French 17 FRENCH 17

2005 Number 53


ADAMS, ALISON. Webs of Allusion: French Protestant Emblem Books of the Sixteenth Century. Geneva: Droz, 2003.

Review: S. Pickford in MLR 100.3 (2005), 811: "While focusing on the original French or Latin version of each work, Adams also explores sixteenth- and seventeenth-century translations. These inform our interpretation of the original through their faithfulness or otherwise to the principal text, as well as through the stylistic and linguistic techniques employed by the translator. As a result, new light is shed on the reception and comprehension of emblematic works at different periods in history."

ADAMS, ALISON, STEPHEN RAWLES & ALISON SAUNDERS. A Bibliography of French Emblem Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Vol. II: L-Z. Geneva: Droz, 2002.

Review: J. Britnell in MLR 100.3 (2005), 810–11: Essential reference tool with "an admirable series of indexes: a consolidated index of names and titles, followed by one of principal authors and titles, and then more specialized indexes of editors, commentators, translators, and other supplementary authors; artists, dedicatees, printers/publishers; places of publication; dates of publication."

ARBOUR, ROMEO. Dictionnaire des femmes libraries en France (1470–1870). Genève: Droz, 2003.

Review: Mentioned in Choice 42.4 (2004), 609 as a "significant European scholarly title" for 2003. Arbour's biographical dictionary lists women in the book trade. They are indexed first alphabetically, then by century.
Review : E. Berriot-Salvadore in BHR 66.3 (2004), 703–05: "Tout est construit pour faciliter l'utilisation de ce dictionnaire, conçu non comme une somme définitive mais comme un stimulant outil de découverte."

BADIOU-MONFERRAN. "Négation et coordination en français classique: le morphème ni dans tous ses états." LF 143 (2004), 69–92.

Shows that in classical French, "ni" functions primarily as an "argumentative connector," a use different from both medieval and modern French.

BARBOUR, REID. "Recent Studies in Seventeenth-Century Literary Republicanism." ELR 34 (2004): 387–417.

Barbour's bibliographical essay reviews general studies (biographical and critical) on the topic as well as studies of individual writers. Although the focus is English, 17th c. French scholars will find much of interest as pertains to rhetoric and the theatre, rhetoric and law, politics and fables, pastoral and ideology, and the politics of reading itself.

BEAUDOIN, VALERIE. Mètre et rythmes du vers classique: Corneille et Racine. Paris: Champion, 2002.

Review: M.-Fr. Hilgar in FR 78.3 (2005): 573–74. This massive tome undertakes stylistic analysis of a still more massive corpus—some 80,000 lines of poetry from Corneille and Racine. Beaudoin examines these authors' works with tools from computational linguistics, in particular, a device called a "métromètre" (574) which performs phonetic transcription and analysis. The result? Beaudoin notes the appearance of patterns such as greater rhythmic variety in verses which thematize love as compared to lines which thematize death. Her book also includes a history of the alexandrine and 150-page list of the rhymes which appear in the two authors' works.

BENSELER, DAVID P. & SUZANNE S. MOORE "Doctoral Degrees Granted in Foreign Languages in the United States: 2004." MLJ 88, no.3 (winter 2004), 433–446. French section, 438–439.

Cites dissertations (and directors) first by discipline, then by institution, then by author, with all periods intermixed. These comprehensive listings began in 1926.

BERLAN, FRANçOISE. "Les verbes substituts lexicaux de la négation dans le théâtre classique. Le corpus racinien." LF 143 (2004), 93–110.

Analyses the use of verbs of negative meaning as opposed to negative adverbs, particularly in "constrained" forms such as the alexandrine.

BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANÇAISE (XVIe-XXe siècle). Eric Ferey & Sylvain Fort, eds. Paris: PUF, for the Société d'histoire de la littérature de la France. "Année 2001" issued as RHL "Hors série" vol.103. 17th c. section, p.316–330.

Alphabetical author and subject indices; title index by period, pp.561–700. Formerly also as no.3 of RHL (separate pagination). Now issued apart from journal, and with single pagination only. Continues the well-known "Rancoeur Bibliography."

BREDNICH, ROLF WILHELM, et al., eds. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung. Vol. 10. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2000–2002.

Review: A. Gier in Archiv 241 (2004): 388–93: This tenth volume continues the important series founded by Kurt Ranke with the support of the scholarly academy of Göttingen. This volume completes entries of "N." all the "Os" and almost all the "Ps". The "P" articles are particularly important ("preach," "princess," for example). Highly detailed review lists many useful entries; 17th c. scholars will appreciate studies on metamorphoses, Perrault, Dom Juan, to mention only a few.

CARON, PHILIPPE, ed. Les Remarqueurs: sur la langue française du XVIe siècle à nos jours. Rennes: PU de Rennes, 2004.

Review: n.a. in BCLF 669 (2005), 28–29: 《 L'objet du présent volume. . . qui rassemble vingt-quatre contributions, est de faire le point sur cette activité métalinguistique qui a joué un rôle considérable dans le façonnement de l'idiome national, en marge des autres ouvrages sur la langue. 》 Contributions sur Vaugelas, Bussy-Rabutin, le père Bouhours, Racine, et Poulain de la Barre.

CHARTIER, ROGER. Inscrire et effacer. Culture écrite et littérature (XIe-XVIIIe siècles). Paris: Hautes Etudes/Gallimard/Seuil, 2005.

Review : J.-M. Goulemot in QL 902 (du 16 au 30 juin 2005), 8: Le critique détaille le contenu de Inscrire et effacer 《  plus qu'il est habituel de le faire. . . pour rendre lisible la richesse du questionnement, l'ampleur des références contenues dans cet essai de Roger Chartier. Aux historiens des formes littéraires et de la réception des œuvres, aux hispanistes attentifs en cette année dédiée à Cervantès, aux historiens des Lumières et de leur complexité, ce livre a beaucoup à apprendre. Comme le disait Diderot, 《 la table est bien garnie 》. Souhaitons qu'oubliant les diètes des disciplinaires, ils retrouvent l'appétit de savoir. 》 Le critique s'avère néanmoins perplexe devant quelques-uns des analyses de Chartier.


Titles of biennial printed volumes vary; last cited paper volume was no.24 (1997–1998).

CURRENT RESEARCH IN FRENCH STUDIES AT UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND. Published by Society for French Studies (; Internet version by Intexta Web Services. Editor: David Jones (

On home page, click on 《 17th Century 》 section. Other addresses: or Web (17th c. directly):

DANE, JOSEPH A. The Myth of Print Culture: Essays on Evidence, Textuality, and Bibliographical Method. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2003.

Review: M.W. Driver in Ren Q 57 (2004): 1447–48: Wide-ranging, Dane treats the inadequacies of bibliography, incunables, press, variation, editing problems, methodologies, and bibliographic myths. Highly informative but antagonistic toward numerous scholars.

DEMAIZIÈRE, COLETTE, ed. Pierre de La Ramée. Grammaire (1572). Textes de la Renaissance, 40. Paris: Champion, 2001.

Review: V. Mecking in Archiv 240 (2003): 439–43: This new edition of Pierre de La Ramée's second, expanded and reworked Grammaire is welcome, not only for its contribution to linguistics but also to pedagogy as dialogue between teacher and student (or disciple). Preface of some 15 pages treats La Ramée's life, work and reception. Mecking would have appreciated a fuller commentary on the text itself and fuller critical apparatus, such as a glossary. Review contains considerable attention to other useful linguistics matters, including references to 17th c. dictionaries and grammars (Cotgrave, Richelet, Furetière).

EICK, DAVID MICHAEL. "Defining the Old Regime: Dictionary Wars in Pre-Revolutionary France." DAI 65/04 (2005), 1389.

Study "narrates and analyzes a series of polemics surrounding French lexicography in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries." Argues that "lexicographers came to view their products as playing key roles in linguistic, religious and political conflict."

EICK, DAVID MICHAEL. "Redefining the Culture Wars: Furetière and the Académie française." CdDS 9.1 (2004): 91–104.

Proposes that the quarrel between Furetière and the Académie Française over the right to publish a dictionary modifies somewhat Joan DeJean's arguments (Ancients and Moderns) regarding the democratic impulses of the Moderns.

FOURNIER, NATHALIE. "Approches théoriques, valeur en langue et emplois du ne dit 'explétif' en français classique." LF 143 (2004), 48–68.

Explores the theoretical analyses of expletive "ne" contrasted with negative "ne," followed by a demonstration that in classical French, expletive "ne" has more limited, specific uses than in modern French.

GREFFE, FLORENCE & JOSE LOTHE. La vie, les livres et les lectures de Pierre de l'Estoile. Nouvelles recherches. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2004.

Review: M. Houllemare in DSS 227 (2005), 369–370: This is an invaluable resource listing the entire inventory of "le célèbre auteur parisien d'un journal couvrant les années 1574–1610. Ses écrits, souvent utilisés, sont révélateurs de la grande curiosité de ce collectionneur de pamphlets, en contact avec Jacques-Auguste de Thou et les frères Dupuy." In addition to providing a very comprehensive biography of l'Estoile, "cette monographie constitue enfin un outil de travail fort précieux pour l'histoire du livre aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, grâce au très complet catalogue classé des 2 632 titres, qui comporte l'identification des volumes et les commentaires éventuels de l'Estoile, ainsi qu'un index, accompagné de la liste des libraires-imprimeurs mentionnés."

GUILLO, LAURENT. Pierre Ier Ballard et Robert III Ballard. Imprimeurs du roy pour la musique (1599–1673). Spirmont-Versailles: Pierre Mardaga et Centre de musique Baroque de Versailles, 2003.

Review: G. Durosoir in DSS 226 (2005), 176–180: This extensive, two-volume work "propose tout ce que l'on est en droit d'attendre d'un catalogue; c'est là sa moindre qualité. Il offre en outre, dans la très belle présentation éditoriale due à Pierre Mardaga en co-édition avec le Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, une vaste étude musicologique fondée sur une rare érudition." "La bibliographie des Editions de Pierre Ier et Robert III Ballard [...] constitue un événement dont on mettra du temps à mesurer la portée. En effet, son apport ne concerne pas que la musicologie, on l'a compris. L'histoire du livre, l'histoire de l'entreprise familiale dans la France moderne, l'histoire de l'imprimerie musicale s'en trouvent enrichies."

HAUSMANN, FRANZ JOSEPH. "Le Langage littéraire dans la première moitié du 17e siècle" in La poésie française du premier 17e siècle, eds. D. L. Rubin & R. Corum, Charlottesville, VA: Rookwood Press, 2004, pp.23–41.

Article aims to "persuader le lecteur qu'il ne pourra se passer d'outils lexicographiques et grammaticaux pour saisir, sinon parfaitement, du moins autant que faire se peut la valeur contemporaine des textes," with particular attention paid to the evolution of language between the middle of the 16th century and the end of the 17th century.

HUMMEL, PASCALE. "La Langue en son miroir, ou le paradoxe de la doxa." Archiv 241 (2004): 90–109.

Clear and useful review of various concepts and methods of the history of the French language. Hummel reminds us that the 19th c. did not invent "l'histoire" since "historia en grec dénot[ait] l'《 enquête 》 et non la 《 connaissance 》" (90). 17th c. scholars will appreciate Hummel's attention to Pierre Bayle's characterization of the French language as "transcendentelle" (93), le Père D. Bouhours and F. Charpentier (102–102).

KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. Astrid Klapp-Lehrman. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 2004. Vol. 41 "2003." Begun in 1956; 17th c. section, pp. 314–386.

LE MARCHAND, BERENICE VIRGINIE. "Reframing the Early French Fairy Tale: A Selected Bibliography." M&T 19.1 (2005), 86–122.

Lists printed primary and secondary sources of journal articles, books, dissertations, and conference proceedings related to French fairy tales. Does not include book reviews or electronic materials, nor does it cover material beyond its stated focus, the early French fairy tale. "Conceived as an aid to research and teaching, the select list of scholarship includes sources published primarily in French and English, complemented by additional items in German and Italian." (Abstract) Intended for students and researchers.

LORIOT-RAYMER, GISELE, ed. "Dissertations in Progress," FR 78.2 (2004), 424–35. 17th c. entries, p.428 (in progress), p.433 (defended).

Is the 40th annual listing of French and Francophone titles: cross-referenced; intended as a supplement to previous editions.

MARTIN, HENRI-JEAN. La Naissance du livre. Paris: Editions du Cercle de la Librairie, 2000.

Review: O. Ranum at An "important book," "magnificently illustrated." In exploring questions such as, "What prompted change in lettering and in other images? Who was the intended and "real" reader? Martin explores all these issues and many more, with an open mind and a sense of joy at discovery that he conveys to his readers." Chapters V & VI of particular interest to dix-septiémistes: "V. La normalisation de la prose (XVe-XVIIe siècles)" and "VI. Entre imagination et raison: mises en texte baroques et classiques."

MARTINEAU, FRANCE & VIVIANE DEPREZ. "Pas rien/Pas aucun en français classique: variation dialectale et historique." LF 143 (2004), 22–47.

Examines the relation between "ne. . . pas rien" and "ne. . . pas aucun" in 17th and 18th century standard and vernacular French.

McKITTERICK, DAVID. Print, Manuscript and the Search for Order, 1450–1830. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Review: E. Eisenstein in Ren Q 57 (2004): 1446–47: Chronologically organized, McKitterick's study "deplores the separation of manuscripts from printed materials in library catalogues and bibliographies" (1446) and avers that "it is misleading to speak of any transition from manuscript to print as if it were a finite process. . . or indeed that the process was all in one direction" (McKitterick 47). McKitterick contrasts disorderly procedures in print shops with "idealized versions given in manuals" (1447).

MERLIN-KAJMAN, HELENE. "Sens contraire, ironie et négation dans le Dictionnaire universel de Furetière." LF 143 (2004), 111–126.

Compares and contrasts two forms of negation in Furetière's dictionary, one which causes the object or interlocutor to become invisible while the other allows each party to retain their distinct identity.

MULLER, CLAUDE. "Sur quelques emplois particuliers de "pas" et "point" à l'aube du français classique." LF 143 (2004), 19–32.

Explains that while "pas" and "point" came to have their modern meanings and usage as early as the 17th century, older variants continued to survive in certain dialects and popular usages.

NEVEU, VALERIE. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. XVII, Haute-Normandie. Genève: Droz, 2005.

Review : BCLF 671 (2005), 40–41: Ce volume 《 recense six cent treize éditions en six cent quatre-vingt-quatorze exemplaires, dont quelques éditions rouennaises non datées, incunables ou post-incunables. . . Ils proviennent des restes des confiscations révolutionnaires dans les abbayes de la région, puis d'acquisitions et de dons postérieurs. 》

PCI FULL TEXT (Periodicals Contents Index).

In collaboration with ARTFL, provides complete text of many important journals. Access; For non-subscribers, access may require going through Library "electronic resources." See YEAR'S WORK (infra).

RIEGER, DIETMAR. Imaginäre Bibliotheken. Bücherwelten in der Literatur. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2002.

Review: P. Goetsch in Archiv 241 (2004): 380–82: Praised for its impressive contribution on this specialized area of research and for its important stimulation for further studies on the library in other literatures. Wider-ranging from an early chapter on the sacred library in the French Middle ages to later chapters on 19th and 20th c. Specialists on the 17th c. will appreciate the sections on utopian libraries and another on canon building.

ROBERT, RAYMONDE. Le conte de fées littéraire en France de la fin du XVIIe à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Champion, 2002.

Review: P. Clancy in FS 58.1 (2004): 104–105. This is a very positive review of Robert's work, which is a re-edition of a 1982 volume. Robert's Bibliography and Indexes of Authors are vital tools and the author's overall contributions to the field are praised. This work is "an essential reference for anyone working on the literary fairy-tale."

ROBERTS, WILLIAM, ed. "Bibliography of North American Theses on Seventeenth-Century French Liteature and Background (2003–2004)." PFSCL XXXII, 62 (2005), 316–331.

Listing of this two-year North American output contains 11 new titles in progress and 140 newly completed doctorates, including 40 Spanish 17th c. subjects. Also cites 18 Master's theses. Supplements previous editions.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM, ed. "Research in Progress." French 17, bibliography, no. 52 (2004), pp.217–227.

SAMPSON, RODNEY & WENDY AYRES-BENNETT, eds. Interpreting the History of French. A Festschrift for Peter Rickard on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday. New York: Rodopi, 2002.

Review: A. Giaufret in S Fr 142 (2004): 233–34: This volume of Mélanges is organized in three parts: textual interpretation, interpretation of forms and structures and interpretation of the sociolinguistic and the metalinguistic. 17th c. specialists will find several essays of interest-on grammar in school textbooks, popular French in writings, language policy, and the preclassical "chronolecte."

SIOUFFI, GILLES. "Entre terme et proposition: Les deux logiques de la Logique de Port-Royal." RevR 40.1 (2005): 5–22.

L'auteur signale l'importance réservée au jugement et la prééminence du point de vue par rapport aux catégories grammaticales (le nom, le verbe, et le pronom) abordées dans la Logique de Port-Royal.

TRETHEWAY, JOHN. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2005.

Vol. 65 《 2002 》 [Hardbound vol.]. 《 French Studies: The Seventeenth Century, 》 pp.111–161.

Brief summaries combined at times with short commentaries of books and articles on 17th c. period. Works divided into five categories: General, Poetry, Drama, Prose and Thought. Begun in 1929.

VAN DAMME, STEPHANE. "De l'écrit aux pratiques de l'agrégation. Remarques sur la circulation culturelle des savoirs historiques au temps de Racine historiographe" in Marie-Claude Canova-Green & Alain Viala, eds. Racine et l'Histoire. Biblio 17 Number 155, Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2004. 183–204.

The author surveys printing's effect on the circulation of history, the new literary and institutional forms of history, and the proliferation of polemics about the use of historical knowledge and the relationship between history and literature in order to capture the importance of the late seventeenth century as a turning point in historiography.

YEAR'S WORK IN MODERN LANGUAGE STUDIES. Online full text coverage for 1929–1994, available on Internet from PCI (Periodicals Full Text). Ann Arbor, MI: Bell & Howell, c2001-.

Subscriber access: Select Browse, and double click 《 Literature, 》 then scroll down to YWMLS, and click on vol. no., up to 56 (1994), for Table of Contents. A wider Author Search and e-mail recovery available. Some patience advised.

YOSHIDA-TAKEDA, TOMIKO ET CLAUDINE LEBRUN-JOUVE, tr. & ed. Inventaire dressé après le décès en 1661 du cardinal Mazarin. Paris: Diffusion de Boccard, 2004.

Review: M.-C. Souleyreau in DSS 228 (2005), 573–574: This inventory has been reproduced here in minute detail and provides an accessible and invaluable historical document.

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