French 17 FRENCH 17

1993 Number 41


ABDURA, BERNARD. Abbayes, prieurés et monastères de l'ordre de Prémontré en France des origines à nos jours. Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique. Nancy: PU de Nancy, 1993. Preface byRené Tavenaux.

ARIEW, ROGER. "Theory of Comets at Paris during the Seventeenth Century." JHI 53 (1992), 355–372.

Demonstrates the tenacity and vitality of scholastic Aristotelianism during the period.

ARMOGATHE, JEAN-ROBERT, ed. Le Grand Siècle et la Bible. Paris: Beauchesne, 1989.

Review: Jacques Le Brun in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 251–252: The title of the 6th volume of the "Bible de tous les temps" collection is somewhat misleading since it corresponds to a French vision of Europe. If some articles are "sommaires, sans notes ni références," others, however, like "la contribution de F. Laplanche sur l'orthodoxie réformée et celle de H. Reventlow sur Grotius" are remarkable. In short, "l'imposant ensemble que constitue ce livre nous apporte énormément. Ce n'est que la considération de la somme qu'il constitue qui nous fait regretter les insuffisances de sa mise en oeuvre."
Review: Denise Leduc-Fayette in RPFE 1107 (1992), 614–616: Le panorama général de la Bible au XVIIe siècle déployé par une quarantaine de spécialistes de huit pays est, à l'instar des sept autres volumes de la collection (dorénavant complète), un instrument de travail précieux pour tous ceux qui cherchent à prendre la mesure du rôle joué par les Ecritures dans l'espace mental des civilisations qui se sont succédé." Some contributions are excellent, among which J. Beaudé's article on "Malebranche et la Bible", Ph. Sellier's on "Pascal et la Bible", etc.

BARNOUW, JEFFREY. "Passion as 'Confused' Perception or Thought in Descartes, Malebranche, and Hutcheson." JHI 53 (1992), 397–424.

The necessity of passion and the virtues of confusion in D.'s thought.

BAUSTERT, RAYMOND. "L'au-delà dans les lettres de consolation de 1600 à 1650." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 447–465.

A study of the "modest" place occupied by the theme, allowing one to "entrevoir les espérances dernières d'une époque dont la foi, incorrumpue, s'alimente aux sources d'un christianisme authentique."

BAUSTERT, RAYMOND. "L'image de Dieu dans les lettres de consolation de 1600 à 1650." TraLit 5 (1992), 109–127.

The second in a series (a previous essay had treated "les arguments profanes" in Sprachkunst, Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft, [1991] Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), this article examines the attributes of God and the attitudes they are to inspire in these letters of consolation. Those who seek to console demonstrate a solid biblical culture while they speak of a possessive, loving God whose intention is above all "salvatrice." The appeal to submit to God's will is presented on the basis of reason. Excellently documented investigation of nearly 100 letters concludes with a promise of a third article on the theme of the au-delà which should provide a more complete image of the "consolateur de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle."

BENZENHOFER, UDO and WILHELM KUHLMAN, eds. Heilkunde und Krankheitserfarung in der frühen Neuzeit: Studien am Grenzrain von Literaturgesischichte und Medisingschichte. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1992.

Contains among 15 essays D. von Englehart, "Uberlegungen zur Verhältnis von Medizin und Literatur im Zeitalter des Barok," W. Shmitt, "Die Darstellung des Geistes-Krankheit in der Barokliteratur," J. J. Berns, "Utopie und Medizin: Der Staat der Gescunden und der gesunde Staat in utopischen Entwürfen des 16. und 17, Jahrhundert.

BEREK, LAURENT. "Vision du messianisme juif et apologétique chrétienne dans l'Histoire des Juifs de Jacques Basnage." DSS 179 (Avril-juin 1993), 247–271.

Cet article examine le raisonnement qui méne l'historien huguenot à revendiquer pour les Juifs la tolérance civique et religieuse.

BLAY, MICHEL. La Naissance de la mécanique analytique. La science du mouvement au tournant des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Paris: PUF, 1992.

Review: Florence Viot in RdS 113.3–4 (1992), 511–513: "Peu d'historiens de la physique ont trouvé leur inspiration dans le développement concomittant des idées ou techniques mathématiques et des notions physiques fondamentales. C'est ce que démontre avec force et clarté l'ouvrage de M. Blay, à l'occasion de ses travaux sur la coneptualisation différentielle de la science du mouvement." Blay's book focuses mainly on French mathematicians' critique of Leibniz' differential calculus (the marquis de l'Hospital, Pierre Varignon and Michel Rolle).

BORD, ANDRE. Jean de la Croix en France. Paris: Beauchesne, 1993.

17th-century influence is great because of Carmelites and Jesuits. Large-scale treatment (17th through 19th centuries) with good attention to iconography. The Saint is said to be third in influence after Thomas Acquinas and St. Augustine.

CAUDWELL, FRANÇOIS. "Un Prêtre huguenot au début du XVIIe siècle, Nicolas Champion." BSHPF 139 (1993), 331–45.

Interesting reconstruction from judicial records of the Parlement of Dole of the actions leading to execution for heresy in 1623.

CAVAZZA, MARTA. Settecento inquieto: Alle origini dell'Istituo delle Sceinze di Bologna. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1990.

Review: Jan B. Sloan in Isis 84 (1993), 149–50: Eight essays that provide a history, including the 17th century, of "the institutionalization of science in Bologna in all its cultural and sociological complexity." Chronicles the decline of the University and considers the relationships with foreign scientific academies including the Paris Academy.

CERTEAU, MICHEL DE. The Mystic Fable: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Trans.Michael B. Smith. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1992.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 55 (1993), 363: "Certeau identifies the causes and the characteristics of a new mysticism produced in the Renaissance out of the more traditional mysticism of the new Age of Faith." He explores the "Little Saints of Acquitaine," the "mad" Jean-Joseph Surin, the Jesuit Labadie.

CHATELLIER, LOUIS. La Religion des pauvres. Les Sources du christianisme moderne, XVIe–XIXe siècles. Paris: Aubier, 1993.

CHEDOZEAU, BERNARD. La Bible et la liturgie en français. L'Eglise tridentine et les traductions bibliques et liturgiques (1600–1789). Paris: Ed. du Cerf, 1990.

Review: Monique Cottret in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 250–251: Chedozeau examines the Catholic Church's permanent opposition to the laity's access to sacred texts. "C. livre au lecteur érudit un précieux dossier qui rassemble les textes concernant le débat. Le premier chapitre présente la législaton tridentino-romaine. Le deuxième chapitre étudie les interprétations restrictives qui l'emportent en Espagne. Mais l'auteur s'attache dans un fondamental troisième chapitre à dégager une spécificité française, largement majoritaire entre les deux pôles ultramontains et gallicano-jansénistes." The conclusion outlines the importance of oral transmission of the Church's doctrine and Christian faith.
Review: Denise Leduc-Fayette, RPFE 1107 (1992), 614–616: Chedozeau's analysis focuses on the Catholic Church's reaction to the ever increasing accessibility of sacred text translations: "Si la position française se caractérise par quelque souplesse . . . c'est en rapport avec la tendance gallicane. Un des mérites, précisément, de l'ouvrage estl'attention portée . . . à la surdétermination que représente le conflit gallican/ultramontain. Est également bien mise en lumière la valeur conférée par l'Eglise catholique à la transmission non imprimée, par opposition à la sola Bibleprotestant".
  • See French 17 (1992).

_________. "Quelques remarques sur la traduction des textes sacrés catholiques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles." Littératures Classiques 13 (1990), 197–207.

Chédozeau examines how, despite the hostility of the Catholic Church, French translations of the Bible and other sacred texts became acceptable in the 17th and 18th centuries: "Il est possible d'affirmer que le passage à la traduction des textes sacrés, ou plus précisément le renversement qui, de l'explication étayée par la traduction, fait passer à la traduction expliquée, puis à la traduction seule est une des formes majeures de l'évolution intellectualiste qui marque le XVIIe siècle français."

CHRISTODOULOU, KYRIAKI. "Cosmos et apologétique chez Pascal" TraLit 5 (1992), 151–160.

Succinct and thoughtful treatment focuses on the historical aspects of P.'s argument in fragment 199/72. Demonstrates how this apologist who lived at a time of momentous scientific discoveries offered "à l'homme désorienté de son siècle un point de référence, un viatique, susceptible de lui redonner la certitude et la foi qu'il avait perdues."

COCKERHAM, HARRY and ESTHER EHRMAN, eds. Ideology and Religion in French Literature: Essays in Honour of Brian Juden. By Pupils, Colleagues and Friends. Camberley: Porphyrogenitus for Royal Holloway and Bedford New College French Department, 1989.

Review: B. Rigby in MLR 87 (1992), 967–68: Twenty-three contributions organized in alphabetical order by author are of high quality on a wide range of topics from the late seventeenth century to the present.

COPENHAVER, BRIAN P. "Did Science have a Renaissance?" Isis 83 (1992), 388–407.

Central attention is given to Naudé, his reception of Pomponazzi, his unphilosophical scepticism, finally as a "poor fit between Foucault's Renaissance and his classical ages, but surely no Don Quixote."

COPENHAVER, BRIAN P. and CHARLES B. SCHMITT. Renaissance Philosophy. Oxford: OUP, 1993.

Review: John Cottingham in TLS 4715 (13 Aug. 1993) 22: Meticulously detailed, comprehensive survey of thinkers from the 15th century through the early 17th, from eight "neglected" Aristotelians (including Lefèvre and Pomponazzi), the latter "showing the kind of transitional thinking that paved the way for conanical achievements of the early modern period."; Florentine Platonists; novatores like Campanella, scorned by Descartes, in his promotion of empiricist naturalism, more clearly seen as a part of a movement whose richest fruits came in the work of Galileo, Mersenne, Gassendi, and Descartes himself. Something of a "history of art stroll," inevitably, it would seem since there is really little here to fire the imagination.

COSSE, JEAN-MICHEL. "Fascination, Art, and Religion" (UC-Santa Barbara, 1992). DAI 54:2.

The effect of hypnotis/possession on artists and audiences, including mention of Nicole and Bousset.

COTTRET, BERNARD. The Huguenots in England: Immigration and Settlement c. 1550–1700. Trans.Peregrine andAdriana Stevenson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Review: L. R. N. Ashley in BHR 55 (1993), 366: "Searching study," first published in French in 1985, treats immigration of French Huguenots in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to England where they enriched commercial, cultural life.

CUCHE, FRANCOIS-XAVIER. Une Pensée sociale catholique. Fleury, La Bruyère, Fénelon. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1991.

Review: A. McKenna in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 218–222: Reviewer finds this to be a clear study that makes manifest all the problems raised by the social thought in question: ". . . leur commentiare sur les moeurs, mais aussi leur analyse des structures sociales et économiques, est ici envisagée dans la perspective des initiatives post-tridentines du parti dévot, et en particulier des actions de saint Vincent de Paul, de saint François de Sales et de la Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement."
Review: Anne Sanderson in SCFS 15 (1993), 205–11: Considering the three social critics as deriving from Bossuet's Petit Concile, censorship of money-making, speculation, and urban consumerism are common and in part reflect origins. Modernity and St. Thomas are the synthesis they would achieve, reconciling the optimistic with St. Augustine. Fleury's educational schemes and economic thought (outlined here) makes him the "most forward-looking of the group." C. situates the group at the turning-point of poitical thought from the Renaissance heritage to "modern ideas about society and state."

DAVIES, CATHERINE GLYN. Conscience as Consciousness: The Idea of Self-Awareness in French Philosophical Writing from Descartes to Diderot. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1990.

Review: P. Naudin in RHL 92.5 (sep/oct 92), 889: Un excellent ouvrage "d'analyses et de réflexions dont on ne peut que louer la rigueur et la pertinence."

DELFORGE, FREDERIC. La Bible en France et dans la francophonie. Paris: Publisud, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 581: D. "présente successivement, et en les situant succinctement dans l'histoire sociale et religieuse, les Bibles de la pré-Réforme, ainsi que les Bibles catholiques du XVIe siècle, étudiées à travers des grands débats théologiques de l'époque. Le XVIIe siècle est marqué par la Bible catholique . . . de Port-Royal et l'essor de la critique biblique." Ouvrage thématique, analytique.

DELTEIL, JACQUES. "Un Cévanol qui refuse l'exclusion: François Vivent." BSHPF 139 (1993), 127–32.

Exemplary portrait of the schoolmaster become prédicant and of the life of faith, 1685 to his execution in 1691. Relation with Basville detailed.

DELUMEAU, JEAN, ed. La Religion des femmes dans la transmission de la foi. Paris: Eds. du Cerf, 1992.

Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 139 (1993), 526: Seminar papers that sometimes give "un éclairage inattendu" contain treatments of both Catholic and Protestant 17th Century.

DONAHUE, WILLIAM H., trans. and ed. Johannes Kepler, New Astronomy. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.

Review: John North in TLS 4706 (11 June 1993), 12: "At last a solid version open to all" of all 70 chapters of the 1609 text, "nothing less than the blow-by-blow account of a long intellectual struggle by one of the finest minds in the history of science."

DUNCAN, DAVID ALLEN. "Campanella in Paris: Or How to Succeed in Society and Fall in the Republic of Letters." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 95–110.

The Italian philosopher condemned by Mersenne and Descartes, who sojourned at the French court and was befriended and later rejected by Naudé.

ELUKIN, JONATHAN M. "Jacques Basnage and the History of the Jews: Anti-Catholic Polemic and Historical Allegory in the Republic of Letters." JHI 53 (1992), 603–630.

B.'s use of Jewish history to attack Catholicism in 1706–7.

FICHANT, MICHEL, éd. De l'horizon de la doctrine humaine (1623). La Restitution universelle (1715). Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Paris: Vrin, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 551: Textes inédits, traduits et annotés par Fichant avec introduction, appendices, extraits de la correspondance de L., et postface. F. "replace les textes dans leur contexte et détermine les sources et les prolongements."

FLOURET, JEAN. Nicolas Venette médecin rochelais 1633–1698. Etude biographique et bibliographique. La Rochelle: Ed. Rupella, 1992.

Review: L. Desgraves in RFHL 76–77 (1992), 333: "Surtout connu par son Tableau de l'amour conjugal publié pour la première fois en 1686, le médecin rochelais méritait l'étude fouillée que vient de lui consacrer Jean Flouret. Par des documents inédits et irréfutables, cet ouvrage met fin à des légendes concernant la famille et la situation de Nicolas Venette." In short, "l'auteur apporte ainsi une appréciable contribution à l'histoire de l'édition français."

FREMONT, CHRISTIANE, ed. Maine de Biran: Commentaires et Marginalia, XVIIe siècle. Paris: Vrin, 1990.

Review: Michel Adam in RPFE 1108 (1993), 69–70: This is the eleventh volume of Maine de Biran's collected works. It contains de Biran's critique of Descartes' philosophy: "On sait l'importance de la lecture biranienne des textes cartésiens pour la critique de la notion de substance et pour la mise en relief de l'originalité de sa conception de l'effort."

GAUNA, MAX. Upwellings, First Expressions of Unbelief in the Printed Literature of the French Renaissance. Rutherford/Madison/Teaneck/London and Toronto: Associated University Press, 1992.

Review: F. Berriot in BHR 55 (1993), 449–50: M. G. voit "dans l'histoire de la pensée occidentale un courant permanent qui, issu de l'Antiquité, traverse le Moyen Age où il . . . apparaît plus distinctement dès la fin de la Renaissance pour s'imposer enfin au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle."

GELIS, JACQUES. Accoucheur de campagne sous la Roi-Soleil: le Traité des accouchements de G. Mauquest de La Motte. Paris: Imago, 1989.

Review: Marie-France Morel in RdS 113.3–4 (1992), 537–540: "Voici, accompagnée d'une nouvelle préface d'Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, la réédition d'un livre épuisé, paru en 1979 aux éditions Privat." It is, in fact, a collection of excerpts from Mauquest's Traité des accouchements naturels. . ., first published in 1715. This treatise is a testimony of a new mentality towards life and birth that manifested itself at the end of the 17th Century.

GOHAU, GABRIEL. Les Sciences de la Terre aux XVIIe et XVIIIe. Naissance de la géologie. Paris: Albin Michel, 1990.

Review: Goulven Laurent in RdS 113.3–4 (1992), 515–517: This well-documented and well-written essay studies the pivotal role of Nicolas Sténon's scientific role — "c'est avec Sténon (1638–1686) que la Géologie en tant que discipline scientifique trouve son véritable fondateur."

GOUBERT, PEIRRE. Louis XIV et vingt millions de Français. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 554 (1992), 377–78: Réédition qui ne tient toujours pas compte de plusieurs travaux récents et dans laquelle on retrouve "la même incompréhension . . . à l'égard des problèmes religieux."

HALDANE, JOHN. "Editorial Introduction: Scholasticism — Old and New." PhQ 43 (1993), 403–11.

This essay, which introduces a special issue of PhQ on "Philosophers and Philosophies," includes references to Descartes and Pascal.

HALL, MARIE BOAS. Promoting Experimental Learning. Experiment and the Royal Society. Cambridge: CUP, 1991.

Review: Peter Dear in Isis 84 (1993), 148–49: Final chapter, "The View of the World: Friend or Foe," includes the contemporary French perception of the nature of the enterprises undertaken by the R.A.

HARTH, ERICA. Cartesian Women: Version and Subversions of Rational Discourse in the Old Regime. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1992.

Review: Margaret J. Osler in Isis 84 (1993), 582–83: Foucaultian framework claims that Cartesian thought eliminated the metaphorical discourse of resemblance, replacing it with discourse of reference. The discursive paradigm embedded in Cartesianism in its claim to universality and value neutrality "concealed the bias of gender." Demonstrates the marginalization of women intellectuals and in the Académie des Sciences, which adapted Cartesianism and excluded women. Of particular interest are M. de Scuder's opposition to Descartes's beast-machine theory and Charles Perrault on the description of the newly discovered cameleon. Presents also materials that might be used for a critique of Foucault.

HAYDEN, J. MICHAEL and MALCOM R. GREENSHIELDS. "The Clergy of Early Seventeenth-Century France: Self-Perception and Society's Perception." FHS 18.1 (1993), 145–172.

According to the authors, French society's perception of "the peasant majority and their parish clergy" changed dramatically after 1600, and this evolution of mentalities can be perceived in the "cahiers de doléances of the Estates general of 1614." The mainly negative views expressed by noblemen and bishops implied a vision of the ideal pasteur and sharply criticized the curés' private lives and public vices, thus "the Catholic Reformation was under way and France would never be the same."

HILDESHEIMER, FRANÇOISE. Le Jansénisme en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Paris: Publisud, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–61 (1992), 1726: "Françoise Hildesheimer présente d'abord l'augustinisme, puis Port-Royal, et enfin les divers jansénismes (religieux, politique, parlementaire); accompagnant l'exposé, des textes bien choisis et des cartes permettant de suivre la poussée du jansénisme dans les diocèses." Excellente bibliographie.
Review: Frédéric Delforge in BSHPF 138 (1992), 596: Successful synthesis on "jansenisms," origins, evolution, political strugles (through Revolution), and spiritual heritage. See also the author's Le Jansénisme, histoire et héritage (Paris: Desclée, 1992), a more schematic work on basic facts and values, "ce qui permet deux approches substantielles d'un mouvement dont l'actualité demeure."

________. Le Jansénisme. L'Histoire et l'héritage. Paris: Desclee de Brouwer, 1992.

Review: BCLF 558 (1992), 1267: H. "examine successivement un `livre condamné', l'Augustinius, un `couvent réformé', Port-Royal, une `bulle contesté', Unigenitus. Elle s'efforce ensuite de situer et d'évaluer l'influence du jansénisme parmi les causes de la Révolution, et présente enfin des `définitions pour une compréhension'."

JARROSSON, BRUNO. Invitation à la philosophie des sciences. Paris: Seuil, 1992.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 746–47: "En somme, en peu de pages, mais avec pertinence, avec pédagogie aussi, le lecteur traverse les segments les plus essentiels — ce n'est une histoire des sciences — de la physique et des mathématiques, pour s'entendre poser la question de la nature de la connaissance scientifique."

KIRK, ROBERT. "'The Best Set of Tools'? Dennett's Metaphors and the Mind-Body Problem." PhQ 43 (1993), 335–43.

"In this 1991 study Consciousness Explained . . . , D. offers . . . 'an outline of the solution' to the mind-body problem . . . . He has certainly produced a splendid speculative empirical account of human mentality," in K.'s view, "with a wealth of interesting information and much useful philosophical discussion." On the other hand, K. considers D.'s "treatment of the core philosophical problems unsatisfying." D. "aims to exorcize Cartesian materialism . . . ."

KORS, ALAN CHARLES. Atheism in France, 1650–1729: The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.

Review: R. Whelan in MLR 88 (1993), 205–06: K.'s "perceptive analysis of a myriad of authors, teachers, theologians, and journalists — often more talked about than read — is a compelling (and well-written) story of how the debates and divisions, the institutional tensions and educational policies of a complex theological culture not only undermined its own certainties but also created an intellectual climate where `atheism became more than thinkable by the eighteenth century'."
  • See French 17 (1991).

KROLL, RICHARD W. F. The Material World: Literate Culture in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1991.

Review: James J. Bonno in Isis 84 (1993), 384–86: "Important and impressive book" in which Gassendi appears prominently on the English scene among science figures significant for the emergence and self-fashioning of the new Restoration culture. At its core is a "contingent epistemology" ultimately "premised on a sceptical empiricism." Gassendi's new discourse of contingency fundamentally shaped the methods and uses of Boyle, Charleton, Evelyn, not only natural philosophy but also the intersecting discoveries of linguistics, philosophy and scholarship, and biblical and literary criticism until well into the 18th century. "Emphasis on Gassendi will occasion much debate."

KUIZENGA, DONNA. "Once More with Feeling: Rhetorics of the Passions." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 41–57.

Evolution of philosophy and style in the imagery of texts by N. Coeffeteau, J.-F. Senault, M. Cureau de la Chambre, and P. Le Moyne, showing a link between each author's conception of the passions and the rhetorical choices he makes.

LABROUSSE, ELISABETH. "Marie Du Moulin éducatrice." BSHPF 139 (1993), 255–68.

Expands and corrects information on the family of Pierre I Du Moulin. Correspondent of Mlle de Scudéry, friend of Anna Van Schurman, Marie provided her brother Louis with basis for La Tyrannie des préjugez . . . , obituary notices for both Rivet and Du Moulin, and a treatise on education nicely discussed by Labrousse. Important elucidation of a figure that has deserved more recognition.

LAUDE, PATRICK D. Approches du quiétisme. Deux études suivies du Moyen court et très-facile pour l'oraison de Madame Guyon (texte de l'édition de 1685). PFSCL/Biblio 17, 68 (1991).

La Bruyère, mysticism, and anti-mysticism; and the conflict between Bossuet and Fénelon.

Review: M.-F. Bruneau in CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 319–321: Deux essais sur le quiétisme et une édition du traité de Mme Guyon sur l'oraison (1685). L'érudition de L. est "ancrée dans l'histoire de la mystique chrétienne et dans l'histoire du dix-septième siècle français" et le livre sera précieux pour les chercheurs qui s'intéresse à l'Europe pré-moderne et à la psychologie religieuse.
Review: H. Hillenaar in PFSCL 20, 38 (1993), 251–254: The first study contrasts the common religion with the inner life of mystics based on La Bruyère's Dialogues posthumes; the second examines the systems of Bossuet and Fénelon. An excellent study despite the failure to take into account some of the lessons of depth psychology.

LAUDE, PATRICK D. "Perspectives on Subjectivity and the Ego in Seventeenth-Century French Thought." PFSCL 33 (1990), 531–546.

Demonstrates "how the status of the subject is essentially determined by their metaphysical conceptions of the relation between God and the human subjectivity." Mme Guyon's "quietism" seen as an effort to bridge the gulf between man and God.

LENNON, THOMAS M. The Battle of the Gods and Giants: The Legacies of Descartes and Gassendi, 1655–1715. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1993.

Review: F. Wilson in Choice 31 (1993), 472: L. contends that, despite appearances, "G. in fact won the [philosophical] war" with D. The author "traces the argument through the salons and the academies, and he discusses such major philosophical issues as atomism, the nature of space, the nature of essences (if any), and the representationalist account of perception. L. argues for a major reinterpretation of early modern philosophy, including a reading of Locke as taking up the defense of G. against D. L. further makes clear," says W., "that the differences were not merely metaphysical and scientific but extended to issues of moral philosophy and politics . . . ." W., finds "L.'s revisionist case . . . persuasive" and calls the study's bibliography "excellent."

LURIA, KEITH P. Territories of Grace. Cultural Change in the Seventeenth-Century Diocese of Grenoble. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1991.

Review: Laurence Fontaine in Annales-ESC 48 (1993), 162–64. Highest praise for model and precision of this tracing of the innovating initiatives of bishops adapted by families in the shaping of new cultural horizons.

McKNIGHT, STEPHEN A., ed. Science, Pseudo-science, and Utopianism in Early Modern Thought. Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, 1992.

Review: R. Palter in Choice 30 (1993), 820: "The seven essays . . . treat the role of occult and hermetic ideas in the so-called scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, as well as in the more general historical break with the Middle Ages and the birth of `modernity'." Mixed assessment.

MARLAND, HILARY, ed. The Art of Midwifery: Early Modern Midwives in Europe. London: Routledge, 1993.

Review: Ornella Moscucci in TLS 4726 (29 Oct. 1993), 26: Extensive range of manuscript as well as printed sources used to advantage for "a fascinating survey of the life, work and social standing and public role of midwives in various European countries between 1400 and 1800." Continues to contest old stereotypes of midwife as witch.

MICHAUD, CLAUDE. L'Eglise et l'argent sous l'Ancien Régime. Les Receveurs du clergé de France aux 16e et XVVIIe siècles. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: Françoise Bayard in Annales-ESC (1992), 1206–8: Considerable contribution in career of the 12 receivers, their milieux of operations, and the clergy's role in state finances from 1561 through the reign of Louis XIV.
  • See French 17 (1992).

MIDGLEY, MARY. Science and Salvation: A Modern Myth and Its Meaning. London: Routledge, 1992.

Review: Frank Palmer in PhQ 43 (1993), 396–97: In this book the author "concerns herself with the ethics, epistemology and metaphysics of scientifc enquiry." She studies two "pictures [that] involve ritual views of physical matter. The first, perpetuating the Cartesian legacy and the mechanistic world-picture of seventeenth-century science . . ., offers a view of physical nature as 'alien' and 'discontinuous with life.' The second conception sees it as generative of order, making life and consciousness possible. Though the author leans toward the second view," says P., "she painstakingly rejects the wild claims made on its behalf . . . ." According to P., the study is "admirable" and "full of insights."

MITCHELL, JOSHUA. Not by Reason Alone: Religion, History, and Identity in Early Modern Political Thought. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1993.

MOSS, JEAN DIETZ. Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copernican Controversy. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993.

Review: John North in TLS 4706 (11 June 1993), 12: "Brings together much familiar material but with new emphases," particularly in good treatment of the rhetoric of debates over heliocentrism and its models for the 17th c. polemics (e.g. Wilkins). Galileo is central to book, the consolidating and of devices used by Copernicus in De revolutionibus. Valuable discussion by reviewer on the relation of rhetoric to demonstration and dialectic as means of definition of rhetoric and on the limitations of claims like "the expansion of rhetoric into astronomy." "What would have repaid study is the way rhetoric bears on these different finds of propositions."

NADLER, STEVEN, ed. Causation in Early Modern Philosophy: Cartesianism, Occasionalism, and Preestablished Harmony. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1993.

Review: L. C. Archie in Choice 31 (1993), 470: "The central theme of this fine collection of papers is the 17th-century inquiry into the problem of causation, an inquiry that arose from the problems of reconciling the universally held view of God as creator and sustainer of the natural world with the newly developing scientific outlook." Essays in the volume discuss "the three major theories of causation emerging during that period: the interactionism of Descartes; the occaisionalism of Malebranche, Bayle, and LaForge; and the preestablished harmony of Leibniz." "A valuable aspect of the volume," in A.'s judgment, "is the provision of thorough comparative accounts of the various theories of causality in early modern philosphy." In addition to being "accessible" to nonspecialists, according to A., the essays "are also significant scholarly contributions . . . ."

OSLER, MARGARET, ed. Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquility: Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought. New York: CUP, 1991.

Review: Eric R. Meyer in Isis 84 (1993), 581–82: Adaptation generally held to show intimate relation of esthetic components of the ancient systems of thought with physical and cosmological as part of their appeal. Contains essay on Gassendi's Christian reinterpretation of fate by M. Osler; J. J. MacIntosh's examination of Boyle's attitude to Epicureanism, contrasted nicely with Gassendi's; Peter Baker on 17th-century Aristotelianism.
  • See French 17 (1992).

OURY, GUY-MARIE. Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier et ses pauvres, 1653–1727. Sainte-Foy: Eds. de la Liberté, 1993.

PANTIN, ISABELLE. Galilée, Siderus nuncius, Le messager céleste. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1992.

Review: E. Poulle in BHR 55 (1993), 469–70: Pamphlet dont le texte est établi à partir de l'édition princeps de 1610 et qui "occupe une place essentielle dans l'histoire des sciences." Annotation très érudite.

PHILSTROM, IRENE. Le Médecin et la médecine dans le théâtre comique français du XVIIe siècle. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1991.

Review: A. Blanc in RHL 93.1 (jan/fév 93), 145–146: La médecine à travers 27 comédies, entre 1630 et 1680. Des remarques intéressantes sur le médecin et des traitements, mais l'hypothèse de l'analogie entre la médecine et la religion est très contestable.

PITASSI, MARIA-CRISTINA, ed. Apologétique 1680–1740. Sauvetage ou naufrage de la théologie? Genève: Editions Labor et Fides, 1991.

Review: J. Beaude in PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 562–563: A colloquium dealing with the rise of apologetics and the decline of Christology in Christian thought.

________. De l'Orthodoxie aux lumières. Genève 1670–1737. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1992.

Review: BCLF 560–561 (1992), 1727: "Que reste-t-il à Genève de l'héritage de Calvin entre la fin du XVIIe et le premier quart du XVIIIe siècle? C'est à cette question que veut répondre succinctement cet ouvrage."
Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 138 (1992), 594–95: "Pour bref qu'il soit, livre modeste et judicieux qui illumine avec une finesse remarquable ce que Troeltsch décrivait comme l'éclosion du néoprotestantisme."
Review: Jacques Solé in RHEF 179 (1993), 184: Fine sense of documentation in this "brève et élégante synthèse" from the reactions of Chouet and L. Tronchin to the rigor of the Consensus of 1675, then to the renewal of it after the Revocation, with its "bases philosophiques et religieuses où la Revelation s'appuie décidément sur la Raison chère aux Lumières."

POPKIN, RICHARD H. The Third Force in Seventeenth-Century Thought. Leiden: Brill, 1993.

Review: Susan James in TLS 4722 (1 Oct. 1993), 24: The Third Force, intellectuals troubled and combatting scepticism through theosopohic speculation and millenarian interpretations of scripture (scientists, theologians, rabbis, educationalists, Quakers, philosophers), forms a loose community represented by Newton, Cudworth, More Mede, Dury, and Commenius, for which one has to be "epistemologically generous." "Enthusiasm and sense of delight in the scholarly life," conveyed by these essays also displays Popkin's "boundless appetite for . . . and invigorating insistence on the strangeness of our intellectual past."

PRIEST, STEPHEN. Theories of the Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

Review: M. Losonsky in Choice 30 (1992), 632: P. "aims to introduce general readers to the major solutions in Western philosophy to the mind/body problem. His strategy is to provide clear but generally dependable summaries of contemporary and classic texts in the philosophy of mind." For example, he treats dualism in Descartes' Meditations. L. calls the book "leisurely reading for those general readers who want to avoid slugging through original texts, but it is not a useful introductory text. . . . P.'s discussion is not systematic," says L., adding, "it is weak on critical analysis, and it does little to show where the positions clash and where they fit. It is also weak," L. declares, "on contemporary developments. . . . A unique feature of this book is that it has accessible discussions of Hegel, Brentano, and Husserl."

RAPLEY, ELIZABETH. The Dévotes: Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France. Montreal: McGill/Queen's University Press, 1992.

Review: I. M. in TLS 4701 (7 May 1993), 27: "An elegant demonstration that the fervor of these women and the ambivalent, even subversive nature of their vocation are signs of their potential for action in the public sphere.
  • See French 17 (1992).

RENOUX, CHARLES. "Les Expériences et les phénomènes mystiques dans les Eloges de Mère de Blémur." RHSF 79 (1993), 3–46.

Studies the shaping of the eloges, in relation to the "lettres-circulaires," then tabulates the various kinds of inner experience used by this apologist for the order and the exemplary abbesse Mère Mechtilde du Saint Sacrament as well as the signs of God's intervention in the mysticism that reached a highpoint with visions of Marguerite-Marie Alacoque (1673–75). Pays little attention, the author concludes, to the morbid nature of some of the abbesses' (28 in all) ascetic displine. Calls for an extension of research to other communities.

REY, ROSELYNE. Histoire de la douleur. Paris: La Découverte, 1993.

Review: François Azouvi in Le Monde (3 Sept. 1993), 29: Since "douleur" is not a concept, it is accommodated to history of ideas here by attending to "hypothèses et les théories élaborées par les physiologistes pour en expliquer les mécanismes et pour y remédier." The explanations begin in the 1680s.

ROBERTS, K. B. and J. D. W. TOMLINSON. The Fabric of the Body: European Traditions of Anatomical Illustration. New York: Oxford UP, 1992.

Review: J. W. Galloway in Choice 30 (1992), 606: "The authors explore the landsape of the human body, as perceived and expressed by modern anatomy texts. Their work is understandably organized along historical lines, precisely authored, and superbly illustrated." G. considers the work to be "a major contribution to all aspects of medical illustration."

ROSSI, PAOLO. Il Passato, la memoria, l'oblio: sei saggi di storia delle idee. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991.

Review: William R. Shea in Isis 84 (1993), 150–51: Important treatment of mnemonic science in the 16th and 17th centuries (Descartes) with reflections on its continuation in our time. "A closely argued treatment of technical issues in the ars memorandi and an elegant piece of intellectual history and philosophical assessment."

ROUDAUT, FANCH, ALAIN CROIX, and FANCH BROUDIC, eds. Les Chemins du paradis. Taolennou Ar Baradoz. Douarnenez: Ed. de l'Estran, 1988.

Review: Joël Cornette in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 263–264: "Vers 1620, alors qu'un grand élan missionnaire traverse l'Eglise de la Réforme catholique, un certain Michel Le Nobletz entreprend d'évangéliser la population de la petite ville portuaire de Douarnenez. Il fonde sa prédication sur d'étranges cartes de géographie. Il s'agit d'indiquer, en s'adaptant à la culture essentiellement orale et visuelle de ses auditeurs, les routes à suivre pour gagner son salut. Pour la première fois, ces tableaux sont ici presque intégralement reproduits et étudieés pour eux-mêmes. Ils constituent un extraordinaire document."

RUMBOLD, MARGARET. Traducteur huguenot, Pierre Coste. New York: Lang, 1991.

Review: Elisabeth Labrousse in BSHPF 139 (1993), 528–29: Elucidates usefully the life of the preceptor of aristocratic charges (in England), the extent of translation of ancient and modern texts, the personal culture displayed, his position as secretary to Locke. Review proposes some factual corrections.

SARASOHN, LISA T. "Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc and the Patronage of the New Science in the Seventeenth-Century." Isis 84 (1993), 70–90.

Explores the intricacies of patronage and the brokerage of patronage networks whereby P. becomes the "spriritual heir" of the Italian bibliophile Pinelli (1600), then gains stature and "nobility" as secretary to Du Vair (1616–23) and mediator between Marie de Medici and Rubens, Grotius and the French court, from 1634 patron of Campanella, Mersenne, Galileo. Discusses informatively the "protection" of Galileo, the maneuverings with Mersenne, Gassendi. Shows tensions of patronage systems in the 1630s. Gassendi's life of Peiresc is valuably used to illustrate them.

SAUZET, MICHEL. Chroniques des frères ennemis: Catholiques et protestants è Nîmes de XVIe au XVIIe siècle. Caen: Eds. Paradigme, 1992.

Review: Michel Reulos in BSHPF 139 (1993), 314: 19 articles that present "avec précision les éléments qui opposaient les gens des deux confessions . . . d'autre part les aspects iréniques. The sitation of Nîmes is linked to the more general: "le chapître de 'conclusion' 'Papistes en terre huguenote: l'exception nîmoise' est particulièrement éclairant."

SCOTT, BRENDAN THOMAS. "Jesuit Theater in Paris: 1680–1740" (Princeton Univ., 1993). DAI 53:12, 4312A.

Plays composed by the professors of rhetoric (G. Le Jay and C. Porée) at the College Louis-le-Grand were a persuasive complement to sermons and classes of rhetoric.

SILHON, JEAN DE. Les Deux vérités. Paris: Fayard, 1991.

Review: BCLF 555 (1992), 553: "Ce livre a le grand intérêt historique d'avoir été publiée en 1626, c'est-à-dire au moment où Descartes rédige les Regulae ad directionam ingenii, donc dix ans environ avant la parution du Discours de la méthode. On comprend grâce à cet ouvrage combien Descartes a pu être novateur. Jean de Silhon expose une sorte de Compendium de scolastique finissante dont les thèmes sont regroupés selon deux volets: Dieu et l'âme."

SOMAN, ALFRED. Sorcellerie et justice criminelle: Le Parlement de Paris (16e–18e siècles). London: Ashgate Publishing, 1992.

Review: Michel Reulos in BSHPF 138 (1992), 593: Useful collection of 15 previously published studies that form a valuable guide to the uses of sources as well as an understanding of rulings that will forestall anachronisms. The criminal statutes of 1670 are particularly focused to be illuminating in this manner.

THEIS, LAURENT. "Claude Brousson en 1692." BSHPF 39 (1993), 133–37.

Vivid portrait of the evolution from militancy to the non-violence of the Prière générale (1692) of the prédicant once an avocat in the Parlement of Toulouse.

TRIBOULET, RAYMOND. Gaston de Renty (1611–1649). Un homme de ce monde. Un homme de Dieu. Paris: Beauchesne, 1991.

Review: BCLF 553 (1992), 150: T. "a multiplié ses recherches tant sur la famille du gentilhomme, que sur les oeuvres auxquelles il a participé, et les `spirituels' qu'il a fréquentés. Son livre est une contribution précieuse à l'histoire religiuese de la France dans les années 1630–1650."
  • See French 17 (1992).

TRUCHETTI, MARIO. "Une Question mal posée: La Qualification de 'perpétuel et irrévocable à l'Edit de Nantes (1598). BSHPF 139 (1993), 41–78.

Careful examination of the difference between the intention of legislation and the R.P.R.'s perception of its "perpetuity" of tolerance, between "tolerance" and a conflictual "réunification." Analysis of Claude Brousson's Etat des réformés . . . (1684).

TURNER, JAMES GRANTHAM. Sexuality in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.

VAN ROODEN, PETER T. Theology, Biblical Scholarship and Rabbinical Studies in the Seventeenth-Century. Constantijn L'Empereur (1591–1648), Professor of Hebrew and Theology at Leiden. Leiden: Brill, 1989.

Review: François Laplanche in RdS 113.1–2 (1992), 236–237: According to Van Rooden, history of religious ideas should "prendre en compte le milieu des théologiens calvinistes, en tant qu'auteurs de travaux érudits. Ce serait inexact de laisser le monopole de ceux-ci aux seuls philologues de la République des Lettres au XVIIe siècle." In this view, "ce savant et minutieux travail apporte d'amples et indispensables renseignements sur le réseau des hébraïstes chrétiens dans l'Europe du Nord."

VARACHAUD, MARIE-CHRISTINE. Le Père Houry, S. J., 1631–1729. Paris: Beauchesne, 1993. Preface byJean de Viguerie.

First biography of professor and preacher known mainly for the Bibliothèque des prédicateurs (20 vols., 1711–25). Thematic analysis of the Bibliothèque.

VINKEN, BARBARA CORNELIA. "Theories of the Aesthetic from Port-Royal to Rousseau and Sade" (Yale Univ., 1992). DAI 53:11, 3898A.

Includes analysis of discourses on "comédie" by Nicole, Bossuet, and Huet, as well as the "semiological impact" of Pascal's theology.

VIZIER, ALAIN. "Artifices pour l'extase: Politique et subjectivation selon Senault." CdDS 5.1 (Spring 1991), 59–78.

Une analyse des productions de subjectivité comme synthèses artificielles chez S.

WETSEL, DAVID. "`La religion de Mahomet': Pascal and the Tradition of Anti-Islamic Polemics." PFSCL 20, 39 (1993), 467–488.

A study of Pascal's refutation of Islam. Pascal's treatment of the religion is not innovative and is subordinated to his Christian apologetic purpose.

WILLIAMS, MICHAEL. Unnatural Doubts. Oxford: B. Blackewll, 1991.

Review: Christopher Hookway in PhQ 43 (1993), 389–92: This volume contains W.'s "defence of . . . the assumption . . . that by attacking foundationalism one undermines scepticism." W. considers foundationalism to be "the basic dogma of an entire philosophical enterprise which he refers to as 'traditional epistemology,' and which encompasses Descartes and Hume as well as various twentieth-century thinkers . . . ." "A great strength of the book," in H.'s opinion, "is W.'s sensitivity to . . . the dialectical position of a philosopher trying to come to terms with scepticim." H. states that this book "should command the attention of all philosophers interested in skepticism." The author's "mastery of the literature, the forcefulness with which he develops an important and original perspective, and the seriousness of his engagement with other thinkers make his book a major contribution to contemporary epistemology."

YARDENI, MIRIAM. "Naissance et essor d'un mythe: la Révocation de l'Edit de Nantes et le déclin de la France." BSHPF 139 (1993), 79–96.

Protestant propaganda (even before the Revocation) linked persectuion with French economic decline. Louis's last wars, along with the prosperity of Prussia and Brandenburg, consecrated the myth (confirmed the prophecy). Despite recent views to the contrary, situating emigration as one factor, the myth still flourishes.

YORK, ANNE-MARIE. "Pasquier Quesnel and the Third Generation of Jansenism" (UCLA, 1992). DAI 53:12, 4446A.

A study of Q., who assumed leadership of the "parti janséniste" in 1694.

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