Correspondent of Mlle de Scudéry, friend of Anna Van Schurman, Marie provided her brother Louis with basis for La Tyrannie des préjugez . . . , obituary notices for both Rivet and Du Moulin, and a treatise on education nicely discussed by Labrousse. Important elucidation of a figure that has deserved more recognition.

LAUDE, PATRICK D. Approches du quiétisme. Deux études suivies du Moyen court et très-facile pour l'oraison de Madame Guyon (texte de l'édition de 1685). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 68 (1991).

La Bruyère, mysticism, and anti-mysticism; and the conflict between Bossuet and Fénelon.

Review: M.-F. Bruneau in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 319–321: Deux essais sur le quiétisme et une édition du traité de Mme Guyon sur l'oraison (1685). L'érudition de L. est "ancrée dans l'histoire de la mystique chrétienne et dans l'histoire du dix-septième siècle français" et le livre sera précieux pour les chercheurs qui s'intéresse à l'Europe pré-moderne et à la psychologie religieuse.
Review: H. Hillenaar in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 251–254: The first study contrasts the common religion with the inner life of mystics based on La Bruyère's Dialogues posthumes; the second examines the systems of Bossuet and Fénelon. An excellent study despite the failure to take into account some of the lessons of depth psychology.

LAUDE, PATRICK D. "Perspectives on Subjectivity and the Ego in Seventeenth-Century French Thought." PFSCL 33 (1990), 531–546.

Demonstrates "how the status of the subject is essentially determined by their metaphysical conceptions of the relation between God and the human subjectivity." Mme Guyon's "quietism" seen as an effort to bridge the gulf between man and God.

LENNON, THOMAS M. The Battle of the Gods and Giants: The Legacies of Descartes and Gassendi, 1655–1715. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1993.

Review: F. Wilson in Choice 31 (1993), 472: L. contends that, despite appearances, "G. in fact won the [philosophical] war" with D. The author "traces the argument through the salons and the academies, and he discusses such major philosophical issues as atomism, the nature of space, the nature of essences (if any), and the representationalist account of perception. L. argues for a major reinterpretation of early modern philosophy, including a reading of Locke as taking up the defense of G. against D. L. further makes clear," says W., "that the differences were not merely metaphysical and scientific but extended to issues of moral philosophy and politics . . . ." W., finds "L.'s revisionist case . . . persuasive" and calls the study's bibliography "excellent."

LURIA, KEITH P. Territories of Grace. Cultural Change in the Seventeenth-Century Diocese of Grenoble. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1991.

Review: Laurence Fontaine in Annales-ESC 48 (1993), 162–64. Highest praise for model and precision of this tracing of the innovating initiatives of bishops adapted by families in the shaping of new cultural horizons.

McKNIGHT, STEPHEN A., ed. Science, Pseudo-science, and Utopianism in Early Modern Thought. Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, 1992.

Review: R. Palter in Choice 30 (1993), 820: "The seven essays . . . treat the role of occult and hermetic ideas in the so-called scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, as well as in the more general historical break with the Middle Ages and the birth of `modernity'." Mixed assessment.

MARLAND, HILARY, ed. The Art of Midwifery: Early Modern Midwives in Europe. London: Routledge, 1993.

Review: Ornella Moscucci in TLS 4726 (29 Oct. 1993), 26: Extensive range of manuscript as well as printed sources used to advantage for "a fascinating survey of the life, work and social standing and public role of midwives in various European countries between 1400 and 1800." Continues to contest old stereotypes of midwife as witch.

MICHAUD, CLAUDE. L'Eglise et l'argent sous l'Ancien Régime. Les Receveurs du clergé de France aux 16e et XVVIIe siècles. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: Françoise Bayard in Annales-ESC (1992), 1206–8: Considerable contribution in career of the 12 receivers, their milieux of operations, and the clergy's role in state finances from 1561 through the reign of Louis XIV.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MIDGLEY, MARY. Science and Salvation: A Modern Myth and Its Meaning. London: Routledge, 1992.

Review: Frank Palmer in PhQ 43 (1993), 396–97: In this book the author "concerns herself with the ethics, epistemology and metaphysics of scientifc enquiry." She studies two "pictures [that] involve ritual views of physical matter. The first, perpetuating the Cartesian legacy and the mechanistic world-picture of seventeenth-century science . . ., offers a view of physical nature as 'alien' and 'discontinuous with life.' The second conception sees it as generative of order, making life and consciousness possible. Though the author leans toward the second view," says P., "she painstakingly rejects the wild claims made on its behalf . . . ." According to P., the study is "admirable" and "full of insights."

MITCHELL, JOSHUA. Not by Reason Alone: Religion, History, and Identity in Early Modern Political Thought. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1993.

MOSS, JEAN DIETZ. Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copernican Controversy. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993.

Review: John North in TLS 4706 (11 June 1993), 12: "Brings together much familiar material but with new emphases," particularly in good treatment of the rhetoric of debates over heliocentrism and its models for the 17th c. polemics (e.g. Wilkins). Galileo is central to book, the consolidating and of devices used by Copernicus in De revolutionibus. Valuable discussion by reviewer on the relation of rhetoric to demonstration and dialectic as means of definition of rhetoric and on the limitations of claims like "the expansion of rhetoric into astronomy." "What would have repaid study is the way rhetoric bears on these different finds of propositions."

NADLER, STEVEN, ed. Causation in Early Modern Philosophy: Cartesianism, Occasionalism, and Preestablished Harmony. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1993.

Review: L. C. Archie in Choice 31 (1993), 470: "The central theme of this fine collection of papers is the 17th-century inquiry into the problem of causation, an inquiry that arose from the problems of reconciling the universally held view of God as creator and sustainer of the natural world with the newly developing scientific outlook." Essays in the volume discuss "the three major theories of causation emerging during that period: the interactionism of Descartes; the occaisionalism of Malebranche, Bayle, and LaForge; and the preestablished harmony of Leibniz." "A valuable aspect of the volume," in A.'s judgment, "is the provision of thorough comparative accounts of the various theories of causality in early modern philosphy." In addition to being "accessible" to nonspecialists, according to A., the essays "are also significant scholarly contributions . . . ."

OSLER, MARGARET, ed. Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquility: Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought. New York: CUP, 1991.

Review: Eric R. Meyer in Isis 84 (1993), 581–82: Adaptation generally held to show intimate relation of esthetic components of the ancient systems of thought with physical and cosmological as part of their appeal. Contains essay on Gassendi's Christian reinterpretation of fate by M. Osler; J. J. MacIntosh's examination of Boyle's attitude to Epicureanism, contrasted nicely with Gassendi's; Peter Baker on 17th-century Aristotelianism.
  • See French 17 (1992).

OURY, GUY-MARIE. Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier et ses pauvres, 1653–1727. Sainte-Foy: Eds. de la Liberté, 1993.

PANTIN, ISABELLE. Galilée, Siderus nuncius, Le messager céleste. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1992.

Review: E. Poulle in BHR 55 (1993), 469–70: Pamphlet dont le texte est établi à partir de l'édition princeps de 1610 et qui "occupe une place essentielle dans l'histoire des sciences." Annotation très érudite.

PHILSTROM, IRENE. Le Médecin et la médecine dans le théâtre comique français du XVIIe siècle. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1991.

Review: A. Blanc in RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 145–146: La médecine à travers 27 comédies, entre 1630 et 1680. Des remarques intéressantes sur le médecin et des traitements, mais l'hypothèse de l'analogie entre la médecine et la religion est très contestable.

PITASSI, MARIA-CRISTINA, ed. Apologétique 1680–1740. Sauvetage ou naufrage de la théologie? Genève: Editions Labor et Fides, 1991.

Review: J. Beaude in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 562–563: A colloquium dealing with the rise of apologetics and the decline of Christology in Christian thought.

________. De l'Orthodoxie aux lumières. Genève 1670–1737. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–561 (1992), 1727: "Que reste-t-il à Genève de l'héritage de Calvin entre la fin du XVIIe et le premier quart du XVIIIe siècle? C'est à cette question que veut répondre succinctement cet ouvrage."
Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 138 (1992), 594–95: "Pour bref qu'il soit, livre modeste et judicieux qui illumine avec une finesse remarquable ce que Troeltsch décrivait comme l'éclosion du néoprotestantisme."
Review: Jacques Solé in RHEF 179 (1993), 184: Fine sense of documentation in this "brève et élégante synthèse" from the reactions of Chouet and L. Tronchin to the rigor of the Consensus of 1675, then to the renewal of it after the Revocation, with its "bases philosophiques et religieuses où la Revelation s'appuie décidément sur la Raison chère aux Lumières."

POPKIN, RICHARD H. The Third Force in Seventeenth-Century Thought. Leiden: Brill, 1993.

Review: Susan James in TLS 4722 (1 Oct. 1993), 24: The Third Force, intellectuals troubled and combatting scepticism through theosopohic speculation and millenarian interpretations of scripture (scientists, theologians, rabbis, educationalists, Quakers, philosophers), forms a loose community represented by Newton, Cudworth, More Mede, Dury, and Commenius, for which one has to be "epistemologically generous." "Enthusiasm and sense of delight in the scholarly life," conveyed by these essays also displays Popkin's "boundless appetite for . . . and invigorating insistence on the strangeness of our intellectual past."

PRIEST, STEPHEN. Theories of the Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

Review: M. Losonsky in Choice 30 (1992), 632: P. "aims to introduce general readers to the major solutions in Western philosophy to the mind/body problem. His strategy is to provide clear but generally dependable summaries of contemporary and classic texts in the philosophy of mind." For example, he treats dualism in Descartes' Meditations. L. calls the book "leisurely reading for those general readers who want to avoid slugging through original texts, but it is not a useful introductory text. . . . P.'s discussion is not systematic," says L., adding, "it is weak on critical analysis, and it does little to show where the positions clash and where they fit. It is also weak," L. declares, "on contemporary developments. . . . A unique feature of this book is that it has accessible discussions of Hegel, Brentano, and Husserl."

RAPLEY, ELIZABETH. The Dévotes: Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France. Montreal: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1992.

Review: I. M. in TLS 4701 (7 May 1993), 27: "An elegant demonstration that the fervor of these women and the ambivalent, even subversive nature of their vocation are signs of their potential for action in the public sphere.
  • See French 17 (1992).

RENOUX, CHARLES. "Les Expériences et les phénomènes mystiques dans les Eloges de Mère de Blémur." RHSF 79 (1993), 3–46.

Studies the shaping of the eloges, in relation to the "lettres-circulaires," then tabulates the various kinds of inner experience used by this apologist for the order and the exemplary abbesse Mère Mechtilde du Saint Sacrament as well as the signs of God's intervention in the mysticism that reached a highpoint with visions of Marguerite-Marie Alacoque (1673–75). Pays little attention, the author concludes, to the morbid nature of some of the abbesses' (28 in all) ascetic displine. Calls for an extension of research to other communities.

REY, ROSELYNE. Histoire de la douleur. Paris: La Découverte, 1993.

Review: François Azouvi in Le Monde (3 Sept. 1993), 29: Since "douleur" is not a concept, it is accommodated to history of ideas here by attending to "hypothèses et les théories élaborées par les physiologistes pour en expliquer les mécanismes et pour y remédier." The explanations begin in the 1680s.

ROBERTS, K. B. and J. D. W. TOMLINSON. The Fabric of the Body: European Traditions of Anatomical Illustration. New York: Oxford UP, 1992.

Review: J. W. Galloway in Choice 30 (1992), 606: "The authors explore the landsape of the human body, as perceived and expressed by modern anatomy texts. Their work is understandably organized along historical lines, precisely authored, and superbly illustrated." G. considers the work to be "a major contribution to all aspects of medical illustration."

ROSSI, PAOLO. Il Passato, la memoria, l'oblio: sei saggi di storia delle idee. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991.

Review: William R. Shea in Isis 84 (1993), 150–51: Important treatment of mnemonic science in the 16th and 17th centuries (Descartes) with reflections on its continuation in our time. "A closely argued treatment of technical issues in the ars memorandi and an elegant piece of intellectual history and philosophical assessment."

ROUDAUT, FANCH, ALAIN CROIX, and FANCH BROUDIC, eds. Les Chemins du paradis. Taolennou Ar Baradoz. Douarnenez: Ed. de l'Estran, 1988.

Review: Joël Cornette in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 263–264: "Vers 1620, alors qu'un grand élan missionnaire traverse l'Eglise de la Réforme catholique, un certain Michel Le Nobletz entreprend d'évangéliser la population de la petite ville portuaire de Douarnenez. Il fonde sa prédication sur d'étranges cartes de géographie. Il s'agit d'indiquer, en s'adaptant à la culture essentiellement orale et visuelle de ses auditeurs, les routes à suivre pour gagner son salut. Pour la première fois, ces tableaux sont ici presque intégralement reproduits et étudieés pour eux-mêmes. Ils constituent un extraordinaire document."

RUMBOLD, MARGARET. Traducteur huguenot, Pierre Coste. New York: Lang, 1991.

Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 139 (1993), 528–29: Elucidates usefully the life of the preceptor of aristocratic charges (in England), the extent of translation of ancient and modern texts, the personal culture displayed, his position as secretary to Locke. Review proposes some factual corrections.

SARASOHN, LISA T. "Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc and the Patronage of the New Science in the Seventeenth-Century." Isis 84 (1993), 70–90.

Explores the intricacies of patronage and the brokerage of patronage networks whereby P. becomes the "spriritual heir" of the Italian bibliophile Pinelli (1600), then gains stature and "nobility" as secretary to Du Vair (1616–23) and mediator between Marie de Medici and Rubens, Grotius and the French court, from 1634 patron of Campanella, Mersenne, Galileo. Discusses informatively the "protection" of Galileo, the maneuverings with Mersenne, Gassendi. Shows tensions of patronage systems in the 1630s. Gassendi's life of Peiresc is valuably used to illustrate them.

SAUZET, MICHEL. Chroniques des frères ennemis: Catholiques et protestants è Nîmes de XVIe au XVIIe siècle. Caen: Eds. Paradigme, 1992.

Review: Michel Reulos in BSHPF 139 (1993), 314: 19 articles that present "avec précision les éléments qui opposaient les gens des deux confessions . . . d'autre part les aspects iréniques. The sitation of Nîmes is linked to the more general: "le chapître de 'conclusion' 'Papistes en terre huguenote: l'exception nîmoise' est particulièrement éclairant."

SCOTT, BRENDAN THOMAS. "Jesuit Theater in Paris: 1680–1740" (Princeton Univ., 1993). DAI 53:12, 4312A.

Plays composed by the professors of rhetoric (G. Le Jay and C. Porée) at the College Louis-le-Grand were a persuasive complement to sermons and classes of rhetoric.

SILHON, JEAN DE. Les Deux vérités. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 553: "Ce livre a le grand intérêt historique d'avoir été publiée en 1626, c'est-à-dire au moment où Descartes rédige les Regulae ad directionam ingenii, donc dix ans environ avant la parution du Discours de la méthode. On comprend grâce à cet ouvrage combien Descartes a pu être novateur. Jean de Silhon expose une sorte de Compendium de scolastique finissante dont les thèmes sont regroupés selon deux volets: Dieu et l'âme."

SOMAN, ALFRED. Sorcellerie et justice criminelle: Le Parlement de Paris (16e–18e siècles). London: Ashgate Publishing, 1992.

Review: Michel Reulos in BSHPF 138 (1992), 593: Useful collection of 15 previously published studies that form a valuable guide to the uses of sources as well as an understanding of rulings that will forestall anachronisms. The criminal statutes of 1670 are particularly focused to be illuminating in this manner.

THEIS, LAURENT. "Claude Brousson en 1692." BSHPF 39 (1993), 133–37.

Vivid portrait of the evolution from militancy to the non-violence of the Prière générale (1692) of the prédicant once an avocat in the Parlement of Toulouse.

TRIBOULET, RAYMOND. Gaston de Renty (1611–1649). Un homme de ce monde. Un homme de Dieu. Paris: Beauchesne, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 150: T. "a multiplié ses recherches tant sur la famille du gentilhomme, que sur les oeuvres auxquelles il a participé, et les `spirituels' qu'il a fréquentés. Son livre est une contribution précieuse à l'histoire religiuese de la France dans les années 1630–1650."
  • See French 17 (1992).

TRUCHETTI, MARIO. "Une Question mal posée: La Qualification de 'perpétuel et irrévocable à l'Edit de Nantes (1598). BSHPF 139 (1993), 41–78.

Careful examination of the difference between the intention of legislation and the R.P.R.'s perception of its "perpetuity" of tolerance, between "tolerance" and a conflictual "réunification." Analysis of Claude Brousson's Etat des réformés . . . (1684).

TURNER, JAMES GRANTHAM. Sexuality in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.

VAN ROODEN, PETER T. Theology, Biblical Scholarship and Rabbinical Studies in the Seventeenth-Century. Constantijn L'Empereur (1591–1648), Professor of Hebrew and Theology at Leiden. Leiden: Brill, 1989.

Review: François Laplanche in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 236–237: According to Van Rooden, history of religious ideas should "prendre en compte le milieu des théologiens calvinistes, en tant qu'auteurs de travaux érudits. Ce serait inexact de laisser le monopole de ceux-ci aux seuls philologues de la République des Lettres au XVIIe siècle." In this view, "ce savant et minutieux travail apporte d'amples et indispensables renseignements sur le réseau des hébraïstes chrétiens dans l'Europe du Nord."

VARACHAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Le Père Houry, S. J., 1631–1729. Paris: Beauchesne, 1993. Preface byJean de Viguerie.

First biography of professor and preacher known mainly for the Bibliothèque des prédicateurs (20 vols., 1711–25). Thematic analysis of the Bibliothèque.

VINKEN, BARBARA CORNELIA. "Theories of the Aesthetic from Port-Royal to Rousseau and Sade" (Yale Univ., 1992). DAI 53:11, 3898A.

Includes analysis of discourses on "comédie" by Nicole, Bossuet, and Huet, as well as the "semiological impact" of Pascal's theology.

VIZIER, ALAIN. "Artifices pour l'extase: Politique et subjectivation selon Senault." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 59–78.

Une analyse des productions de subjectivité comme synthèses artificielles chez S.

WETSEL, DAVID. "`La religion de Mahomet': Pascal and the Tradition of Anti-Islamic Polemics." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 467–488.

A study of Pascal's refutation of Islam. Pascal's treatment of the religion is not innovative and is subordinated to his Christian apologetic purpose.

WILLIAMS, MICHAEL. Unnatural Doubts. Oxford: B. Blackewll, 1991.

Review: Christopher Hookway in PhQ 43 (1993), 389–92: This volume contains W.'s "defence of . . . the assumption . . . that by attacking foundationalism one undermines scepticism." W. considers foundationalism to be "the basic dogma of an entire philosophical enterprise which he refers to as 'traditional epistemology,' and which encompasses Descartes and Hume as well as various twentieth-century thinkers . . . ." "A great strength of the book," in H.'s opinion, "is W.'s sensitivity to . . . the dialectical position of a philosopher trying to come to terms with scepticim." H. states that this book "should command the attention of all philosophers interested in skepticism." The author's "mastery of the literature, the forcefulness with which he develops an important and original perspective, and the seriousness of his engagement with other thinkers make his book a major contribution to contemporary epistemology."

YARDENI, MIRIAM. "Naissance et essor d'un mythe: la Révocation de l'Edit de Nantes et le déclin de la France." BSHPF 139 (1993), 79–96.

Protestant propaganda (even before the Revocation) linked persectuion with French economic decline. Louis's last wars, along with the prosperity of Prussia and Brandenburg, consecrated the myth (confirmed the prophecy). Despite recent views to the contrary, situating emigration as one factor, the myth still flourishes.

YORK, ANNE-MARIE. "Pasquier Quesnel and the Third Generation of Jansenism" (UCLA, 1992). DAI 53:12, 4446A.

A study of Q., who assumed leadership of the "parti janséniste" in 1694.


ABBEELE, GEORGES VAN DEN. Travel as Metaphor: From Montaigne to Rousseau. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1992.

Review: Lisa Neal in P&L 17 (1993), 134–36: This book "goes beyond a mere illustration of the commonplace of travel as a metaphor for critical thought in order to investigate the extent to which the metaphor of travel might actually limit thought. In a series of readings examining the figure of travel in the writings of Montaigne, Descartes, Montesquieu, and Rousseau, . . . A. repeatedly exploits the Derridian paradox of the `proper': . . . [e.g.,] error can only be imagined when contained within the structure of truth (Descartes) . . . ." "The historical dimension of this study . . . may be more valuable for current scholarship," says N., "than certain deconstructive exercises performed by A. which are, by this time, relatively familiar." "The four chapters reiterate the theme of filial succession, often expressed in terms of the oedipus complex. . ." but are not redundant in the reviewer's opinion. The book might have been improved, she believes, had the editors chosen "to emend its highly Gallicized diction and frequently unidiomatic style."

ABRAHAM, CLAUDE. "Juifs et judéité dans la tragédie classique: Hérode et Mariamne." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 247–57.

". . . dans les nombreuses versions de l'histoire d'Hérode et de Mariamne qui ont vu le jour et la scène au dix-septième siècle et au début du dix-huitième, ces deux Juifs sont toujours présentés non pas tels qu'ils ont été, ou même tels qu'ils auraient pu être, mais tels que les contemporains de Hardy, de Tristan, ou de Voltaire voulaient qu'ils aient été."

ALLOTT, TERENCE. "The Fable Comes of Age, 1620–1650." SCFS, 15 (1993), 85–98.

Valuable overview of 17th-c. "maturity" of the fable. Traces schools' use of texts from 1608 Jesuit ed. to the 1682 Eton ed. and transformations of the Planudean Vita (especially interesting for Mézirac's 1632 politicized rewriting of it and the fable into the Age of Richelieu. Final focus of analysis on Audin's Fables héroiques comprenant les véritables maximes de la politique chrétienne et de la morale (1648). La Fontaine's Fables choisies proposed as "a rejection of much that had happened to the fable form during the Age of Richelieu, attested in the paratext of the Vie and the preface.

ALTMAN, JANET GURKIN. "Espace public, espace privé: la politique de la publication de lettres sous l'ancien régime." RBPH 70 (1992), 607–23.

"Si le bicentenaire de la Révolution française a encouragé les historiens à faire le point récemment sur les rapports entre la pensée de Haberman (Strukturwandel der Offentlichkeit, 1962) et la recherche actuelle dans le domaine de l'histoire sociale, il serait également utile de repenser l'histoire d'un genre de discours pour lequel l'analyse de Habermans se révèle particulièrement pertinente: le genre epistolaire."

AREY, MARIE-JO. "Un Phénomène de dépendance: L'Amour-maladie chez Sévigné et Proust." SYM 45 (Winter 1992), 243–54.

"Cette étude voudrait d'abord rappeler et discuter brièvement l'essentiel de la critique de Sévigné dans l'oeuvre de Proust, et se concentrer ensuite sur un aspect peut-être moins évident de transmission ou de contamination d'un auteur à l'autre . . . . On présentera ici une manifestation mimétique, à la fois thématique et structurale, d'un texte à l'autre."

BAADER, RENATE. Das Frauenbild im literarischen Frankreich: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988.

Review: H. Grauerholz-Heckmann in Archiv 229 (1992), 223–226: 17th c. specialists will particularly benefit from discussions of the salons, bienséance and the précieuses in this wide-ranging study of the image of the woman. Selected bibliography and author and work index.

BACCAR, ALIA BORNAZ, La Mer, source de création litéraire au XVIIe (1640–1671). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 62 (1991).

Review: M. Alcover in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 287–289: Une étude ambitieuse de la typologie de l'aventure marine, la rhétorique de la mer et les fonctions de la mer dans les oeuvres narratives et dramatiques; on regrette les fautes d'organisation et des lacunes importantes.
Review: M.-C. Canova-Green in MLR 88 (1993), 459–60: "systematic and thorough study" of sea imagery and "its role in seventeenth-century fiction and drama."
Review: Kathryn Willis Wolfe in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 20: "This study uses both the Bachelardian interpretation of water and the study of baroque thematics to study the treatment of the sea in French novels and drama of the 17th century," from Gomberville's La Cythérée to Bouhours' Entretiens d'Eugène et d'Ariste. Since Baccar keeps deploring the banality of most descriptions and narrations, the reviewer feels she may have missed "what John Lapp", in his essay The Brazen Tower, "calls `secret myths' or `sunken imagery' as partaking of rhetoric or imagery associated with a myth."
  • See French 17 (1991).

BAUSTERT, RAYMOND. "Raison et avant-passion dans les lettres de consolation de 1600 à 1650." SFr 107 (1992), 217–237.

So far, scholars have carefully defined 17th-century society's attitude towards death, and literary genres like the 'oraison funèbre' have been studied extensively. Baustert analyses a less known genre, the 'lettres de consolation' and examines themes and rhetorical argumentation, all based on an opposition between reason and passion's immediate manifestations. Letters reveal how profound was Seneca's influence on early 17th-century baroque literature.

BELLENGER, YVONNE, GABRIEL CONESA, JEAN GARAPON, CHARLES MAZOUER, et JEAN SERROY, éds. L'Art du théâtre. Mélanges en hommage à Robert Garapon. Paris: PUF, 1992.

BERTAUD, MADELEINE et ANDRE LABATIT, Eds. Amour tragique, amour comique, de Bandello à Molière. Actes de la journée d'étude du 9 nov. 1987 du Centre de Philologie et de Littératures romanes de Strasbourg. Paris: SEDES, 1989.

Review: L. Godard de Donville in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 256–257: Sept communications nous offrent "la synthèse de pénétrantes réflexions sur des textes consacrés," avec attention à La Calprenède, Thomas Corneille et Molière.
  • See French 17 (1991).

BERTHIERE, SIMONE and LUCETTE VIDAL. Anthologie de la littérature française: XVIIe siècle. Paris: Union Général d'Edition, 1993.

Review: François Bott in Le Monde (11 June, 1993), 26: Periodization, 1600–1660, "choix décisifs," 1660–1685, "l'autorité monarchique," 1685–1715, "l'esprit critique." Reviewer applauds inclusion with "les stars" of Balzac, Maynard, Bayle.

BERTRAND, DOMINIQUE. "Traduction et effets comiques." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 239–249.

A study on some 17th-century French translators' views on the rendition of "effets comiques" of foreign literary works. Michel de Marolles, in his Remarques following his edition of Plautus's Comédies, developed a "stylistique comique."

BOLDUC, BENOIT, ed. Andromède délivrée, intermède anonyme (1623). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 70 (1992).

Review: C. Delmas in RHL 93:2 (mar/avr 93), 257: La nature de l'intermède reste incertaine, malgré l'effort "d'attirer l'attention sur une 'littérature' de circonstance destinée à la consommation courante."
Review: P. Gethner in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 211–212: Critical edition of an intermède, an anonymous 406-line, 3-act tragedy published in 1624. An "extremely valuable edition" of a "very readable play."

BOUCQUEY, THEIRRY, "Choréographie cadavérique: la Fabrica de Vésale et le monde à l'envers." Continuum 5 (1993) 1–14.

Etude qui examine ". . . les nombreux points de suture liant l'examen anatomique vésalien, son texte et ses illustrations, au théâtre bouffon de son époque."

_________. Mirages de la farce. Fête des fous, Bruegel et Molière. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1991.

Review: B. C. Bowen in FrF 17 (1992), 337–339: This small volume has an ambitious and exciting goal but the attempt to relate these particular examples of literature to art fails, in the opinion of the reviewer. A pluralistic and often jargon-laden approach guides B.'s examination of the Feast of Fools, French farce, Bruegel's paintings and Molière's Amphitryon and Malade imaginaire. Reviewer does find some analyses "lively and provocative" but points out numerous errors and unhelpful generalizations.

BRADBY, DAVID, ed. Landmarks of French Classical Drama. London: Methuen Drama, 1991.

Review: M. Sorrell in MLR 88 (1993), 461–62: Volume contains five masterpieces of French drama from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in translation, "all produced on the British professional stage in the 1980's . . . ." These include David Bryer's translation of Le Cid; Robert David MacDonald's trans. of Phèdre; C. Hampton's Tartuffe; J. Fowles's Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard; W. Gaskill's Le Mariage de Figaro. "This is a worthwhile book, especially for the person concerned with literary and dramatic translation."

BRAIDER, CHRISTOPHER. Refiguring the Real: Picture and Modernity in World and Image, 1400–1700. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1993.

Review: Ronald Bogue in P&L 17 (1993), 372–74: Book described as a "rich and subtle study of the tensions between image and text in Renaissance and Baroque painting and culture." "B. argues for an essential reciprocity between word and image in the modern era, but his emphasis finally is on pictorial naturalism as an autonomous and empirically grounded force that transforms Western thought by problematizing all efforts to impose a textual signification of the real." Includes comparison of Descartes's Discours and Vermeer's The Art of Painting, which "are juxtaposed to demonstrate the essentially visual and perspectival nature of the Cartesian cogito . . . ." The study also contains what B. calls "a masterful analysis of the incipient sublime of Poussin's classicism . . . ." "This is an important book," says B., "exemplary in its integration of close exegesis, complex historical analysis, and broad theoretical speculation."

BROWN, MARSHALL and JOHN C. COLDEWEY, eds. "The State of Literary History." MLQ 54.1 (1993).

Special issue containing an interesting and provocative collection of seventeen articles addressing this topic.

BRUNSWIC, ANNE. "La Tragédie classique." Lire 209 (Feb., 1993), 103–12.

Attractive, strikingly illustrated "dossier." "Pour tous" (including perhaps a beginning class). Interview with Daniel Mesguich.

CAIRNCROSS, JOHN. "The Uses of History: Molière and Louis XIV Revisited." ELF 58 (1993), 25–31.

C. views as critical "a serious and sustained effort . . . to bridge the gap between literary studies and the theatre. A more extensive use of history in all fields of Molière's activities would also undoubtedly infuse fresh life into that effort." C. illustrates his thesis with a discussion of Amphitryon in the context of the battle over Tartuffe.

CARLIN, CLAIRE. "Weighty Thoughts on a Heavyweight." Continuum 5 (1993) 245–250.

A review article of Serge Doubrovsky's Autobiographiques: de Corneille à Sartre (Paris: PUF, 1988) and Michel Prigent's Le Héros et l'Etat dans la tragédie de Pierre Corneille (Paris: PUF, 1986/1988). C. highlights interesting and differing readings in these works and comments on shortcomings in method and research.

CAVE, TERENCE. Recognitions: A Study in Poetics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.

Review: See Pasco below.

CHAMPS DU SIGNE. Sémantique Rhétorique Poétique, no. 3. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1992.

Review: Pierre Malandain in RSH 230 (1993), 208–09: Third number of this "nouvelle revue de Toulouse" includes article on Molière ("archaïsmes de Chrysale") and "la très solide contribution de B. Vouilloux sur Challe," in which the critic "étudie deux fondements du fameux 'réalisme' challien, qu'il préfère appeler le 'réalisable': le portrait . . . et 'la détaille' . . . ."

CHAUVEAU, JEAN-PIERRE. Anthologie de la poésie française au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.

Review: A. C. in CTH 15 (1993), 55: Augmented and corrected 2nd printing (first, 1987) on superior paper. 70 poets in all. Reviewer recalls the "trop peu cité" Cent poètes lyrique, précieux, burlesque by Paul Plivier (1898).

_______. "La Voix des poètes." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 199–212.

Early 17th-century poets upheld the Renaissance `vision orphique' of poetry's creative power.

CLEMENT, MICHELE. "L'Impossible Représentation: l'image chez quelques poètes baroques." SFr 107 (1992), 297–300.

A close examination of some poems by J.-B. Chassignet, Claude Hopil and Lazare de Selve which shows a tension between vision and non-vision. It leads Clément to ask "ce qui semble le triomphe de l'imaginaire dans la poésie baroque ne serait-il pas plutôt la mise en scène de la défaillance de l'image?".

COLE, SUSAN LETZER. The Absent One. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1991.

Review: Carol Martin in TDR 37.1 (1993), 178–79: Theauthor "argues that there is a deep structural relationship between ritual mourning and tragic drama. This relationship, born out of C.'s theory that tragic drama has its originary impulse in funerary ritual, is marked by the enactment of ambivalence and a number of other components of tragedy." C.'s "theory proceeds from an analysis of the ritual performance of mourning in three cultures . . . ." Racine's Phèdre is one of the dramatic works "discussed at length" in this book, which, according to M., "stands out as a work that is both intellectually and emotionally engaged." "One major caveat is that C. focuses . . . on the mourning of males." M. suggests that the experience of mourning female characters needs to be studied "in light of C.'s theory."

COLEMAN, KATHLEEN. Guide to French Poetry Explication. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1993.

Review: R. T. Ivey in Choice 31 (1993), 426: Noting that "...few works...provide access to criticism of French poetry...," I. finds that "this guide fills a need." Coverage is limited to "explications published between 1960 and 1990 in Engish and French, and to poets that appeared in editions published in the 19th and 20th centuries. The largest an alphabetical listing of poets ranging from ... Marie de France to Yves Bonnefoy. For each poet, individual poems are listed alphabetically, followed by critical writings about that poem. A shorter Section... lists critics for whom five or more explications are listed. The critics belong to many literary schools of thought. In the guide's simplicity lies it strength...," the reviewer asserts.

CORNILLE, JEAN-LOUIS. "Le soi disant." RSH 224 (1991), 43–62.

This article focuses mainly on Michel Leiris, with numerous references to various works by L., especially L'Age d'homme. Descartes and Discours de la méthode also figure extensively in C.'s discussion.

CORUM, ROBERT T. JR. "Reduction Redux." Continuum 5 (1993) 221–224.

A review article of Wilfried Floeck's Esthétique de la diversité. Pour une histoire du baroque littéraire en France. (PFSCL/Biblio 17, 43 [1989]) in which C. suggests that "while the reader can admire his [Floeck's] impressive erudition and take pleasure in this guided tour . . . the result does little to advance our understanding of the era."

CORVIN, MICHEL, ed. Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théâtre. Paris: Bordas, 1991.

Review: Martin Banham in ThR 18 (1993), 154: The editor of this volume "offers what he claims to be the first publication of its kind in the French language — an encyclopaedia of theatre with an international perspective." "Supported by over 200 contributors . . ., [c.] has produced a lively and scholarly work of reference that usefully complements others and . . . often extends or refocuses information available elsewhere." In B.'s opinion, this work "makes an important and individual contribution to theatre scholarship."

COUTON, GEORGES. Ecritures codées. Essais sur l'allégorie au XVIIe siècle. Paris: Aux Amateurs de Livres, 1990.

Review: Harriet Allentuch in FR 66 (1993), 622–23: Insists that allegory is the fundamental mode of thinking and imagining, for the 17th century, as well as a means of ornamentation, adulation, propaganda. Initially a series of public lectures, "sondages" in various areas, begins with an essay on the vocabulary, then goes on to Biblical readings, particularly of Port-Royal, a sermon by Bossuet, engravings done for the Jesuits, polemics between Corneille and D'Aubignac, essays on antonomesia in a range of texts but particularly Molière and La Bruyère. "Wonderful illustrations." Limitations of this very rich scholarship are an exclusive attention to French texts without wider and older traditions.
Review: J.-P. Collinet in IL 44.5 (nov/déc 92), 38–39: Un élégant volume qui jette une multitude d'éclairages sur l'époque et ses mentalités. Un "beau modèle d'intelligente et savante pluridisciplinarité."
  • See French 17 (1992).

CRONK, NICHOLAS. "The Invention(s) of Literary History." Continuum 5 (1993) 185–190.

A review article of Denis Hollier's A New History of French Literature (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989) in which C. highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the "fragmented literary history."

CURTIUS, ERNST ROBERT. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.

Review: W.-D. Lange in RF 104 (1992), 200–204: This latest printing with enthusiastic afterword by Peter Godman is treated in a richly documented review in which L. traces numerous and varying appreciations of ERC.'s massive work.

DALLA VALLE, DANIELA. "Inceste et mythe dans le théâtre français du XVIIe siècle." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 181–97.

L'auteur se propose "d'analyser comment ce type de thématique est repris et utilisé dans la tragédie française du XVIIe siècle, période pendant laquelle la connaissance humaniste des textes grecs a déjà convié les auteurs à reprendre les mythes anciens, mais le poids de la conscience chrétienne ne peut que modifier profondément le choix de ces mythes." D. V. s'arrête "sur quelques reprises des deux thèmes classiques consacrés à l'inceste majeur, entre la mère et le fils — Oedipe et Phèdre justement —, pour examiner ensuite d'autres pièces, historiques où de fiction, qui semblent circonscrire et confirmer le type d'approche de ce problème au XVIIe siècle." Parmi les auteurs du dix-septième siècle, on trouve P. Corneille, La Pinelière, Grenaille, Tristan, Auvray, Gilbert Bidar, Pradon, Racine.

DAMIANI, BRUNO and BARBARA MUJICA. Et in Aradia Ego: Essays on Death and the Pastoral Novel. Langham: UP of America, 1990. Forward byElias Rivers.

Review: Donna Kuizenga in FR 66 (1993), 806: L'Astrée, one of the six major texts scrutinized, marks the end of a thematic evolution (from Cervantes Galatea) in which death is an omnipresent obsession. "Contrary to superficial expectations, the protrayal of death is as much a key to each text's worldview as its presentation of love." A rich knowledge of classical and Renaissance European literature and contextualizations of contemporary influences contribute to "an exemplary comparative approach."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DEJEAN, JOAN. Fictions of Sappho 1546–1937. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1990.

Review: Janis L. Palister in SCN 50.3–4 (1992), 71–72: The author "traces four centuries of French traditions . . . regarding Sappho, and with proposing new directions for the understanding" of her poetry, "its subtleties of gender, its complexities of desire, and its multiplicity of voices." The reviewer examines mainly Sappho's presence in 17th-century poetry and the new editions and translations which appeared during the second half of the century. All in all "this complex and intensely scholarly work makes use of the best insights of classical, modern, and specifically modern-feminist criticism."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DEJEAN, JOAN and NANCY K. MILLER, eds. Displacements: Women, Tradition, Literature in French. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1991.

Review: Sharon M. DiFino in SoAR 58.1 (1993), 120–21: "The book [described as "this fine volume"] is divided into three parts. The first part, `Making Canons in France: Histories of the Classic,' reveals the way 'ideologies of gender, art and national identity collaborate and collide in different moments of French history' (x). The second part, entitled `Canons and Contexts: Production, Reception, Revision,'. . . closely examines how women's particiaption has been ignored over the ages and across the genres. . . . The third . . . part, `Canons and Other Voices: Rolocating French Literature,'. . . contains a mixture of interviews, biographical accounts, and essays by women writers from various backgrounds, nationalities, and sexual identities." ". . . the goal of this collection of essays is . . . to raise serious issues that challenge the prevailing views in French literary historiography, which often exclude or marginalize French women writers."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DELMAS, CHRISTIAN. "L'unité du genre tragique au XVIIe siècle." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 103–23.

"Aussi nous paraît-il, même débarrassée de tout a priori sur la filiation et la distinction des genres dramatiques, qu'une approche descriptive toute formaliste et fonctionnaliste de la tragédie dite classique ne saurait à elle seule rendre compte des caractères spécifiques qui la fondent, quasi biologiquement, dans son unité d'organisme vivant. Elle ne saurait non plus en percevoir l'exacte visée, qui n'est pas de simple psychologie, qui n'est pas non plus purement politique, mais engage, comme tout grand théâtre humain, une interrogation global sur la relation de l'être au monde. Par un retournement assez paradoxal, c'est la forme particulière et prétendue marginale de la tragédie à machines qui, par son caractère de théâtre total réunissant des arts multiples et des degrés étagés d'humanité, nous paraît aujourd'hui se prêter à une perception plus équilibrée des modalités et des enjeux du genre la plus générale."

DENS, JEAN-PIERRE. "L'Escole des Filles: premier roman libertin du XVIIe siècle?" CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 239–248.

The 1655 novel is an important precursor of 18th c. libertine literature, in which sexual liberation is accompanied by individual and intellectual self-awareness.

DENYS-TUNNEY, ANNE. Ecritures du corps de Descartes à Laclos. Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: Renée Waldinger in FR 67 (1993), 126–27: Points to Descartes as iniator of the modern representation of the body and its problems. "Brilliant" analysis centers on the 18th century (Marivaux's break with the précieux novel. Diderot's Nun, La Nouvelle Héloïse, Laclos).

DESIRAT, DOMINIQUE, ed. Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture. By Jean-Baptiste Du Bos. Paris: Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1993.

Review: Philippe Dagen in Le Monde des Livres (8 Oct. 1993), 30: High praise for the non-dogmatic, non-systemic insights on painting, writing and their parallel objectives of representation of passions; the particularities of an execution (Molière and Racine as well as Titian or Raphael). Agrees with editor that "Ce qui fait la bonté de cet ouvrage, c'est qu'il n'y a que peu d'erreurs et beaucoup de réflexions vraies, nouvelles, profondes."

DIAZ, BRIGITTE. "Vie des grands auteurs du programme: Les biographies d'écrivains dans les manuels scolaires." RSH 224 (1991), 249–64:

D. discusses "l'historique d'un genre mineur de la biographie d'écrivain" as well as "les enjeux idéologiques et esthétiques de cette captation scolaire du biographique . . . ." D. asks these questions: "Comment l'école écrit-elle ses mythes du 'grand écrivain français'? A quelles exigences critiques et didactiques répondent ces mises en scène scolaires des vies illustres?" Includes brief references to 17th century and to Molière.

DOTOLI, GIOVANNI. Letteratura per il populo en Francia (1600–1750). Fasano: Schena, 1991.

Review: P. Tomlinson in MLR 88 (1993), 460–61: Six essays previously published between 1981 and 1989, revised and updated. The attempt is "to define the mentality of the popular classes and thereupon of the era; the approach adopted is pluri-disciplinary, drawing upon history . . ., anthropology, sociology, psychology, ethnology, and linguistics. . . ."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DOUBROVSKY, SERGE. Autobiographiques: de Corneille à Sartre. Paris: PUF, 1988.

Review: See Carlin above.

DURANTON, HENRY. ed. Correspondance littéraire du président Bouhier, no. 13 et 14. Saint-Etienne: Presses Universitaires de Saint-Etienne, 1987/1988.

Review: A. Stefenelli in ZRP 108 (1992), 363–365: Careful, valuable edition of extensive correspondance of Jean Bouhier (1673–1746), President of the Parlement de Bourgogne in Dijon and member of the Académie française. Besides being of interest as a record of B.'s personal activities, the letters are an informative document on the period and shed light on philological concerns, the appreciation of literature, a commentary on new editions of Mme de Sévigné for example.

EKSTEIN, NINA. "Reference and Resemblance in the Seventeenth-Century Literary Portrait." SFr 106 (1992), 9–20.

An analysis of the "the question of referentiality" in the 17th-century portrait focusing mainly on Mlle de Montpensier's Divers Portraits and the anonymous Recueil des Portraits et Eloges. The novels of Mlle de Scudéry are also taken into account. Ekstein's study shows that a "mixture of convention, naming and flattery, and not realism, serve as the vehicle for reference and resemblance." So "the portrait despite the varied forces operating against any reference to an existing individual has become an essentially non-fictional genre."

ELIAS, NORBERT. Engagement et distanciation. Contribution à la sociologie de la connaissance. Trans.Michèle Hulin. Paris: Fayard, 1993. Introduction byRoger Chartier.

EMELINA, JEAN. Le Comique. Essai d'interprétation générale. Paris: SEDES, 1991.

Review: D. Bertrand in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 234–235: A pragmatic definition of the comic that emphasizes the intention to produce a comic result. The conditions necessary for the existence of the comic and its procedures. Bibliography.
  • See French 17 (1992).

________. "Le Plaisir tragique." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 35–47.

Article qui porte sur la nature et le sens de "`ce plaisir que donne la pitié et la crainte'."

DAS ERBE DES CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUZ. Johann Valentin Andreae 1586–1986 und die Manifeste der Rosenkreuzerbruderschaft 1614–1616. Amsterdam/Stuttgart: In de Pelikaan/Hauswedell, 1988.

Review: P. Fuchs in HZ 255 (1992), 765–767: Representative of present-day scholarship, this collection from the 1986 symposium commemorating Andreae's birth (Amsterdam) includes important contributions ranging from relation of the society to antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance down to today's New Age religion.

FARRELL, MICHELE. "Early Orientalisms." ECr 32 (1992), 5–13.

Effective point and counterpoint presentation focuses on texts of Mme de Sévigné, Molière, Pascal and gives a perceptive overview of essays in this issue. F.'s definition of "exoticism" is : "signals from within normative French discourse referring to worlds, cultures, and languages outside itself."

FERRIER-CAVERIVIERE, NICOLE, éd. Thèmes et genres littéraires aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Mélanges en l'honneur de Jacques Truchet. Paris: PUF, 1992.

FLOECK, WILFRIED. Esthétique de la diversité. Pour une histoire du baroque littéraire en France. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 43 (1989).

Review: See Corum above.

FO, MARIO. The Tricks of the Trade. Trans.Joe Farrell. Ed. Stuart Hood. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Review: Ilona S. Koren-Deutsch in TheatreS 38 (1993), 98–99: "This sprawling, exuberant book is essentially drawn from performance seminars given by F. and his wife Franca Rame at various locations in Europe during the 1980's . . . . Their seminars . . . combined masks, performances, mimes and songs in an effort not only to show their audiences how to be good comic performers, but to teach them the history of comic performance back to the commedia dell'arte troupes, to itinerant medieval jongleurs, and to comic traditions in ancient Greece and Rome." In discussing commedia dell'arte "F. begins by recounting the origins of Harlequin, and defining the Italian term. For F., commedia dell'arte means primarily comedy staged by professional actors, which is based on a combination of dialogue and action, on spoken monologue and performed gesture, and not on mime alone." According to K., "in addition to being educational, . . . [this book] is fun."

FOURNIER, NATHALIE. L'aparté dans le théâtre français du XVIIe siècle au XXe siècle. Louvain/Paris: Editions Peeters, 1991.

Review: Isabelle Landy-Houillon in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 419–420: Examen des différentes fonctions de l'aparté avec une discussion significative sur sa fonction métadiscursive.

FRANCE, PETER. Politeness and its Discontents: Problems in French Classical Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

Review: R. Howells in MLR 88 (1993), 458–59: Collection of previously published but modified articles that "span the 'long' classical period, from the accession of Louis XIV to the Revolution. . . they have in common Peter France's longstanding interest in rhetoric, sociability, and primitivism." Thoughtful, scholarly work.
  • See French 17 (1992).

FREUDENBURG, KIRK. The Walking Muse: Horace and the Theory of Satire. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.

Review: Emily Gowers in TLS 4715 (13 Aug. 1993), 21: The unclassifiable unstable genre as H. wished to create it is a literary hybrid accomodating a Protean, fictional self-portrait. Early diatribes confront the clumsy Cynic preacher, one type of human among many in the eclectic mix of the sophisticated manipulation with a higher purpose: to draw attention to H.'s own poetry and fastidious literary standards. Transformations in Books I and II manage this: finally, also, meditation on the kind of role that exists for a satirist in a civilized society uneasy about free speech.

GAUDIANI, CLAIRE et JACQUELINE VAN BAELEN, éds. Création et Recréation: Un Dialogue entre Littérature et Histoire. Mélanges offerts à Marie-Odile Sweetser. ELF 58 (1993).

Contributions from twenty scholars of seventeenth-century French literature. In her introduction, Gaudiani acknowledges Sweetser's insightful scholarship, skilled teaching, and generous mentoring of young colleagues. "The authors of the articles reconnect history to literary analysis in the pursuit of richer readings of seventeenth-century texts." All articles reviewed elsewhere in this volume of French 17.

GEARHART, SUZANNE. The Interrupted Dialectic: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Their Tragic Other. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992.

Review: Susan Read Baker in SoAR 58.2 (1993), 160–61: B. finds in this work "a rich harvest of reflections on a wide variety of texts central to Western thought. Arguing that both speculative (Hegelian) philosophy and (Freudian) phychoanalysis derive from the interpretation each gives to tragedy, G. explores the consequences of this origin for both disciplines." G. argues "that philosophy and psychoanalysis find their insights confirmed in tragedy because tragedy is already deeply philosophical and psychoanlytic." Among the "stimulating topics" G. examines are "the attempt of classical French dramatists to surpass ancient tragedy and Hegel's subsequent refusal to recognize his own ambition in their project. . . ." Having expressed minor reservations, B. stresses G.'s "engrossing conclusions" and calls the study "an important book that will impress general readers and scholars alike."

GENETIOT ALAIN. Les Genres lyriques mondains (1630–1660): Etude des poésies de Voiture, Vion d'Alibray, Sarasin et Scarron. Genève: Droz, 1990.

Review: D. Clarke in MLR 88 (1993), 200–201: "What emerges very well from this elegantly written monograph is how, after 1630, the favoured minor lyrical genres exemplify a new kind of poetry conceived, in its creation and consumption, as a pleasurable game, the ground rules of which were elaborated within the refined social group for which it was written.
Review: Rosa Galli Pellegrini in SFr 103 (1991), 131: A "useful" work on "poésie mondaine." It focuses on rhetorical and poetical codes, and their intricate links with society's conventions. A second volume will complete this research.
  • See French 17 (1992).

GETHNER, PERRY. "Women's Letters in Classical French Comedy." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 1–16.

Letters composed by women in comedy function as declarations of independence for "imprisoned" female characters, declarations of affection for "semi-emancipated" characters, or declarations from liberated heroines which may violate social and moral norms but also inspire admiration.

GODARD DE DONVILLE, LOUISE. Le Libertin des origines à 1665: un produit des apologètes. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 51 (1989).

Review: P. Ronzeaud in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 273–275: Un projet original qui examine le libertin figuré par les controversistes et les apologètes, qui inventent sa représentation. Un "historique indispensable pour toute approche ultérieure du libertinage du XVIIe siècle."

GOLDSMITH, ELIZABETH C., ed. Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature. Boston: Northeastern UP, 1989.

Review: Cathleen M. Bauschatz in P&L 17 (1993), 147–48: This is "a collection of essays on women's epistolarity: letters written by real women . . . as well as letters written by fictional women in novels by both men and women." "Despite the enormous variety in chronology and geography . . .," says B., "the essays are linked by their common attempt to define the nature of the female voice in the letter-writing genre." The introduction contains "one of the key questions of the book: can male authors faithfully represent the female voice, or is this sort of literary `cross-dressing' inevitably doomed to failure?" The volume includes an essay by G. on Mme de Sévigné. "Definition of the female epistolary genre . . . still remains a task for the reader to undertake, after finishing the book," notes the reviewer. "But this . . . is appropriate," she adds, "for examples of the letter genre, which require, above all other genres, a response."

GOODKIN, RICHARD E. "Racine and Tristan: `La Mort d'Hypolite.'" PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 53–75.

Contrasts T.'s poem and R.'s "récit de Théramène" respectively as baroque and classical texts.

________. The Tragic Middle. Racine, Aristotle, Euripides. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1991.

Review: B. Edmunds in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 239–240: A study of the themes of the "virtuous" and the "excluded" middles in the two playwrights conducted with "impressive erudition and critical eclecticism."
Review: Denys J. Gary in TJ 45 (1993), 411–12: ". . . G. centers his investigation on the tragic middle of eight plays (four by each playwright) each pair dealing with the same myth. The unusual thing about his approach," according to the reviewer, "is G.'s setting aside the tragic middle as derived from Aristotle's Poetics, and introducing concepts from some of Arisotle's other works . . . ." "In keeping with a modified post-structuralist approach, G. probes the texts of the plays for meanings that may escape the notice of even the careful reader." Racinian plays analyzed by G. are La Thébaïde, Andromaque, Iphigénie, and Phèdre. "G. writes well, compellingly," says D. J. G., but ". . . an otherwise fascinating text is occasionally marred by his delving too deeply into unnecessary detail." Conclusion: ". . . textual scholars will find . . . [the book] rewarding; actors and historians less so."
  • See French 17 (1992).

GRAZIANI, FRANÇOISE. "La Fable tragique: Hamlet." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 49–65.

Le propos de l'auteur "se limite à tenter de préciser la nature et la fonction de la fable dans la tragédie, et non à discuter la définition générique de la poesie comme `fable'."

_________. "L'Image merveille. Figurer et dire selon le Cavalier Marin." Littérature 87 (octobre 1992), 24–30.

A study of Marino's conception of pictures and poetical imagery as marvels and miracles. In conformity with l'imaginaire baroque, "la nature de l'image serait donc non seulement d'être équivoque et énigmatique, mais d'être paradoxalement éloquente: de voiler ce qu'elle propose de figurer, de sous-entendre pour vraiment dire."

GREER, GERMAINE. "How to Invent a Poet." TLS 4708 (25 June 1993), 7–8.

Intelligent and valuable commentary on the difficulites of reconstructing early-modern anonymous texts. Review concerns the Poems of Ephelia (c. 1679) by Maureen E. Mulvihil.

GREGOIRE, VINCENT M. "Le Larmoiement: L'Expression originale d'une sensibilité masculine dans la deuxième moitié du dix-septième siècle." SCFS 15 (1993), 181–203.

Supposing that in the 2nd half of the century, with Racine, "les effets de larmes" in the theatre are accepted by both sexes to the point of becoming a "rite de sociabilité" and a "para-langage," examines the shift in sensibilité from earlier generations to this alleged "expression d'une sensibilité masculine originale." Interesting remarks on Bossuet.

GRIMM, JURGEN, ed. Französische Literaturgeschichte. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1989.

Review: W. Engler in Archiv 229 (1992), 220–223: Mixed appreciation of this work of a team of specialists. Reviewer's remarks concentrate on later centuries, only briefly mentioning the 17th c. Princess de Clèves.
Review: H.-J. Lope in RF 104 (1992), 216–218: A team of eight specialists join G. in this application of socio-historical perspecitives to French literature. L. regrets the few pages (40) devoted to the classical period and would have appreciated wider perspectives throughout the work.

GUICHEMERRE, ROGER. Quatres poètes du XVIIe siècle: Malherbe, Tristan L'Hermite, Saint-Amant, Boileau. Paris: SEDES, 1991.

Review: A. Génetiot in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 887–889: "Une utile mise en place bio-bibliographique, un synopsis des poèmes étudiés avec un commentiare stylistique et littéraire nourri."

HAMPTON, TIMOTHY, ed. Baroque Topographies. Literature/History/Philosophy. YFS 80 (1991).

Review: Robert T. Corum in P&L 17 (1993), 355–56: "In the suggestive introduction to this volume of highly diverse and demanding essays, H. notes that although prior baroque studies have apparently discovered a 'body of texts with no theory,' under reexamination the period may stand revealed as the genetic site of postmodernism. He suggests that contemporary criticism might reconsider the baroque in light of the post-modernist preoccupation with space and territoriality. Real and imagined baroque geographies — the academy, the salon, the theater, the site of the Cartesian self, the grotto, the island, etc. — thus provide the topographical foundations of modernity." Includes articles on Les Tragiques (by Edwin M. Duval), on Richelieu (by Christian Jouhard), on Corneille (by Jacqueline Lichtenstein and by John D. Lyons), on Descartes (by Erica Harth, by Timothy J. Reiss, and by Kevin Dunn), and on Versailles (by Louis Marin). Aside from "the dearth of illustrations," C. praises H. for having assembled a fine collection.
Review: J. Persels in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993). 241–242: Eleven studies including ones on Cinna, the woman's place within Cartesian dualism, absolutism and Versailles, the fictional paradox of Descartes' "urban retirement," Descartes' theories and the Thirty Years War, the "baroque" power of Richelieu, and the possibility of writing baroque history.
  • See French 17 (1992).

_________. Writing From History: The Rhetoric of Exemplarity in Renaissance Literature. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1990.

Review: T. Pavel in RenQ 45 (1992), 582–584: "Patient, compelling textual analyses" support H.'s argument that "Renaissance exemplarity does not provide a stable system for the shaping of the moral self." H. demonstrates the rise of a secular set of exempla, complementing the exempla of the Church. Includes detailed readings of mostly 16th c. authors, but also includes some from Corneille.
Review: Timothy J. Reiss in MP 90 (1992), 255–58: H.'s project (called "an interesting idea") is "to analyze the Renaissance topos of the exemplary figure . . .," examining "the use of the heroic and/or iconic figure from antiquity or the Bible as teacher of virtue, model for public action . . . ." R. cites H.'s "brief discussion of Corneille's Le Cid . . .," which "is held to echo the ideological battles of its time, upholding aristocratic values." R. finds H.'s commentary on this play "uncharacteristically derivative and lazy . . . ." R. proceeds to document H.'s misinterpretations of the play's historical context.
  • See French 17 (1991).

HERMAN, JAN. Le Mensonge romanesque. Paramètres pour l'étude du roman épistolaire en France. Amsterdam/Leuven: Rodopi/Leuven UP, 1989.

Review: M. Nojgaard in RevR 27 (1992), 312–14: "Cet ouvrage, qui est la version abrégée d'une thèse soutenue à Louvain en 1988, vise un double but: établir un modèle narratologique général du roman par lettres et étudier l'évolution de ce type narratif pendant la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, tout en insérant celle-ci dans le mouvement général qui va des Lettres portugaises (1669) à Mérimée (L'abbé Aubain, 1846)."

HILGAR, MARIE-FRANCE, ed. Actes de Las Vegas. Actes du XXIIe colloque de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1–2 mars 1990). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 60 (1991).

Review: Phillip J. Wolfe in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 22–23: "The Las Vegas meetings dealt with Théophile de Viau, fairy tales, and dramatic criticism. The section on fairy tales concentrates on women's preponderant contributions to the genre. Presentations on dramatic theory deal chiefly with Marxist theory applied to Molière, and aesthetics in Racine and Corneille."

________. "Feminine Criticism in XVIIth Century France." The Forum 51.1 (Spr., 1993) 25–27.

Interesting discussion of Mlle de Gournay on poetry (Malherbe), Mlle de Scudéry on the novel, Mlle de Sévigné on theatre (P. and T. Corneille), and Mlle L'héritier de Villandon on Madame Deshoulières and Mlle de Scudéry.

HOLLIER, DENIS. A New History of French Literature. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989.

Review: See Cronk above.

HOLZ, KARL. "Wissenschaft und Salonkultur. Der Wandel des Pedanten." GRM 43 (1993), 1–18.

Considers the multiple origins of the comic type from the 16th century to Molière's uses of them. Skillfully sustained analysis of his plays in which they occur and their relationship to specific milieux and general currents of knowledge represented in salons.

HOWARTH, W. D. "The Dramatists of the 1630s and the Fourth Unity." SCFS 15 (1993), 55–69.

Unity of tone, or esthetic coherence, given pride of place over the consecrated three, is explored as it may have been present in the minds of playwrights, theorists and critics of the "Age of Richelieu." Corneille's Examen of Mélite, corrections to comedies from La Veuve to La Place royale, Clitandre, L'Illusion comique; Théophile's Pyrame et Thisbé; and three plays of Le Théâtre français (1624) are surveyed for contrasting tones and their sacrifice for esthetic unity, viewed from Corneille's Le Cid and Mairet's La Silvanire and Sophonisbe to Tristan's La Mariane (and Corneille's later plays).

HURE, JACQUES. "Sur deux traductions des 'Guerres civiles de Grenade' au XVIIe siècle." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 121–129.

A comparative study of the two 17th-century French translations of Perez de Hita's Guerras civiles de Granada, published respectively in 1606 and 1683. Both translations "réussissent bien à introduire l'oeuvre espagnole dans le champ littéraire français", but at the expense of Perez de Hita's most important contribution, his sympathy towards Moorish culture.

KALAS, TADDY. "La parole dépossédée, ou la démétaphorisation dans le théâtre du dix-septième siècle" (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992). DAI 54:2, 546A.

Analysis of plays by Théophile, Corneille, Rotrou, Racine, and Molière.

KATAGI, TOMOTOSHI. "Traditions de la comédie des comédiens et stratégie du théâtre au XVIIe siècle." PFSCL 33 (1990), 425–449.

Study of the play within a play and the theme of the theatre itself related to the rivalry among theatrical groups. In representing itself the theater "reste une critique du monde, tout en montrant son intégration dans l'organisation de la nouvelle société aux valeurs divergentes."

KENNY, NEIL. The Palace of Secrets: Beroalde de Verville and Renaissance Conceptions of Knowledge. Oxford: Claredon Press, 1991.

Review: D. R. Kelley in RenQ 45 (1992), 848–850: Examines, through Beroalde de Verville as a case-study, knowledge and desire in the Renaissance. Comparative analyses include 17th c. authors such as Sorel and Charron as well as several 16th c. ones. "Rich in bibliographical excursions, literary allusions, philosophical insights," the volume does not reach out "to historical background or . . . unmask a bygone episteme."
Review: Janis L. Pallister in SCN 50.3–4 (1992), 66–67: "All but eclipses most of all studies of B. de Verville to date. In clear and yet subtle discourse, Kenny traces the evolution of Beroalde's thought, and in the process demonstrates how B. is illustrative of the major philosophical tenets regarding knowledge as these currents unfolded in the late 16th and early 17th Century." The study focuses on how B. progressively abandoned old encyclopaedism in his works. In short, it "proposes solid solutions to many puzzles regarding B.'s work and his thinking."

KING, MARGARET L. Women of the Renaissance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

Review: R. Reynolds-Cornell in BHR 55 (1993), 803–05: Excellent outil de recherche; une oeuvre "touffue mais bien organisée dont le but est atteint: elle nous offre un panorama abondamment documenté du rôle de la femme au cours des siècles, de sa place dans la société et de sa prise de conscience de sa propre valeur."

KLEINAU, TILMANN. Der Zusammenhang zwishen Dichtungstheorie und Körperdarstellung in der französichen Literatur des 17–19. Jahrhunderts. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 1990.

Review: Mechtild Cranston in FR 67 (1993), 124–25: "A useful and challenging book," using literary theory from Le Cid on (sometimes not well known) and Desmarets, arguing convincingly that if the body as literary theme survived the taboos of the doctrine classique, it was thanks to the popular genres of the 17th c. Studies the development of the physical grotesque from Rabelais to Hugo, baroque fascination with the extremes of Eros and Thanatos, rococo manipulation of the body to gain social advantage.

KOCH, THOMAS. Literarische Menschendarstellung. Studien zu ihrer Theorie und Praxis (Retz, La Bruyère, Balzac, Flaubert, Proust, Lainé). Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1991.

KRAJEWSKA, BARBARA. "Le Crépuscule du samedi." PFSCL 33 (1990), 547–562.

The decline of the famous literary salon.

__________. Mythes et découvertes. Le salon littéraire de Madame de Rambouillet dans les lettres des contemporains. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 52 (1990).

Review: D. Kuizenga in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 297–299: Une entreprise de "démythification" fondée sur l'idée que l'artifice et le conventionnel constituent l'essentiel de la vérité sur la femme et sur la salon au 17e siècle; le résultat est un "catalogue de laideurs et bassesses des intimes du salon du Rambouillet", qui n'approfondit pas notre connaissance et qui montre "dans quelle mesure la petite histoire peut être petite."

LAFOND, JEAN, éd. Moralistes du XVIIe siècle. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 1847–48: C'est "un recueil imposant mais maniable quoique n'y manque aucun des outils d'érudition nécessaires à la compréhension ou à la consultation."

LAGARDE, FRANÇOIS. "La Comédie de la grâce: sur quatre pièces de 1645." PFSCL 33 (1990), 451–464.

Studies the relation between mimetic rivalry and religious conversion in Brosse, Corneille, Desfontaines, and Rotrou.

LANDY-HOUILLON, ISABELLE and MAURICE MENARD, Eds. Burlesque et Formes Parodiques. Actes du colloque du Mans. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 33 (1987).

Review: K. Szantor and K. Berri in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 261–265: An intermittent chronology of the burlesque from the middle ages to the 20th century, in 43 essays which trace the development of parodic satire in a variety of genres. 15 papers on the 17th century include studies of Scarron, the Scudérys, Saint-Amant, Cyrano and others.

LARSON, RUTH. "The Iconography of Feminine Sexual Education in the 17th Century: Molière, Scarron, Chauveau." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 499–516.

Analysis of Chauveau's frontispiece for L'Ecole des femmes and illustrations done for Scarron: the emblematic "frontispiece demonstrated the equivocation of the image and the moral manual."

LEGGETT, CARLEEN S. "Sisters of La Princesse de Clèves: Two Heroines of Segrais and Saint-Réal." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 1–20.

Similarities are examined between the Princesse de Clèves and characters of S. and S.-R., all of whom are portrayed as real historical figures, and who experience marriage and forbidden passion. Limitations are revealed in the male novelists' comprehension of the female psyche.

LEIBACHER-OUVRARD, LISE. Libertinages et utopies sous le règne de Louis XIV. Genève: Droz, 1989.

Review: Carmelina Imbroscio in SFr 106 (1992), 99–100: The book explores the intricate links existing between "libertinage érudit" and "utopisme" in the narrative works of Cyrano's literary heirs (Foigny, Tissot de Patot, Veiras, Gilbert, etc.). The author challenges "idées reçues" on those minor writers and shows how their narratives put forward new ideals which represent, no matter how modest their real influence, the future development of the following century's philosophes's moral values and social critique.

LEINER, WOLFGANG. Das Deutschlandbild in der französischen Literatur. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1989.

Review: W. Jung in NS 91 (1992), 92–93: Appreciative review of this highly readable and rich work on the image of Germany in French literature from the Middle Ages to our day. Includes discussion of current scholarship in the area, along with its multi-faceted and systematic analyses. Reviewer concentrates on 19th and 20th c. sections, but since L.'s contributions over the years to 17th c. criticism have been universally appreciated, the reader of this volume should expect important anlyses here as well. Particularly valuable are treatments of cultural history, historical context and intertexuality. L. finds some twelve especially significant constants in the portrayal of Germans and Germany in French literature.
  • See French 17 (1992).

LEINER, WOLFGANG & PIERRE RONZEAUD, eds. Correspondances. Mélanges offerts à Roger Duchêne. Tübingen-Aix-en Provence: Gunter Narr, 1992.

Review: P. Hourcade in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 255–259: Studies in four categories: time (the century's relations with past and future centuries); methodology (history and literary history); letters, chronicles, and memoirs; and Mme de Sévigné's correspondence.

LICHTENSTEIN, JACQUELINE. The Eloquence of Color: Rhetoric and Painting in the French Classical Age. Trans.Emily McVarish. Berkely: California Univ. Press, 1993.

1st pub. 1989.

  • See (for French ed.) French 17 (1992).

LONDRE, FELICIA HARDISON. The History of World Theatre. Vol 2: From the English Restoration to the Present. New York: F. Ungar/Continuum, 1991.

Review: Rosemarie K. Bank in ThR 18 (1993), 71–72: "In addition to its temporal parameters and broad (if limited) spatial range . . . . [this book] assays a wide topical area, in stage direction, stagecraft, acting, management, repertoire, audience composition, popular entertainment, sociocultural and intellectual contexts, opera and ballet, agitprop, vaudeville, and the like." L. calls attention to the array of contributions by women. B. finds that ". . . the chosen topics are competently and intelligently handled . . . ." "One can readily dispute where the boundaries of the format L. inherits have been set — temporally, spatially, and topically," says B., but the study is called a "knowledgeable and carefully-crafted work . . . ."
Review: Robert Findlay in TJ 44 (1992), 554–55: F. calls the title "a misnomer," but says L. has been thorough "in detailing the western theatrical tradition." One chapter focuses on the "long transition" from neoclassicism to romanticism, discussing, among other topics, Boileau, Madame de Maintenon, and commedia dell'arte. "Most," in F.'s opinion, "will find this volume a useful reference."

LOTE, GEORGES. Histoire du vers français. T. VI, 2e partie: le XVIe et le XVIIe siècles; T. III: les Genres poétiques; les vers et la langue; la réforme et la déclamation dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle. Aix-en Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 38: Ce travail monumental continue à être publié de manière posthume. On regrette que la bibliographie n'ait pas été actualisée.

LYONS, JOHN D. Exemplum. The Rhetoric of Example in Early Modern France and Italy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.

Review: G. Ferguson in FrF 17 (1992), 91–92: Judged "valuable for anyone interested in early modern European literature," L.'s work understands "exemplum" broadly and proposes seven characteristics which prove particularly useful to seizièmistes and dix-septièmistes: "iterativity and multiplicity, exteriority, discontinuity, rarity, artificiality, undecidability and excess." Provides new readings for texts of Machiavelli, Marguerite de Navarre, Montaigne, Pascal, Descartes and Lafayette.
Review: O. Millet in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr. 93), 248: "Une critique des textes rigoureuse et souvent nouvelle," avec l'analyse de Descartes, Pascal et Mme de Lafayette.

________. "Sub Colore Libidnis." Continuum 5 (1993) 229–233.

A review article of Timothy Murray's Theatrical Legitimation. Alegories of Genius in Seventeenth Century England and France (New York: Oxford UP, 1987). Lyons, while expressing some reservations, appreciates in particular the reading of D'Aubignac's Pratique du théâtre and concludes the ". . . book is bound to serve as the point of departure for a new movement of scholarship in this field."

McKENNA, ANDREW J. Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction. Champaign: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1992.

Review: N. Garver in Choice 30 (1993), 978: "M. begins with the parody of philosophers from act 2 of Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, which 'sets out virtually all the themes of this book and more than somewhat insinuates its conclusions.' The book confronts D. and G. with each other, on topics central to both authors. It therefore quickly becomes very dense," G. asserts, "with neologisms adding to the inherent difficulty of trying to say what either D. or G. means. The main theme is that G.'s anthropological analysis of 'sacralizing' the victim, which has inherent contradictions and ambiguities, constitutes a concrete instance of deconstruction." G. states that "the final chapter, on the parable of the Good Samaritan, is especially well done. For devotees of D. and G. the book will prove a challenging reward."

MABLEY, RICHARD. Whistling in the Dark: In Pursuit of the Nightingale. London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1993.

Review: D. B. in TLS 4706 (11 June 1993), 32–33: In a personal account by a distinguished environmentalist is a history of literary symbolism including a turning point in 17th-century poetic imagery.

MACARTHUR, ELIZABETH J. Extravagant Narratives. Closure and Dynamics in the Epistolary Form. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.

Review: W. F. Edmiston in FrF 17 (1992), 343–344: This "absorbing and well-written" examination challenges closural theories of narrative, focusing on 17th and 18th c. texts: the Lettres portugaises, Desjardin's Billets galants, Boursault's Lettres de Babet, Mme du Deffand's correspondance with Horace Walpole and Rousseau's Julie. Chapter one treats 17th c. texts along with an analysis of letter-writing manuals. Recommended for students of narrative theory and epistolarity.

MACARY, JEAN, ed. Actes du Troisième Colloque de la SATOR à Fordham, 1989. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 61 (1991).

Review: Phillip J. Wolfe in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 22–23: Sator is an association concerned with the "study of 'topoi' in the novel." The proceedings of the third congress focus on the 17th and 18th-century novel in France, include some thirty articles, and are divided in six sections: the secret, the ill-assorted couple, authorial interventions, parody, methodology, and computer-assisted studies."
Review: I. Zinguer in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 305–309: Réunion de la Société avec des études qui illustrent "l'approche très progressiste de l'étude des textes . . . grace à un logiciel pour l'analyse littéraire et thématique qui permet l'emploi électronique." Interêt particulier à Scarron.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MAILLARD, J.-F. "Les Humanistes transmetteurs de textes anciens (XIVe–XVIIe siècles): Perspectives de coopération internationale." BHR 55 (1993), 339–44.

"L'ambition du Répertoire n'est autre que de procurer une clef au chercheur engagé dans un travail plus spécialisé pour lui permettre de poursuivre par ailleurs son enquête sur les titres précis des oeuvres transmises et sur la nature de la transmission assurée par l'humaniste: édition, traduction, commentaire, annotation."

MALACHY, THERESE. "La Comédie et l'autre." TraLit 5 (1992), 179–185.

Brief, provocative discussion of la comédie as genre. Demonstrates, by a comparison with Marivaux and the romantiques, that in the 17th c. "où la raison est universelle, où règne l'idéal de l'honnête homme, la morale ne saurait être que celle du groupe"; furthermore "la règle du jeu . . . est toujours l'apanage du groupe."

MALLINSON, JONATHAN. "Dialogues with Past and Public." Continuum 5 (1993) 215–219.

A review article of David Rubin and Mary McKinley's Convergences. Rhetoric and Poetic in Seventeenth-Century France. Essays for Hugh M. Davidson (Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989) in which M. finds ". . . these points of contact, these convergences, . . . particularly stimulating and enriching" and concludes that the ". . . collection is a fitting tribute to its dedicatee."

MANDRELL, JAMES. Don Juan and the Point of Honor. Seduction, Patriarchal Society, and Literary Tradition. University Park: Penn State Press, 1992.

MANSAU, ANDREE. "Les 'Nouvelles exemplaires' de Miguel de Cervantès traduites en langue française." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 109–120.

Between 1614 and 1707, six French translations of the Nouvelles exemplaires were published. The early translations by César Oudin, François de Rosset and Vital d'Audiguier, did show a great respect for Cervantès's originality. However, late 17th-century versions have "surtout retenu le caractère plaisant ou exemplaire de Cervantès pour oublier la création littériare jointe à l'image d'un peuple sentimental."

MARIN, LOUIS. Des pouvoirs de l'image: gloses. Paris: Seuil, 1992.

Review: Roger-Pol Droit in Le Monde (8 Jan. 1993), 30: 15 posthumously published essays including a reading of La Fontaine's "L'Homme et son image"; pages on Charles Perrault, Pascal. "Autour de ses intuitions de fond se déploient les analyses subtiles d'un philosophe singulier."

MAZOUER, CHARLES, ed. L"Age d'or de l'influence espagnole. La France et l'Espagne à l'époque d'Anne d'Autriche (1615–1666). Mont-de-Marsan: Editions InterUniversitaires, 1991.

Review: P. Hourcade in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 552–554: Colloquium studies of Spanish influence in France, the counterpart of Serroy's study of Italy and France: the impact of Spain on particular localities, access to Spanish culture, literary esthetics, influences on the novel, and the religious basis of Franco-Spanish conflict at the beginning of the century.

_________. "Les Tragédies bibliques sont-elles bibliques?" Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 125–40.

M. se propose de "repérer la place exacte de la philosophie tragique formulée à Athènes, au Ve siècle avant Jésus-Christ, dans une petite quinzaine de tragédies biblique composées entre 1550 et 1691, de l'Abraham sacrifiant de Théodore de Bèze à l'Athalie de Jean Racine. En quoi ces tragédies de la Renaissance et du siècle classique illustrent-elles le sens tragique de la vie proposée par les tragiques grecs et leur imitateur latin? Pour répondre, nous parcourrons trois étapes: la considération du malheur des héros, l'examen de la théologie à l'aide de laquelle ils expliquent la souffrance, la sortie, enfin du tragique."

MAZOUER, CHARLES. Farces du Grand Siècle. De Tabarin à Molière. Paris: Librairie Général Française, 1992.

Review: J. Emelina in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 260–261: A much needed edition of the genre that allows one to "mieux saisir l'interpénétration des courants et des styles." Because it stops at 1661 and omits much of significance, reviewer calls for a second volume.
Review: Christian Garaud in FR 66 (1993), 1003–4: Includes farces by Tabarin (3), Bruscambille, Molière, Brécourt, Dorimond, and La Fontaine. Introduction on esthetics of genre, long notices and notes, good biblio. Suited for specialists as well as the general public. However good the company, Molière stands out.
Review: Jacques Truchet in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 410–413: Une édition soignée, un livre "aussi utile que plaisant."

MERCIER, ALAIN. La Littérature facétieuse sous Louis XIII (1610–1643). Geneve: Droz, 1991.

Review: P. Ronzeaud in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 262: A work that "explore un champ littéraire original tout en donnant des matériaux et des protocoles d'analyse pour l'exploration future de celui-ci." Various indexes and other imformation make this a most valuable compendium of the various "textes à rire." Reviewer regrets only that there is not more theoretical or esthetic consideration of the genre.

MILLER, MARCIA. "La tragédie biblique à l'âge baroque en France entre 1610 et 1650: un épitome." IL 45.1 (jan/fév 93), 34–36.

Sommaire d'une thèse de doctorat (Paris III, 1988, 3 vols.), qui étudie quatorze pièces tirées des histoires de l'Ancien Testament, dont une par Pierre Du Ryer: inspirations, structures, thèmes et formes.

MOREL, JACQUES, éd. "La Tragédie." Littératures classiques 16 (1992).

"Les articles réunis dans ce volume témoignent amplement de la plasticité du genre tragique, de ses variations dans l'espace et dans le temps, des philosophies où des convictions qui ont pu inspirer les poètes dont l'oeuvre lui est consacrée. Ils entendent donc moins théoriser sur la tragédie que s'efforcer de mettre en évidence, à partir des productions qui l'illustrent, l'extrême diversité du genre apparemment le plus facile à définir de la littérature universelle, et particulièrement de la littérature française." All articles reviewed elsewhere in this volume of French 17.

Review: R. Parrish in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 555–557: A collection of studies treating the tragic, tragedy, tragic themes, and posterity in world literature. Includes much on France in the seventeenth century. Bibliography.

MORGAN, DAVID WELLS. "La querelle de la chaire: Eloquence and Religious Oratory it the Ancien Régime" (Princeton Univ., 1992). DAI 53:6, 1928A.

The 1690's debate between proponents and critics of Jesuit rhetorical style, and the oppositions between "naturalness," "artfulness," rational argument, and emotional persuasion. Considers texts by La Bruyère, Fénelon, Arnauld, Lamy, Goibaud-Dubois.

MUNSTERS, WIL. La Poétique du pittoresque en France de 1700 à 1830. Genève: Droz, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 38–39: M. "observe que le XVIIe siècle s'est peu occupé de la nature, et appelle l'effort d'idéalisation qu'impose la doctrine classique aussi bien en littérature qu'en peinture, la crise de la poésie post-classique conduisant à un retour du pittoresque dont il analyse les modalités de l'essence au XVIIIe siècle. . . ."

MURRAY, TIMOTHY. Theatrical Legitimation. Allegories of Genius in Seventeenth Century England and France. New York: Oxford UP, 1987.

Review: See Lyons above.

NET, MARIANA. "Literature, Strategies and Metalanguage, Part 3: Poetical Arts and Metalanguage." Semiotica 94 (1993), 253–93:

Molière figures prominently in N.'s discussion. She examines La Critique de L'Ecole des femmes and L'Impromptu de Versailles (270–78), "keeping an eye on the way the utterance is articulated to the enunciation through the metalinguistic and metatextual signals on the plane of the utterance (in the surface structure)." N. also comments on Alexandre Dumas' "explicit metatext" of L'Amour médecin.

NIDERST, ALAIN, ed. La Pastorale française. De Rémie Belleau à Victor Hugo. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 63 (1991).

Review: Janis L. Pallister in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 23: "As its title suggests, this book on the French pastorale (novel and play) ranges over several centuries." The essays focusing on 17th-century are noteworthy. Gérard Ferreyrolles's article"devoted to Bousset" is, for the 17th-century specialist, the real contribution of the volume.
Review: J. Pendergrass in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 271–275: Quatorze études qui tracent le "préciare destin de l'esthétique pastorale" du XVIe au XIXe siècle; ce livre érudit "mérite bien une place dans tout institut de recherche littéraire."
Review: M. Peterson in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 265–267: Studies that "forment un faisceau de définitions qui approfondit notre compréhension du genre pastoral."
Review: T. M. Pratt in MLR 88 (1993), 468–69: "The present collection principally comprises articles contributed by colleagues from Rouen [Centre d'Etudes et Recherches d'Histoire et des Idées et de la Sensibilité de l'Université de Rouen], but it also contains essays supplied by scholars from elsewhere in France and even further afield." Among the contributions: M.-F. Hilgar on Hardy; G. Ferreyrolles on Bousset; C. Noisette de Crauzat on Charpentier; R. Garapon on La Fontaine.
  • See French 17 (1992).

PARKES, M. B. Pause and Effect: Punctuation in the West. Aldershot: Scolar, 1993.

Review: Rosamond McKitterick in TLS 4705 (4 June 1993), 27: Main part comprises 74 pp. of illustrated plates of both prose and verse, with transcription and discussion on forms of punctuation used and how they effect the reading of texts. A valuable section documents the use of punctuation in early modern books. Plates are preceded by an historical outline of the development of punctuation from classical poetry through the 19th century. Intro. makes bold claims about punctuation in relation to reading practices as a dividing indicator in attitudes to the written word.

PASCO, ALLAN H. "Light in the Cave." Continuum 5 (1993) 179–184.

Review article of Terence Cave's Recognitions: A Study in Poetics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988) in which P. appreciates Cave's history of anagnorisis and study of the way the device is used in various texts and muses interestingly about how one might study the ways in which readers come to perceive texts.

PASQUIER, PIERRE. "Les Apartés d'Icare: Eléments pour une théorie de la convention classique." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 79–101.

"La Poétique de La Mesnardière (1639) et surtout La Pratique du théâtre de l'abbé d'Aubignac (1657) n'en referment pas moins de précieuses indications qui permettent sinon de dégager une théorie de la convention clairement formalisée, au moins d'en découvrir les prémisses." P. traite de la mort violente du personnage, du monologue, de l'aparté, du temps dramatique, et de l'espace.

__________. "Un brillant critique du modèle classique: le Discours à Cliton." RHT 174 (1992), 129–145.

Pasquier offers a new interpretation of the Traité du Poème Dramatique which follows both editions of the anonymous Discours à Cliton — its author "a parfaitement saisi les enjeux esthétiques de la controverse suscitée par les Observations sur le Cid. Plutôt que de ferrailler aux côtés de Corneille contre Mairet et ses amis, il s'est efforcé de contrer les réguliers sur trois questions cruciales en 1637: les conditions et les critères du jugement esthétique, l'imitation des Anciens, et la nature du modèle classique. Ce faisant, il a publié une brillante critique du modèle classique, alors en gestation, qui n'a rien à envier aux plus célèbres."

PERRER, DONALD. Old Comedy in the French Renaissance, 1576–1620. Genève: Droz, 1992.

Review: A. Cullière in BHR (1993), 461–63: Aux tentatives au 16e siècle "pour établir une nouvelle comédie humaniste, Donald Perret. . . oppose la permanence d'une Old Comedy, c'est-à-dire d'une tradition du théâtre populaire et provincial, proche de la farce médiévale, comme régénéré vers la fin du siècle grâce à des auteurs qui se montrent ennemis des règles, grâce aussi à un public fatigué des guerres et prêt de nouveau à s'abaudir." Analyse méthodique, précise, comparative.
Review: W. D. Howarth in ThR 18 (1993) 146: The author "identifies seven examples of what he calls 'Old Comedy,' an appellation justified not on diachronic grounds . . . but rather as indicating a qualitative distinction . . . ." Dramatists writing "Old Comedy" "use parody, metatheatre, structural experiments and carnivalesque fantasy to subvert the tenets of officially-accepted theory . . . and practice . . . and to appeal to an audience 'nostalgic for le gros rire of Rabelais'." H. finds that P.'s "critical analysis is underpinned by a wide-ranging knowledge of the contemporary background, and by judicious use of secondary authorities; and he writes in a lively and stimulating manner." In H.'s view, P.'s "claims for the importance of these hitherto neglected examples of Old Comedy [are] entirely convincing . . . ."
  • See French 17 (1992).

PHILLIPS, HENRY. "Richelieu and the Edict of 1641." SCFS 15 (1993), 71–84.

Situates the edict as a political act, contemporaneous with the opening of the Grand'Salle, with the probable collaboration of D'Aubignac on the text of the Projet pour le rétablissement du théâtre and the example of Corneille's Horace and Cinna. It is in the interest of Richelieu's propaganda machinery that the theatre be consecrated as a "school of virtue" and that actors be socially acceptable. Careful survey of social and royal attitudes to theatre and a divided ecclesiastical reaction (to the edict).

PICIOLA, LILIANE. "La Voix des sorciers dans les pastorales dramatiques à magie." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 249–260.

In early 17th-century French pastoral plays, magicians' power is revealed much more by their discourses and invocations than by their costumes or by props like magic wands.

PIZZORUSSO, ARNOLDO. Eléments d'une poètique littéraire au XVIIe siècle. Paris: PUF, 1992.

_________. Letture di romanzi. Saggi sul romanzo francese del Settecento. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1990.

Review: Valeria de Gregorio Cirillo in SFr 108 (1992), 540–542: The first two chapters are devoted to Robert Challe's Illustres françoises, a novel which embodies a general survey of 17th-century narrative techniques.

POLI, SERGIO. "Tradition ancienne et récit baroque: mythe et réalité dans l'histoire tragique." TraLit 5 (1992), 89–107.

Carefully considers: "le mythe dégradé", "le mythe énigmatique," "le mythe sous-jacent" and demonstrates importance for the baroque period: "la Fable . . . continue de fournir à la rhétorique un réservoir d'images, à l'écrivain un moyen de célébration, à l'intrique un modèle archétype." Finds that the distinctive trait of the genre is a multiplication of figures of torture and horror.

POMMIER, RENE. Explications littéraires. Paris: SEDES, 1990.

Review: G. Cesbron in LR 46 (1992), 341–343: While admiring P.'s teaching (without notes and referring by heart to texts), C. finds that the four texts chosen (one is from 17th c.: La Princesse de Clèves) are really pretexts for continued diatribe against la "nouvelle critique." C. indicates as well glaring omissions.
Review: R. Pensom in MLR 87 (1992), 968–69: Unfavorable review questions author's "mania for causal and psychologistic explanations" and maintains that P.'s "pretentions to rigour make litte or no sense in terms of current ideas about how language works. . . ."

PREMINGER, ALEX and T. V. F. BROGAN, eds. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.

Review: Anon. in VQR 69 (1993), 120–122: "This authoritative reference . . . has been almost completely revamped by a new generation of scholars and critics." One will find here "the latest refinements of standard concepts, precise, complete treatment of others newly forged, and extensive, well-documented articles on peculiarly postmodern issues, e.g., cultural criticism and emergent (including feminist) écritures. Learned and incisive, rigorous and judicious, the NPEPP's pluralistic editors and contributors prove the continuing viability of formal concerns and more: they reaffirm the value of rational dialogue in this mean season of 'discursive cleansing'."
Review: B. Juhl in Choice 31 (1993), 271: Although there was a new edition in 1975, ". . . the work's authoritativeness has been progressively compromised as its contents age," says J., "by newer, if less exhaustive, poetry handbooks and dictionaries. With almost all the original entries revised, bibliographies and cross-references significantly expanded, and 162 entirely new entries, this . . . [latest edition] should restore the title to a premier place on the reference shelf. This revision . . . aims to 'address new topics and approaches,' to 'survey new work on old topics,' and to increase 'coverage of emergent and non-Western entries." Having expressed slight reservations, J. declares that "in all other respects, this volume should delight browsers and scholars alike."

PRINCE, GERALD. Narrative as Theme: Studies in French Fiction. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1992.

Review: John D. Lyons in P&L 17 (1993), 155–56: Among the novels treated is La Princesse de Clèves. "Despite the chronological presentation, . . . [the study] does not argue for an evolution of ideas about the narrative, and this refusal to make a tidy reductive synthesis is a strength of P.'s work. Instead of evolution, P. allows us to see the way narrative has repeatedly been a problem for the very writers whose novels have formed what could be called the canon. Lafayette's novel not only makes the use and transmission of narratives within the world of the story a cause of puzzlement and even death . . ., but the text as a whole, La Princesse de Clèves, is presented as a doubtful didactic utility because of its singular, inimitable quality." "A surprising aspect of P.'s work," in L.'s opinion, "is the degree to which thematic study hinges on brilliant observation of minute grammatical features." L. describes the book as "unified" and "readable."
Review: Carol J. Murphy in SoAR 57.4 (1992), 145–46: This book is described as "an invaluable tome." The author is praised for his "characteristic concision, pedagogical (but never pendantic) bent and Occam's-razor-like style . . ." as well as for his "lucid, well-argued, and reasonable prose. . . ." P. focuses on "those narrative elements of a text that call attention to the narrator or narrated." The concept of the disnarrated is developed. P. defines it as "all those passages in a text that consider what did not or does not happen but could have happened", and it "emerges as a kind of negative, or hypothetical, narrative mode."
  • See French 17 (1992).

PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL. "The Magdalene: Two Seventeenth-Century Portraits and the Biblical Document." ELF 58 (1993), 223–234.

"The present study is a sequel to my article, 'L'Amour spirituel: La Madeleine in Jean de La Ceppède and César de Nostredame'. The remarkably different treatment of the Magdalene by these two poets will be confronted by the biblical document. The poets' rejection or inclusion of details of the biblical narrative and their transformation of the text into poetry will be discussed in relation to their intent and their attitude to the primary document."

PROSPECT. No. 1 (sept. 1992): "Hommage à Elizabeth Sophie Chéron. Texte et peinture à lâge classique." Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Review: Jean-Pierre Guillerm in RSH 230 (1993), 211: This issue of a new journal for Centre Littérature et Arts visuels, Univ. de Paris III, focuses on "Réponse à la gloire du Val de Grâce de M. de Molière" (1700), by E. S. C. In essays appearing in this number, "Molière, Le Brun, Mignard, mais aussi Junius et Perrault viennent donner sa réelle portée aussi bien esthétique qu'historique au texte oublié, le constituer comme élément significatif des premiers temps de l'écriture française sur la peinture." According to G., much more than "curiosité érudite" is involved: "Tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux discours sur la peinture devraient y trouver profit, voire leçon de méthode."

RACAULT, JEAN-MICHEL. L'Utopie narrative en France et en Angleterre. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1991.

Review: Chantal Grell in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 261–262: This published version of the author's doctoral thesis has many qualities, among which the attempt to propose a less contradictory definition of utopia as "outopos, le non-lieu, négation des contraintes du réel, and eutopos, le lieu où tout est bien." Although some 17th-century authors (Foigny, Veiras) are taken into account, the study focuses mainly on the 18th century, when utopian novels became a fashionable genre.
  • See French 17 (1992).

RAPAILLE, R., éd. Louis XIV et le siège de Mons de 1691. Analyse critique d'une tragi-comédie méconnue. Mons: Le Renard découvert, 1990.

RESS, MANON ANNE. "Les servantes dans les comédies de l'Ancien Régime: Evolution d'un type" (Princeton Univ., 1992). DAI 53:9, 323A.

The function of the "maid" in the context of the relation between theater and society, and within the evolution of comedy as a genre. Analysis of 17th and 18th c. works by Molière, Régnard, Dancourt, and Dufresny.

RIFFAUD, ALAIN. "Réponse et responsabilité du héros tragique." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 67–78.

"La manière dont s'exprime et se joue la réponse du héros, sa capacité à répondre dans la situation, deviennent donc un des critères majeurs pour distinguer ce héros tragique, tel que le montre la tragédie — du moins celle des autres grecs et de Racine, sur laquelle nous nous sommes appuyés." La responsabilité tragique demeure, selon l'auteur, "une expression contradictoire, autant qu'une cérémonie étonnante, susceptible d'émouvoir l'homme de la cité."

ROHOU, JEAN. "Le Tragique à la lumière de ses corrélations historiques." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 7–23.

R. traite "des oeuvres des époques qu'il croit tragiques à la lumière d'un modèle élaboré à partir de sa connaissance de Racine et des études de J. P. Vernant." Quatre parties: 1. Tragique et tragédie dans une histoire fonctionnelle; 2. Tentative de définition historique du tragique; 3. Les époques tragiques; 4. Pratiques contemporaines du tragique. L'auteur constate "une remarquable corrélation entre le tragique et l'absolutisme."

ROSSO, CORRADO. Sagezza in Salotto: Moralisti francesi ed expressione aforistica. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1991.

Review: D. J. Culpin in FS 47.2 (1993), 214–215: A thought-provoking study of 17th c. moralists and writers of aphorisms.
Review: Patrizia Oppici in SFr 108 (1992), 1991: This book is divided into two parts. The first one focuses mainly on La Rochefoucauld's Maximes, Bérulle's treatise on Energumènes and Molière's Amphitryon. The second part, using a more global approach, studies aphoristic genre as a priviledged means of stylistic expression. This brilliant work does not offer broad categorizations but, instead, favors paradoxical views and insightful "approximations."
  • See French 17 (1992).

ROUBINE, JEAN-JACQUES. Introduction aux grandes théories du théâtre. Paris: Bordas, 1990.

Review: M. Sorrell in MLR 87 (1992), 969: Clear and lucid introduction "(the intended readership is classes préparatoires students and undergraduates) to the principal theories of drama which have governed the history of French theatre."
  • See French 17 (1991).

RUBIN, DAVID LEE, ed. Continuum: Problems in French Literature from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment. Vol. II: Rethinking Classicism: Textual Explorations. New York: AMS Press, 1990.

Review: W. Brooks in MLR 87 (1992), 982–83: Contributions to this volume of six articles and twenty-three reviews include work by M. Greenberg on D'Urfé, S. R. Baker and J. D. Lyons on Corneille, L. Marin on Nicole, R. Goodkin on Racine, and C. J. Gossip on classicism.

_________. Continuum: Problems in French Literature from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment. Vol. III: Poetics of Exposition & Libertinage and the Art of Writing I. New York: AMS Press, 1991.

Review: R. Howells in MLR 88 (1993), 459: Reviewer notes that Continuum has certain characteristics of a periodical (collection of articles, book reviews) and a series (shared topics, volume classified by number and not year, hardback, cost). Appreciation for "thematic coherence" and "spaciously thoughtful pieces." Section on "Libertinage" deals primarily with authors/texts from the mid-seventeenth century.
  • See French 17 (1991).

_________. Continuum: Problems in French Literature from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment. Vol. V: Literature and the Other Arts. New York: AMS Press, 1991.

Another valuable volume in this series, begun by Rubin in 1989, containing six thought provoking and well researched essays and seventeen highly informed review articles of recent books. All items are reviewed separately elsewhere in this volume of French 17.

RUBIN, DAVID L. and MARY MCKINLEY, eds. Convergences. Rhetoric and Poetic in Seventeenth Century France. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989.

Review: See Mallinson above.

SAFTY, ESSAM. "A propos des amants tragiques ou L'Amour peut-il vivre en bonne intelligence avec la tragédie?" CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 151–162.

La puissance destructrice de l'amour est un ressort principal dans la tragédie du XVIIe.

_________. "Les Erinyes francisés ou les criminels de la tragédie baroque et l'épreuve du remords." FR 66 (1993), 584–94.

Interiorization of the furies in remorse, a Senecan "hypertrophie du remords," is explored for its dramatic and tragic potential in plays by Hardy, La Calprenède, Mairet, Rotrou, and Tristan. Thought-provoking article that deserves further elaboration.

SAINT-BRIS, GONZAGUE. Les Dynasties brisées où le Tragique Destin des sept derniers héritiers du trône de France. Paris: Lattès, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 2030–31: "Du Grand Dauphin, fils de Louis XIV, au prince impérial, fils de Napoléon III, G. Saint-Bris s'efforçant de clouer leur personnalité à travers les mythes où l'oubli que leur brève destinée avait pu engendrer."

SCHWARZ, PETRA MARIA. "Traductions françaises" oder "Traductions à la française"? Eine Untersuchung der französischen Ubersetzungen der "Siete libros de la Diana" von Jorge de Montemayor (1578–1735). Frankfurt/Main-Bern-New York-Paris: Peter Lang, 1992.

Review: J. Marimer in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 568–571: An analysis of translations of the work. Includes a history of translation in France from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the eighteenth century and a sketch of political relations between Spain and France in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A study of major interest for the history of the novel and the pastorale.

SCOTT, VIRGINIA. The Commedia dell'Arte in Paris 1644–1697. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1990.

Review: Alan Howe in ZFSL 103 (1993), 103–5: "Précieuse mise au point et un instrument de recherches dont la consultation sera indispensable." Corrects many previous errors in careful and extensive documentation of the lives of the actors, their finances and theatres, and relations with the court. Most valuable section is analysis of dramatic repertoire (with chronology of performances) and techniques. There is an evolution and transformation of art rather than a deterioration.
Review: F. Moureau in FrF 17 (1992), 105–106: Extremely appreciative review judges S.'s study "unique" and "magnifique." M. lauds the attention to archival materials and excellent analysis of documents as well as a thorough knowledge of literature and history. This "belle aventure theatrale que nous conte Scott" is a fine synthesis, to be praised for its contributions to the history of the Parisian stage of Arlequin, the evolution of his repertory and the significance of this theater of mid and late 17th c.
Review: Jeffrey S. Ravel in TJ 44 (1992), 553–54: This book is described as "an important contribution to [the] new historiography" of the commedia tradition. Having expressed a few reservations, R. declares that ". . . there is much to recommend in this work. S.," he says, "has thoroughly mined the French and Italian archival sources; she has compiled an exemplary bibliography . . ." and . . . [she has] reproduced many wonderful period engravings." R. concludes by saying that S.'s book "surely helps to lay the groundowrk for a reconsideration of the theatrical and cultural importance of Italian improvisational comedy in Europe between the Renaissance and the French Revolution."
Review: M.-O. Sweetser in FR 66 (1993), 663–64: Important contribution to history of the theatre in Paris dealing with the repertoire, actors, patrons. Most detailed compendium in one volume of all documentation available. Keen critical sense of documents. Ample biblio. (but some omissions: e.g. P. Wadsworth, H. G. Hall). Chronological order to illuminate both the history of the troop and the genre. Fascinating glimpses of cultural history as well as detailed accounts of French-Italian cultural exchanges.

SEIFERT, LEWIS C. "Female Empowerment and Its Limits: The Conteuses' Active Heroines." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 17–34.

Women's narratives are "complicitous with but also resist patriarchal literary traditions of the period," reconstructing gender differences and reflecting the ambivalent identity of women writers and their texts. Heroines are classified as "active," "complicitous," and "resisting."

SERROY, JEAN, ed. Romanciers du XVIIe siècle. Paris: Klincksieck, 1991.

Review: N. Boursier in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 285–287: 24 studies reflecting contemporary literary criticism and developments in the social sciences.

HAPIRO, NORMAN R.,trans. The Fabulists French. Verse Fables of Nine Centuries. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1992.

Review: R. Danner in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 572–575: An "elegantly produced [bilingual] volume" of interest both to the general reader and the scholar. Includes La Fontaine and other seventeenth-century fabulists. The translation emphasizes the oral nature of the genre.
Review: G. J. McCool in Choice 30 (1993), 801: "An anthology of short fables by 70 authors, arranged chronologically . . . . Each section is introduced by a brief discussion of the author's life and times and each fable is accompanied by a very graceful English translation . . . . The strength of this work," in M.'s opinion, "is probably its variety: adaptations of Aesop as well as original fables, fables by giants like La Fontaine as well as those of lesser-knowns . . ., fables not only in standard French but also in various patois, Creole, and Provençal." M. states that this "anthology . . . is both scholarly and accessible to all interested readers, lower-division undergraduates and up."

SIMERKA, BARBARA ANNE. "Beyond 'clowns and kings': Aesthetic and Ideological Subversion in Baroque Tragicomedy" (Univ. of Southern California, 1992). DAI 53:9, 3205A.

A redefinition of tragicomedy that sheds light on "problem plays," and examines the influence of other genres such as the epic, satire, and the miracle play.

SPEAIGHT, GEORGE. "A Commedia dell'arte Lazzo." ThR 18 (1993), 1–3.

"Among the abundant iconographical records of the commedia dell'arte are a handful of engravings depicting vivaciously capering single characters, of which three have been reproduced by Allardyce Nicoll [in The World of Harlequin (Cambridge UP, 1963)], where they are identified merely as 'seventeenth-century engravings.' The same subjects were apparently copied by Adrian de Winter (1615–?) . . . ." Characters depicted are "Pulcinella . . apparently warding off a swarm of bees or wasps . . ." and "Arlequin and Polichinelle endeavouring to catch a butterfly." The article discusses how these tricks might have been performed on stage.

THEATRE ET SPECTACLES HIER ET AUJOURD'HUI, EPOQUE MODERNE ET CONTEMPORAINE. Actes du 115e Congrès national des sociétés savantes (Avignon, 1990). Paris: CTHS, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 671: Parmi les sujets abordés dans ce volume de quarante-deux communications sur le théâtre de 1600 à 1990 est le théâtre judéo-comtadin du XVIIe siècle. Parmi les contributions, un article de Bernadette Rey-Flaud sur la farce médiévale dans le théâtre de Molière.

TOBIN, RONALD W. "Nourriture, Bienséances et tragédie: l'exemple de Thyeste." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 169–180.

". . . la mythologie occidentale renforcée en particulier par la pièce Thyeste de Sénèque, n'a retenu de la légende des petits-fils de Tantale que le festin horrible. En tout cas, c'est exclusivement à cet épisode malheureux que les auteurs tragiques des seizième, dix-septième et dix-huitième siècles français ont puisé . . . . Seul le festin n'est pas entré libre dans le château de la tragédie classique, semble-t-il, et, comme nous allons le voir, c'est ce qui explique l'absence de Thyeste de la scène française classique." Selon l'auteur "il est temps d'explorer en profondeur les composantes proprement culturelles et physiques de cet autre facteur de base [outre la vraisemblance] pour une compréhension de la mentalité du dix-septième siècle, les bienséances."

TRUCHET, JACQUES and ANDRE BLANC, eds. Théâtre du XVIIe siècle, Paris: Gallimard, 1992.

Review: J. Emelina in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 581–583: Includes 3 tragedies "en musique," 3 tragedies, and 14 comedies by Quinault, Pradon, T. Corneille, Donneau de Visé, Fatouville, Baron, Dancourt, et Regnard covering the period from 1676 to 1710. Includes introduction (editor points to the many changes that occur in the theater during this period), chronology, bibliography, and 370 pages of other critical apparatuses. Thus with the 56 plays in the volume on the 17th century and the more than fifty for the 18th, a vast panorama.
Review: Nicole Ferrier-Caverivière in DSS 179 (avril-juin 1993), 414–17: Un travail superbe, à la fois précis et rigoureux; "une véritable oeuvre scientifque" qui illumine les textes.

VERS UN THESAURUS INFORMATISE. TOPIQUE DES OUVERTURES NARRATIVES AVANT 1800. Actes du colloque international Sator. Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier-III, 25–27 octobre 1990. Montpellier: Université Paul Valery, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 703: "Les communications sur les ouvertures narratives des romans et nouvelles du XVIIe siècle sont de loin les plus nombreuses, particulièrement sur les oeuvres de Sorel et de Mme de Lafayette."

VUILLEMIN, JEAN-CLAUDE. "Dramaturgie classique et mises en scène modernes." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 379–397.

Reviews recent theatrical productions of Corneille and Racine.

WANNING, FRANK. Diskursivitat une Aphoristik: Untersuchungen zum Formen — und Wertewandel in der hofischen Moralistik. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1989.

Review: B. Cooper in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 303–304: An approach to moralist writing that combines the vantage points of genre criticism and literary sociology, with an "exemplary discussion — in the form of a historical reconstruction — of the term 'moraliste'." Includes the study of texts by Faret, Gombaud, La Rochefoucauld, and La Bruyère; "a challenging and thought-provoking book."
Review: Corrado Rosso in SFr 104 (1991), 354–355: According to Wanning, 'l'expression aphoristique' appears at a precise moment of social crisis and "is absent in the first half of the 17th century." The reviewer disagrees with that thesis but acknowledges being "sensitive to the aggressive clarity" of Wanning's reasoning, and feels that, despite its bias, it is an "interesting book".

WENTZLAFF-EGGEBERT, CHRISTIAN, ed. Le Language littéraire au XVIIe siècle — De la rhétorique à la littérature. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1991.

Review: Georges Moliné in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 400–01: Actes d'un colloque, 22 contributions au sujet d'une problématique importante dans la littérature classique.

WILLIAMS, CHARLES, ed. Actrs de Columbus. Actes du XXIe colloque de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. Ohio State University (6–8 avril 1989). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 59 (1991).

Review: Phillip J. Wolfe in SCN 51 1–2 (1993), 22–23: "At the Columbus meetings, the topics addressed were Racine, the Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes by Fontenelle, and the relationship between history and literature. The section on History and Literature offers articles on history in the theater, on the Princesse de Clèves, and on the writings of Retz and Louis XIV."

WILSON, JEAN. The Challenge of Belatedness: Goethe, Kleist, Hofmannsthal. Lanham, New York/London: UP of America, 1991.

Review: V. Dürr in CollG 25 (1992), 359–361: Valuable study of German dramatic tradition contests the notion that a play is a finished artifact and closely examines Goethe's revision of Euripides and Racine in Iphigénie.

WINN, COLETTE H., ed. The Dialogue in Early Modern France, 1547–1630. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1993.

Includes Donald Gilman on the cultural, historical context of the genre; Paula Sommers on D'Aubigné's "Caducéee, Mathurine et Du Perron" and Les Aventures du Baron de Faeneste.

WOODROUGH, ELIZABETH. "Fiction and History: An Attraction of Opposites." SCFS 15 (1993), 213–30.

A useful summary of well-worn generalizations but surprisingly awkward. Inadequate notes.

WOSHINSKY, BARBARA R. Signs of Certainty. The Linguistic Imperative in French Classical Literature. Saratoga: Anma Libri, 1991.

Review: F. Lagarde in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 589–590: A study that explores the failure of language to communicate truth. Despite its ambiguities, classical language always returns to a "ground." According to the reviewer, "pas mal de choses intéressantes, malgré une impression de patchwork où de flou et une thèse qu'il n'est pas toujours facile de démêler . . . ."

ZARDINI LANA, REGINA GRAZIA. La Tragicommedia. Problemi di fonti e di teoria drammatica. Verona: Facoltà di Lingue e lettere straniere dell' Università, 1990.

Review: Cecilia Rizza in SFr 104 (1991), 348–349: The title is misleading since this book is a collection of studies on plays by Garnier, Jean Auvray, d'Ouville, Sallibray, Beys and d'Audiguier. However, Zardini Lana's articles have an implicit coherence and "lead to conclusions which define and give solid information" on the "genre tragicomique."

ZUBER, ROGER, LILIANE PICCIOLA, and EMMANUEL BURY. Littérature française du XVIIe Siècle. Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: J. Marmier in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 591–594: Aimed at "premier cycle" students, a history that avoids the pitfalls of both the manual (only facts and dates) and the too brief summary. Approach is generic rather than historical. An excellent collection of essays that is provocative even for the specialist. Index.
Review: F. Roudaut in IL 45.2 (mar/avr 93), 42: Un panorama clair et synthétique, destiné aux étudiants du premier cycle, avec une analyse originale de la prose comme "instrument de pensée" et "expression du moi" par E. Bury.
Review: A. Viala in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 399–400: Destiné aux étudiants de Premier cycle, ce texte, dont le principe organisateur est littéraire plutôt qu'historique, est clair et précis.



GUELLOUZ, SUZANNE. "Du bon usage des textes liminairs. Le cas d'Amelot de la Houssaye." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 261–275.

A study of Amelot de la Houssaye's literary career as "the most prolific if not the most eclectic translator of the 17th century". His preliminary discourses, despite their deceptive use of political flattery, should be examined carefully since they may distort the very meaning and orientation of his translations.




JEHASSE, JEAN and BERNARD YON, eds. Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac, Epistolae Selectae/Epîstres Latines Choisies (1650). Saint-Etienne: Univ. de Saint-Etienne, 1990.

Review: P. Wolfe in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 247–248: 55 letters by the worldy and humanistic author. Translation, introduction, notes and index.


LASSERRE, FRANCOIS. "Influence de Balthasar Baro sur le jeune Pierre Corneille." PFSCL 33 (1990), 399–423.

B.'s influence on C. in terms of the play within the play: in Clitandre C. would especially have wanted to correct defects he perceived in Célinde.






WOLFF, HEIDE. Das narrative Werk Catherine Bernards (1662–1712): Liebeskonzeption und Erzähltechniken. Frankfurt/Bern/New York/Paris: Lang, 1990.

Review: G. J. Mallinson in MLR 87 (1992), 991–92: "This book makes a valuable contribution to the study of a neglected author. At times the frequent recapitulation and a tendency towards exhaustive documentation betray its origins in a dissertation and do not make for very easy reading. But as the coherent statement of Catherine Bernard's distinctive qualities as a writer (narrative concentration, stylistic sobriety, command of dialogue, perceptive analysis of feeling) it remains very worthwhile."






CRONK, NICHOLAS. "The Classical Sublime: Boileau's Traité du sublime in the context of contemporary poetic theory, 1650–1720" (Oxford Univ., 1990). DAI 53:10, 3546A.

Boileau's concept of the sublime perpetuates a "platonist aesthetic which circumvents the problems of mimetic theory;" the Traité du sublime is seen as "the most innovative and influential text of French classical poetic theory."

JORET, PAUL. Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux révolutionnaire et conformiste. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 49 (1989).

Review: Valeria Santi Milana in SFr 104 (1991), 353–354: Joret's book challenges our basic opinions on Boileau as a 'poète officiel'. In a "not always easily readable" prose, he attempts to show the fundamental ambiguity of Boileau. His 'silence poètique' makes him appear as 'le prédécesseur de la prose enflammée des philosophes auteurs de la révolution.' For Santi Milana, "this volume, offering aspects of an original but not always relevant reflection", is completed by a "useful bibliography."

PINEAU, JOSEPH. L'Univers satirique de Boileau: l'ardeur, la grâce et la loi. Genève: Droz, 1990.

Review: D. C. Potts in MLR 87 (1992), 988–89: "This book is an important contribution to the reevaluation of Boileau's works which finally got under way some three decades ago with the publication of Brody's Boileau and Longinus." Particular praise for P.'s study of Boileau's style.
Review: J. Zarucchi in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 560–561: An attempt to reconstruct B.'s critical vision, identifying him as a poet and satirist rather than a cold, rational critic. Reviewer finds excessive partisanship and a "lack of critical depth." However, study succeeds in questioning view of B. as melancholic arbiter of rules. Interestingly written.

ROSI, ROSSANO. "Boileau en désordre (Ep. XI, vv. 1–10)." LR 46 (1992), 175–184.

Detailed examination of the exordium of B.'s Epistre XI, addressed to his gardner. R. reveals striking semantic, syntactic and phonic irregularies.

ZEBOUNI, SELMA. "Rhetorical Strategies in L'Art poétique orWhat is Boileau Selling." FLS 19 (1992), 10–18.

The poem is analyzed as a duplicitous text which overtly intends to define poetics, but covertly intends a rhetorical seduction of the reader.



LOMBARDI, MARCO, ed. Boussuet, Orazioni funebri. Venezia: Marsilio, 1992.

Review: B. Piqué in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 550–551: A bilingual French and Italian edition of only the sermons for Henriette de France and Henriette d'Angleterre. An introduction that studies in detail the two sermons and looks beyond to B.'s moral notions and conception of sacred eloquence. Biographical sketches of B. and two Henriettes, notes, and bibliography. Masterful translation into Italian.

MEYER, JEAN. Bossuet. Paris: Fayard, 1993.

Review: Philippe Sollers in Le Monde des Livres (8 Oct. 1993), pp. 25, 32: An "acte de courage intellectuel," this biography paradoxically set on viewing greatness, which historical judgment has put so much into quesion. "Bossuet est né de la Bible," therefore an historian, a panegyrist of saints, the opener of the grave — "allié de la mort." Emulator of Isaiah, Bossuet is the living Word in a language of "Sagesse/folie." Review is finally sympathetic to B. but is as interesting on Sollers as on Meyer's alleged fascination with paradox.





DELMAS, CHRISTIAN, ET GEORGES FORESTIER, eds. Oropaste, ou le Faux Tonaxare. Geneva: Droz, 1990.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in IL 44.4 (sep/oct 92), 29: Une riche introduction nous réintroduit à une tragédie presque oubliée, créée par la troupe de Molière en nov.-dec. 1662.
Review: Charles Mazouer in RHT 174 (1992), 187–188: "Cette tragédie politique de 1662 ne pouvait trouver meilleurs éditeurs". A 70 page introduction examines Boyer's literary career and explains "les raisons de l'échec d'Oropaste et du discrédit de Boyer." However, contrary to the editors' opinion, Mazouer feels that this play, notwithstanding certain merits, is not a "chef-d'oeuvre méconnu."


VAUCHERT, ETIENNE, ed. Recueil des Dames, poésies et tombeaux. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.

Review: J. Brunnel in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 249–251: Une "véritable encyclopédie," avec des annotations riches et minutieuses et une longue introduction biographique et analytique.






HOPE, GEOFFREY, ed. Les Descriptions Poétiques. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 58, (1990).

Review: A. Génetiot in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 887–889: Le "poète épique et historien" néolatin a composé de "longs poèmes emblématiques dont la forme mondaine, en vers français, prépare le discours du moraliste chrétien." On regrette l'absence de notes.
  • See French 17 (1991).


DUCHÊNE, JACQUELINE. Bussy-Rabutin. Paris: Fayard, 1992.

Review: V. Maigne in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 232–233: An excellent biography of Mme de Sévigné's cousin and correspondent: "Mais là où le livre de J. D. est extrêmement novateur, c'est dans la vision d'un Bussy romantique avant la lettre, . . . aussi, le refus de ne retenir de Bussy que ce que l'on a trop souvent retenu de lui,l'aspect scandaleux."
Review: P. Martin in IL 45.2 (mar/avr 93), 46–47: "Un portrait contrasté et savoureux de l'homme dont elle a pénétré les humeurs, le caractère et la personnalité jusque dans les détails les plus révélateurs."
Review: M.-O. Sweetser in FR 66 (1993), 814–15: "Beaucoup de précision dans la recherche historique et de pénétration dans l'analyse psychologique et littéraire . . . l'auteur rend justice à un des représentants les plus curieux de la vieille noblesse, fidèle à la monarchie mais indisciplinée, ayant trouvé dans l'écriture une compensation à une carrière manquée."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DUCHENE, JACQUELINE and ROGER, eds. L'Histoire amoureuse des Gaules. Paris: Gallimard, 1993.

Review: François Bott in Le Monde (19 Feb. 1993), 24: Indicates that ed. is "très documentée," but makes no other reference to it in a vivid portrait of Bussy, "immoral et charmant."




DESCRAINS, JEAN. Essais sur Jean-Pierre Camus. Paris: Klincksieck, 1992.

Review: E. Quallio in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 525–526: Collected essays by the scholar most responsible for introducing Camus to modern times. The role of Les Diversités in Camus' work represents the unifying theme of the essays.

ROBIC-DE-BAECQUE, SYLVIE. "La Coustillade salutaire, baroque et dévotion dans les récits de Jean-Pierre Camus." DSS 179 (avril-juin 1993), 291–303.

Réfutant les analyses précédantes soulignant une dichotomie fondamentale entre la sensibilité baroque et l'intention morale dans l'oeuvre de C., l'auteur de l'article affirme que "c'est une formule romanesque véritablement inédite que [Camus] désire élaborer, dans les entrelacs réciproques de la fiction et de la spiritualité."

WORCESTER, THOMAS. "A Feast: Alimentary Discourse in the Preaching of Bishop Jean-Pierre Camus." SCFS 15 (1993), 99–114.

That the Catholic Reformation may have gone lightly with gluttony ("péché mignon," according to J.-P. Pitte, cited here) is largely corroborated by the volume of gastronomic imagery in C.'s preaching from the 1614 Etats on. Homilies are themselves good food (1616–17) and good "entretien de table." God has prepared a banquet for us (beware Lent!) and Holy Eucharist is a divine instance of banquet. Application of Bakhtine to C.'s Sunday homilies, his discourses on the life of Jesus, shows that the Bishop preferred "obéissance mangeante" to excessive fasting. Interesting suggestions for additional research.



WEIL, MICHELE. Robert Challe romancier. Genève: Droz, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 702: Ouvrage sur Challe d'"une érudition impressionnante, un art de la démonstration sans faille qui connaît et sait utiliser ou contester les approches les plus diverses et les plus récentes." Ouvrage exemplaire malgré de nombreuses coquilles.





ADAM, MICHEL. Etudes sur Pierre Charron. Bordeaux: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 1819: "En réunissant six études antérieurement publiées dans des revues, M. Adam aide à mieux saisir l'originalité d'un auteur qui mérite mieux que la réputation qui lui a été faite. En effet, par l'importance qu'il donne à la pensée et par la valeur qu'il reconnaît à la nature, il peut être considéré comme un précurseur tant de la première partie que de la seconde partie du XVIIe siècle."
Review: Henry Méchoulan in RMM 97 (1992), 418–19: "Aussi rigoureuse que systématique" in treatment. Religious orthodoxy is first established: "La doctrine de la Providence reste chez C. si orthodoxe que Saint-Cyran recommendera sa lecture comme initiation à la vie spirituelle." Best pages are those given to "prud' home,' "capables de faire comprendre le climat intérieur à la sensibiliteé propre à ces premiéres années du XVIIe siècle." Bio. and Biblio." qui en font un nouvel et précieux instrument de travail pour les historiens de la pensée moderne."
  • See French 17 (1992).



LEIBACHER-OUVRARD, LISE. "Sexe, simulacre et 'Libertinage honnête': La Satyre sotadique (1658/1678) de Nicolas Chorier." RR 83.3 (May 92), 267–280.

Cette oeuvre d'érotisme jette de lumière sur le libertinage de la seconde moitié du XVIIe, et met en cause des notions de modèle et d'identité.


HARDEE, A. MAYNOR, ed. Les Portugaiz infortunez. Geneva: Droz, 1991.

Review: A. Howe in MLR 88 (1993), 462–63: ". . . the book is doubly welcome — for providing a text which had never been reprinted since its first publication [1608], and for accompanying it with the first detailed analysis of a work which, as Hardee writes, 'mérite bien sa place dans la littérature moralisante de l'époque'."
  • See French 17 (1992).


SPERANZA ARMANI, ADA. Maurice Scève nelle Vies des poètes français di Guillaume Celletet. Fasano: Schena, 1988.

Review: H. Marek in RF 104 (1992), 222–224: M. has little praise for C. as critic but recognizes his importance as the last critical author before Ste-Beuve to have appreciated Scève. C.'s 5-volume ms. Histoire générale et particulière des poètes français partially survived an 1871 fire and fragments are available in the BN of the work of this author who was loyal to Malherbe's theories and who, as a poet-member of the Academy, was protected by Richelieu.



ABRAHAM, CLAUDE. "Pleasures of the Stage." Continuum 5 (1993) 241–243.

Review article of Gabriel Conesa's Pierre Corneille et la naissance du genre comique (Paris: SEDES, 1989) in which A. highlights the book's contributions to Corneille studies and concludes that ". . . this work will force its reader to look at the comedies of Corneille as theatre" and not simply as literature.

BAKER, SUSAN READ. Dissonant Harmonies: Drama and Ideology in Five Neglected Plays of Pierre Corneille. Tübingen: G. Narr, 1990.

Review: Claire Carlin in FR 66 (1993), 500–501: Detailed analysis of Clitandre, Thèodore, Pertharite, Sophonisbe, and Othon demonstrates ambiguities and tensions that exist throughout C.'s career. Esthetic and ethical examination of the corpus is original in its bringing together in a multi-faceted dialectical framework Marxist literary theory, reader response criticism, feminist psychoanalytical criticism.
Review: Alain Couprie in DSS 179 (avril-juin 1993), 406–407: Analyse de cinq pièces peu prestigieuses de C. portant sur "l'évolution esthétique de l'oeuvre du dramaturge et la manière dont s'équilibrent l'histoire et la fiction, l'idéologie aristocratique et l'existentialisme bourgeois, le machiavélisme et la générosité, la vérité et sa poétisation."
Review: W. O. Goode in FrR 17 (1992), 335–337: G. appreciates B.'s examination of five "failed" plays of C., neglected not by critics but by 17th c. audiences. Using an eclectic methodology B. draws an opposition between personation and impersonation and provides rich and "intricate analyses" of Clitandre, Théodore, Pertharite, Sophonisbe, and Othon. G. sees other possible applications of this dialectic in C.'s theatre.
Review: J. P. Short in MLR 87 (1992), 985–86: B. treats "drama and ideology in Clitandre, Théodore, Pertharite, Sophonisbe, and Othon and the author . . . calls on all the resources of Marxist literary theory, reader response theory, feminism, and psychoanalysis in order to define and isolate what she sees as unresolved tensions in Corneille's drama."

CARRIER, HUBERT, ed. Pierre Corneille, Le Cid. Paris: Hachette, 1991.

Review: M. Margitic in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 215: The Classiques Hachette edition of the last — 1682 — version of the text reviewed by C., thus of the "tragédie." Didactic apparatus is very effective: notes, bibliography, questions, etc.

CLARKE, DAVID. Pierre Corneille: Poetics and Political Drama under Louis XIII. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992.

Review: G. Jordorf in SCFS 15 (1993), 130–32: "Impressive learning" and "meticulous argument" in a "very intelligent" treatment of the political. Part I deals with the ideological and constitutional crisis, suppositions that nonetheless give "a useful picture of what it meant to be Normand in the 1630s." Part II "gives a heartening account of C.'s independence, integrity, and dogedness" in a climate of intellectual oppressiveness. Part III analyzes 7 plays, from Clitandre to La Mort de Pompée in terms of the common experience of audienced deduced from contemporary minor moral and political writers. An immense amount of detailed inquiry that should be continued.
Review: R. A. Picken in Choice 30 (1992), 623: R. considers this study to be "the most important scholarly work in English devoted to C." to have appeared in three decades. The author "undertakes a detailed study of the seven serious plays written by [C.] , . . . between 1630 and 1643, the political and ideological context in which they were written, and the principles that guided their composition." Topics discussed include "how C.'s provincial background is likely to have affected the way in which he envisages his art" and ". . . C.'s theoretical principles and his belief that the drama, by transmuting history into tragedy, offered a means to the better understanding of his times. In the final section C. discusses the political and tragic significance of each of the seven plays and seeks to link their reflection of contemporary ideological tensions with the 'collective mind' of the dramatist's intended audience." R. judges this book, which has "extensive notes and a valuable bibliography," to be "essential . . . for future research" on the dramatist.
  • See French 17 (1992).

CONESA, GABRIEL. Pierre Corneille et la naissance du genre comique (1629–1636): Etude dramaturgique. Paris: SEDES, 1989.

Review: See Abraham above.

COUPRIE, ALAIN, ed. Le Cid. Paris: PUF, 1989.

Review: See Sweetser below.

COUTON, GEORGES. Corneille et la tragédie politique. Paris: PUF, 1990.

Review: Sergio Poli in SFr 103 (1991), 130: This "deuxième édition mise à jour" is, contrary to the publisher's claim, a reprint of the 1984 edition.

EUGENE, CATHERINE, ed. Le Cid. Paris: Presses-Pocket, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1579–80: "Destinée à un large public, la collection s'attache moins à analyser l'oeuvre . . . qu'à la présenter dans son contexte: carrière de l'auteur, contexte historique, social et littéraire. Le commentaire se limite à la préface, qui dégage une orientation générale, développée ensuite dans le dossier historique et littéraire présenté à la suite du texte de la pièce."

FORESTIER, GEORGES, ed. Le Cid. Paris: Magnard, 1988.

Review: Charles Mazouer in RHT 174 (1992), 186: The text, based on the 1682 edition, is printed on the right side. But "l'intérêt du volume est ailleurs, sur les pages de gauche, intitulées 'La gazette des contextes'." However, the reviewer, though impressed with the wealth of notes and excerpts from relevant sources, has some reservations about the format — "le texte de Corneille y est comme oublié, noyé qu'il se trouve sous l'avalanche de textes critiques, d'ailleurs découpés et morcelés en si courts extraits qu'on a rarement l'occasion de pouvoir entrer dans une pensée critique."

_________. "Corneille et la tragédie: hypothèses sur l'élaboration de Suréna." Littératures Classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 141–68.

"En some, l'hypothèse selon laquelle Corneille a pu vouloir, dans le contexte crucial des années 1673–74, se livrer d'une démonstration de 'sa' conception de la tragédie nous permet de rendre compte de l'extrême densité sémantique de cette pièce et, en décomposant les différentes strates qui semblent la constituer, de tenter de rendre compte des principes qui ont pu présider à sa composition."

_________. Pierre Corneille, Le Cid (1637–1660). Paris: STFM, 1992.

Review: M. Margitic in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 534–536: Reproduces two of the nineteen different versions of the play, those of 1637 and 1660. The reviewer is troubled by the absence of a theoretical rationale for the inclusion of two complete texts, finding the discernment of differences to be a difficult task for the reader to accomplish. Contains a concise and informative introduction.

FUMAROLI, MARC. Héros et orateurs: Rhétorique et dramaturgie cornéliennes. Genève: Droz, 1990.

Review: V. Kapp in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 889–890: Des études réunies qui enrichissent nos connaissances sur Corneille.
Review: Wolfgang Matzat in ZFSL 103 (1993), 67–71: High praise for the erudition of F.'s discussion of Counter-reformation culture, rhetorical theory, and C.'s place in them. Valuable précis of the essays (1968–1984) collected here.
Review: Felicita Robello in SFr 104 (1991), 350: A collection of 18 essays published between 1968 and 1984. Highly recommended.

GOSSIP, CHRIS J. "Tragedy and the Tragic Emotions in Corneille." AUMLA 79 (1993), 1–16.

After examining C.'s critical writings on theater, G. states: "For C., . . . the coupling pity-and-fear is as inadequately simplistic as is the modern view that his best-known plots are based on a black-and-white dichotomy 'duty versus love'." According to G., the playwright "offers a short but varied menu of emotions to be experienced singly or in direct contrast one to the other, at different times throughout a play, perhaps in sequence or cumulatively; emotions aroused, purified and then either removed or restored to a proper balance by curtain-fall." "Death, or the death of political power, or the death of human liberty, even if — perhaps especially if — these threats of death are faced and then avoided, these are the topics which engender a specific Cornelian aura and associated emotions which," in G.'s view, are "as genuinely tragic as most."

HAWCROFT, MICHAEL. "Corneille's Clitandre and the Theatrical Illusion." FS 47.2 (1993), 142–155.

A rereading of C.'s play as one in which the dramatist self-consciously plays with the notion of illusionist theatre."

________. "Homosexual love in Corneille's Clitandre (1632)." SCFS 15 (1993), 135–44.

Refines scenic evidence convincingly in response to the disagreement of Larthomas ("ambigous if any," Form and Meaning . . . Studies Presented to Harry Barnwell, 1982, pp. 41–50) with Scherer ("ouvert," La Dramaturgie Classique, p. 410). The visual impact and length of the embrace of the men (II,4) linked to the pledge of V,2 are unique 17th-century staging of evidence for the prince's homosexuality (Clitandre would be bisexual). Comparison with Racine's Antiochus and Quinault's Proteus and Bellérophon (but words as opposed to gestures) support the conclusion.

HUBERT, JUDD. "De l'écart historique à la plénitude théâtrale: Pulchérie et Suréna." ELF 58 (1993), 55–65.

"Bien qu'on ne puisse pas vraiment traiter Corneille comme un historien dans toute la force du terme, on peut néanmoins découvrir dans son théâtre une appréciaiton souvent pénétrante, non seulement de la politique de son temps, mais du pouvoir en général. Or, non seulement ces drames à base historique, mais aussi les comédies du début de sa carrière et même une tragédie mythologique comme Oedipe peuvent fournir d'utiles indications aux historiens . . . ."

KERR, CYNTHIA B. "Lectures textuelles, lectures scéniques: une conversation sur Corneille avec Jean-Pierre Miguel." ELF 58 (1993), 67–80.

Article basé sur un entretien que Jean-Pierre Miguel a accordé à l'auteur pendant le festival d'Avignon en 1988. "Pour marquer l'année où Le Cid, Othon et Suréna figuraient au programme de l'agrégation, il nous a paru indispensable de parler avec la seule personne à les avoir montés tous afin de faire le point sur l'art de Corneille, les différences fondamentales qui existent entre l'analyse littéraire et l'approche scénique, et les problèmes particuliers que pose la dramaturgie des spectacles cornéliens."

KERR, CYNTHIA. "Voix des femmes, voies du théâtre: Brigitte Jacques et la Sophonisbe de Corneille." TraLit 5 (1992), 161–178.

Detailed reflection on production by B. Jacques of C.'s Sophonisbe; considerations of choice of actors, mise en scène, costumes, etc. lead K. to conclude that one of the important organizing principles is "la dichotomie" and that this representation because of its intelligence and sensitivity "rend à l'oeuvre de Corneille sa juste dimension théâtrale." Furthermore, as testify J.'s Sophonisbe at the Théâtre national de Chaillot, Silvia Montfort's Théodore at the Carré, and Françoise Seigner's Nicomède at the Comédie Française (all in the fall of 1988), Corneille is considered as "porte-parole de l'esprit de résistance, musclé, audacieux, énigmatique et narquois, dénoncant le cynisme du statu quo et le totalitarisme des régimes qui gouvernent par la force des armes."

KNIGHT, R.C. Corneille's Tragedies. The Role of the Unexpected. Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press, 1991.

Review: Jean Dubu in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 407–10: "Elégamment pensé."
Review: Gillian Jordorf in SCFS 15 (1993), 129–30. Both "refreshing" and "in its easy manner accommodating a highly intellectual, sympathetic, and persuasive reading of C." Deals with 20 plays from various sub-genres. Sees patterning of brilliant pairs of plays interspersed with failures. The success of stage-craft, peripeties, coups, love of paradox, surprise, éblouissement leads to the successes. Not sympathetic to the "Ethique de la gloire" reading or "politically minded critiques."
  • See French 17 (1992).

LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS. Corneille de 1638 à 1642: la crise technique d'Horace, Cinna et Polyeucte. PSFCL/Biblio 17, 55 (1990).

Review: Helen Bates McDermott in FR 66 (1992), 329–30: An "original and fresh" viewing of crucial period in career with "subtle and persuasive" analysis of the effects on dramatic technique of the Querelle du Cid. Reveals through close textual analysis, "especially fine of Polyeucte, the rigorous coherence of C.'s dramaturgy, a period of "forced detour of a longer career that "remains problematic, modern, and fundamentally resistant to ideology or external control."

MARGITIC, MILORAD R. "La Galerie du Palais: une ruse baroque." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 333–352.

The reassessment of a comedy that has often been viewed negatively because of the failure of critics to take the play's complexity into account. A baroque ruse unites action, theme and character and constitutes the basis of the comic in the play.

_______., ed. Le Cid: Tragi-Comédie. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1989.

Review: See Sweetser below.

MURATORE, MARY JO. Cornelian Theater. The Metadramatic Dimension. Birmingham, Alabama: Summa Publications, 1990.

Review: Saskia Brown in FS 47.2 (1993), 231: Refuting traditional criticism, this rereading of C.'s early tragedies demonstrates that C.'s primary concern was aesthetic rather than moral. "Refreshing" but its "sweeping hierarchies . . . tend to produce reductive readings."
Review: Philip Koch in FR 66 (1993), 129–30: "High voltage study of Médée, the tetralogy, and Rodogune," with a view to "provide an esthetic unity rather than to give moral significance to the works." The search for elements of metacommentary is "exciting and original;" arguments derive from "serious, often ingenious" readings of the texts.

NADAL, OCTAVE. Le Sentiment de l'amour dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Corneille. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 15–16: Réédition bienvenue qui traite de la place du sentiment amoureux dans l''éthique glorieuse de Corneille.

PICIOLA, LILIANE. "Corneille interprète de Lope de Vega dans La Suite du Menteur." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 209–221.

La Suite du Menteur is an adaptation of Lope de Vega's Amar sin saber a quién. A close study of both plays show how Corneille's work as an adapter differs from his contemporaries's approach. Though he has "habillé son sujet à la française" and done an important "travail de réécriture", Corneille did base his adaptation on "une traduction implicite, à la fois soucieuse de la lettre et fidèle à la fois soucieuse de la lettre et fidèle à l'esprit du texte originale, comme on le aime aujourd'hui."

POIRIER, GERMAIN. Corneille: Témoin de son temps, I: Clitandre (1631). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 53 (1990).

Review: L. Godard de Donville in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 255–256: L'immersion de C. dans l'humanisme dévot des Jésuites est argumentée, de façon contestable.
Review: Kathryn Willis Wolfe in SCN 51.1–2, (1993), 20–21: "While it may be impossible to rehabilitate Corneille's first dramatic work, Poirier makes a valiant attempt at least to justify its existence." He proposes a new interpretation as "he seeks to explain Corneille's approach from an altogether different perspective as a dramatic allegory representing the Jesuit position on Protestant heresy, in short as a document belonging to the Counter-Reformation. "The reviewer, nevertheless, is not convinced, and thinks Poirier "made no effort to keep in check highly controversial personal opinions."

PRIGENT, MICHEL. Le Héros et l'état dans la tragédie de Pierre Corneille. Paris: PUF, 1986/1988.

Review: See Carlin in Part IV above.

RATHE, ALICE. La Reine se marie. Variations sur un thème dans l'oeuvre de Corneille. Genève: Droz, 1990.

Review: M.-F. Bruneau in FrF 17 (1992), 222–224: Serious, with masterful analyses of Cornelian plays which feature true and powerful queens, not wives and kings. Reviewer finds illuminating examinations of ideological conflicts, juridical considerations and the exercise of power, concluding that R.'s work "démontre d'une façon tres convaincante que la différence sexuelle . . . est une catégorie enrichissante pour la compréhension de l'histoire et de la littérature."
Review: F. Lasserre in RHL 92.6 (nov/dec 92), 1068: L'entreprise du mariage conduite par la femme royale: l'héroïsme et le sens du politique sont éclairés, mais le rôle de l'amour est minimisé, donc l'interprétation reste discutable.
Review: D. A. Watts in MLR 87 (1992), 986: "This modest but well-documented volume studies the matrimonial dilemmas faced by Corneille's eleven true queens: that is, those who are queens in their own right, and not merely by virtue of marriage." Reviewer would have prefered more emphasis on the plays as theatrical inventions rather than political/moral teatises.

RIZZA, CECILIA. "Un Discours sur la comédie dans La Suite du Menteur." ELF 58 (1993), 81–92.

R. offre un commentaire sur La Suite du menteur qui part de la lecture attentive de la pièce par Sweetser dans Les Conceptions dramatiques de Corneille (1962). R. constate que "les idées de Corneille sur le genre comique et, plus en général, sur l'art dramatique, ne diffèrent point, en 1645, de celles qu'il défendait une quinzaine d'années auparavant,dans les Avis, les Préfaces, les Dédicaces de ses premières comédies. Il y a, donc, une continuité, une cohérence dans sa pensée que l'on aurait tort de sous-estimer, car elle témoigne de la solidité et de la profondeur de sa réflexion sur la comédie: le dernier mot ne contredit pas, mais confirme les premières indications."

SANCHEZ, JOSE, ed. Pierre Corneille: Othon. Mugron (France): Ed. José Feijoo, 1989.

Review: Cecilia Rizza in SFr 103 (1991), 130: Based on first edition of 1665. A 139 page introduction, written with the collaboration of eminent scholars (A. Niderst, G. Forestier, J. J. Morel, and Ch. Mazouer)studies the play's importance, its veiled critique of Parisianaudiences' new taste. Special emphasis is put on Othon's influence on Racine's early tragedies.

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE. "Jeunesse du Cid, jeunesse de Corneille." Continuum 5 (1993) 235–239.

Review article of Alain Couprie's Pierre Corneille. Le Cid (Paris: PUF, 1989) and Milorad Margitic's Le Cid: Tragi-comédie (Amsterdam/Philadelphie: Benjamins Publishing, 1989). S. commente les moments de convergences et de divergences de ces deux livres et apprécie les contributions qu'ils font aux études cornéliennes.

TRETHEWAY, JOHN. Corneille, L'illusion comique and Le Menteur. London: Grant & Cutler, 1991.

Review: G. Mallinson in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 292–293: Part of the Critical Guides to French Texts series: "a clear-headed, sensitive and very readable analysis" of the comedies. T. argues that the first play should not be seen as the forerunner of the modern experimental theater. For the second, he provides "acute analysis" of Dorante's major speeches.

WATTS, DEREK A. Corneille: Rodogune, Nicomède. London: Grant and Cutler, 1993.

WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY J. "A propos du Cid de Pierre Corneille." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 141–150.

La légitimisation de la violence rend le héros un personnage menaçant pour la stabilité sociale.


ALBINA, LARISSA L. "Un prix scolaire de Thomas Corneille." RHL 93.1 (jan-fév 93), 133–135.

La découverte d'un livre de Théophraste, présenté à T. C. en 1639 à l'âge de 14 ans.




ALCOVER, MADELEINE. Cyrano relu et corrigé. Geneva: Droz, 1990.

Review: Sergio Poli in SFr 103 (1991), 132: "A work deserving gratitude and praises not only from specialists but also from the reading public by and large." Alcover has studied various editions and copies of Cyrano's works, and shows how they were systematically censored and disfigured by publishers. Alcover's "exemplary research" sheds new light on Cyrano, and suggests how our understanding of that author is riddled with "idées reçues" and based on incorrect versions of his writings.

MOON, HI KYUNG. "Fictitious Travellers in French and English Literature: A Study of Imaginary Voyages from Cyrano de Bergerac to Oliver Goldsmith (1657–1762)" (Oxford Univ., 1989). DAI 53:10, 3520A.

A comprehensive view of the genre and the effects of the European discovery of other worlds upon the creative imagination.


ZUBER, ROGER. "De 'Lucien écrivain' au 'Lucien' de d'Ablancourt." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 9–18.

Reassessing Jacques Bompaire's 1958 doctoral thesis, Lucien écrivain, Zuber examines d'Ablancourt's aesthetics of "traduction libre." He admits that in his study of "les belles infidèles," he overlooked Bompaire's seminal research and neglected d'Ablancourt's Lucien (1654). D'Ablancourt's translation of Lucien's texts marked the transition from Blazac's eloquence to "cette lecture d'agrément qu'on n'appelle pas encore 'littérature'."





AURIAC, EUGENE D'. D'Artagnan. Paris: La Table ronde, 1993.

Review: François Bott in Le Monde (11 June 1993), 26: Reprint of 1847 bio. written to establish facts in reaction to Dumas. Contains nonetheless a lively heroization.


MALQUORI FONDI, GIOVANNA, ed. François Hédelin Abbé d'Aubignac: Le Roman des lettres. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 50 (1989).

Review: Madeline Alcover in FR 66 (1993), 501–502: Important critical apparatus that extracts "tout ce qui fait l'originalité de ce curieux livre" (considerable, it would seem, since Bray views its modernity as a precursor of Gide's Les Faux-Monnayeurs), beginning with the ambiguous title and the play of the found-real and the fictitious maintained by the play of epistolarity. Of its time, the work is also an epistolary manual, whose relationship to letters/novels is finely analyzed. A. raises questions of the sureness of the attribution, the exact date of D'.A.'s death, and the inclusiveness of the biblio.
Review: Sergio Poli in SFr 103 (1991), 131–132: An "édition anastatique" of a novel "in progress" by d'Aubignac. In her lengthy introduction, Fondi analyzes this seminal epistolary novel's complex struture, and shows its originality. Her "rigorous analysis" is completed by a "vast and exhaustive bibliography."


FANLO, JEAN-RAYMOND. Tracés, Ruptures. La Composition des Tragiques. Paris: Champion, 1990.

Review: Oliver Millet in BSHPF 138 (1992), 593–94: Important examination of the composition as it articulates (and obscures) themes. Close attention to syntax and punctuation. Also contains important study of the relations between the polemic and historical texts with the poetry. Demanding of the reader but repays with "une pénétration souvent rare du texte, de ses sources, de ses effets, de ses beautés même."

FRAGONARD, MARIE-MADELEINE, FRANK LESTRINGANT, et GILBERT SCHRENK. La Justice des Princes. Commentaires des Tragiques. Livres II et III. Mont-de-Marsan: Editions InterUniversitaires, 1990.

Review: Nathalie Philippe in RSH 229 (1993), 225–27: The authors "se proposent de présenter les enjeux idéologiques et littéraires de l'oeuvre majeure du poète protestant, d'en analyser les moyens spécificiques, d'accompagner un imaginaire au travail, en un temps où les études sur Les Tragiques sont en plein renouveau." This volume is called "un outil de travail que les étudiants et universitaires se doivent d'avoir dans leur bibliothèque!"
  • See French 17 (1992).

LESTRINGANT, FRANK. Les Tragiques. Agrippa D'Aubigné. Paris: PUF, 1991.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 926: "Frank Lestringant, dans ce petit volune [réédition 1986], dit l'essentiel sur Agrippa d'Aubigné et sur les Tragiques où il voit une 'Divine Comédie huguenote'. Il fait le dernier état de la question sur les origines familiales, plus humble qu'on ne croyait, et sur les études 'chantiques' du jeune Agrippa.

QUAINTON, MALCOLM. D'Aubigné, Les Tragiques. London: Grant and Cutler, 1990.

Review: Gilbert Schrenck in ZFSL 103 (1993), 101–2: "Clarté remarquable et un sens aigu de la synthèse," in progressive clarifications of the long genesis, structure, imagery, and rhetoric. Remains a good introduction even though much has been written since 1986 (when the biblio. stopped and the printing process began).

THIERRY, A. Histoire universelle. Agrippa d'Aubigné. Vol V: Livres VII–VIII et IX. Genève: Droz, 1991.

Review: I. D. McFarlane in MLR 88 (1993), 457: "This volume follows the principles described in Volume I; the text is that of the second edition (Geneva, 1626), but the critical apparatus gives the text of the original edition (Maillé, 1616–20)."



ADAM, MICHEL. "René Descartes et Pierre Charron." RPFE 1107 (1992), 467–483.

Descartes must have read Charron, whose influence had eclipsed Montaigne's in the early 17th century. Charron's Sagesse may have served as a source of reflection on the problems of the self, animal language and wisdom. But Adam concedes that "Descartes n'en a pas fait son interrogation première. On peut bien publier régulièrement les oeuvres de Charron; il appartient désormais à l'anti-cartésianisme."

CAVAILLE, JEAN-PIERRE. Descartes, la fable du monde. Paris: EHESS/Vrin, 1991.

Review: BCLF 567 (1992), 994: C. prend acte de la correspondance entre l'expression "Mundus est fabula" et le traité de physique de Descartes intitulé le Monde. Selon C., c'est une construction étroitement dépendante du baroque.
  • See French 17 (1992).

COTTINGHAM, JOHN,trans. A Descartes Dictionary. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1993.

Review: J. E. Roger Squires in PhQ 43 (1993), 581: "D's presentation of his philosophical system is a wonder of clarity, order and accessibility. The reader therefore approaches this fragmentation of his work into short alphabetical entries with a systematic doubt. This is only partly assuaged by the author's authority in Cartesian studies; the entries are clear and sensible, the scholarship is everywhere reliable." S. finds that ". . . the entries are a good antidote to the heuristic device of presenting a caricature of D. in order to display our latest critical weaponry in effective action."

EDMUNDS, BRUCE, "Idleness and Mastery: Descartes' Tree, Descartes' Treatise." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 237–249.

The epistemological finality of the Traité des passions contrasts with an underlying fear of idleness, animality, and individual and collective disintegration in the absence of self-mastery.

GARBER, DANIEL. Descartes's Metaphysical Physics. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1992.

Review: Peter Dear in Isis 84 (1993), 377–78: In many ways a book about D.'s Principles of Philosophy seen as the handbook of Cartesian physics glossed through other writings (especially The World). Discussion is set in chronological context (Chs. 1–2) on D.'s "vocation and project" and illuminated through the broad intellectual context of his ideas. Treats principally the nature of the body and of motion. Ch. 5 discusses D.'s arguments against atomists and his part in Pascal's Puy-de-Dôme experiment. Final 4 chapts. on motion and collision end with close consideration of the role of God. Influence of optics may indicate that "the tree of knowledge was built at least in part from the branches downward."

GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. "Descartes's Early Doctrine of Clear and Distinct Ideas." JHI 53 (1992), 585–602.

Argues that after 1628 D. transforms but does not abandon the doctrine of clear ideas.

GROSHOLZ, EMILY R. Cartesian Method and the Problem of Reduction. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991.

Review: Michael S. Mahoney in Isis 84 (1993), 147–48: Seeks out inconsistenies/incoherences in systematization of mathematics, physics, physiology, and metaphysics: "While the order of reason dictates that the starting points explain the structure, the structure is needed to give meaning to the starting points . . . ." Quarreling with D. as a philosopher, he is given no slack. Reviewer would have seen, beyond the exposé of distortion, "some sense of what the clear picture would look like."
  • See French 17 (1992).

KEEVAK, MICHAEL. "Descartes's Dreams and Their Address for Philosophy." JHI 53 (1992), 373–396.

Examines the source of the diffuculty of interpreting D.'s dreams.

LAFOND, JEAN. "Descartes philosophe et écrivain." RPFE 1107 (1992), 421–438.

Using as a starting point P.-A. Cahné's thesis on Descartes' baroque world vision, Lafond examines the philosopher's knowledge of the uses and devices of literary language. Among his contemporaries, Guez de Balzac should be considered as one of the main sources of Descartes' reflection on style.

LAMPERT, LAURENCE. Nietzsche and Modern Times: A Study of Bacon, Descartes, and Nietzsche. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

MURDOCH, DUGALD. "Exclusion and Abstraction in Descartes' Metaphysics." PhQ 43 (1993), 38–57.

M.'s objective "is to bring to light a neglected distinction in D.'s philosophy, the distinction between abstraction and exclusion. Little attention has been devoted to this distinction," says M., mainly because "it does not feature prominently in any of D.'s philosophical works. Nevertheless it is," M. contends, "of crucial importance for a proper understanding of . . . [D.'s] argument for the real distinction between the mind and the body. Indeed," says M., "the concept of exclusion runs like a thread below the surface of several key arugments in the Meditations."

PALA, ALBERTO. Descartes e la sperimentalismo francese (1600–1650). Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1990.

Review: Martha Baldwin in Isis 84 (1993), 378–79: Departing from Le Noble, Pala seeks for the origin of French experimentalism in philological training (e.g. the new critical scepticism of a Peiresc) and in libertin scepticism (the critical and revolutionary attitude toward Aristotelianism of Gassendi, Mersenne). Direct evidence of the latter is wanting. Chooses to view D. as an experimentalist who was acutely conscious of the inadequacies of experiment for arriving at certainty and whose chief scientific achievement was his recognition of the negative limits of it (but neither is connected here to a philological or libertin influence.) "Remarkably disjointed" but "provacative" book.

RODIS-LEWIS, GENEVIEVE. "Doute pratique et doute spéculatif chez Montaigne et chez Descartes." RPFE 1107 (1992), 439–449.

A systematic comparison between Descartes and Montaigne in regard to their use of philosophical scepticism: "Montaigne ne cessait de rouler que pour s'endormir en une complète indifférence à la vérité, réservée à Dieu seul. Descartes, jusqu'à ses derniers jours, avance sur le chemin de la vérité. Il faisait confiance à ses successeurs pour enrichir la science à travers les siècles. Mais, à l'encontre de la prudence de Montaigne, toujours prêt à changer de guide, jamais il [Descartes] n'aurait prévu une nouvelle conception de la matière ou des lois du mouvement, parce qu'il en avait directement fonde les principes en Dieu."

SCHOULS, PETER A. Descartes and the Enlightenment. Kingston-Montreal: McGill/Queen's Univ. Press, 1989.

Review: A. McKenna in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 263–264: La thèse que la philosophie des Lumières dérive des principes de D. est une réduction contestable qui ne considère pas des influences importantes.
  • See French 17 (1989).

SHEA, WILLIAM R. The Magic of Numbers and Motion: The Scientific Career of René Descartes. Canton, MA: Science History Pubs., 1991.

Review: Michael S. Mahoney in Isis 84 (1993), 147–48: Much needed synthesis giving considerable attention to formative years of Jesuit education, studies with Beekman, and exploration into Rosecrucianism (yielding an accepted ethos of learning as well as the rejection of philosophical foundations — hence the "magic" of the title). Follows D. chronologically through a series of intellectual episodes leading to major scientific achievements in mathematics, optics, mechanics, cosmology, physiology. Does not sufficiently acknowledge problematics or polemics in interpretation and holds the Cartesian corpus to a standard of consistency that allows D. litte room to change his mind.
  • See French 17 (1992).

TREVISANI, FRANCESCO. Descartes in Germania. La ricezione del cartesianesimo nella Facoltà filosofica e medica di Duisburg (1652–1703). Milan: Franco Angeli, 1992.

VERBEEK, THEO. Descartes and the Dutch: Early Reactions to Cartesian Philosophy, 1637–1650. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1992.

Review: Daniel Garber in Isis 84 (1993), 576–77: Major contribution to understanding of the detailed dynamics of the crucial transformation from Aristotelianism to the new mechanist/mathematical philosophy by examining reception of D. in Dutch classrooms and university disputations. Concentrates on disputes in Utrecht and Leiden with considerable archival work. "Essential reading."

VIELLARD-BARON, JEAN-LOUIS. "L'Image de l'homme chez Descartes et chez le cardinal de Bérulle." RPFE 1107 (1992), 403–419.

The author examines how Bérulle and Descartes had different views on major philosophical issues, like the place of Man in nature and the psychology of will and passions: "Ainsi le système théocentrique de Bérulle offre une grand consistance théorique, bien qu'il ne soit pas à proprement parler philosophique. Mais il nous donne une image de l'homme dont l'unité est l'unité même de Dieu. Au contraire, l'humanisme de Descartes présente d'extrêmes difficultés du fait de son double foyer, l'homme d'une part et Dieu d'autre part". This dilemma will be solved partly by their heir and successor, Malebranche.

WOLF-DEVINE, C. Descartes on Seeing: Epistemology and Visual Perception. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1993.

Looks at work in terms of its background in Aristotelian and later scholastic thought; from the Regulae through the later scientific writing, demonstrates continuity and break from tradition generated by use of different models. D. not utlimately successful in providing a completely mechanistic theory.

WOODHOUSE, R. S. Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz: The Concept of Substance in 17th-century Metaphysics. London: Routledge, 1993.




TOMLINSON, PHILIP, ed. Jean Desmarets (de Saint-Sorlin). Aspasie, comédie. Genève: Droz, 1992.

Review: C. Mazouer in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 579–580: A critical edition of the 1636 comedy associated with Richelieu's theater policies. Reviewer is skeptical of editor's allegorical reading of the play and desire to link it to Molière.




DETHON, GEORGES. La Vie de Gaston d'Orléans. Paris: Fallois, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 2029: "Le livre . . . est rigoureusement fondé sur les sources, ce dont témoignent des notes d'une exceptionnelle qualité."


CUENIN, MICHELINE. "Histoire et littérature dans les Mémoires de la Duchesse de Nemours." ELF 58 (1993), 153–63.

Article qui porte sur les qualités des mémoires de Marie d'Orléans — "pénétration politique, art du portrait, science narrative, maniement du suspense" — un document "fort apprécié des historiens."






CLIN-LALANDE, ANNE-MARIE, ed. Lettres amoureuses. Toulouse: Société des Littératures Classiques, 1990.

Review: Sergio Poli in SFr 104 (1991), 346–347: A "reproduction anastatique" of a little-known literary work pertaining to the genre of the "manuel de galanterie" in the guise of a collection of love letters. In her "dense and exhaustive" introduction, Clin-Lalande analyzes du Périer's baroque thematics, and the medieval sources of his "antifeminist" orientation.
  • See French 17 (1992).



ROGERS, HOYT and ROY ROSENSTEIN, eds. Poésies complètes. Genève: Droz, 1990.

Review: Robert T. Corum in FR 66 (1993), 128–29: Contains the Méditations (saved by Colletet), love poems, the well-known "Stances à l"Inconstance." Introductory essays on "les flammes et l'amour" (Rosenstein) and on "l'esthétique de l'inconstance" (Rogers). Scrupulous reproduction of poems with lucid and informative notes (that could have been expanded). Bonnefoy stresses the symbolism of the poetry that is seen to prefigure both Symbolism and Surrealism.
Review: A. Génetiot in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 887–889: L'oeuvre du poète ordinaire de Marie de Médicis. On regrette la minceur de l'annotation.
  • See French 17 (1992).


GREGORIO, LAURENCE A. The Pastoral Masquerade: Disguise and Identity in L'Astrée. Saratoga, CA: Anma Libri, 1992.

Review: E. Henein in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 541–542: Reviewer finds this a disappointing study: the conclusion is not closely linked to the body, the bibliography omits important studies, and key terms have not been well defined.

JÜRGENSEN, RENATE. Die deutschen Übersetzungen der "Astrée" des Honoré d'Urfé. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1990.

Review: A. Aurnhammer in Archiv 228 (1991), 441–443: Comprehensive and rich treatment of German translations of Astrée contributes extensively toward our knowledge of the reception of the oeuvre. Impressive bibliography based on over 500 European libraries.
  • See French 17 (1992).

KEVORKIAN, SERVIAS. Thématique de L'Astrée d'Honoré d'Urfé. Paris: Champion, 1991.

Review: M. Bertaud in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 891: Un choix de 40 thèmes, en ordre alphabétique, qui veut "aider les curieux à entrer dans cet univers" du roman, mais le travail souffre des erreurs et des analyses réductrices.

YON, BERNARD. "La Conversation dans L'Astrée, texte littéraire et art de vivre." DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 273–289.

Fait valoir la prééminence du langage et la place importante accordée à la conversation dans l'oeuvre.


CHIKHAOUI, TAHAR. "'L'Alcoran de Mahomet'. En mal de beauté, en quête de fidélité." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 131–146.

A study of André Du Ryer's ill-fated and often incorrect translation of the Koran published in 1642. In short, "L'Alcoran de Mahomet est une oeuvre équivoque. A la surface du texte, s'affiche le discours du mépris, sous la forme de clichés hérités du passé. Mais cet ensemble de formules évidentes, inertes à force d'être évidentes, est déjà menacé de l'intérieur par une ouverture, une disponibilité, un regard mêlé d'une douce fascination et d'un désir de (faire) connaître."


ROHOU, JEAN, ed. Pierre Du Ryer, Dynamis. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1992.

Review: J. Gaines in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 564–565: Critical edition of the tragicomedy, one of the first plays produced after the Fronde. Shedding interesting light on the ideology of royal authority, a "document of great interest for the history of early modern mentalities." Good annotation and glossing; introduction provides a detailed analysis of the action and structure of the play.





BERLAN, FRANÇOISE. "Fénelon traducteur et styliste: réécriture du chant V de l'Odyssée." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 19–52.

In 1693 and 1694, Fénelon prepared for the Duke of Burgundy the translation of the Odyssey's fifth canto. A close study of this unpublished work shows "identités troublantes" suggesting that Madame Dacier "disposait de la traduction de l'archevêque de Cambrai, pourtant alors inédite. Les adaptations, pour ne pas dire les recopiages, sont flagrants, corrigés seulement, quand il le faut, par les scrupules d'une bonne helléniste."

GABLE, A. T. "The Prince and the Mirror: Louis XIV, Fénelon, Royal Narcissism and the Legacy of Machiavelli." SCFS 15 (1993), 242–68.

Situates Télemaque in the mirror of Princes tradition. Outlines the reemergence of interest in Machiavelli in the 1680s — Amelot's new translation, Wicquefort, and Claude Fleurry's Réflexions, of which Fenelon's Dialogues des morts is an enactment. Useful précis of earlier Machiavellian tradition (the 16th and earlier 17th centuries).

HELMS, CHAD. "The Deserted Altar: Eucharistic Imagery in Selected Literary Works of Fénelon." SCFS 15 (1993), 269–78.

Throughout his literary corpus and correspondence F. shows belief in frequent participation in the sacraments reflecting his formation in Bétullian "immolation" and Salesian "mortification" by way of St. Sulpice. Presents letter of the duc de Bourgogne on his first communion as a miniature treatise on Fénelonian theology with its opposition to rigorists (like Arnauld).

ORCIBAL, J. et al., eds. Correspondance de Fénelon. Vols. X and XI. Genève: Droz, 1989.

Review: Benedetta Papàsogli in SFr 103 (1991), 134–135: These two volumes covering the period between June 1699 and December 1702 correspond to the most difficult years of Fénelon's existence. Most letters shed a new light on "affaires" and "chicanes" that plagued his everday existence. The editorial team's Commentaire contains scores of "precious and dense" philological and biographical observations. All in all, these volumes should help scholars define the notion of "retrait" and study thepractice of "direction spirituelle."
  • See French 17 (1992).

HAILLANT, MARGUERITE. "La tentation et la grâce dans le Télémaque (Livres II, IV, VI)." TraLit 5 (1992), 187–210:

Praiseworthy and thorough analysis of both temptation and grace in all their diversity. Here, as in her book Culture et imagination . . . (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1982–1983), H. demonstrated the allegorical nature of Télémaque and F.'s gift for teaching Christian faith and morals through mythology. Brings to bear numerous biblical passages and theological works which illuminate F.'s creative process, answers charges by F.'s critics and admirably examines F.'s génie in portraying "l'homme baroque du XVIIe siècle, dans toute sa complexité."

SELLIER, PHILIPPE. "Télémaque ou les aventures du cliché." ELF 58 (1993), 177–83.

S. cherche "à nuancer les jugements de valeur un peu sommaires que l'on porte fréquemment sur le cliché. Définition et illustration des fonctions du cliché dans l'écriture fénélonienne.



RONZEAUD, PIERRE, ed. La Terre australe connue (1676). Paris: STFM/Aux Amateurs de Livres, 1990.

Review: L. Leibacher-Ouvrard in RHL 92.6 (nov/déc 92), 1068–9: Une édition qui enrichit le corpus des utopies "classiques," avec une introduction substantielle et une bibliographie fournie.


NIDERST, ALAIN, Fontenelle. Paris: PUF, 1991.

Review: Ph. Hourcade in RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 148–149: Une monographie complète et indispensable, qui part d'une interprétation un peu rigide, étant donné la perspective relativiste des historiens contemporains et l'esprit sceptique de Fontenelle lui-même.
Review: L. Leibacher-Ouvrard in OeC 17.1 (1992), 95–97: Biographie réussie "permettant à un large public de prendre mieux conscience du 'combat pour la lumière' auquel la vie de Fontenelle a été consacrée.
Review: P. Ronzeaud in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 301–302: Une biographie qui "prolonge et renouvelle notre connaissance d'une des figures les plus importantes de l'Aube des Lumières . . . un véritable panorama culturel de cette époque."

__________, éd. Oeuvres complètes. T. IV: Théâtre, 1678–1695. Paris: Fayard, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1580: "Le tome IV des oeuvres complètes de Fontenelle est consacré à son oeuvre dramatique, la première partie seulement, car il fut toute sa vie un auteur de théâtre, peu reconnu à l'époque et encore bien moins aujourd'hui. Niderst rassemble ici les oeuvres écrites avant sa nomination comme secrétaire à l'Académie des sciences, à l'exclusion de deux tragédies (Laodamie, 1688, Brutus, 1690)."
Review: P. Hourcade in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 558–559: The first of two volumes on theatre, contains four operas, three pastoral works, one comedy, and a prologue based on the 1751–1761 edition. Reviewer points to the absence of an up-to-date bibliography of F.'s works.

__________, éd., éd. Oeuvres complètes. Vols I and II. Paris: Fayard, 1990 and 1991.

Review: P. Hourcade in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 263–264: Two of eight volumes planned. Based on the last edition reviewed by the author, the series presents works chronologically and offers an exhaustive and up-to-date bibliography. Edition affords for the first time an overall view of the author.

________. Oeuvres complètes. Vols. I and III. Paris: Fayard, 1990 and 1989.

Review: Corrado Rosso in SFr 104 (1991), 357: "This initiative will give an easier access to Fontenelle's writings that cannot be found in good modern editions."

SUMBERG, THEODORE A. "Fontenelle's Many Worlds." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 223–235.

The popularization of science and philosophy and the identification of women as appropriate pupils are traced from Descartes to F.




VIALET, MICHELE. Triomphe de l'iconoclaste: Le Roman bourgeois et les lois de cohérence romanesque. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 41 (1989).

Review: R. Howells in MLR 87 (1992), 990–91: "This study exhibits something of the eclecticism and the uncertain direction, if not the incohérence, of the Roman bourgeois itself. The bibliography is impressive, and its third section, along with the introduction, provides a useful guide on Furetière's work."
Review: G. Penzkofer in RF 104 (1992), 226–227: According to V., F.'s novel needs no defense in the area of unity, indeed the chaos of the narrative structure is a conscious narrative strategy. Numerous modern theoreticians such as Bakhtin, Bataille, Freud, Kristeva, Lyotard, etc. support V.'s inspirational analysis.

WOLFE, PHILLIP. "L'art de la polémique dans les 'Factums' de Furetière." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 133–140.

Discours sur l'exercice du pouvoir, publiés aprés l'expulsion de F. de l'Académie française.


BIAGIOLI, MARIO. Galileo Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of Absolutism. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993.


GODARD DE DONVILLE, LOUISE. Le Libertin des origines à 1665: un portrait des apologètes. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 51 (1989).

Review: E. James in MLR 87 (1992), 984–85: Work is "a detailed analysis of La Doctrine curieuse des beaux esprits de ce temps (1623) by François Garasse, SJ with special regard to his conception of 'le libertin'."



LENNON, THOMAS. The Battle of the Gods and the Giants: The Legacies of Descartes and Gassendi, 1655–1715. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.

MURR, SYLVIA and GENEVIEVE STEFANI, eds. François Bernier, Abrégé de la philosophie de Gassendi. 7 vols. Paris: Fayard, 1992.

Review: Roger-Pol Droit in Le Monde (11 Dec. 1992), 37: The essentials of G.'s logic, physics, and ethics, allows for an overview. The fidelity of Bernier adaption of G.'s text has yet to be established. Text has no annotation. Reviewer meditates on the ambiguities or multiple personalities of G. "ancien et moderne."






BULL, HEDLEY, BENEDICT KINSBURY, ADAM ROBERTS, eds. Hugo Grotius and International Relations. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.

Review: Willem Frijoff in Annales ESC 47 (1992), 1233–34: Oxford conference papers (1983) analyzing G.'s place in theorizing international relations and an ensuing tradition more or less independent of G. and the De jure . . . (1625). No longer held to be the father/founder of international law, the very significance of natural law for G. now seems obscure and jus gentium in fact minimally helpful. Important introduction by Bull on the history of G.'s reception in international law. "Exemple typique d'un intellectuel en politique."



DELOFFRE, FREDERIC, ed. Lettres portugaises suivies de Guilleragues par lui-même. Paris: Gallimard, 1990.

Review: A. Blanc in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 892–893: "Un des meilleurs ouvrages de la collection Folio;" avec une introduction précise et riche.

MALQUORI FONDI, GENEVIEVE. "Les Brutte infedeli ou des traductions italiennes des Lettres Portugaises." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 277–297.

A study of the six Italian translations of the Lettres Portugaises published from 1682 to 1980. Calling them "ugly infidels," Malquori Fondi deplores their poor quality and weaknesses, but they have "le mérite de souligner encore une fois l'originalité du style de Guilleragues."




MOUSNIER, ROLAND. L'Assassinat d'Henri IV, 14 mai 1610. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1743: Oeuvre rééditée qui comporte "une partie théologique assez délicate. Mais aussi une magistrale étude des grands problèmes du règne d'Henri IV, et surtout des Etats généraux de 1614." On regrette "la petitesse du caractère typographique . . . ."




HILGAR, MARIE-FRANCE. "Théorie et pratique de la tragédie dans l'oeuvre de Houdar de Lamotte." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 259–67.

H. caractérise Antoine Houdar de Lamotte comme un "théoricien aventureux" mais un "novateur timoré." Tout en soulignant les inconséquences du théoricien, H. montre la part d'originalité que les tragédies du dramaturge renferment.



BURY, EMMANUEL. "Bien écrire ou bien traduire: Pierre-Daniel Huet théoricien de la traduction." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 251–260.

A study of Pierre-Daniel Huet's De Interpretatione, a treatise criticizing systematically d'Ablancourt's views on translation. For Huet, "une bonne traduction n'est pas forcément un bon livre, car c'est le 'caractère' de l'original qui doit l'emporter, quitte à nuire à l'élégance du français."



PALACIO, ERIC. "Le Boire et le manger dans Les Caractères de La Bruyere." AJFS 30.1 (1993) 3–17.

Etude intéressante qui développe ". . . le lien étroit qui unit l'acte de manger au reste des activitiés humaines."

VAN DELFT, LOUIS. "La Bruyère et Nietzsche." ELF 58 (1993), 185–96.

Ce rapprochementde Nietzsche-La Bruyère "est en fait l'occasion d'une opportune remise en question. Non point tant de l'histoire littéraire que de nos tranquilles certitudes en matière de morale."


GANIM, RUSSELL J. "More than a Reasonable Facsimile." Continuum 5 (1993) 225–228.

A review article of Y. Quenot's edition of Jean de La Ceppède's Les Théorèmes sur le sacré mystère de nostre redemption (Paris: STFM, 1988). While praising this first critical edition together with its lexicon and bibliography, G. finds that Quenot ". . . reads around La Ceppède's work, not into it, valuing the extrinsic over the intrinsic without providing sufficient justification."

QUENOT, YVETTE, éd. Les Théorèmes sur le sacré mystère de nostre rédemption. Paris: STFM, 1988.

Review: See Ganim above.


BOIXAREU, MERCEDES. Du "savoir d'amour" au "dire d'amour". Fonction de la narration et du dialogue dans La Princesse de Clèves de Madame de Lafayette. Paris: Minard, 1989.

Review: Marinette Pendola in SFr 104 (1991), 356: "L'oeuvre est marquée par deux grands mouvements thématiques: le premier, le 'savoir d'amour' est une acquisition progressive de la part de l'héroïne du sentiment d'amour dont la prise de conscience passe d'abord par une confrontation à ses propres réactions. Le deuxième est le 'dire d'amour' et ses différentes manifestations en paroles dont l'importance s'exprime dans les aveux." The reviewer summarizes the book without judgment.
  • See French 17 (1990).

CARTMILL, CONSTANCE. "Conversations insupportables: les lieux énonciatifs de La Princesse de Clèves." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 435–446.

Studies the process of communication in the novel using a cybernetic model. Sees the princess's sincerity and frankness, her avoidance of dialogue and final solitude as the refusal to play the social and political games of a world dominated by men.

CAVE, TERENCE, trans The Princess of Clèves and The Princess of Montpensier and The Countess of Tende. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.

Review: Peter France in TLS 4683 (1 Jan., 1993), "Well-judged" introduction and notes are aimed towards a student readership with a biblio of "quite complex essays in French." Accuracy is provided, "reflecting a close knowledge of nuances of 17th-century French usage and culture." Recreates L.'s syntax. By contrast, Robin Buss's recent translation (Penguin, 1992) is lightly annotated and sometimes "falls into infelicities."

COLOMBAT, ANDRE P. "La Princesse de Clèves et l'épouvantable vérité du désir." PFSCL 33 (1990), 517–529.

Studies the struggle between "le désir individuel et l'ordre de la reconnaissance sociale qu'il met en scène . . . ." Places the novel in the tradition of Pascal and Saint Augustine where love explodes through the bounds of reason.

DENS, JEAN-PIERRE. "La Princess de Clèves: vérité romanesque et discours mondain." ELF 58 (1993), 35–42.

"Malgré le fait qu'à partir des années 1660 le texte narratif commence à s'écarter des productions antérieures par le biais de la nouvelle dite 'historique', La Princesse de Clèves n'a pas échappé aux reproches des partisans du vraisemblance réunis sous l'enseigne de ce qu'on a appelé la critique mondaine. La dichotomie entre ce que le texte dit ou cherche à dire et ce qu'on 'veut' lui faire dire est l'un des aspects les plus troublants de la réception du roman de Mme de Lafayette. Mon propos sera d'examiner cette problématique selon un double axe: l'axe interne ou vertical — ce que le roman dit; et l'axe externe, qui s'identifie à la perception du roman par le public et les critiques de l'époque."

DUCHENE, ROGER, ed. Oeuvres complètes. Paris: Editions François Bourin, 1990.

Review: C. Chantalat in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 893–894: Un solide et fort utile travail d'édition.

HENRY, PATRICK, ed. An Inimitable Example: The Case for the Princesse d Clèves. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1992.

Review: J. Warwick in Choice 30 (1993), 1318: Some of the material collected in this volume having been previously published, ". . . the main value of this compilation" in W.'s view "is in the convenient accessibility of the varied studies. A brief introduction outlines salient reactions to the novel . . .; a brief epilogue comments on the 12 contributions . . . . A general index facilitates conference with 17th-century critics as well as more recent ones; a thematic index facilitates cross-reference to those features of the novel that are discussed by different contributors. Little is said about the role of history in this historic novel." "Well-chosen, suggestive bibliography."
  • See French 17 (1992).

KREITER, JANINE A. "Function singulière de deux actants des récits de Madame de Lafayette." SCFS 15 (1993), 231–42.

Subtle analysis of the differential qualifiers given by narrative uniquely to the Prince de Clèves and Félime (Zaïde).

MCGUIRE, JAMES R. "La Princess de Clèves dénouant La Princesse de Clèves." FR 66 (1993), 381–93.

The mutation of morality operated with the Princesse's "refus" is unrepresentable, literally "inimitable," because without codes, "hors de la narration." Fine analysis with a convincing argument for not Christianizing the dénouement.

MAYER, DENISE. Une Amitié parisienne au grand siècle: Mme de Lafayette et Mme de Sévgné (1648–1693). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 57 (1990).

Review: Janis L. Pallister in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 25: "Texts from the letters of Mme de Sévigné, from the correspondence of Mme de Lafayette, as well as new archival materials, are woven together here in an effort to disengage the depth and nature of the longstanding friendship" that united them. The author succeeds in showing the complex and profound influence they exerted over each other. She also solves dating questions, and gives new insights on Mme de Lafayette's conversion.
Review: R. W. Redhead in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 311–313: A chronological record of correspondence which provides a colorful journal of events in the lives of the two authors and in the society which surrounded them.
Review: E. Woodrough in MLR 88 (1993) 203–05: Juxtaposition of the letters of Lafayette and Sévigné in four chronological stages reveals lives and times of the two writers.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MESNARD, JEAN. "La Couleur du passé dans La Princesse de Clèves." ELF 58 (1993), 43–51.

M. met en question le lieu commun critique qui dit que Mme de Lafayette dans La Princess de Clèves dépeint en réalité la cour de Louis XIV, non celle des Valois. Selon l'auteur, "non seulement cette vue ne s'impose pas, mais elle s'attache toujours à produire une sensation d'éloignement. Son oeuvre acquiert ainsi une couleur particulière, celle d'un passé qui enveloppe les êtres et les choses, leur prêtant dignité et poésie, et contribuant à parfaire le climat moral et esthétique du roman."

NIDERST, ALAIN, ed. Madame de La Fayette: Romans et nouvelles. Paris: Bordas, 1989.

Review: Corrado Rosso in SFr 104 (1991), 356–357: The reviewer, praising the "precise and exhaustive erudition" of the editor, recommends "this elegant volume" which "is a little but complete general survey of the complex issues" raised by the interpretation of Madame de La Fayette's works.

PAULSON, MICHAEL. "The Name of the Game and the Game of the Name in La Princesse de Clèves." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 73–83.

The absence of characters' first names in the novel suggests the importance of their social function, i.e., title, as opposed to an individual identity. Given names feature only in descriptions of historical figures, including Diane de Poitiers.

REDHEAD, RUTH WILLARD. "Images of Conflict in the Fictional Works of Mme de Lafayette." PFSCL 33 (1990), 481–516.

Imagery of light and obscurity, heat and cold, colors, abyss and elevation, and folly and reason. Imagery contributes to the concision of the works.

________. Themes and Images in the Fictional Works of Madame de Lafayette. New York: Peter Lang, 1990.

Review: C. Chantalat in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 893–894: Les grands thèmes récurrents du drame moral et psychologique: le masque, les clôtures, la tension desconflits violents; l'analyse, sinon pas toujours neuve, est fondée sur une étude attentive du vocabulaire.
Review: J.-P. Dens in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 267–268: Une étude qui signale l'importance de l'éclat et le problème de la communication entre les personnages, et qui relève des questions méritant une considération plus profonde.
Review: E. Woodrough in MLR 88 (1993), 203–205: Thematic approach (mask/unmasking, absence/presence, sincerity, communication) yields "many interesting and detailed insights into the individual texts" despite some lack of organisation/presentation.
  • See French 17 (1992).

VENESOEN, CONSTANT. "Humour et ironie dans La Princesse de Clèves." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 53–71.

L'humour du roman se trouve dans les situations ou des traits caractériels sontdessinés ironiquement par l'auteur.


CAMPION, EDMUND J. "Convention and Originality: La Fontaine's Four Elegies." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 163–173.

The Roman love elegy, itself a parody of oratorical discourse, is imaginatively reworked by L. in four little-known poems of 1671.

COLLINET, JEAN-PIERRE. "La Cigale et le Hérisson." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 225–233.

A stylistic analysis of La Fontaine's bestiary. Trying to answer the question "qui parle dans les Fables?", Collinet studies the subtle balance between the narrator's discourse and the animal characters's speech.

__________. La Fontaine et quelques autres. Geneva: Droz, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1610–11: "Ce recueil d'articles, publiés de 1979 à 1991 dans des revues diverses et dans des Mélanges offerts à des universitaires prestigieux, atteste du renom international de J.-P. Collinet, grand spécialiste de La Fontaine . . . ."
Review: P. Force in RR 84.2 (Mar 93), 221–222: Un recueil d'études publiées dans diverses revues entre 1979 et 1990, avec plusieurs explications de texte; deux "beaux articles, l'un sur le temps et son expression poétique, l'autre sur le sommeil et les songes."
Review: M. Gutwirth in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 216–217: Some twenty studies previously published but gathered here and dealing with sources; fables and tales; genres, themes, and sources of inspiration; and imitators and successors. Reviewer lauds in C. the "finesse de ses aperçus et . . . l'ampleur de ses connaissances."
Review: Hermann Linder in ZFSL 103 (1993), 47–48: Collection of 20 papers, 1979–90, arranged by topic: earlier fable traditions (including the neo-Latin); metacommentary ("contes" as well as fables) and themes (love, kings, sleep and dreaming); reception in 18th and 19th centuries. C.'s enormously informed readings are seen to be similar to those of Stendhal that he describes. Findings of recent research are not expected to be found here.

DANDREY, PATRICK. La Fabrique des Fables; Essai sur la poétique de La Fontaine. Paris: Klincksieck, 1991.

Review: J.-P. Collinet in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 1993), 261–263: Une analyse avec de fines explications de texte et une étude originale du bestiaire des Fables; un instrument de travail utile.
Review: P. Force in RR 84.2 (Mar 93), 221–222: D'après D., la tendance au laconisme et la tendance à l'ornement font de la fable et apologue et conte, et sa poétique relève de la "concision ornée."
Review: M. Slater in FS 47.1 (1993), 72–73: Excellent analysis with fresh insights into the richness of La Fontaine's work.
Review: M.-O. Sweetser in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 223–225: According to the reviewer, a study of very high quality: "Son mérite essentiel consiste à avoir voulu comprendre et faire comprendre à ses lecteurs comment La Fontaine s'est montré poète en transformant pour la première fois un genre didactique, la fable, en poèsie, à l'encontre de ses prédécesseurs et d'un contemporain, Patru."
  • See French 17 (1992).

DROST, WOLFGANG. Jean de La Fontaine dans l'univers des arts. Richesses inconnues et inédites du Musée de La Fontaine à Château-Thierry. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1991.

Review: Z. Youssef in PSFCL 20, 38 (1993), 229–231: The poet's home as museum: history of the building, the poet's success in the decorative arts, his relation to painting from the 17th to the 19th centuries, influence on ceramics and interior decoration, and illustrations of the poet's work. Bibliography and list of works on the artists mentioned.

GUTWIRTH, MARCEL. "'De quoi faire à Margot, pour sa fête, un bouquet': l'avatar lafontainien du lieu amène." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 31–39.

Le poème de L. sert de programme de visite pour le jardin idyllique.

JEANNERET, MICHEL, and STEFAN SCHOETTKE, eds. Les Amours de Psyché. Paris: Librairie générale française, 1991.

Review: M. Slater in MLR 88 (1993), 465: Welcome and affordable critical edition of La Fontaine's only novel. "This book compares favourably with the major critical editions; it complements Régnier's more specialized G.E.F. edition of 1892; it is frankly much fuller and more informative than Clarac's Pléiade edition of 1942."
  • See French 17 (1992).

RONZEAUD, PIERRE, ed. La Fontaine, Fables (livres VII à XII). Paris: Klincksieck, 1992.

Review: J. Cairncross in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 566–567: Five studies: the poetic lie, the dualism of fiction and wisdom, the role of animals, political ideas, and the role of tales in the genesis of the fables.

RUBIN, DAVID LEE. A Pact with Silence: Art and Thought in the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1991.

Review: Richard Danner in P&L 17 (1993), 167–69: "In this well-conceived, persuasively argued study, R. addresses these fundamental questions: What are fables, and how did LF enrich the genre? To what extent are his Fables informed by the thinking of . . . Lucretius? How is a representative grouping of fables [Book 11] structured? Is LF's poetic accomplishment a remarkable but isolated phenomenon, or are there connections between his art and the lyrical expression of his age [as illustrated by baroque poets and by Boileau]?" "R. finds that 'LF's fables . . . recapitulate the main features of their double [Aesopic and Indic] heritage, while also striking off in bold new directions' . . . ." The critic "makes clear that . . . [LF's] Epicureanism has original elements." Studying Book 11, R. examines "predominant modalities' in eleven categories . . . ." The conclusion argues that LF is not a "literary isolate." The book is described by D. as an "illuminating study" and "an accessibly erudite work . . . ."
Review: P. Force in RR 84.2 (Mar 93), 221–222: R. rejette les définitions traditionelles de la fable, dont les caractéristiques sont plutôt la clôture, la clarté et la monomodalité.
Review: M. Slater in FS 47.1 (1993), 73: Illuminating discussions of three topics of interest to specialists: the definition of a fable, La Fontaine's debt to Lucretius and the architecture of the 'Fables.'"
Review: Hermann Linder in ZFSL 103 (1993), 48–50: Finds topology of fables judicious and subtle preparation for the philosophical analysis that makes dialogue with Lucretius central to the entirety of the Fables. The influence of Lucretius has been long seen but the originality of this study is its forceful extension to philosophical prominence.
Review: Marie-Odile Sweetser in FR 66 (1993), 1005–7: Very favorable to "vues neuves et suggestives" leading to "une complète réévaluation du genre." Compares initially the Indian and Esopian fables with LF's particular writing of fables: lyric and problematic. Dense presentation of rhetorical strategies (allegory, irony) is followed (ch. 2) by examination of LF's Lucretian thought — Dispositio (ch. 3) analyzes rhetorically Book XI. The "brilliant" conclusion replaces the Fables in the history of 17th-c. poetry.
Review: Michael Vincent in VQR 69 (1993), 173–79: "Critical work on Aesopic writing, genre theory, and 17th-century poetry and poetics must now take account of R.'s sometimes provocative, always lucid treatment of LF and his place in 17th-century letters . . . . The first essay is a highly original formal reappraisal of the fable genre with special respect to LF's contributions to it. The second . . . establishes LF's place as the disciple and successor of Lucretius . . . . The third essay addresses the most perplexing problem remaining for L Fontainian scholarship, namely the disposition of individual fables within books of fables. The conclusion revises a number of recieved notions by situating LF with respect to his baroque predecessors and his contemporary Boileau." V. describes the book as "a model of clarity, concision, and elegance." Comparing this work to R.'s other books on 17th-century poetry, V. finds that it has "the same detailed scholarship and clearly enunciated methodology within a broad and compelling literary vision."

_________. "Form and Force in La Fontaine's Fables XI." ELF 58 (1993), 235–53.

"The present essay, on the finale of La Fontaine's 1678–79 edition, pursues and refines yet another approach [to the structural unity of the Fables], already advanced and modified in discussion of Book 7 (Rubin, 'Triple Calculus' and A Pact with Silence, 3). In brief, this line of inquiry seeks the formal and thematic norm for the individual book; the degree of each fable's participation in the norm; and the distribution pattern of fables, individually, or, more commonly, in groups, as they tend toward or away from the norm."

STEFENELLI, ARNULF. Lexikalische Archaismen in den Fabeln von La Fontaine. Lexikologische Bestandsaufnahme. Distribution und Funktion. Wortgeschichtliches Fortwirken. Passau: Andreas-Haller, 1987.

Review: Barbara v. Gemmingen in ZFSL 103 (1993), 208–9: Praise for rigorous and clear treatment of designation (using Richelet) of forms, meanings, phrases that may be designated diachronically as archaisms leading to a table of 280. Examination of distribution and function through the Fables indicates esthetics of this element (pastiche, e.g.). Finally considers the lexicological reaction to this line of "Fable-speak."
  • See French 17 (1988).

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE. "Pour une lecture allégorique de Clymène comme art poétique." FLS 18 (1991), 1–12.

La "comédie" publiée en 1671, représente le poète par rapport à Apollon et aux Muses, et fait de l'héroine une muse allégorique d'un nouveau genre.

_________. "Une fugue à trois voix: Joconde." Littératures Classiques 12 (1990), 213–224:

An analysis of La Fontaine's Joconde. Sweetser shows that the poet, using clever shifts in narrative points of view, transforms a traditional story on women's infidelity into a subtle "nouvelle à la fois subversive et exemplaire, illustrant le moyen de parvenir à l'harmonie en ménage."

VINCENT, MICHAEL. Figures of te Text, Reading and Writing (in) La Fontaine. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1992.

Review: P. Force in RR 84.2 (Mar 93), 221–222: V. examine la logique des figures de la lecture et de l'écriture, et voit là-dedans "une mise en scène d'un problème fondamental analysé par Derrida: celui du rapport de l'oral et de l'écrit."
Review: Hermann Linder in ZFSL 103 (1993), 210–12: Allegorization of reading is seen as a fruitful technique in constructing both an historic reader in the text and an ahistoric reader constructed by the text. With V.'s mastery of the material, reviewer regrets that he did not extend his examination to include additional perspectives only suggested in the book.
Review: E. Pósfay in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 587–588: A study of "intertextual play" revealing themes of reading and writing. Despite a certain post-structuralist jargon, a very worthy study that points to the importance of irony and duplicity in La F.'s works.




MARCHALL, ROGER. Madame de Lambert et son milieu. Oxford: SVEC, 1991.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 1825: Ouvrage dense et exhaustif sur Anne Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelles, marquise de Lambert (1647–1733), "une personnalité capitale qui permet d'apprécier l'évolution intellectuelle de la fin du XVIIe au début du XVIIIe siècle . . . ." Bibliographie, index thématique.

GRANDEROUTE, ROBERT, ed. Oeuvres. Paris: Champion, 1990.

Review: J. Geffriaud Rosso in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 895: Une heureuse initiative de rééditer l'ami de Fontenelle; la biographie et l'annotation riche en font un ouvrage de référence.





PLAISANCE, DANIEL. "Un Nouvel inédit de Jean Corbinelli: 'Remarques sur plusieurs réflexions de Monsieur le Duc de La Rochefoucault.'" PFSCL 33 (1990), 563–572.

Argues that Corbinelli is indeed the author of the recently discovered manuscript.

RIGGS, LARRY W. "Moralism in a Constructed World: La Rochefoucauld's Semiotics of the Empty Center." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 119–131.

The Maximes reflect the primacy of motive and social performance in the interpretation of meaning.

ROHOU, JEAN, ed. La Rochefoucauld, Réflexions ou Sentences et Maximes morales. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1991.

Review: M. Bouvier in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 268–272: This "Livre de poche classique" presents the text as established by the Truchet and Lafond editions. Includes long introduction, notes, glossary, and index. The edition's low cost just might explain its many errors.

TOFFANO, PIERO. La Figura dell'antitesi nelle massime di La Rochefoucauld. Fasano di Publia: Schena, 1989.

Review: Corrado Rosso in SFr 104 (1991), 355: Using a psychoanalytic approach, Toffano stresses "the structural importance of antithesis in La Rochefoucauld's system." For Rosso, if the appreciation of Maximes seems facilitated by that emphasis on the 'vertu explicative' of antithesis, such an exclusive and one-sided interpretation does not resist any serious critical examination since in literary criticism, there cannot be "any single golden key opening all doors."


ROSENBERG, PIERRE et MARINA MAJANA. Georges de La Tour. Catalogue complet des peintures. Paris: Bordas, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1763: "Après les quarante-six oeuvres répertoriées, on a rassemblé dix-sept peintures ou gravures réalisées d'après des originaux perdus, ainsi qu'une liste des originaux entièrement perdus. L'ouvrage est complété par une biographie rapide de La Tour."

THUILLIER, JACQUES. Georges de La Tour. Paris: Flammarion, 1992.

Review: Marc Le Bot in QL (16–31 déc. 1992), 20: The book is called "un ouvrage superbe, monumental . . . ." L. says that the study "est bien digne d'un peintre dont cet auteur [T.] aura été le premier à dire toute l'importance et le rôle de premier plan dans l'histoire de notre culture classique." Moreover, notes L., the book is "tout nourri . . . de la plus sûre érudition . . . ."




PARKINSON, G.H.R., trans and ed. De Summa rerum: Metaphysical Papers, 1675–76. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992.

Review: Steven Nadler in Isis 84 (1993), 577–78: Facing Latin and good English trans. of papers of important Parisian period during which L. becomes acquainted with Arnauld and Malebranche as well as Cartesianism. Introduction relates papers to later doctrines and context of development from this first systematic moment. This first volume in new series, enthusiastically greeted, will doubtless be the standard text for specialists and students of early modern philosophy and science.



PIERRE DE L'ESTOILE, Mémoires-journaux: 1574–1611. Paris: Tallandier, 1990.

Review: Joël Cornette in RdS 113:1–2 (janv.-juin 1992), 247–248: This reprint is "la reproduction anastatique intégrale de la grand édition du journal de Pierre de L'Estoile, publiée de 1875 à 1899 par la librairie des Bibliophiles, puis par la librairie Alphonse Lemerre". This highly valuable and magnificent edition "constitue un document unique et irremplaçable sur 'l'opinion publique' à Paris lors d'une des périodes les plus troublées de l'histoire politique de l'Etat moderne".

MCGOWAN, MARGARET. "Pierre de l'Estoile: Amateur Collector of Medals and Coins." SCFS 15 (1993), 115–27.

Examines the Mémoires-Journaux of the "homme de parlement" as an indicator of the intellectual life of the early century. The collection is viewed as a treasurehouse of knowledge contributing to the resurrection and reconstruction of the past. Scorn for lesser, material views of collecting are amusingly cited. Ground-breaking essay and valuable model for further research.



YOLTON, JOHN. A Locke Dictionary. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.



ABRAHAM, CLAUDE. "The Medals of Louis XIV: Rewriting History." ELF 58 (1993), 199–208.

"What is less well known, in spite of scholars such as Louis Marin and Jean-Marie Apostolidès, is the extent to which Louis XIV used the arts to 'write' that history [of his reign] and — equally interesting — how, as his reign underwent major alterations, he ordered that history be rewritten to reflect those changes. I propose to study this process in one small but vital domain of art, that of the medal."

BURKE, PETER. The Fabrication of Louis XIV. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992.

Review: Anon. in VQR 69 (1993), 9: "In this book, B. chronicles the multimedia construction of Louis XIV's royal image. He offers a massively erudite collection of facts disposed into an admirably clear narrative . . . . Its primary weakness it shares with many works under the heading 'early modern cultural studies' which, faced with a crushing quantity of material, awe the reader with demonstrations of the complexity of history but frequently fail to advance clear theses of their own." The reviewer notes that "B.'s scope is so broad, however, and his knowledge so deep, . . ." that in this case it would have been hard to proceed differently — i.e., by developing a thesis. The reviewer calls the book "an interdisciplinary ice breaker."
Review: D. C. Baxter in Choice 30 (1993), 858: In this book B. treats "the French government's conscious shaping of the public image of the Sun King through literature, the arts, ritual, and spectacle." According to the reviewer, this "work presents a comprehensive, general account of the components of Louis XIV's public image, its development, its intended audience, and its impact. Perhaps the most tantalizing is B.'s last chapter comparing the 'packaging'of today's rulers. Eschewing jargon, B. presents a fascinating interpretation of the 'selling of Louis XIV' that should appeal to a wide audience concerned with the broad connection between art and power and the manipulation of public opinion."
Review: C. Frank in Burlington Magazine 135 (1993), 221–223: Reviewer finds little in this study of the "selling" of the ruler that is new.

DEON, MICHEL. Louis XIV par lui-même. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 554 (1992), 377: D. "présente Louis XIV en puisant dans les Mémoires et dans l'abondante correspondance de celui-ci." On regrette qui l'auteur n'ait pas mentionné la biographie de Labatut, Louis XIV, roi de gloire (1984).




RODIS-LEWIS, G., ed. Oeuvres, t.2. Edition, notices, notes et bibliographie, Paris: Gallimard, 1992.

Review: J.-L. Solère in RSH 230 (1993), 202–03: ". . . prenant pour base le texte des dernières éditions parues du vivant de M. (l'orthographe est modernisée), . . . [cette édition] ne signale que les variantes significatives, qui laissent percevoir l'évolution de la pensée de l'Oratorien. En revanche de nombreuses et érudites notes livrent une foule d'informations sur les sources patristiques et philosophiques de l'auteur, et sur le contexte. Chaque oeuvre est présentée par une notice très précise (donnée en fin de volume). L'ensemble est complété par un index des noms propres et un index des citations bibliques pour les deux tomes." S. finds R.'s edition "très soignée" and "un indispensable outil de travail."



LOBBES, LOUIS, ed. La Guisade. Genève: Droz, 1990.

Review: Oliver Millet in BSHPF 139 (1993), 312–13: Correct text and introduction informative on career of Henri IV's historian as playwright and especially the historical and ideological significance of this tragi-comédie (1589), which represents Guise as a true martyr and Henri III as responsible for his future assassination.
  • See French 17 (1992).








ALBANESE, RALPH, JR. Molière à l'école républicaine. De la critique universitaire aux manuels scolaires (1870–1914). Stanford, CA: Anma Libri, 1991.

Review: Christopher Smith in JES 23 (1993), 365–66: A.'s approach to this "intriguing subject" is called "well-informed and informative, interesting and revealing, even if not entirely persuasive." ". . . The French state educational system pressed . . . [M] into the service of a policy that, in the words of the Instructions officielles of 1890, sought above all in literary studies 'une leçon de choses morales' presented by 'des écrivains de génie.' The consequence was certain distortions." S. finds that "A . . . presents his arguements with a wealth of detail. Rather more information on schoolroom practices would have been welcome, . . ." says the reviewer, "and so would more comparisons with other authors admitted to the republican canon, but there will be few concerned either with the teaching of French classical drama or with the history of France in the ninteenth century who do not find a great deal of interest in this book."

________. "Molière: aux matinées classiques: réflexions sur de discours scolaire républicain." ELF 58 (1993), 95–104

"Divertissements à la fois mondains et scolaires, les matinées classiques ont servi, de tout évidence, à assigner des finalités pédagogiques aux représentations théâtrales, à opérer en quelque sorte une mise en scène scolaire des textes canoniques. Plus précisément, elles ont valorisé le statut privilégié de Molière comme classique scolaire, et même comme 'saint laïque' au sein de l'Ecole républicaine."

AULD, LOUIS E. "Une Rivalité sournoise: Molière contre Pierre Perrin," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. V. Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991),(1991), 123–137.

Views Monsieur Jourdain's song, "Je croyois Janeton," as a satire of Perrin, the co-founder of French opera and, as such, a major rival of M.

BEHDAD, ALI. "The Oriental(ist) Encounter: The Politics of turquerie in Molière." ECr 32 (1992), 37–49.

Investigates Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme and the Nov. 1669 visit of the Turkish ambassador to the court arguing that the relationship "unveils a complex system of exchange between different social institutions in 17th c. France." The comedy is "self-reflexive"; the mimicry of the Oriental is accompanied by a "reaffirmation of the West;" M.'s play is a "productive cultural site that . . . reaffirmed the nascent Empire's interest in the other, thus contributing to the emergence of Orientalism as a critical discourse of colonizing power."

BOUCQUET, THEIRRY. Mirages de la farce: fête des fous, Bruegel et Molière. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1991.

Review: Léonard Rosmarin in FR 66 (1993), 491–92: Chapter 4 focuses Molière in terms of a traditional theatrical universe, a "régime discursif chiasmique de folie raisonnable/raison affolée" centering on Amphitryon and Le Malade imaginaire. "Cette analyse paraît la plus percutante du livre . . . d'une haute qualité intellectuelle."

BOURQUI, CLAUDE. Polémique et stratégies dans le Dom Juan de Molière. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 69, (1992).

Review: J. Cairncross in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 519–520: An excellent study that views the play above all as "une oeuvre polémique et une machine à offenser." Reviewer, however, takes issue with the classification of Don Juan among the "petits marquis fats et snobs."
Review: Patrick Dandrey in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 412–14: Analyse bien menée mais néanmoins peu originale d'un sujet traditionel, notemment, la signification de Dom Juan.
Review: C. Delmas in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 260–261: Un livre incisif, mais limité par la partialité et la réduction.
Review: J. Emelina in IL 45.3 (mai/juin 93), 45–46: Une étude bien argumentée et stimulante, qui soutient la thèse que Dom Juan est une "oeuvre de combat" contre le parti dévot; l'interprétation est parfois contestable.

CALDER, ANDREW. Molière: The Theory and Practice of Comedy. London: Athlone, 1993.

Review: P. Koch in Choice 30 (1993), 1631: "By theory, C. . . . has in mind the opinions — Classical, Renaissance, and contemporary — available to a writer in the later 17th century . . .; by practice, the use M. made of such opinions in his comedies. This theory-practice nexus is examined first in relation to 'dramatic forms,' such as plot, character, and then to the 'subject matter,' or thematic elements . . . — always with an eye to identifying M.'s original, personal stamp. Although well-chosen examples invariaby support C.'s commentary," says K., "they are not exhaustive, nor can they be given the study's brevity." The only plays receiving extensive commentary are Tartuffe and Dom Juan. "Written with erudition, enthusiasm, and affection," according to K. "This study serves to introduce the uninitiated reader to the Molièresque world, at the same time it illustrates well a critical approach (historico-intentional) not much in vogue today."

CRONK, NICHOLAS. "The Play of Words and Music in Molière-Charpentier's Le Malade Imaginaire." FS 47.1 (1993), 6–19.

M.'s play seen as an exploration into a new aesthetic in which the dynamic of the work depends upon the tension between word and music.

DANDREY, PATRICK. Molière ou l'esthétique du ridicule. Paris: Klincksieck, 1992.

Review: M. Gutwirth in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 523–524: A subtle and rich study of the originality of the comic in Molière described by the reviewer as "le comique cueilli à même notre nature, portée comme d'elle-même à tout excès,soumise à tous manques, s'adonnant à tout grimace." The author situates his study in the context of thetheatrical theory and practice of the period. Reviewer calls the study "une somme."

DAVIES, MARIE-HELENE. "Molière, panégyriste du Roi." KRQ 39 (1992), 283–298.

"Le but de cet article est de montrer l'ambiguité avec laquelle M. remplit son rôle de panégyriste."

DOCK, STEPHEN VARICK. Costume and Fashion in the Plays of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Molière: A Seventeenth-Century Perspective. Genèva: Slatkine, 1992.

Review: Susan Read Baker in SoAR 58.1 (1993), 132–34: According to B., "this book furnishes an excellent example of innovative scholarship combining a study of iconography, textual analysis, history of theater, and cultural history. D.'s purpose is to explore the significance of costume and fashion in M.'s theater from 1643 . . . until 1673 . . . . Thanks to his painstaking study of extant documents pertaining to each of M.'s productions, a far clearer picture emerges of M.'s jeu, his attitude toward fashion's role in social life, and the semiotic code that he carefully crafted onstage through the use of style, color, and figurative vestimentary language." Having offered extensive commentary on D.'s findings, B. declares that the study "is required reading for seventeenth-century specialists and historians of the theater" and that it should be "of equal interest to general readers."
Review: K. Wolfe in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 226–228: A well-illustrated study that fills a major gap in Molière studies: the relation between costume and action and costume and court fashion. Glossary of vestimentary terms.

DOSMOND, SIMONE. "Les Femmes Savantes. Comédie ou drame bourgeois?" IL 44.5 (nov/déc 92), 12–22.

La pièce est une synthèse originale et puissante des deux structures, qu'elle dépasse l'une et l'autre.

DUCHENE, ROGER. "Boutgeois gentilhomme ou bourgeois galant?" ELF 58 (1993), 105–110.

Exposé sur la double vision de M. Jourdain, vision de noblesse et de galanterie.

DUPARC, CHRISTIANE. "Le Retour de Dom Juan." L'Express 2192 (15 July 1993), 42–45:

Interview with Jacques Lassale on his Avignon Festival production with the Comédie-Française. Striking illustrations.

FORESTIER, GEORGES. Molière. Paris: Bordas, 1990.

Review: N. Hepp in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 258: La vie de M., sa situation dans le théâtre de son temps et l'univers propre de la comédie molièresque; une analyse intéressante qui apporte du nouveau.
  • See French 17 (1992).

FRICKE, DIETMAR. "Deux Mises en Scène cinématographiques récentes du Bourgeois gentilhomme de Molière: Roger Coggio, 1982; Jérôme Savary, 1981–82," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 115–122.

Reviews the two recent film versions.

GEORGES DANDIN. By Molière. Théâtre sur la Place. Foundation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Paris. 15 June 1991.

Theatre Review: James F. Gaines in TJ 44 (1992), 535–37: In the production being discussed George Dandin "is genially transformed into an . . . introspective and sophisticated hybrid of the Courteline-Feydeau bedroom farce." "For a troupe committed to recreating in the theatre a spectacle of collective memory, the migration of M.'s farce into the Gay Nineties is almost second nature," says G. "The total coordination of the production and the sensitivity of the actors to a harmonic unity in the midst of disjunctive existence help to make this experience one that is bound to be admired and imitated for years to come." The performance is discussed in detail. (Combined with review of 1991 production of Tartuffe given by Compagnie de l'Elan.)

GERHARDI, GERHARD C. "Circulation monétaire et mobilité sociale dans le Bourgeois gentilhomme," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 23–33.

Views money in its relation to social mobility as the "metteur en scène invisible" in the play.

GETHNER, PERRY. "Tartuff as Drama Critic: A Literary Quarrel of 1669–70." ELF 58 (1993), 111–123.

G. explores unresolved questions concerning the anonymous La Critique du Tartuffe. "While I intend to argue that Licidas may have been intended to designate Antoine Montfleury, my focus will be not so much the factual questions as the theoretical issues raised by this and other polemical comedies. In particular, given the minimal amount of attention accorded to comedy by the Abbé d'Aubignac in his monumental La Pratique du théâtre (1657) and by Corneille in his Discours (1660), I would like to explore which aspects of comic theory were preoccupying practicing playwrights during the first decade of the Sun King's personal reign."

GRIMM, JURGEN. Molière et son temps.Trans.B. Naudet andF. Londeix.PFSCL/Biblio 17, 75 (1993).

An introduction to M.'s work in the context of his times. Bibliography.

HALL, H. GASTON. Molière's Le Bourgeois gentillhomme: Context and Stagecraft. Durham: Univ. of Durham, 1990.

Review: D. Kuizenga in FrF 17 (1992), 226–227: Helpful, informative and well-rounded treatment places Le Bourgeois gentilhomme in its historical and dramatic contexts. Includes chapters on costumes, ceremony, first performances, social context, literary and stage context, the major roles, theatrical structure and contemporary performances. Selected critical bibliography.
Review: Marinette Pendola in SFr 104 (1991), 353: Hall tries to "uncover the literary roots of this drama," and analyzes Molière's playful uses of theatrical language. He also studies various elements such as gesture and costumes, whose immediate meaning has been lost. The book ends with a survey of recent presentations of the Bourgeois gentilhomme.
Review: Karolyn Waterson in FR 66 (1993), 813–14: "Sensitivity to all forms of theatricality and an approach that keeps page and stage in a symbiotic relationship distinguish Hall's analysis. Accessible to a wide readership and well documented, it offers numerous perspicacious observations gained from long reflection."
  • See French 17 (1991).

JAYMES, DAVID. "Parasitology in Molière: Satire of Doctors and Praise of Paramedics." L&M 12.1 (1993), 1–18.

In this reading of Doctor Cupid and The Imaginary Invalid, J. convincingly proposes that ". . . it is the nonphysicians . . . who restore the family to health . . ." that the ". . . medical profession, once constituted, . . . [has] cares and concerns that are inimical to the patients it serves . . . " and that Molière's ". . . medical philosophy is holistic."

JESCHKE, CLAUDIA. "Vom Ballet de Cour zum Ballet d'Action. Uber den Wandel des Tanzverständnisses im ausgehenden 17. und beginnenden 18. Jahrhundert," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 185–223.

JONES, DOROTHY F. "Insiders and Outsiders in Les Fourberies de Scapin." SFr 106 (1992), 67–72.

In Les Fourberies de Scapin, there is a sharp contrast between the male characters, the insiders forming "a closely knit world, linked by blood, acquaintance, laws, and shared values," and female characters, who are outsiders living "on the fringes of society." Reconciliation should be achieved, as in Molière's early plays, through marriage. But in Les Fourberies, matrimony is not "liberation, freedom from bondage," it remains "within the framework of a patriarchal order" which "however perverted or absurd remains unchanged."

KAPP, VOLKER, Ed. Le Bourgeois gentilhomme: Problèmes de la comédie-ballet. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991).

Review: S. H. Fleck in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 253–56: A collection of articles of use to every Molière specialist, including perspectives of social history, nonverbal language, musicology, and choreography.
Review: Janis L. Pallister in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 21–22: This collection of essays is intended "as a follow-up" to Claude Abraham's "pioneer study" on the comédie-ballet. It contains significant and sometimes contradictory contributions on Molière's critical attitude towards "bourgoisie" and aristocracy, and on the musical dimension of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Françoise Karro's essay on the Turkish ceremony is "perhaps the most substantial" contribution. "All in all, this collection of studies is an indispensable new tool in the analysis and understanding" of Molière's play.

_______. "Langage verbal et langage non-verbal dans le Bourgeois gentilhomme," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 95–113.

A study of the two forms of communication to show how M mocks both the bourgeois intruder and the aristocratic elite.

KARRO, FRANÇOISE. "La Cérémonie turque du Bourgeois gentilhomme: mouvance temporelle et spirituelle de la foi," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 35–93.

Studies the ceremony in the context of the relations between France and the Ottoman Empire. Collaborative links with Antoine Arnauld and Laurent d'Arvieux. Bibliography.

KNUTSON, HAROLD. "The Cuckold Triange in Molière's L'Ecole des femmes and in Wycherley's The Country Wife." ELF 58 (1993), 125–134.

Examination of the schema of the cuckold triangle in two contemporary comedies. "What is significant for our purposes is that each playwright consciously elected certain options among a range of possibilities, and that their field of choice was in turn circumscribed by ideological limits. All literature is governed, to a degree, by strictures placed upon the representation of percieved reality, and authors are largely unaware of them. Thus what is made of cuckoldry is not merely a matter of subjective judgment, as Chrysalde ironically suggests, but part and parcel of a comic tradition and a related ideological base."

KOPPISCH, MICHAEL S. "Molière et le problème de l'ordre." ELF 58 (1993), 135–150.

"La recherche d'un ordre permanent est à la base de tout le théâtre de Molière, qui partage avec Pascal un sens de l'impossibilité de la permanence." K. examine ce propos dans Tartuffe et le Malade imaginaire.

MCCARTHY, M. J. "The Black Economy in Molière's L'Avare." AJFS 28.3 (1991) 235–248.

Demonstrates ". . . the logical and dynamic way in which Molière fuses together love, greed, and household economy . . ." and ". . . shows the inner working of an Aristotelian economy in which usury and avarice destabilize everything."

MC GOWAN, MARGARET M. "La Danse: son rôle multiple," in Le Borgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 163–183.

The role of dance in terms of its relations with the other arts, its court and social context, and the contributions made by professional dancers.

MAZOUER, CHARLES. "Molière et la voix de l'acteur." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 261–274.

A close study of Molière's plays and prefaces, and of contemporary testimonies reveals the importance of the vocal abilities of actors. For Molière, voice plays an essential part in the creative process of characterization.

NURSE, PETER. Molière and the Comic Spirit. Genève: Droz, 1991.

Review: N. Hepp in RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 259–260: Un dialogue avec Gérard Defaux sur la division du théâtre de M. entre la visée morale et la célébration de la souveraineté du plaisir; N. arrive à une affirmation de l'unité de l'oeuvre.
Review: N. A. Peacock in MLR 88 (1993), 202–203: Collection of essays published over the last three decades and revised in light of Defaux's thesis on the evolution of Molière's work treats "the interrelationship between the comic spirit and the moral focus of the plays . . . ." General lack of references beyond 1977 in bibliography.

PEACOCK, NOËL, "Alceste et Théophile." SFr 108 (1992), 449–458.

Peacock thinks Théophile de Viau may have been one of the sources of Alceste, the main character of Le Misanthrope: "Suivant son imagination créatrice, Molière a transposé dans un contexte comique l'esprit sérieux et amer de Théophile."

_________. Le Dépit amoureaux. Durham: Durham University Press, 1989.

Review: Karolyn Waterson in FR 66 (1993), 813: Critical ed. that reassesses the play as comic and dramatic spectacle mostly on the basis of an analytical enumeration of components M. subsequently reutilized. Notes ironically reemphasize the play's awkwardness and the persistent need for theatrical adaptations.

_________. Les Femmes Savantes. London: Grant and Cutler, 1990.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 191: Judged "essential reading for specialists as well as for undergraduates," this "valuable reassessment of [an] under-rated and under-performed play" treats language, ideas, satire, exits, entrances and concentrates on two principal questions: "what is the shape of the play? and how does this play work?"

PHALESE, HUBERT. Les Mots de Molière. Les quatre dernières pièces à travers les nouvelles technologies. Paris: Nizet, 1992.

RIGGS, LARRY W. Molière and Plurality: Decomposition of the Classicist Self. New York: Peter Lang, 1989.

Review: William O. Goode in FR 66 (1993), 1664–65: Focusing on Le Misanthrope, Le Tartuffe, Les Femmes savantes, explores the discourse of ridicule whose singleminded "reason" is examined by a pluralistic world with the result of a comic exposure of real desires and will to power. Originality of critical terminology aside, reviewer questions "newness" of findings. Deconstruction of socio-political discourse under the monarch would be the original line.
Review: Janis L. Pallister in SCN 50.3–4 (1992), 65–66: "Professor Riggs intends to show how critics are simplistic when they assume that Louis XIV had a comprehensive worldview which could not be deviated from without dire consequences." The reviewer has strong reservations about the author's methodology: "this book aims to join other pyrotechnical works of 20th-century criticism which become entangled in (lacanic) issues of discourse ("rhetoric") and decomposition." In short, Pallister feels this book does not "tell us anything we did not already know."
  • See French 17 (1992).

SCHNEIDER, HERBERT. "Die Serenade im Bourgeois gentilhomme," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 67 (1991), 139–162.

THE SCHOOL FOR WIVES. By Molière. In a version by Neil Bartlett. Dir. byVincent Murphy. Theater Emory, Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA. 7 March 1991.

Theatre Review: Philip Auslander in TJ 43 (1991), 388–90: Since A. was unable to deterimine the extent of B.'s creative contributions "it was not really possible to evaluate B.'s text, though it seemed to be a lively, colloquial, two-act translation in rhymed verse, well suited to the post-modernist time warp that combined elements of several historical eras." "The production abounded in contemporary cultural references: Alain . . . was glued to a portable television set; Arnolphe claimed to be rescuing Agnès . . . from a single-parent family in a housing project; snatches of current popular songs were played at strategic moments . . . ." A. calls this production "a successful hybrid . . . ," asserting that "it made valid bridges between the social and gender-political worlds of M.'s time and our own."

SHAW, DAVID. "Molière and the Art of Recyclying." SFCS 15 (1993), 165–80.

Labored examination of the later use of La Jalousie du Barbouillé, Le Médicin volant, and Dom Garcie de Navarre. Bibliography does not contain Marcel Gutwirth's treatment of Dom Garcie.

STENZEL, HARTMUT. "Projet critique et divertissement de cour. Sur la place de la comédie-ballet et du Bourgeois gentilhomme dans le théâtre de Molière," in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme et les problèmes de la comédie-ballet. Ed. Volker Kapp. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 69, (1991), 9–22.

Views the comédie ballet as reflecting a "profonde ambivalence" in M.'s theater because it conflicts with its critical foundation.

TARTUFFE. By Molière. Compagnie de l'Elan. Crypte ste-Agnès, Paris. 14 June 1991.

Theatre Review: James F. Gaines in TJ 44 (1992), 535–37: G. offers a detailed commentary of this unusual production, in which (for example) the actors wear "totally conventional street clothes . . ." and "a large wolfhound" is cast as Flipote. "One emerges from the crypt," says G., "with a solid respect for the talents of the actors — and a thousand plans for redirecting them." (Combined with review of 1991 production of George Dandin performed at Théâtre sur la Place.)

TESSON, PHILIPPE. "De Céline à Sophocle." RDM (décembre 1992), 191–192.

Parmi les pièces actuellement inscrites à l'affiche, Le Cocu imaginaire et Le Mariage forcé de Molière accouplés au Théâtre de l'est parisien par Jacques Lassalle. Le décor suggestif de Chantal Gaiddon — "une boîte trouée de trappes, de fenêtres et de portes" — appelle un "jeu de mécanique obsédante . . . [qui] ralentit à l'excès le rythme de la farce." Traitement plus traditionnel du Mariage forcé.

_________. "Promenade chez Molière." RDM (juillet-août 1992), 199–206.

"Le théâtre parisien inscrit actuellement à l'affiche . . . l'Ecole des femmes [Théâtre du Marais], le Misanthrope [Théâtre Marigny], et Georges Dandin [Comédie-Française]. Nous en prenons le prétexte pour une visite à Molière." T. conclut: "Ces trois chefs-d'oeuvre introduisent l'homme-individu sur la scène du théâtre ironique, où n'évoluaient pas qu'alors que des silhouettes ou des types . . . . Individus confrontés à la société. Arnolphe, Alceste et Dandin sont là pour mettre l'ordre logique, Dandin l'ordre social. Le théâtre de la contestation et de la liberté est né."

TOBIN, RONALD W. Tarte à la crème. Comedy and Gastronomy in Molière's Theatre. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1990.

Review: B. Fink in FrF 17 (1992), 106–108: Positive review finds T.'s gastrocritical study of nine of M.'s high comedies insightful and fascinating on a number of levels. T. explores through a variety of approaches M.'s use of comic and satirical devices from l'Ecole des femmes to Le Malade imaginaire. 17th c. codes of civilité and currents of philosophy provide an appropriate background against which M.'s comic vision is masterfully examined.
Review: N. A. Peacock in MLR 88 (1993), 202–203: This "witty and scholarly exploration of the relationship between language and gastronomy in eight Molière texts" uses a pluridisciplinary approach and "breaks new ground." Some references to food are inflated and not germane to T.'s subject.
  • See French 17 (1992).

VERNET, MAX. Molière. Côté jardin, côté cour. Paris: Nizet, 1991.

Review: J. Gaines in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 262–266: The "most significant new philosophical approach" to Molière in twenty years, with potential applications in many areas, including sociocriticism. The work "should be a staple" for graduate students and scholars.
Review: M. Gutwirth in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 267–169: Un ouvrage ambitieux qui considère le théâtre de M. comme "son propre métalangage" du jeu, du mouvement et de la vérité. Une étude riche, complexe, charmante, mais dont les thèses sont parfois contestables.
Review: L Riggs in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 294–296: Reviewer finds this study an "event" for Molière specialists and students of drama and literary theory: V. discovers that the ridicules "share a way of dealing with others that implies solitude, mastery, abstraction, and a kind of mobility for themselves that denies the importance of roles and relationsips. V. sees the plays as constituting an increasingly urgent contemplation of the emerging modern world." The study does suffer from the lack of a well defined theoretical framework and ignorance of some recent criticism.
  • See French 17 (1992).

WHITTON, DAVID. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. London: Grant and Cutler, 1992.

________. Molière: Le Misanthrope. Glasgow: Univ. of Glasgow French and German Publications, 1991.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 299: A scene by scene analysis focuses on "exigencies of the comic stage" and is complemented by perceptive remarks on critical perspectives.


LOPEZ, DENIS. "Sur une traduction en vers: Montausier et les Satires de Perse (1653)." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 75–88.

"Dans les receuils manuscrits de Conrart se trouve une traduction en vers des Satires de Perse." This unpublished translation, dating between 1652 and 1653, reflects the aesthetic sensitivity of Parisian literary circles of the 1650's. It is "une imitation du sens qui donne lieu à une création littéraire où la clarté, la mesure des effets et l'élégance sont de mise," and it foreshadows "les grandes réussites imitatives à venir."





WELCH, MARCELLE MAISTRE. "Manipulation du discours féerique dans les Contes de Fées de Mme de Murat." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 21–29.

La tension entre la sexualité et la bienséance se cache dans l'emploi de la symbolique du merveilleux; le texte de M. est un discours féministe subversif qui "exprime une impuissance existentielle."


DOBBS, BETTY J. T. The Janus Faces of Genius: The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought. New York: Cambridge UP, 1991.

Review: William Newman in Isis 84 (1993), 578–79: Shifts from earlier view of direct influence of alchemical ideas on his physics to the combination of theology, religious philosophy, and the tradition of ancient wisdom: a religious interpretation of ancient wisdom: a religious interpretation of N.s alchemy embedded in a religious interpretation of his science in general. Proposes new datings for two important essays (De gravitatione, De aere et aethere).





ARMOUR, LESLIE. "Infini-Rien": Pascal's Wager and The Human Condition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1993.

Locates the "wager" within the confluences of two vital strands of Platonism (Bérulle, Hauranne-Jansen) and an intellectually powerful scepticism (agreeing with the claim that it is difficult to find God in nature but disagreeing that we may know nothing of nature).

ARRAUD, VINCENT. Pascal et la philosophie. Paris: PUF, 1992.

BOITANO, JOHN F. "The Polemics of Conversion in the Pensées: Pascal's Address of Both the Occult and Rational Beliefs of the Libertine Reader" (Columbia Univ., 1992). DAI 53.6, 1936A.

Analyzes occult elements of libertinage and narrative shifts between the Catholic apologist and the libertine interlocutor.

COGNET, LOUIS et GERARD FERREYROLLES, eds. Les Provinciales. Paris: Bordas, 1992.

Review: B. Norman in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 291–292: A new issue of the excellent 1965 Cognet edition, with minor changes by Ferreyrolles, including an updated biblography.

COMPAGNON, ANTOINE. Chat en poche: Montaigne et l'allégorie. Paris: Eds du Seuil, 1992.

Review: P.L. in Le Monde (29 Jan. 1993), 30: Part III seeks in Montaigne the basis of Pascal's political reading of the Essais and the elements of his political philosophy.

CONTAT, MICHEL. "Pascal: Pensées on Discours." Le Monde (18 Dec. 1992), 29.

Debate among Emmanuel Martineau (See below), Jean Mesnard, Pol Ernst, and Vincent Carraud on E. M.'s new edition, "la seule édition objective possible." Continuous discourse or fragments? "Brouillons" or fragments." The nature of "APR."

EDMUNDS, BRUCE T. "The dix-septiémiste as Jesuit, or How to Read Pascal's Lettres provinciales." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 201–208.

A reading of the work to illustrate how the critic must "renounce the talk of elucidation defined in traditional (classical!) terms. He or she writes . . . 'to designate a distrubance.'"

GAINES, JAMES F. "Religious Propaganda and Boureois Values in Pascal's Lettres provinciales." Etudes littéraires françaises 58 (1993), 165–76.

"Pascal's texts contain a detailed strategy of social affiliation reaching beyond the codes of honnêteté that deserves to be discussed independently of contemporary models before it can be reconverted into the critical continuum." According to G., "Since the Provinciales aim at nothing less than an ideological reconstitution of literate society, an analysis of their function as propoganda brings to light often neglected elements of the writer's strategy."

GALLUCCI, JOHN A. "Pascal and Kenneth Burke: An Argument for 'Logological' Reading of the Pensées." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 123–150.

Explores the relevance of literary theory to Pascal, concluding that "current literary theory . . . can be seen as the secular translation of the theological Pascal."

HAMMOND, NICHOLAS. "'Levez le rideau': Images of the Theatre in Pascal's Pensées." FS 47.3 (1993), 276–87.

Demonstrates P.'s use of theatrical effects as a means of persuasion.

HELLER, LANE M., and THERESE GOYET. Bibliographie Blaise Pascal (1960–1969). Clermont-Ferrand: ADOSA and CIBP, 1989.

Review: Benedetta Papàsogli in SFr 103 (1991), 134: With the collaboration of the Centre International Blaise Pascal, Heller has collected nearly 1500 titles devoted to Pascal in the 1960's. This "elaborate and complex" bibliography is presented by T. Goyet, who shows the underlying unity of that decade's "paysage pascalien."

JAOUEN, FRANÇOISE. "From Faith to Bad Faith: Pascal, Valéry, Nietzshe." FLS 20 (1993), 21–30.

An analysis of misreadings of P., based on assumptions about the relation between philosophy and strategies of rhetoric, with reference to judgments of P. made by Valéry and Nietzsche.

KIM, HYUNG-KEL. De l'art de persuader dans les Pensées de Pascal. Paris: Nizet, 1992.

Review: L. Thirouin in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 548–549: Study aims at demonstrating the application in the Pensées of Pascal's theory of persuasion as found in the De l'esprit géométrique. Although the author is not always aware of the difficulties posed by such an enterprise, he raises important questions. A suggestive study.

KOCH, EREC R. "Ironic Re-Inscriptions." Continuum 5 (1993) 251–255.

Review article of Buford Norman's Portraits of Thought: Knowledge, Methods, and Styles in Pascal (Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1988). General praise for this ". . . rigorous and highly original epistemological model for Pascal's thought . . ." together with thoughtful questioning of Norman's treatment of rhetorical and semiological issues.

________. "Rhetorical Aesthetics and Rhetorical Theory in Pascal." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 151–170.

Questions whether literary theory illuminates or deforms Pascal: ". . . it is my intention to establish that the mandate of rhetoric for theory is not to lay claim to illumination or deformation but to illuminate a deformation in the text of Pascal."

LAGARDE, FRANÇOIS. "Le Différement de Pascal." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 183–192.

"La critique contemporaine [semiotics and deconstruction] retrouve Pascal en le fuyant," or at least an important aspect of Pascal often ignored by traditional criticism.

MCKENNA, ANTHONY. De Pascal à Voltaire: Le rôle des Pensées de Pascal dans l'historie des idées entre 1670 et 1734. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1990.

Review: Sean O'Cathasaigh in FS 47.1 (1993), 73–74: "One of the most important works of scholarship in this area published in recent years."
Review: Anthony R. Pugh in FR 66 (1993), 494–95: Major contribution to intellectual history, comprehensive, precise, incisive and wholly convincing. Pascal is represented as a Christian Pyrrhonist, influenced by Gassendi, as such, faithful to the original spirit of Port-Royal, whose authors (Arnauld, e.g.) betray him by equating Descartes's first principle of certainty with Pascalian sentiment. Pascal is a constant point of reference with the passages to Enlightenment where the real stakes and battle are between Christian apologetics and the new philosophy.

MAGNARD, PIERRE. Pascal. La Clé du chiffre. Paris: Editions universitaires, 1991.

Review: Louis Millet in EP 2 (avril-juin 1993), 260–262: A new slightly modified version of P. Magnard's doctoral thesis, Nature et histoire dans l'apologétique de Pascal. The book analyzes the "key" to Pascal's historical, philosophical and theological vision — Jesus-Christ. The reviewer concludes, "Aussi Magnard peut-il établir que Pascal n'est nullement un 'anti-philosophe', une sorte de théologien négatif sans théologie positive: une philosophie reste intégrée à tout un système spirituel, théologique, comme le support nécessaire du travail d'interprétation: la 'clé du Chiffre', c'est aussi le Verbe, le logos de Saint-Jean."
  • See French 17 (1992).

MARINER, FRANK. "The Order of Disorder: The Problem of the Fragment in Pascal's Pensées." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 171–182.

Reflections on the differences between author-based and reader-based interpretations in the context of the fragmentary form of the Pensées.

MARTINEAU, EMMANUEL, ed. Blaise Pascal: Discours sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujects. Paris: Fayard/A. Colin, 1992.

Review: Bernard Croquette in QL (15 déc. 1992), 8–9: Review titled "Pascal enfin édité ou mort programmée du fragment?" C. describes M.'s project: "Nous aurions enfin entre les mains la 'seule édition objective' de ce qu'on persistait à appeler les Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets." Unlike other editors, M. "se propose de reconstituer l'état primitif de cette oeuvre. Mieux, de défaire ce que P. a si soigneusement fait, c'est-à-dire, . . . de refaire ce que P. a défait." C. has reservations about M.'s method: "On peut craindre . . . qu'à partir de quelques intuitions justes et de quelques suggestions séduisantes, E. M. n'ait construit un système auquel le texte doit se plier à toute force et qu'il n'ait placé dans une méthode purement philologique une confiance que seule sans doute mériterait une analyse scientifique des papiers originaux . . .," similar to what is used in the study of paintings.
Review: See above: Contat, Michel.

MESNARD, JEAN, ed. Oeuvres complètes. T.IV: Oeuvres diverses (1657–1662). Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1692: Ce volume "contient tous les documents susceptibles d'éclairer sa vie et son oeuvre. Ses textes publics ou rivés, ceux qui lui sont adressés ou ceux qui concernent ses travaux ou ses affiares. C'est une somme exhaustive, objective, où chaque texte est présenté selon la chronologie et introduit par une synthèse qui le situe et l'interprète avec un maximum d'érudition et de clarté."

__________. Oevres complètes, III: Oeuvres diverses (1654–1657). Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1991.

Review: Denise Leduc-Fayette in RPFE 1107 (1992), 620–622: An indispensable edition of Pascal's lesser known writings, the Ecrits sur la grâce being the most important one. Each 'opuscule' is dated, analyzed and put in its philosophical and theological context: "M. Mesnard offre d'ores et déjà une interprétation décisive dont la rigueur, la pénétration, la clarté laissent admiratifs, et au terme de laquelle il apparaît que Pascal, loin d'être un ignorant en matière de théologie possédait une culture véritable dans ce domaine."

NORMAN, BUFORD. Portraits of Thought. Knowledge, Methods and Styles in Pascal. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1988.

Review: R. Heyndels in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 277–279: N. "apporte une importante contribution aux études stylistiques consacrées à la discursivité et surtout à la parole pascalienne." Une étude rigoureuse de la multiplicité des méthodes et des styles employés par P., et un indispensable ouvrage de référence lexique.
Review: See Koch above.
Review: Benedetta Papàsogli in SFr 103 (1991), 136: Norman's purpose is to "explain and analyze the relations between Pascal's multiple approaches ("methods") to the problem of knowledge and the multiplicity of stylistic means of expression in his works." The third and last part explores the connection between stylistic devices and "démarches cognitives" and is the "most original" one. However, the reviewer thinks Pascal's artistic craft eludes Norman's categorizations.

NORMAN, BUFORD. "Beyond Winning and Losing: Polemics about Polemics." Continuum 5 (1993) 257–261.

A review article of Richard Parish's Pascal's Lettres Provinciales. A Study in Polemics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989). While praising Parish's knowledge of the work and some of his textual readings, N. questions the historical readings and urges additional work on the text itself rather than on Pascal's possible move into fiction in this work.

PARISH, RICHARD. Pascal's Lettres Provinciales: A Study in Polemic. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989.

Review: E. Davies in MLR 87 (1992), 987–88: In the drama of les Provinciales, P. focuses "upon reader, persona, and motive, thereby distancing himself from Roger Duchêne's L'Imposture littéraire dans les Provinciales de Pascal (Provence, 1985)."
Review: See Norman above.
Review: Benedetta Papàsogli in SFr 104 (1991), 352–353: When analyzing Pascal's use of polemical style, Parish makes a distinction between the author's encounter with his adversaries at the level of the formulation of faith (modus crecendi) and of moral doctrine (modus vivendi), and the expression in itself of an "art de la polémique" (modus disputandi) in Les Provinciales. But the "most interesting part" of Parish's work is the study of "counter polemic" or acknowledgement and dismissal of Jesuits's replies in the Pensées, and of the relationship between Provinciales and Pensées. All in all, Parish's observations "revive our critical appreciation of Pascal."

THIROUIN, LAURENT. Le Hasard et les règles. Le modèle du jeu dans la pensée de Pascal. Paris: Vrin, 1991.

Review: Norbert Meusnier in RMM 97 (1992), 568–69: "Renouvelle ici totalement, par la vue d'ensemble qui se dégage de sa lente et profonde enquête . . . essai d'une rare finesse, qui met en évidence avec une extrême précision conceptuelle et une maîtrise délicieuse des paradoxes apparents, la cohérence des aspects politiques, morals et mathématiques de la partie de la démarche apologétique de P. portant sur le pari."
Review: D. Wetsel in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 288–291: Reviewer finds this a brilliant study that sheds new light on the significance and function of the wager argument in P.'s apologetic plan. T. views the argument as "un discours de commencement pour capter l'écoute."

WETSEL, DAVID, ed. Meaning, Structure and History in the Pensées of Pascal. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 56 (1990).

Review: R. Parish in MLR 87 (1992), 988: Volume containing proceedings of a colloquium at Portland State University in April 1989 is "hindered by an uncertainty as to the level at which they [the participants] are pitching their papers." Reviewer cites valuable contributions by "Natoli on Pascal's notions of proof; Sellier on the 'fleuves de Babylone'; Force . . . on order and the cryptographic tradition; Wetsel on Pascal and disbelief."


ETIENNE PASQUIER ET SES "RECHERCHES DE LA FRANCE," Cahiers V. L. Saulnier, no 8. Paris: Presses de l'ENS, 1991.

Review: J.-L. Bourgeou in BHR 55 (1993), 465–68: Recueil de contributions d'un colloque, consacré surtout au plus célèbre ouvrage de Pasquier apparu en 1560. "Dans ses meilleures parties, ce recueil marque le départ d'une réévaluation d'E. Pasquier" (1529–1615).



BRESSON, AGNES, ed. Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, Lettres à Claude Saumaise et à son entourage (1620–1637). Firenze: Olschki, 1992.

Review: P. Wolfe in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 521–522: Letters on a variety of scholarly topics. Indexes and bibliography.

REINBOLD, A., ed. Pereisc ou la passion de connaître. Colloque de Carpentras, novembre 1987. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1990.

Review: R. Darricau in RFHL 72–73 (1991), 310–311: "Le présent ouvrage rassemble la plupart des communications prononcées au Colloque organisé à Carpentras du 5 au 7 novembre 1987 à l'occasion du 350e anniversaire de la mort de Nicolas-Fabri de Pereisc. Les textes réunis offrent un ensemble significatif de quelques aspects importants de l'oeuvre et de la personnailité de Pereisc." Jean Bernhardt's contribution on "l'inventaire posthume de la bibliothèque de Pereisc" is most enlightening.
  • See French 17 (1991).



GAUTIER-GENTES, JEAN-LUC, éd. La Peinture. Poème. Charles Perrault. Genève: Droz, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–561 (1992), 1604–05: "Présentant une édition critique de ce long poème publié en 1688 . . . Jean-Luc Gautier-Gentès précise qu''il serait vain et périlleux de chercher dans la Peinture une doctrine artistique claire, complète et cohérente,' même si on peut y recueillir quelques informations sur les conceptions de Perrault en la matière, conceptions éclairées par l'analyse et rattachées à ce qu'on peut savoir de l'éducation de Perrault par sa famille ou son milieu."

HANNON, PATRICIA. "Antithesis and Ideology in Perrault's Riquet à la Houppe." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 105–118.

The symmetry of Perrault's tale is seen to convey an ideological message opposing mind (male) and matter (female).

IORIO, RAFFAELE, ed. Charles Perrault, Saint-Paulin Evesque de Nole. Poème. Napoli: Loffredo, 1990:

An edition which, according to the reviewer, violates everything critical in a critical edition.

MALARTE, CLAIRE-LISE. Perrault à travers la critique depuis 1960: Bibliographie annotée. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 47 (1989).

Review: Benedetta Papàsogli in SFr 104 (1991), 357: This bibliography takes into account not only the monographs dedicated to Perrault but also landmark works mentioning him. Each entry, in alphabetical order, is accompanied with a short description. A catalog of subjects and a panorama of methods used by scholars help the reader to find all the 'grandes clés interprétatives' of Perrault's Contes. Despite major omissions, Malarte's bibliography remains "very useful."
Review: C. Smith in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 251–252: A useful, easily accessible research tool, documenting the growth of interest in P. and the breadth of diversity of critical approaches to his work.

MECHOULAN, ERIC. "The Embodiment of Culture: Fairy Tales of the Body in the 17th and 18th Centuries." RR 83.4 (Nov 92), 427–436.

The body is seen by M. as a trope which "literalizes, and then stabilizes, the social use of language." Includes analysis of Le Petit chaperon rouge, Le chat botté, and Les Mille et une nuits.

SIMONSEN, MICHELE. Perrault, Contes. Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: C. Malarte-Feldman in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 576–577: An edition aimed at the beginning reader of P. Despite some shortcomings, a very worthy introduction to the work and author.

SORIANO, MARC. La Brosse à reluire sous Louis XIV: L'Epitre au Roi de Perrault annotée par Racine et Boileau. Fasano/Paris: Schena/Nizet, 1989.

Review: Patricia Oppici in SFr 103 (1991), 137–138: In this edition of Perrault's Epître au Roi, Soriano tries to identify the author(s) of anonymous notes published by the Abbé d'Olivet in 1738. Those notes are very negative comments on Perrault's Epître that served as the introductory discourse to the first edition of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française. Soriano argues that the notes were written by Racine with the collaboration of Boileau. They lampooned Perrault's lack of talent for praising Louis XIV. Hence the use of J. Prévert's expression—"brosse à reluire"—: it defines the poet's submissive attempt to please authority.


PICON, ANTOINE. Claude Perrault ou la curiosité d'un classique. Paris: Picard, 1988.

Review: See Zarucchi below.

ZARUCCHI, JEANNE MORGAN. "Confluences." Continuum 5 (1993) 267–270.

Review article of Antoine Picon's Claude Perrault ou la curiosité d'un classique (Paris: Picard/Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques et des Sites, 1988). General praise for this work in which ". . . Claude Perrault has been revealed as an immensely talented practitioner and theoretician of architectural science, whose seeming amalgam of interests reflected a coherent, rationalist world-view that was uniquely seventeenth-century."



LEROY, JEAN PIERRE, ed. Les Folies de Cardenio, tragi-comédie suivie des autres oeuvres poétiques (1620–1629). Geneva: Droz, 1989.

Review: Marinette Pendola in SFr 103 (1991), 129: This play "est une des premières réalisations dans le genre qui dominera en France pendant les années 1630–1640: la tragicomédie." It is also the first French theatrical adaptation of Don Quixote. This "respectful" edition is completed by the addition of the author's poems.
  • See French 17 (1992).

_________. L'Infidèle Confidente, (1631). Geneva: Droz, 1991.

Review: H. Baby-Litot in RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 145: Une tragi-comédie publiée en 1631, présentée avec une analyse dramaturigique et un glossaire utile.
Review: Michael Hawcroft in FS 47.1 (1993), 70: A successful edition of P.'s play with "an excessively long glossary."
  • See French 17 (1992).


CHEVALLIER, MARJOLAINE, ed. Cogitationes rationales de Deo, anima et malo. Hildesheim: Olms, 1990.

Review: P. Ramoni in RMM 98 (1993), 282–83: Text of 1715 with variants from 1677 and 1688 printings. Cartesian, anti-Spinozist, anti-Augustinian and also a critic of Bayle. Remarkable critical introduction.
  • See French 17 (1992).



ORCEL, PATRICE. "La Main de Poussin." NRF 480 (janvier 1993), 6–12.

A meditation on Poussin's fight against a recurrent paralysis of his hands.



BARNWELL, H. T. "Quinault, Racine and Their Sources: An Addendum." SCFS 15 (1993), 158–63.

Sets limits to a rehabilitation of Q. through comparisons with Racine, as Edmund Campion does (especially in "Representation of History and Mythology in Quinault and Racine," SCFS 13 (19–91) largely through the repeated assertion that Racine does invent poetically in the situation of Andromaque on a level that Q. does not or cannot in Astarté and that Racinian verse has an evocative power that Q. does not (and does not need for tragédie galante).

BASSINET, STEPHANIE, ed. Atys. Geneva: Droz, 1992.

BROOKS, WILLIAM and EDMUND J. CAMPION, eds. Bellérophon. Paris: Droz, 1990.

Review: P. Zoberman in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 895–896: "Un très utile ajoute à la connaissance et à l'appréciation du XVIIe siècle," avec une "bonne introduction qui aborde des questions pertinentes tant à la pièce elle-même qu'à l'ensemble du théâtre du XVIIe."


ABRAMOVICI, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. "'Sans forme et sans couleur': Le corps dans la tragédie racinienne." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 369–378.

Studies the different forms (parlant/écrit, sexuel, mort, mystique) the human body assumes in the theater. In particular, the presentation of Phèdre's body breaks with its usual treatment in neo-classical literature.

BIET, CHRISTIAN. "Dans la tragédie, la traduction n'existe pas: l'empilement des références dans Andromaque." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 223–237.

A study of Andromaque's acknowledged (Euripides) and unmentioned sources (Virgil, and Thomas Corneille's Pyrrhus). For Biet, "Andromaque est une pièce qui cherche par les solutions qu'elle propose, par les compromis esthétiques et idéologiques qu'elle indique, à trouver une échappatoire à la chute de Troie conçue comme l'exil l'Eden."

CAMPBELL, JOHN, ed. "Bérénice: The Plotting of Tragedy." SCFS 15 (1993), 145–55.

Argues convincingly against the tenacious traditions of interpretation as elegy and pure poetry and that plot-making and its dynamism, an "unstable compound of changing and conflicting emotions" set the tragedy in the line of Andromaque and Britannicus and leaves "elegy" much short of description of the reality of the play. Like characters in the earlier plays Bérénice undergoes a "voyage of discovery" through unstable perception to "illusion of self-mastery," ironic moment of the plays "machine infernale" "which traps and breaks . . . ."

_______. Britannicus. London: Grant & Cutler, 1990.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 188: Excellent stylistic analysis and discussion of moral order established by ending. Treats choice of subject, role of sources, structure, time and dramatic effects.
Review: W. D. Howarth in FS 47.1 (1993), 74–75: A monograph, informative yet devoid of critical complexities, perfect for the undergraduate student.

DAY, RICHARD. "La Poétique du récit de Théramène." PFSCL 33 (1990), 465–480.

Studies the relation between narrative and dramatic poetry in R.

ECKSTEIN, NINA. "The Destabilization of the Future in Racine's Iphigénie." FR 66 (1993), 919–31:

By letting Iphigénie live, overturning his carefully constructed first level, R. destabilizes the status of the future in his dramatic universe. What happens next, despite hindsight, is an open question. The balance of fatality and free will is upset, explaining in part critics' reluctance to call the play tragic. Fine analyses of "the present of the future" of a play seen as different in degree and kind from Andromaque.

EROTOPOULOS, ZOE. "Invisible Presence and Absence in Racine's Tragic Vision" (Columbia Univ., 1990). DAI 53.9, 3234A.

Invisible characters which enhance the dramatic structure include absent progenitors, entities invisible to the audience but visible to the protagonists (Astyanax, Ménélas), and deities whom the characters address in moments of emotional intensity.

FORMAN, EDWARD, ed. Racine. Appraisal and Reappraisal. Bristol: University of Bristol, 1992.

Review: R. Tobin in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 537–538: Seven studies presented at a recent colloquium on the impact of literary theory on Racine studies in British universities. The results seem to indicate that Picard and Barthes were both right and wrong.

FUMAROLI, MARC. "Entre Athènes et Cnossos: Les dieux païens dans Phèdre." Première partie, RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 30–61; Seconde partie, RHL 93.2 (mar/avr 93), 172–190.

Une considération approfondie du paganisme et comment il met en question la littérature chrétienne au XVIIe siècle: "la Querellle du merveilleux païen."

GOODKIN, RICHARD, ed. Autour de Racine: Studies in Intertextuality. New Haven: Yale UP, 1989.

Review: Catharine Randall Coats in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 21: "The methodological meditation generating this volume is that of the definition, nature, and function of intertextuality. This volume is significant on at least two counts: it contributes to reflections on the purpose and operation of theory, and it expands our understanding of the complexities of the Racinian texts." Though R. Goodkin's introduction is quite too short, this book contains excellent contributions by Joan Dejean, Elissa Marder, Claudia Brodsky, Antoine Compagnon and Gérard Defaux.
Review: See Stone below.

________. "Orientalism and the Hero Other in Racine's Alexandre le Grand: A Homeric Intertext." ECr 32 (1992), 63–74.

A model of scholarship, G. leaves no stone unturned as he convincingly demonstrates the function of Asians in Alexandre le Grand and suggests their role in subsequent plays. Etymological observations complement parallels drawn between the play and Homer's Iliad. G. gently and deftly leads the appreciative reader into his skillful analysis of the Greek and the Asian, "these two worlds [which] correspond to the two discourses that are often at odds in R.'s tragedy: heroic discourse and the discourse of love."

GOSSIP, C. J. "Oreste, amant imaginaire." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 353–367.

Argues that Oreste is not a fully tragic character.

GREENBERG, MITCHELL. "Racine's Bérénice. Orientalism and the Allegory of Absolutism." ECr 32 (1992), 75–86.

While Bérénice is much more than a "transcoding of the political," it does, as a literary production of Classicism "continue. . in another rhetorical register, a more violently passionate register, the political theorizing that is contemporaneously elaborating and solidifying the hegemonic discourse of Western/Christian difference." G. demonstrates how "the text must sacrifice the other that seduces it—the female, maternal oriental other—and expels it, in order for Rome, masculine and militaristic, to triumph."

GREGOIRE, VINCENT. "La Femme et la loi dans la perspective des pièces bibliques raciniennes représentées à Saint-Cyr." DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 323–336.

Mise en valeur de la dimension subversive de ces pièces de R. conçues pour l'édification et l'instruction des jeunes saint-cyriennes.

HAWCROFT, MICHAEL. Word as Action: Racine, Rhetoric, and Theatrical Action. Oxford: Clarendon, 1992.

Review: G. Jordorf in SCFS 15 (1993), 134: Combines rhetorical analysis (of inventio as well well as dispositio, according to Kibédi-Varga's challenge) with theatrical analysis (à la Barnwell or Capatti) to test the verbal action set by Corneille and D'Aubignac. Formal encounters, "informal oratory" of characters attempting to persuade, monologues of self-persuasion are studied for dramatic qualities. Particularly perceptive remarks on monologue within dialogue.

HAWCROFT, MICHAEL and VALERIE WORTH, eds. Alexandre le Grand. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1990.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 294: Original version with variants of play which, though often undervalued now, was extremely popular with 17th c. audiences. Valuable for its "approche théâtrale," edition will prove an impetus to re-evaluations of R.
Review: E. Forman in MLR 87 (1992), 990: ". . . the first modern edition to present as its base the original 1666 text, on which the play's initial success, and Racine's subsequent career, was founded." New edition of interest to scholars, students, and general readers.
Review: W. D. Howarth in FS 47.1 (1993), 74–75: A "thorough and workmanlike critical edition" of R.'s neglected play.
Review: C.G.S. Williams in FR 66 (1993) 666–667: Restores original text, surer and more complete than any other available. Reading against Weinberg's "a poem of praise," and in sustained opposition to Picard's denigration, the editors' introduction stresses the play's viable theatricality. Included also are extended considerations of sources, details of first staging, a review of evidence for a politically allegorical reading. A capital contribution to the history of the play.
  • See French 17 (1992).

HERZEL, ROGER W. "Racine. Laurent, and the Palais à Volonté." PMLA 108 (1993), 1064–82.

H. summarizes: "It is generally believed that the appearance of Racine's stage never varied, that all tragedies performed in seventeenth-century Paris were staged in a neutral, anonymous setting known as the 'palais à volonté'. However, an inventory of stage settings kept by Michel Laurent, the décorateur at the Hôtel de Bourgogne, where Racine's plays were first performed, shows that Racine, like Molière but unlike most other authors of tragedy, demanded visual backgrounds that were specific and appropriate to the action of the plays. Abstract and universal decors indeed had a place in the seventeenth-century theater, and they became common after Racine's retirement, but they were used for practical reasons that have little to do with the modern conception of 'classicism'."

HILL, CHRISTINE M., ed. Racine: Théâtre et poésie. Actes du troisième colloque Vinaver à Manchester, 1987. Leeds: Francis Cairne, 1991.

Review: G. Jordorf in SCFS 15 (1993), 132–33: Praise for diversity of subjects and differing perspectives of the papers. Brief descriptions of Madeleine Dufrenne on "Formes scéniques et créations des personnages dans le Mithridate de Racine," Richard Parish, "Racine: scène et vers," Maurice Delcroix, "La poétique du monstre dans le théâtre de Racine," Christian Delmas, "Bérénice comme rituel."
Review: J. Rohou in RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 146–147: Un ensemble divers et riche d'articles sur une variété d'aspects du théâtre de R.
Review: M.-O. Sweetser in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 243–246: Third Vinaver Colloquium papers on prosody, stylistics, and musiciality; lexicon and Racinian perspective; characters and action; and myth, ritual, and fiction, all based on close textual study.
Review: Johannes Thomas in ZFSL 103 (1993), 190–91: Useful précis of contents and appraisal of currents of research represented by contributing.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MARY, G. "Bérénice dans ses plis." IL 44.4 (sep/oct 92), 21–26.

L'étude psychologique risque de "ravaler une tragédie au niveau d'un drame bougeois;" au contraire, il faut "contourner le rideau des codes pour retrouver la singularité d'une oeuvre."

MASKELL, DAVID. Racine: A Theatrical Reading. New York: Oxford 1991.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 291: Attractively illustrated contribution to discussion of R.'s "actualization on stage of the essence of the tragic." R.'s originality shines through as M. examines sources and debts.
Review: G. Jordorf in SCFS 15 (1993), 133: Praise for the scope of performance history incorporated into this analysis of "theatrical language." Reader's active participation is required to concentrate on one play (e.g. Andromaque) discussed in up to ten different places according to categories—"significant exits," "stage directions," "kneeling," "Eyes and tears," "conventional and incongruous action," "Conventional action," "visual focus," "comparisons." Valuable antidote to assertions that in classical tragedy there is nothing to watch and that all "action" consists in words and offstage events.
Review: Henry Phillips in FS 47.1 (1993), 75–76: While providing new insights into the visual effects of R.'s theater, this study exhibits some weaknesses in its argument for a "coherent theatrical system."
  • See French 17 (1992).

MOREL, JACQUES. Racine. Paris: Bordas, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 1818: Contribution "précieuse et érudite" à la redécouverte de Racine. M. "restitue les études 'historiques' de ses prédecesseurs Goldmann, Barthes, Gracq, dans la perspective théâtrale du XVIIe siècle."

PARISH, RICHARD. Racine: The Limits of Tragedy. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 74 (1993).

Studies R. working at the extreme limits of the dramatic conventions he adopts, using both the prefaces, despite their limited value, and the texts of the plays.

PHILLIPS, HENRY. Mithridate. London: Grant & Cutler, 1990.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 192: Emphasizes R.'s techniques of reader/audience involvement in a thorough and excellent discussion of relevant dramatic entities such as space and time, character and action.

ROHOU, JEAN. Jean Racine, entre sa carrière, son oeuvre et son Dieu. Paris: Fayard, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–561 (1992), 588–89: "La biographie que Jean Rohou propose de Racine, pour ne pas apporter de nouvel éclairage sur le poète, trace le parcours d'une ambition servie par le talent et la rage d'arriver dans un siècle qui s'ouvrait aux beaux esprits." C'est "une brillante démonstration menée dans un style vif et une écriture claire . . . ."
Review: M. Brix in ECL 61 (1993), 73: A "literary biography" of R.: An attempt to find coherence in R.'s life in the context of his works.

_________. L'Evolution du tragique racinien. Paris: SEDES, 1991.

Review: Richard Paris in FS 47.2 (1993), 215–216: Using Freud and statistics, this study provides some illuminating insights, but suffers primarily from inadequate editing.
Review: Johannes Thomas in ZFSL 103 (1993), 102–103: Reduction of dissertation (1970), this study is based in the structuralism of Goldmann (schema of the father is prominently accepted) and the "psycho-critique" of Mauron. Goal is to identify and trace "la structure de notre condition, inscrite dans notre psychisme." Reviewer finds the method's renewal the main contribution of the work and that its methodology does not do damage to individual texts.
  • See French 17 (1992).

SELLSTROM, A. DONALD. "Intertextual Configurations in Bérénice. Etudes littéraires françaises 58 (1993), 255–63.

The author proposes "to demonstrate that Racine's invention is more complicated than he leads us to believe and that he fashioned Bérénice not just from a short text of Suetonius but, more importantly, from two intervening poetic texts as well: the story of Dido and Aeneas, which Vergil tells in Book VI of the Aeneid, and the story of Angelica, Medoro, and Orlando, to which Ariosto devotes much of Cantos XIX and XXIII of the Orlando furioso."

STONE, HARRIET. "Text into Text, Text out of Text." Continuum 5 (1993) 263–266.

Review article of Richard Goodkin's Autour de Racine: Studies in Intertextuality (New Haven: Yale UP, 1989). While expressing reservations about the form of some of the thirteen articles and about the fact that most of them are ". . . studies of his [Racine's] legacy; his plays most often pre-texts," Stone notes the value of each of the contributions.

SURBER, CHRISTINA. Parole, personnage et référence dans le théâtre de Jean Racine. Geneva: Droz, 1992.

WORTH-STYLIAMOU, VALERIE. "La Querelle du confident et la structure dramaturgique des premières pièces de Racine." Littératures classiques 16 (printemps 1992), 229–46.

"Dans le cadre de cet article, nous nous pencherons sur un seul aspect de la dramaturgie des deux premières tragédies de Racine, la quasi-absence/l'absence totale des confidents. Il nous semble que Racine a relevé un defi en allant à l'encontre de l'usage étable. Pour mieux comprendre sa démarche, il convient de se reporter à la Querelle de Sophonisbe, qui permet de préciser les arguments à l'ordre du jour en 1663."

WORTMANN, ANKE. Das Selbst und die Objektbeziehungen der Personen in den weltlichen Tragödien Jean Racines. Wurzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1992.


BRUNEL, JEAN. "Nicolas Rapin traducteur des néolatins." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 163–195.

Rapin's translations of 16th- and early 17th-century neolatin poetry constitues an important literary activity "tout à fait représentative d'un milieu caractérisé par un humanisme à la fois traditionnel et ouvert sur l'actualité. Elle montre la symbiose entre le latin et le français et combien féconds pouvaient se révéler les rapports complexes tissés entre ces deux volets linguistiques d'une même littérature."


MAZOUER, CHARLES, ed. Attendez-moi sous l'orme, La Sérénade et Le Bal, comédies. Geneva: Droz, 1991.

Review: François Moureau in RHT 174 (1992), 189: A trilogy of minor plays by Regnard: "La présentation de C. Mazouer a pris le parti raisonnable de ne pas écraser ces petits joyaux comiques d'une érudition hors de propos. Chacune des pièces est présentée dans son environnement (création, échos divers) et dans sa singularité sans que l'on oublie de la rattacher à la dramaturgie personnelle de Regnard."




BERTIERE, SIMONE. éd. Maximes et réflexions (tireés des Mémoires). Cardinal de Retz. Paris: Fallois, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1991), 476: L'auteur "a pris le parti d'isoler un certain nombre de phrases de Retz, en n'hésitant pas, au besoin, à les modifier légèrement pour leur donner un tour gnomique plus marqué, ce qui pourra lui être reproché."

HADDAD, GABRIEL. "Héroisme et valeurs aristocratiques dans les Mémoires du Cardinal de Retz." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 211–222.

La naissance, la valeur militaire, l'esprit, l'honneur, la probité et l'individualisme sont les données morales de l'héroisme dans les écrits de R.

RONZEAUD, PIERRE. "La Voix du théâtre politique de Retz." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 235–247.

An analysis of Retz's auditive perspicacity. In his Mémoires, political conflicts are viewed as a vast theatrical exchange of noises and voices. Only his own personal and eloquent voice seems to elude and dominate that noisy "théâtre d'ombres."



MOUSNIER, ROLAND. L'Homme rouge ou la Vie du cardinal de Richelieu, 1585–1642. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1992.

Review: BCLF 562–63 (1992), 2029–30: M. est parvenu à présenter une image assez neuve et vivante du cardinal.



FORESTIER, GEORGES. "Le Véritable Saint Genest de Rotrou: enquête sur l'éboration d'une tragédie chrétienne." DSS 179 (avril-juin 1993), 305–322.

Examine la pièce de R. en tant que tragédie singulière "étroitement dépendant du principe selon lequel le monde est un théâtre sous le regard de Dieu."

MOREL, JACQUES, ed. Laure persécutée. Mont-de-Marsan: Edition José Feijóo, 1991.

Review: Christian Delmas in DSS 179 (avril-juin 1993), 404: Excellente édition qui se distingue par la "sobre élégance" de l'introduction.
Review: J.-C. Vuillemin in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 273–284: The first separate edition of the play. Based on three versions published during R.'s lifetime, this excellent edition corrects the many errors of preceding editions.

ROTROU, JEAN DE. Agésilan de Colchos, tragi-comédie, Strasbourg: Théâtre National de Strasbourg, Cicero éditeurs, 1992.

Review: Jacques Truchet in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 402–403: Une pièce oubliée, jouée au Théâtre National de Strasbourg, le texte mis à la disposition des spectateurs. Ni notes, ni commentaires critiques, mais une préface utile et précise.

SANCHEZ, JOSE, ed. Jean Rotrou, Le Véritable Saint Genest. Mont-de-Marsan: Editions José Feijóo, 1991.

Review: J.-C. Vuillemin in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 273–284: Contains a substantial introduction and an excellent critical apparatus: chronology, thematic bibliography covering all of R.'s work, sources, etc.

WATTS, DEREK A., ed. Jean Rotrou, Venceslas. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1990.

Review: J.-C. Vuillemin in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 273–284: Because of its reasonable price, judicious introduction and notes, an excellent edition for the classroom.
Review: Valérie Worth-Stylianou in FS 47.1 (1993), 72: A new, inexpensive edition perfect for the undergraduate syllabus.

WATTS, DEREK., éd. Venceslas. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1991.

Review: BCLF 557 (1992), 898–99: Edition critique de qualité, "plus maniable, plus accessible que l'édition de Scherer dans "la Pléiade."


PAGNIER, DOMINIQUE. "Retour du satyre." NRF 488 (septembre 1993), 71–78.

In 17th-century literature, "le satyre qui apparaît dans la pastorale est généralement un être déchu, privé de sa puissance magique", but, for Saint-Amant, "l'esprit gémissant du satyre" announces "par sa simple réapparition le retour de l'ordre des anciens jours" and gives back to pagan cosmogony "son charme antique et sa force mythique."


BAKER, SUSAN READ. "The Rhetoric of Self-Presentation in Saint-Evremond." FLS 19 (1992), 19–27.

A study of S.'s epistolary contribution to the "elaboration of a new space of writing which allows the expression of a subjective vision," a hybrid of the autobiographical and the fictional.

HOPE, QUENTIN, M. "Saint-Evermond and the Pleasures of the Table." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 9–36.

With his emphasis on simplicity, naturalness, refinement, and the importance of preserving the distinctive quality of each flavor, S.-E. made a major contribution to gastronomy.



ROORYCK, GUY. Les Mémoires du dac de Saint-Simon. De la parole du témoin au discours du mémorialiste. Genève: Droz, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1612: Le projet de R. est d'"étudier les Mémoires en tant 'qu'oeuvre littéraire, c'est à dire comme une "structure langagière" fondamentalement ambigüe et polysémique'." R. définit sa démarche critique: "Nous nous reférons tantôt à la stylistique ou à des méthodes d'inspiration structuraliste . . . ."




FROIDEFOND, DOMINQUE. "Le Traitement de Ragotin dans Le Roman comique de Scarron." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 415–433.

An attempt to rescue Ragotin from the secondary status as the mere burlesque counterpart of Destin: "Ragotin a été créé pour nous faire rire, mais ce mécanisme est poussé à bout dans la deuxième partie."

SERROY, JEAN, ed. Le Virgile travesti. Paris: Bordas, 1988.

Review: F. Assaf in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 277–279: A highly readable, well illustrated edition with an exemplary critical apparatus, including an elegant and didactic introduction which discusses the notion of the burlesque in terms of history, style, and aesthetics.

VIALET, MICHELE. Triomphe de l'iconoclaste, Le Roman bourgeois et les lois de cohérence romanesque. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 42 (1989).

Review: C. Giardina in IL 44.3 (mai/juin 92), 46–47: Un livre original qui soutient que le Roman bourgeois "a été jugé incohérent seulement parce qu'il ne correspond pas aux structures romanesques avec lesquelles le lecteur est familiarisé." Quelques aspects du roman sont moins bien développés (le point de vue, les sous-récits).


BIET, CHRISTIAN and DOMINQUE MONCOND'HUY, eds. Le Cabinet de Monsieur de Scudéry. Paris: Klincksieck, 1991.

Review: M-C Canova-Green in FS 47.1 (1993), 71–72. An excellent introduction and meticulous annotations.

DUTERTRE EVELINE. Scudéry théoricien du classicism. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 66 (1991).

Studies evolution of S.'s critical thought: S. mirrors the central tenets of classical doctrine.

Review: Claude Chantalat in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 405–06: "Brève mais riche étude" qui nous montre "les défauts, les contradictions que présente l'oeuvre de Georges de Scudéry, mais en nous révélant aussi ce qui en fait la force et l'intérêt."
Review: Michael Hawcroft in FS 47.1 (1993), 70–71: A clear and careful analysis of S.'s theoretical texts revealing his place among the "Classiques."
Review: G. Penzkofer in RF 104 (1992), 227–228: Small (73p.) but impressive and informative volume analyzes S.'s Observations sur Le Cid and other theoretical documents such as the prefaces to Ibrahim and Andromire, comparing them to writings of Chapelain, La Mesnardière, etc. and underscoring S.'s formulation of vraisemblance and unité d'action.

DUTERTRE, EVELINE et DOMINIQUE MONCOND'HUY, eds. Le Prince déguisé. La Mort de César. Paris: Société des textes français modernes, 1992.

Review: Alain Couprie in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 405: "Cette double édition s'impose dorénavant comme l'édition de référence."
Review: N. Hepp in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 527–529: Critical edition of the first tragi-comedy and the first tragedy by the writer. In her introduction Duterte emphasizes the contrary tendancies, both baroque and classical, of the first play. Moncond'Huy finds much in the tragedy that is "regular" except for the absence of an internal conflict. An excellent edition.
  • See French 17 (1992).

KLAUS, PETER G. Georges de Scudéry (1601–1667). Dramen und Schriften zum Theater. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1989.

Review: K. Schoell in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 249–250: Studies S.'s theoretical writings, baroque and classical tendencies in four plays, and social structures in the theater. Reviewer finds this study to be narrower in scope than the recent studies by Eveline Dutertre.

PELLEGRINI, ROSA GALLI. Georges de Scudéry, Autres Oeuvres. Fasano/Paris: Schena/Nizet, 1989.

Review: E. Dutertre in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 539–540: An edition of S.'s early poetry, different genres on a variety of themes all written before 1636. Introduction and notes.
Review: A. Génetiot in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 887–889: Suite à l'édition des Poésies diverses de S. On note la "coexistence d'une veine réaliste et satirique et d'une veine pastorale et amoureuse."

SOARE, ANTOINE. "Scudéry exégète de Corneille." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 129–151.

L'Amour tyrannique de S. et ses relaitons dramaturgiques et thématiques avec l'oeuvre de Pierre Corneille.

STONE, HARRIET. "Scudéry's Theater of Disguise: The Orient in Ibrahim. ECr 32 (1992), 51–61.

The Orient is seen as the "medium through which the European . . . comes to understand himself"; voyage, therefore, is a metaphor for self-discovery. Intriguing discussion of portrait passage among others reveals "the devices traditionally perceived as signs of the novel's . . . immaturity as a genre or . . . as weaknesses of a narrative technique . . . perform the novel's most profound truth about subjectivity and representation."


CAPASSO, RUTH CARVER. "Sun, Veil and Maze: Mlle de Scudéry's Parthenie." PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 97–112.

Using the psychological theories of Adler and Horney, C. sees the character as a "woman actively questioning and rejecting her societal role and attempting to create her own sense of self-worth."

DOIG, KATHLEEN HARDESTY. "Madeleine de Scudéry in the Bibliothèque universelle des romans and the Encyclopédie méthodique." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 153–167.

Abridged versions of S.'s novels published between 1775 and 1784 conveyed admiration for S. while making radical alterations to the text and providing commentary suggesting that S.'s work should be considered a "style manual in reverse."

PENZKOFER, GERHARD. L'Art du mensonge. Mlle de Scudéry und der Barokroman. Munich: Habitationsschrift, 1991.

TROTZKE, MARGARET ANNE. "Framing the Police: Scudéry's Secret Critique of Louis XIV." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 169–182.

S.'s "La Promenade de Versailles" (1669) is seen as a subversive criticism of the king.


CADILHON, FRANÇOIS. "Jean-Baptiste de Secondat, oncle et mentor de Montesquieu." RFHL 76–77 (1992), 301–306.

A brief analysis of the career and political ideas of Jean-Baptiste de Secondat, Montesquieu's uncle—"à celui-ci le futur philosophe dut sa carrière et l'orientation de sa vie."


GUICHEMERRE, ROGER, ed. Les Nouvelles françaises ou les divertissements de la princesse Aurélie. Tome l. Paris: STFM, 1990.

Review: Christian Garraud in FR 66 (1993), 815–16: Welcome critical ed. that includes "Eugénie," Adélayde, "Honorine" with a hundred lexical, historical, and literary notes, an introductory life of Segrais, and excellent primary and secondary biblio.
Review: P. Zoberman in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 891–892: Une édition commode d'un texte écarté du canon, mais qui représente "une étape importante dans le développement de la nouvelle historique et du roman."
  • See French 17 (1992).




AREY, MARIE-JO. "L'Espace d'une Sévigné." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 35–51.

L'inscription physique du corps féminin dans l'espace répond aux métaphores pascaliennes de la "spatialisation de la condition humaine," et forge une structure féminine particulière au texte sévignéen.

FARRELL, MICHÈLE LONGINO. Performing Motherhood: The Sévigné Correspondence. Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New England, 1991.

Review: K. A. Jensen in ECr 32 (1992), 98: Completely positive review judges F.'s reading as "stunning" and "superbly written." F. claims that S.'s passion for writing was acceptable because of the genre she chose and the destinataire of her letters. F. stresses the conflict and alienation which S. was responsible for in the Mother/daughter/granddaughter "generational continuum." Social history, feminist literary and psychological theories inform the analyses.
Review: N. Mallet in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 281–285: Une analyse pénétrante de la maternité en tant qu'une quête d'identité ontologique et littéraire pour S., qui est devenue "l'artisan de sa propre canonisation littéraire." Le livre est "dense, hardi, intuitif," et d'intérêt aux spécialistes de la littérature épistolaire et de l'écriture féminine.
Review: C. Montfort in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 530–533: An "ambitious and rich study" that brings much recent feminist theory to bear on the subject but that ignores or overuses primary sources from the 17th and 18th centuries. Farrell attributes S.'s success both to her observance of the code for appropriate generic behavior for women and her limiting herself to the marginal domain of the epistolary.
Review: Helje Porré in FR 66 (1993), 665–66: Thesis is that S. was "deprived of the more socially integrated role of a wife, relegated to the margins of a patriarchially organized world," therefore she gave meaning to her life by the construction of herself in writing as a paragon of maternity. Uses the mirror image as main theme in exploring mother-daughter relationship. Cogent argument with good close reading to support it. Useful introductory chapters on women and epistolarity and S.'s apprenticeship style. The feminist point of view somewhat diminishes the traditionally portrayed charm of the letter-writer. Not a book for the general public.
  • See French 17 (1992).

OJALA, JEANNE A., and WILLIAM T. OJALA. Madame de Sévigné: A Seventeenth-Century Life. New York: Berg, 1990.

Review: Janis L. Pallister in SCN 51.1–2 (1993), 23–24: This biography presents a "doggedly sociological view of Madame de Sévigné," and "is seriously flawed in other ways. The work is not annotated," and the authors' assessment of Sévigné's religious and literary opinions cannot stand its ground against a careful perusal of her letters. All in all, they "do not appear to be specialists in French or French literature, though they present a relatively competent historical background of the times."


AERCKE, KRISTIAAN P. "Sorel's Le Pauvre généreux: An Early Dramatic Narrative." CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 85–104.

Sorel's story of 1623 contains tragicomic, pastoral, and precious elements comparable to Théophile's play Pyrame et Thisbé.

DEBAISIEUX, MARTINE. Le Procès du roman. Ecriture et contrefaçon chez Charles Sorel. Saratoga, CA: Anma Libri, 1989.

Review: Sergio Poli in SFr 103 (1991), 128: This work, focusing mainly on a comparison between Francion's three versions and outlining Sorel's evolution from that seminal novel to le Berger extravagant and Polyandre, offers a "stimulating" analysis of a literary shift from Baroque forms to Classical norms.
Review: H. Stenzel in RF 103 (1991), 484–490: Valuable contribution to Rezeptionsgeschechte of 17th c. novel, examines S.'s narrative program and development through an investigation of three versions of Francion. Reviewer cites the theoretical debt to Bakhtin and Foucault and D.'s claim that S. prefigures the nouveau roman: "dans les deux cas se manifestent une volonté de rompre avec la tradition romanesque et un refus de se laisser imposer des règles."
Review: K. Wine in FR 66 (1993), 502–503: Uses Francion's trial for counterfeiting to figure an ongoing "procès du roman" that both denounces the fraudulent character of fiction and unveils its inner process. The core consists of separate readings of the 1623 ed. and the four books added in 1626 and 1633, the latter treated as self-reflexive "trial." Interpretation of the notion of reflection on fiction is one of the most original features. Pays unusual attention to word play. Succeeds admirably in double aim of illuminating S.'s role in the evolution of the novel and the interest for modern readers.

HOWELLS, ROBIN. Carnival to Classicism, The Comic Novels of Charles Sorel. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 48 (1989).

Review: H. Stenzel in RF 103 (1991), 484–490: H.'s useful work emphasizes the plurality and openness of S.'s work as he examines chronologically S.'s development as an author from Francion to Polyandre. His "carnivalesque reading" is seen in a literary historical perspective.

LEINER, WOLFGANG. "Regards critiques sur le statut picaresque du Francion." Etudes littéraires françaises 58 (1993), 209–221.

L. se propose de "suivre de près le cheminement du concept de 'roman picaresque' appliqué au roman de Sorel et de voir ce que le recours à ce terme a apporté à notre compréhension de l'oeuvre et de ce qu'il peut nous enseigner sur la démarche de la critique."





ARONSON, NICOLE. "Le Poids du silence: Tallement et la Princesse Nièce." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 111–120.

Argues that one needs "une bonne carte routière" in order to understand the writer's hidden intentions.

CHAPLIN, PEGGY. "Choses à mettre en lumière: Tallemant des Réaux's 'Historiette' of Cardinal Richelieu." SCFS 15 (1993), 25–32.

Defends T. as a writer and historian as prelude to his claim to be drawing a portrait of R. in all his aspects, delineated in all its dimensions. Interest in family fortunes and especially in the actor-manager's plots, as well as his sense of humor present at the same time, predominately a "behind-the-scenes" viewing revealing R.'s ferocity and tyranny.

GAINES, JAMES F. "Nobility and the Sexual Economy in the Historiettes." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 79–90.

How the insistence on sexuality (and money) in the work raises its cultural stature. Sees galanterie as the source of the ideological cohesiveness the work has.

MAIGNE, VINCENETTE. "Les Historiettes de Tallemant des Réaux: un immense discours rapporté." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 135–141.

Compares the Historiettes with a recently published manuscript by T. Sees the Historiettes as the "mise en livre de l'immense conversation" that occured during the Regency and the reign of Louis XIV.

STEFANOVSKA, MALINA. "Histoire ou historiette: le portrait du roi par Saint-Simon et par Tallemant des Réaux." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993).

Compares and contrasts the portraits of Henri IV and Louis XIII: "à travers leur [the two writers'] imaginaire personnel se jouent les enjeux symboliques de l'époque, ainsi que ceux de l'écriture."

WOLFE, PHILLIP. "La Perspective huguenote dans les Historiettes." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 121–128.

Despite the fact that T. was not a model of virtue, he remained a Huguenot, not a deist or free thinker, as some have claimed.

ZUERNER, ADRIENNE. "Gossip as History in Tallemant des Réaux's Historiettes." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 99–106.

"Seduced by the lure of gossip, Tallement nonetheless conforms to the rules of historical writing, and, at the same time, his text offers an implicit critique of the conventions governing historiography."


ABRAHAM, CLAUDE. "Burlesque et fantaisie verbale dans Le Parasite." CTH 15 (1993), 12–21.

Skillfully evokes the spirit of the commedia that is immediately popular but condemned as anachronistic by a new generation. The Capitan Matamore, Fippesauces (parodic miles gloriosus who substitutes the language of gastronomy for that of heroism), the go-between nurse Phénice are the richly verbal structure of the comic action.


Bibliography and Chronicle of the Sociétée d'Amis for 1992. Articles are entered separately in this edition of French 17.

CHAUVEAU, JEAN-PIERRE. "Tristan L'Hermite, Stances-épître, de la langue de l'homme à la langue des dieux." CTH 15 (1993), 47–54.

Commentary on the textual birth of the poet, from prose to poetry, juxtaposing the stanzas of the Lettres meslées no. 33 with the poem of Le Page desgrâcié, Part II, ch. 55.

EKSTEIN, NINA. "Language, Power, and Gender in Tristan's La Marianne and La Mort de Sénèque." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 9–18.

"No one finishes well in these two dramatic universes, but the women, unlike the men, have exerted power effectively for their own ends."

HARRISON, HELEN L. "Tristan, Exchange, and the Undermining of the Tyrant." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 19–29.

Explores economic themes: "the disorder which comes with the tyranny of 'mercenary souls'."

ONYEOZIRI, GLORIANNE. "'Les Terreurs nocturnes' de Tristan L'Hermite: figures et projets narratifs." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 63–75.

Poses "la question de savoir s'il s'agit d'un 'message-codé' qui exige une compétence encyclopédique pour sa compréhension, ou si un déchiffrement sémiotique et rhétorique général peut constituer une interprétation adéquate." Concludes that "le texte dans sa totalité se refuse à une interprétation figurative . . . ."

PREVOST, JACQUES. "Sur Le Page disgrâcié." CTH 15 (1993), 5–11.

Examines the different inscriptions of the "je" that construct the autobiographical narrative and the "writing short" that is both anticonventional and antiideological while it discovers with increasing sureness "le paradis de l'écriture personnelle dans la voie, la vocation poétiques."

ROSENTHAL, OLIVIA. "Le Poète et ses peintures." CTH 15 (1993), 23–42.

Stimulating essay with textual analysis that develops the nature of the "je" of T.'s self-portrait as writer and poet through allusions to painting and the topos ut pictura poesis: links vocabulary of painting with melancholy and withdrawal, voice with different modes of expression especially in La Lyre and L'Orphée.

SOARE, ANTOINE. "Les Inquiétudes cornéliennes de Tristan." PFSCL/Biblio 17, 77 (1993), 31–52.

"Avec La Marianne, le théâtre héroïque avouait, en somme, le scandale de l'innocent écrasé à cause de son innocence. Avec Le Cid, il se mettra à explorer le scandale complémentaire, du généreux criminel à cause de sa génrosité." Views La Mort de Sénèque as "une Marianne explicitée jusqu'à l'éclatement."



WILLIAMS, CHARLES G.S. Valincour: The Limits of 'honnêteté'. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1991.

Review: James F. Gaines in FR 66 (1993), 503–504: Chs. are arranged chronologically to follow V.'s career as a poet, critic, historian, civil servant, academician, and spiritual correspondent; interconnectedness emerges. "From a purely literary-historical viewpoint, W.'s book opens much new ground, for time and again he introduces exciting new discoveries from poems, letters, and archival texts. But it is in probing the limits and margins of V.'s well-established honnetêté that W. makes his most orignial contributions."
Review: J. D. Lyons in FrF 17 (1992), 339–341: Entirely praiseworthy, W.'s account of V. "illuminates not only a single exemplary career, but the whole concept of civil and intellectual life in the Classical period." Half of the book treats political, religious and institutional aspects of V.'s role: his service to the state and the Académie, for example. L. particularly appreciates the careful treatment of V.'s criticism of La Princesse de Clèves and his rigorous historical writings. L. praises this "exceptionally fine intellectual and literary biography", judging it an "eminent demonstration of the most solid and patient archival scholarship."
  • See French 17 (1992).


CARON, PHILIPPE. "Une traduction relue à l'Académie française ou Vaugelas à l'épreuve de Vaugelas." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 89–107.

Vaugelas's translation of Quintus Curtius was criticized by the French Academy, which used the Remarques sur la langue françoise's methodology. The Academicians's copious notes on Vaugelas' manuscript, Quite Curce, show how important they considered the grammarian's contribution to the French language, and constitute a clear testimony on the Académie's attempt to materialize Richelieu's program on the institutionalization of language.



DUCHENE, ROGER, ed. Actes du colloque du CMR 17: Théophile de Viau, Hommage à Guido Saba. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 65 (1988).

Review: M.-F. Hilgar in CdDS 4.2 (Fall 1990), 257–258: Douze communications examinent T. en tant que poète, dramaturge et prosateur; le volume témoigne de l'intérêt scolaire dans cet auteur 400 ans après sa naissance.

_________. Théophile de Viau: Actes du Colloque de Centre Méridional de Rencontres sur le Dix-septième Siècle. Offerts en hommage à Guido Saba. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 65 (1991).

Review: S. Warman in MLR 88 (1993), 463–64: Volume constitutes a record of the 1990 Marseille conference commemorating the fourth centenary of Théophile de Viau's birth and honoring Guido Saba's work on the poet. Contributions cover the full range of Théophile's work: prose, poetry, and theater.

KAMBWA, AUGUSTO EDUARDO. "Les métamorphoses de la liberté: Libertinage et baroque chez Théophile de Viau" (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992). DAI 53:10, 3547A.

The concept of freedom as the central theme in T.'s works; a linkage is seen between libertine ideology and baroque esthetics.

SABA, GUIDO, "La Poétique de Théophile de Viau." FLS 18 (1991), 13–25.

T. était poète et non pas théoricien comme Malherbe, mais parfois dans ses écrits il "se double d'un théoricien de l'art poétique, ou du moins de son propre art."

_______. ed. Théophile de Viau. Oeuvres poétiques. Paris: Bordas, 1990.

Review: Anon. in FMLS 27 (1992), 192: Welcome edition makes V.'s poetry more widely accessible. Valuable introduction includes information on biography, criticism and a "sympathetic assessment" of V.'s poetry.
Review: P. Gethner in FrF 17 (1992), 221–222: This edition which aims to broaden T.'s audience includes a fine introduction attentive to biography, critical reception, poetic theory and thematics. A bibliography, glossary, notes and a name-index complete the scholarly apparatus. Although numerous errors remain after proof-reading, and the reviewer would have preferred more attention to disputed texts, this volume by the premier Théophile critic will undoubtedly prove highly useful to "specialists and to all lovers of French poetry."
Review: Cecilia Rizza in SFr 104 (1991), 347: Rizza feels G. Saba has fulfilled his objective by presenting a complete picture of the author's poetic project, of the cultural and historical context of Viau's works, and of their "fortune littériare." The book's vast bibliography, its index of names, its table of incipits, and the concordance between the 1621, 1622 and 1623 editions are "very helpful."

VIAU. Les Amours tragiques de Pyrame et Thisbé, tragédie. Strasbourg: Théâtre National de Strasbourg, Cicero éditeurs, 1992.

Review: Jacques Truchet in DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 402–03: Avec les deux éditions critiques qui existent déjà, "l'intérêt de cette réédition, réside dans la préface de G. Forestier, modèle de mise au point."






ALCOVER, MADELEINE (Rice U.). "Cyrano in carcere": continuation de Cyrano relu et corrigé; Les avatars de l'Autre monde (versions imprimées et manuscrites) et de son auteur.

ARONSON, NICOLE (East Carolina). "Ni mari, ni cloître": une biographie de Mme d'Aiguillon (Paris, MerF, 1995?).

BERTHIAUME, PIERRE (Ottawa). Ed. crit., "Relation des aventures de Mathieu Sagean et de ses voyages et courses, tant à la Louisiane que sur les côtes d'Afrique, dans les Indes orientales et occidentales et à la Chine" (relation faite à Brest en 1700 par un aventurier qui mêle fiction et vérité). Pour la coll. "Lire le XVIIIe siècle," 1995.

BAKER, SUSAN READ (U. Florida). Montaigne and Discontinuity in French 17th c. Literature (Bk.).

BEUGNOT, BERNARD (Montréal). "Les Muses classiques. Essai de bibliographie rhétorique et poétique" Paris, Klincksieck, Coll. "Théorie et critique à l'âge classique"; "Solitude et société. Le Discours de la retraite au XVIIe" (Paris, PUF, coll. "Perspectives littéraires," 1995.

BURCHELL, EILEEN. (Marymount-Tarrytown). Contr. Ed., French 17.

CARLIN, CLAIRE (U. Victoria). "Philip Butler's Baroque: A Feminist Re birth" (Re reading of Classicisme et baroque dans l'oeuvre de Jean Racine using Jessica Benjamin's The Bonds of Love) for ECr; "Louis XIV héros mythologique: une mise en scène numismatique" (étude iconographique de l'histoire métallique de Louis XIV), Actes du Colloque de Kiel, CMR17.

CARR, THOMAS M., Jr. (Nebraska Lincoln). Entries on the "PortRoyalists" and on "Descartes" for Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, Garland Publishing, 1995?

CHOLOKIAN, PATRICIA FRANCIS (Hamilton). "Women and SelfRepresentation in 17th c. French Literature" (Brantôme, Marguerite de Valois, Mlle de Montpensier, Abbé de Choisy, Mme Guyon, Mme de Motteville, Mme de Lafayette).

CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS (ISSEI). Call for papers on the theme of The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms. To be held at Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria (22–27 August 1994). Contact Professor Walter Hölbling, Dept of American Studies, Karl-Franzens Universität, Körblergrasse 20/I, A-8010, Graz, Austria.

DANNER, RICHARD (Ohio U.). Contr. Ed., French 17. "La Fontaine's Dialogic World: A Bakhtinian Approach to Two Fables," accepted for Jean de La Fontaine: Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Birberick; in progress: art. on discourse and silence in Book 11 of La Fontaine's Fables.

DOIRON, NORMAND (McGill). Ed. crit., Diéreville, Relation du voyage de Port Royal de l'Acadie, Rouen, 1708 (pour UP Montréal, "Bibliothèque du Nouveau Monde," 1995? "L'espace classique et le déplacement, Actes du colloque Un Classicisme ou des classicismes? (Reims, juin 1991), Paris, Klincksieck. Arts. pour "La notion de monde au XVIIe siècle," Littératures classiques (dir. B. Beugnot), Klincksieck, 1994; pour "La Fontaine" (dir. P. Dandrey), DSS, 1995.

DOWNING, THOMAS (Iowa). "Philosophie et Anesthesia" [on the representation of the body in the Port Royal Logic and in Condillac's Treatise on Sensations]

ELMARSAFY, ZIAD (Calif. Riverside). "The Histrionic Sensibility: Theatricality and Identity from Corneille to Voltaire [To read the construction of identities re: theatricality and roleplaying in Corneille, Molière, Marivaux, Crébillon fils and Voltaire. To use literary and socio historical factors in tracing changes, 17th 18th c., from a dramatic paradigm to a narrative framework].

FARRELL, MICHELE L. (Duke). "The Staging of Exoticism inl7th c.France" (book project).

FUCALORO, LILIANE. (California State Polytechnic University-Pomona). Contr. Ed., French 17.

GAINES, JAMES. (Southern Louisiana U.). Lucrèce de Pierre du Ryer, ed. crit. (with P. Gethner); Approaches to teaching Tartuffe and Other Plays by Molière (with M. L. Koppisch), MLA; "L'Epreuve and the Science of Sentiment"; "Caractères, Superstition, and Paradox in Le Misanthrope," Alter Festchrift; 'Tartuffe et les paradoxes de la foi," DSS; Art. on Teaching La Princesse de Clèves.

GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska Lincoln). "Generic Modalities in La Ceppède's Théorèmes [Genre and generic modulation as a means of contemplating divine mystery; how the fundamental elements of the lyric, epic and tragedy guide the reader/meditant through an interpretation of devotional problematics. Literary problems become theological]

GETHNER, PERRY (Oklahoma State). Art. on divertissement episodes in Molière and Dancourt; book on poetic justice.

GLASOW, E. THOMAS (SUNY Buffalo). Transl., Catherine Cessac, Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Paris, Fayard, 1988) [crit. biog., includes chapt. on Molière's comedy ballets and the Comédie Française]. To be publ. soon by Amadeus Press, Portland, OR.

GOODKIN, RICHARD (Wisconsin Madison). "Generations of French Classicism, 1635 1677" [studies two distinct generations of classical theater, the periods 1635 43 vs. 1661 77,. and the transitional Regency. Focuses on both Corneilles, Molière and Racine. Sees first plays centered on the paternal relation, the second on the sibling one, reflecting the dynamics of the two courts].

GRAGG, MICHELE (Rosary C.). "Une rhétorique du préférable: Politique et Religion dans les Oraisons Funèbres de Bossuet," Cincinnati Romance Review; "La Dynamique de 'l'exemplum' dans les O. F. de Bossuet," pour PFSCL.

GUTWIRTH, MARCEL (CUNY Grad. Sch.). Le dernier lustre de la production moliéresque (1668 73) constitue t il un ensemble? Une orientation nouvelle?

JAYMES, DAVID (Oakland U.). Contr. ed., French 17.

KEM, JUDY, ed. Plaire et instruire. Essays in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century French Literature in Honor of George B. Daniel, Jr. N.Y., Peter Lang.

KUIZENGA, DONNA (Vermont). Villedieu's Fiction (bk.); Women and early modern utopias (arts.); "L"Arc de Triomphe des Dames: Héroïsme dans Les Femmes illustres de Madeleine et Georges de Scudéry," Actes du Colloque Scudéry, ed. A. Niderst, Klincksieck; "La Topique du secret chez Lafayette: Histoire et histoires," Actes du 5e Colloque SATOR, Lisbon; "Mixed Media: Word and Image in Les Peintures morales," Early Modern French Studies; "L'Utopie dans les oeuvres de Lafayette: Topique utopique?," Actes du 6e Colloque SATOR

LETTS, JANET T. (Wheaton C.). "Windows on History in La Princesse de Clèves" [comparison of the way Lafayette portrays the historical protagonists of the internal narratives with the expectations her first readers could have, based on the historical works available to them].

LAUDE, Patrick (Georgetown). Travail sur Les essais de morale de P. Nicole.

MARCEAU, WILLIAM C. (St. John Fisher C.). The Eucharist in Thédore de Bèze and François de Sales [contrast, in the Reformation doctrine, in a faithful follower of Calvin, with that of a classical disciple of the Council of Trent], Edwin Mellen Scholarly Press (in press); The Influence of Neoplatonism on French Spiritual Writers of the 17th c. Descartes and Revealed Truth.

MALLET, NICOLE (Alberta). Un Volpone pour Nathan (coll. "Balises"); Etude contrastive des traductions françaises de As You Like It aux l9e et 20e siècles.

MOREL, RENEE (Calif. Berkeley). "L'Anneau de Gygès" [variations sur le thème de l'invisibilité dans les Fables et Opuscules Pédagogiques de Fénelon]; "Les Plaisirs de la honte" [var. sur le thème de Lucrèce en peinture et dans la littérature du 17e sc.].

MURATORE, MARY JO. (Missouri Columbia). "Expirer au féminin: Narratives of Female Dissolution" (bk.) [Texts are structured around the presence of a dominant authority eager to establish itself as a prescriptive model, and a secondary challenge to this authority. Dissolution of the heroine necessitated by her refusal to accept the "figurative" role established for her, and her subsequent attempt to establish herself as a viable character. Only two options: die as a repentant symbol, or die in infamy, offstage].

NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina) . Crit. ed., Quinault's Alceste, accompanied by polemical texts by Racine, Charles and Pierre Perrault, with Wm. Brooks and Jeanne Morgan Zarucchi (for Droz); Book on the opera libretti of Philippe Quinault "Slight not the Songsmith"; "It's How you play the Game: the Roll of the Plot in the Tragédie Lyrique: The Tragédie Lyrique of Lully and Quinault: Representation and Recognition of Emotion," Continuum V; "'Le théâtre est un grand monument': l'évocation du passé et des passions dans l'Alceste de Quinault," Actes du Colloque du CIR17, Keil; "L'écriture musicale dans les comédies ballets de Molière," Littératures classiques, 1994.

PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL (U. of South Florida) . "Poetic Composition as Voyage: Jean de La Ceppède's Théorèmes"; "Jean Calvin à Strasbourg, des bienfaits mutuels: le témoignage des lettres," presented at Strasbourg [now being edited]; Bk., transl. with critical intro., and notes, of Calvin's Avertissement contre l'astrologie judiciaire; "Les Lieux de l'écriture comme lieux de mémoire'," for CMR17 in Kiel; The Madeleine of Henri d'Angoulême. The Madeleine of Angers (Anonyme. Les Sacrés Parfums, 1545). Contr. Ed., French 17.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern) . "Maynard et la mort d'un enfant" Actes de Lexington 1993/94; "Bibliography of Theses on 17th c. Literature 1993," PFSCL; "Un exemplaire des Oeuvres de Maynard dédicacé ultima verba?;" François Maynard: Twenty Years of the Cahiers"; "Marie de Médicis and Rubens" [based on the latter's correspondence]; Saint Amant in England [various aspects]; "American Doctoral Studies in 17th c. French Literature 1972 93" (bk.) . "De nouvelles anomalies dans le recueil de 1646," for CM, v.18; Contr. Ed., French 17.

ROMANOWSKI, SYLVIE (Northwestern). "Molière's Le Misanthrope: a critique and reluctant defense of courtly life," Contemporary Theatre Review (special issue on Molière); "'I, leave this house?' Language and space in Tartuffe," MLA Approaches to Teaching series; "Sacrifice and Truth in Racine's Iphigénie." Homage to Paul Bénichou, Summa Publications. Co ed., with Monique Bilezakian.

SAFTY, ESSAM (St. Thomas U., Canada). Essai sur la mort chez les grands tragiques de l'Antiquité.

SAGE, MICHEL H. (Calif. Berkeley). "Le Paradigme pictural dans la définition de la représentation théâtrale au XVIIe siècle. Théâtre et peinture à l'époque classique" [After Aristotle's theory of imitation leads to formal identification of painting and drama in 17th c., the specular (perspective, focal point, framing) and the spectacular (decor and stagecraft) combine and call for a new reading of the stage. Study examines how perspective and spatial composition function in Racine and Corneille: costruzzione legittima and the idea of tragic space, the inscription and retention of the tragic character in that space, visual aesthetics, etc.].

SLATER, MAYA (Queen Mary & Westfield C., U. of London) . "The Craft of Magic in the Fables of La Fontaine" [study of the hidden mechanisms with which the poet creates the illusion of magic. Style is analyzed from this angle, with particular emphasis on versificaton, register, word play, and imagery. Further focus is on portrayal of human characters, talking and reasoning animals, and inanimates. The settings and narrative are examined; then finally the role of the narrator.

SOARE, ANTOINE (Alberta). "Les Inquiétudes cornéliennes de Tristan, forthcominq in Biblio 17.

STEFANOVSKA, MALINA (Calif. Los Angeles). "Strolling through the Galleries, Hiding in a Cabinet: Clio at Versailles." [Relationship between historical memoirs and historiography in the 17th c.], for The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation; "Saint Simon moraliste" [his views as they relate to his philosophy; his irony], for Dalhousie French Studies; "Le portrait et la cérémonie," book length study of Saint Simon.

SUOZZO, ANDREW G., Jr. (De Paul). "In Search of the "vrai" [on Lannel and Mareschal]; Alteratives [Festschrift in honor of Jean V. Alter, FrF]; Bk., "The Search for Narrative Truth: Theory and Practice of the French 17th c. Comic Novel"; Art., "Tristan L'Hermite's Le Page disgracié or the Ambiguity of Genres."

SWEETSER, MARIE ODILE (Illinois Chicago). "A la recherche d'une poétique lafontainienne dans le premier recueil des Fables " Actes de London, Canada, éd. L.M. Heller, 1993/94; "Les Epitres dédicatoires des Fables ou La Fontaine et l'art de plaire," Littératures classiques, éd. J. P. Chauveau, 1993; "Visions du matin dans la poésie du XVIIe siècle," CAIEF; "Amour et renoncement: renouvellement de l'art cornélien dans la dernière période," Hommage à Georges Couton, eds M. Bertaud & A. Niderst, 1993/94; "Madame de Lafayette romancière: aspects de la Société et des mentalités de son temps," CAIEF '94; "Stratégies d'éducation princière dans le livre XII des Fables," Mélanges Jürgen Grimm,"94/95; "La modernité de La Fontaine," La Fontaine: A Collection of Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Birberick, '95; "Refus de la culpabilité et autonomie féminine dans la tragédie classique," Travaux de littérature, '95.

TOBIN, RONALD W. (Calif. Santa Barbara). Editor, special issue of DSS on American approaches to 17th c. French Literature; "Le sparagmos d'Hippolyte et la fin de la tragédie profane de Racine," for above vol; Article for MLA vol. on Approaches to Teaching Molière: "Authority, Language, and Censorship;" Project on "Le corps et les bienséances à l'âge classique." Reviews: to appear in FS, FrF, PFSCL, FR. Organizer, 1994 Joint Meeting,in Santa Barbara, of NASSCFL and CMR17.

VAILLANCOURT, DANIEL (Western Ontario). Bk., "La représentation de l'Indien écolier dans les écrits de la Nouvelle France" [Etude des Relations des Jesuites (1626 72) et la Correspondance de Marie de l'Incarnation (1639 72). Au moyen de l'analyse de discours, reconstituer la figure de l'Indien telle qu'on l'y retrouve. L'Indien, avant d'être un objet ethnodiscursive est une topique qui deviendra une figure littéraire]; "En lisant les écrits des religieuses" [Traite les problèmes discursifs dans un corpus comparatif de l'autobiographie de Jeanne des Anges (1642) de la relation spirituelle de Marie de l'Incarnation (1654) et celle de Marguerite Marie Alacoque (1685). Leurs paramètres sont l'écriture autobiographique, la mystique comme pratique discursive, l'énonciation du discours amoureux et la représentation de l'altérité divine].

VANCE, SYLVIA (Otterbein C.). "The Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz" (Bk.); MS. now in "final" revision process.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS (Paris X). Littérature et anthropologie: nature humaine et "caractère" à l'âge classique, Paris, PUF (bk.).

VEDVIK, J. D. (Colorado State). Editor, French 17. An Annual Descriptive Bibliography of French 17th Century Studies [c/o Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures, 16 Eddy Bldg., CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523].

VERDIER, GABRIELLE (NYU). Articles: "Figures de la conteuse dans les contes de fées féminins," DSS (Oct. 1993); "From Dragons to Dragonflies: A Taxonomy of Creatures in the Literary Fairy Tale," CdSS (1993); "Féerie et utopie dans les contes de fées féminins," Actes de Winnipeg, 6e Colloque International SATOR. Contributions to books: "Réécriture et transvalorisation dans les nouvelles de Sorel," in Mélanges Bénichou; "From Reform to Revolution: The Social Character of Olympe de Gouges," in Literate Women and the French Revolution of 1789, Paragon Press.

WILLIAMS, CHARLES G. S (Ohio State). "Pen and Sword": Aristocratic Men's Writing, 1602 1666; the collected poems of Mme de La Suze; Mme de Motteville, friendship and death." Contr. Ed., French 17.

ZARUCCHI, JEANNE MORGAN (Missouri St. Louis). "Ludovicus Heroicus: The Visual and Verbal Iconography of the Medal," EMF: Studies in Early Modern France (in press). Bk.; "Reading the Royal Image: The Medals of Louis XIV;" Crit. ed., "La Querelle d'Alceste: Textes de Quinault, Perrault, Racine," with W.S. Brooks and B. Norman; Contrib. Ed., French 17.

William Roberts

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