French 17 FRENCH 17

1993 Number 41


ALCOVER, MADELEINE (Rice U.). "Cyrano in carcere": continuation de Cyrano relu et corrigé; Les avatars de l'Autre monde (versions imprimées et manuscrites) et de son auteur.

ARONSON, NICOLE (East Carolina). "Ni mari, ni cloître": une biographie de Mme d'Aiguillon (Paris, MerF, 1995?).

BERTHIAUME, PIERRE (Ottawa). Ed. crit., "Relation des aventures de Mathieu Sagean et de ses voyages et courses, tant à la Louisiane que sur les côtes d'Afrique, dans les Indes orientales et occidentales et à la Chine" (relation faite à Brest en 1700 par un aventurier qui mêle fiction et vérité). Pour la coll. "Lire le XVIIIe siècle," 1995.

BAKER, SUSAN READ (U. Florida). Montaigne and Discontinuity in French 17th c. Literature (Bk.).

BEUGNOT, BERNARD (Montréal). "Les Muses classiques. Essai de bibliographie rhétorique et poétique" Paris, Klincksieck, Coll. "Théorie et critique à l'âge classique"; "Solitude et société. Le Discours de la retraite au XVIIe" (Paris, PUF, coll. "Perspectives littéraires," 1995.

BURCHELL, EILEEN. (Marymount-Tarrytown). Contr. Ed., French 17.

CARLIN, CLAIRE (U. Victoria). "Philip Butler's Baroque: A Feminist Re birth" (Re reading of Classicisme et baroque dans l'oeuvre de Jean Racine using Jessica Benjamin's The Bonds of Love) for ECr; "Louis XIV héros mythologique: une mise en scène numismatique" (étude iconographique de l'histoire métallique de Louis XIV), Actes du Colloque de Kiel, CMR17.

CARR, THOMAS M., Jr. (Nebraska Lincoln). Entries on the "PortRoyalists" and on "Descartes" for Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, Garland Publishing, 1995?

CHOLOKIAN, PATRICIA FRANCIS (Hamilton). "Women and SelfRepresentation in 17th c. French Literature" (Brantôme, Marguerite de Valois, Mlle de Montpensier, Abbé de Choisy, Mme Guyon, Mme de Motteville, Mme de Lafayette).

CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS (ISSEI). Call for papers on the theme of The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms. To be held at Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria (22–27 August 1994). Contact Professor Walter Hölbling, Dept of American Studies, Karl-Franzens Universität, Körblergrasse 20/I, A-8010, Graz, Austria.

DANNER, RICHARD (Ohio U.). Contr. Ed., French 17. "La Fontaine's Dialogic World: A Bakhtinian Approach to Two Fables," accepted for Jean de La Fontaine: Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Birberick; in progress: art. on discourse and silence in Book 11 of La Fontaine's Fables.

DOIRON, NORMAND (McGill). Ed. crit., Diéreville, Relation du voyage de Port Royal de l'Acadie, Rouen, 1708 (pour UP Montréal, "Bibliothèque du Nouveau Monde," 1995? "L'espace classique et le déplacement, Actes du colloque Un Classicisme ou des classicismes? (Reims, juin 1991), Paris, Klincksieck. Arts. pour "La notion de monde au XVIIe siècle," Littératures classiques (dir. B. Beugnot), Klincksieck, 1994; pour "La Fontaine" (dir. P. Dandrey), DSS, 1995.

DOWNING, THOMAS (Iowa). "Philosophie et Anesthesia" [on the representation of the body in the Port Royal Logic and in Condillac's Treatise on Sensations]

ELMARSAFY, ZIAD (Calif. Riverside). "The Histrionic Sensibility: Theatricality and Identity from Corneille to Voltaire [To read the construction of identities re: theatricality and roleplaying in Corneille, Molière, Marivaux, Crébillon fils and Voltaire. To use literary and socio historical factors in tracing changes, 17th 18th c., from a dramatic paradigm to a narrative framework].

FARRELL, MICHELE L. (Duke). "The Staging of Exoticism inl7th c.France" (book project).

FUCALORO, LILIANE. (California State Polytechnic University-Pomona). Contr. Ed., French 17.

GAINES, JAMES. (Southern Louisiana U.). Lucrèce de Pierre du Ryer, ed. crit. (with P. Gethner); Approaches to teaching Tartuffe and Other Plays by Molière (with M. L. Koppisch), MLA; "L'Epreuve and the Science of Sentiment"; "Caractères, Superstition, and Paradox in Le Misanthrope," Alter Festchrift; 'Tartuffe et les paradoxes de la foi," DSS; Art. on Teaching La Princesse de Clèves.

GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska Lincoln). "Generic Modalities in La Ceppède's Théorèmes [Genre and generic modulation as a means of contemplating divine mystery; how the fundamental elements of the lyric, epic and tragedy guide the reader/meditant through an interpretation of devotional problematics. Literary problems become theological]

GETHNER, PERRY (Oklahoma State). Art. on divertissement episodes in Molière and Dancourt; book on poetic justice.

GLASOW, E. THOMAS (SUNY Buffalo). Transl., Catherine Cessac, Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Paris, Fayard, 1988) [crit. biog., includes chapt. on Molière's comedy ballets and the Comédie Française]. To be publ. soon by Amadeus Press, Portland, OR.

GOODKIN, RICHARD (Wisconsin Madison). "Generations of French Classicism, 1635 1677" [studies two distinct generations of classical theater, the periods 1635 43 vs. 1661 77,. and the transitional Regency. Focuses on both Corneilles, Molière and Racine. Sees first plays centered on the paternal relation, the second on the sibling one, reflecting the dynamics of the two courts].

GRAGG, MICHELE (Rosary C.). "Une rhétorique du préférable: Politique et Religion dans les Oraisons Funèbres de Bossuet," Cincinnati Romance Review; "La Dynamique de 'l'exemplum' dans les O. F. de Bossuet," pour PFSCL.

GUTWIRTH, MARCEL (CUNY Grad. Sch.). Le dernier lustre de la production moliéresque (1668 73) constitue t il un ensemble? Une orientation nouvelle?

JAYMES, DAVID (Oakland U.). Contr. ed., French 17.

KEM, JUDY, ed. Plaire et instruire. Essays in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century French Literature in Honor of George B. Daniel, Jr. N.Y., Peter Lang.

KUIZENGA, DONNA (Vermont). Villedieu's Fiction (bk.); Women and early modern utopias (arts.); "L"Arc de Triomphe des Dames: Héroïsme dans Les Femmes illustres de Madeleine et Georges de Scudéry," Actes du Colloque Scudéry, ed. A. Niderst, Klincksieck; "La Topique du secret chez Lafayette: Histoire et histoires," Actes du 5e Colloque SATOR, Lisbon; "Mixed Media: Word and Image in Les Peintures morales," Early Modern French Studies; "L'Utopie dans les oeuvres de Lafayette: Topique utopique?," Actes du 6e Colloque SATOR

LETTS, JANET T. (Wheaton C.). "Windows on History in La Princesse de Clèves" [comparison of the way Lafayette portrays the historical protagonists of the internal narratives with the expectations her first readers could have, based on the historical works available to them].

LAUDE, Patrick (Georgetown). Travail sur Les essais de morale de P. Nicole.

MARCEAU, WILLIAM C. (St. John Fisher C.). The Eucharist in Thédore de Bèze and François de Sales [contrast, in the Reformation doctrine, in a faithful follower of Calvin, with that of a classical disciple of the Council of Trent], Edwin Mellen Scholarly Press (in press); The Influence of Neoplatonism on French Spiritual Writers of the 17th c. Descartes and Revealed Truth.

MALLET, NICOLE (Alberta). Un Volpone pour Nathan (coll. "Balises"); Etude contrastive des traductions françaises de As You Like It aux l9e et 20e siècles.

MOREL, RENEE (Calif. Berkeley). "L'Anneau de Gygès" [variations sur le thème de l'invisibilité dans les Fables et Opuscules Pédagogiques de Fénelon]; "Les Plaisirs de la honte" [var. sur le thème de Lucrèce en peinture et dans la littérature du 17e sc.].

MURATORE, MARY JO. (Missouri Columbia). "Expirer au féminin: Narratives of Female Dissolution" (bk.) [Texts are structured around the presence of a dominant authority eager to establish itself as a prescriptive model, and a secondary challenge to this authority. Dissolution of the heroine necessitated by her refusal to accept the "figurative" role established for her, and her subsequent attempt to establish herself as a viable character. Only two options: die as a repentant symbol, or die in infamy, offstage].

NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina) . Crit. ed., Quinault's Alceste, accompanied by polemical texts by Racine, Charles and Pierre Perrault, with Wm. Brooks and Jeanne Morgan Zarucchi (for Droz); Book on the opera libretti of Philippe Quinault "Slight not the Songsmith"; "It's How you play the Game: the Roll of the Plot in the Tragédie Lyrique: The Tragédie Lyrique of Lully and Quinault: Representation and Recognition of Emotion," Continuum V; "'Le théâtre est un grand monument': l'évocation du passé et des passions dans l'Alceste de Quinault," Actes du Colloque du CIR17, Keil; "L'écriture musicale dans les comédies ballets de Molière," Littératures classiques, 1994.

PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL (U. of South Florida) . "Poetic Composition as Voyage: Jean de La Ceppède's Théorèmes"; "Jean Calvin à Strasbourg, des bienfaits mutuels: le témoignage des lettres," presented at Strasbourg [now being edited]; Bk., transl. with critical intro., and notes, of Calvin's Avertissement contre l'astrologie judiciaire; "Les Lieux de l'écriture comme lieux de mémoire'," for CMR17 in Kiel; The Madeleine of Henri d'Angoulême. The Madeleine of Angers (Anonyme. Les Sacrés Parfums, 1545). Contr. Ed., French 17.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern) . "Maynard et la mort d'un enfant" Actes de Lexington 1993/94; "Bibliography of Theses on 17th c. Literature 1993," PFSCL; "Un exemplaire des Oeuvres de Maynard dédicacé ultima verba?;" François Maynard: Twenty Years of the Cahiers"; "Marie de Médicis and Rubens" [based on the latter's correspondence]; Saint Amant in England [various aspects]; "American Doctoral Studies in 17th c. French Literature 1972 93" (bk.) . "De nouvelles anomalies dans le recueil de 1646," for CM, v.18; Contr. Ed., French 17.

ROMANOWSKI, SYLVIE (Northwestern). "Molière's Le Misanthrope: a critique and reluctant defense of courtly life," Contemporary Theatre Review (special issue on Molière); "'I, leave this house?' Language and space in Tartuffe," MLA Approaches to Teaching series; "Sacrifice and Truth in Racine's Iphigénie." Homage to Paul Bénichou, Summa Publications. Co ed., with Monique Bilezakian.

SAFTY, ESSAM (St. Thomas U., Canada). Essai sur la mort chez les grands tragiques de l'Antiquité.

SAGE, MICHEL H. (Calif. Berkeley). "Le Paradigme pictural dans la définition de la représentation théâtrale au XVIIe siècle. Théâtre et peinture à l'époque classique" [After Aristotle's theory of imitation leads to formal identification of painting and drama in 17th c., the specular (perspective, focal point, framing) and the spectacular (decor and stagecraft) combine and call for a new reading of the stage. Study examines how perspective and spatial composition function in Racine and Corneille: costruzzione legittima and the idea of tragic space, the inscription and retention of the tragic character in that space, visual aesthetics, etc.].

SLATER, MAYA (Queen Mary & Westfield C., U. of London) . "The Craft of Magic in the Fables of La Fontaine" [study of the hidden mechanisms with which the poet creates the illusion of magic. Style is analyzed from this angle, with particular emphasis on versificaton, register, word play, and imagery. Further focus is on portrayal of human characters, talking and reasoning animals, and inanimates. The settings and narrative are examined; then finally the role of the narrator.

SOARE, ANTOINE (Alberta). "Les Inquiétudes cornéliennes de Tristan, forthcominq in Biblio 17.

STEFANOVSKA, MALINA (Calif. Los Angeles). "Strolling through the Galleries, Hiding in a Cabinet: Clio at Versailles." [Relationship between historical memoirs and historiography in the 17th c.], for The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation; "Saint Simon moraliste" [his views as they relate to his philosophy; his irony], for Dalhousie French Studies; "Le portrait et la cérémonie," book length study of Saint Simon.

SUOZZO, ANDREW G., Jr. (De Paul). "In Search of the "vrai" [on Lannel and Mareschal]; Alteratives [Festschrift in honor of Jean V. Alter, FrF]; Bk., "The Search for Narrative Truth: Theory and Practice of the French 17th c. Comic Novel"; Art., "Tristan L'Hermite's Le Page disgracié or the Ambiguity of Genres."

SWEETSER, MARIE ODILE (Illinois Chicago). "A la recherche d'une poétique lafontainienne dans le premier recueil des Fables " Actes de London, Canada, éd. L.M. Heller, 1993/94; "Les Epitres dédicatoires des Fables ou La Fontaine et l'art de plaire," Littératures classiques, éd. J. P. Chauveau, 1993; "Visions du matin dans la poésie du XVIIe siècle," CAIEF; "Amour et renoncement: renouvellement de l'art cornélien dans la dernière période," Hommage à Georges Couton, eds M. Bertaud & A. Niderst, 1993/94; "Madame de Lafayette romancière: aspects de la Société et des mentalités de son temps," CAIEF '94; "Stratégies d'éducation princière dans le livre XII des Fables," Mélanges Jürgen Grimm,"94/95; "La modernité de La Fontaine," La Fontaine: A Collection of Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Birberick, '95; "Refus de la culpabilité et autonomie féminine dans la tragédie classique," Travaux de littérature, '95.

TOBIN, RONALD W. (Calif. Santa Barbara). Editor, special issue of DSS on American approaches to 17th c. French Literature; "Le sparagmos d'Hippolyte et la fin de la tragédie profane de Racine," for above vol; Article for MLA vol. on Approaches to Teaching Molière: "Authority, Language, and Censorship;" Project on "Le corps et les bienséances à l'âge classique." Reviews: to appear in FS, FrF, PFSCL, FR. Organizer, 1994 Joint Meeting,in Santa Barbara, of NASSCFL and CMR17.

VAILLANCOURT, DANIEL (Western Ontario). Bk., "La représentation de l'Indien écolier dans les écrits de la Nouvelle France" [Etude des Relations des Jesuites (1626 72) et la Correspondance de Marie de l'Incarnation (1639 72). Au moyen de l'analyse de discours, reconstituer la figure de l'Indien telle qu'on l'y retrouve. L'Indien, avant d'être un objet ethnodiscursive est une topique qui deviendra une figure littéraire]; "En lisant les écrits des religieuses" [Traite les problèmes discursifs dans un corpus comparatif de l'autobiographie de Jeanne des Anges (1642) de la relation spirituelle de Marie de l'Incarnation (1654) et celle de Marguerite Marie Alacoque (1685). Leurs paramètres sont l'écriture autobiographique, la mystique comme pratique discursive, l'énonciation du discours amoureux et la représentation de l'altérité divine].

VANCE, SYLVIA (Otterbein C.). "The Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz" (Bk.); MS. now in "final" revision process.

VAN DELFT, LOUIS (Paris X). Littérature et anthropologie: nature humaine et "caractère" à l'âge classique, Paris, PUF (bk.).

VEDVIK, J. D. (Colorado State). Editor, French 17. An Annual Descriptive Bibliography of French 17th Century Studies [c/o Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures, 16 Eddy Bldg., CSU, Fort Collins, CO 80523].

VERDIER, GABRIELLE (NYU). Articles: "Figures de la conteuse dans les contes de fées féminins," DSS (Oct. 1993); "From Dragons to Dragonflies: A Taxonomy of Creatures in the Literary Fairy Tale," CdSS (1993); "Féerie et utopie dans les contes de fées féminins," Actes de Winnipeg, 6e Colloque International SATOR. Contributions to books: "Réécriture et transvalorisation dans les nouvelles de Sorel," in Mélanges Bénichou; "From Reform to Revolution: The Social Character of Olympe de Gouges," in Literate Women and the French Revolution of 1789, Paragon Press.

WILLIAMS, CHARLES G. S (Ohio State). "Pen and Sword": Aristocratic Men's Writing, 1602 1666; the collected poems of Mme de La Suze; Mme de Motteville, friendship and death." Contr. Ed., French 17.

ZARUCCHI, JEANNE MORGAN (Missouri St. Louis). "Ludovicus Heroicus: The Visual and Verbal Iconography of the Medal," EMF: Studies in Early Modern France (in press). Bk.; "Reading the Royal Image: The Medals of Louis XIV;" Crit. ed., "La Querelle d'Alceste: Textes de Quinault, Perrault, Racine," with W.S. Brooks and B. Norman; Contrib. Ed., French 17.

William Roberts

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