French 17 FRENCH 17

2003 Number 51


AATF. Future conventions: 2004 Atlanta (July 19–23) [Jointly with the International Federation of French Teachers/FIPF]; 2005 (July 7–10) Quebec City; 2006 (Milwaukee); 2007 (Baton Rouge); 2008 (Belgium). Contact Jayne Abrate, Executive Director (Southern Illinois U.) Tel. 618.453.5731 <>,

ALBANESE, RALPH (U. Memphis). Bk., La Fontaine à l'école républicaine: du poète universel au classique scolaire (illustrations). Charlottesville, VA: Rookwood Press, 2003. "Addresses not only La Fontaine's institutionalization within the 19th c. educational system, but also the social as well as cultural implications of his decanonization in contemporary France."

ANDERSON, KATHLEEN M. (Penn State). Working on dissertation "A Baroque Banquet: Representations of Meals in France, 1571–1651" (Directors J.-C. Vuillemin, CNRS-associate member , & W.Z. Silverman).

ARTAMENE (Scudéry). Project by research team at U. Neuchâtel, to "redonner une chance" au Grand Cyrus, the longest French novel. Online text in collaboration with ARTFL, documentation, iconography. Subsidized by Swiss FNRS. Web: <> Contact also V. Schröder <volkers@PRINCETON.EDU>.


BEASLEY, FAITH (Dartmouth). President, NASSCFL 03. <>

BIRBERICK, ANNE L. (Northern Illinois ). See EMF: Studies in Early Modern France. <>.

BOURASSA, ANDRE G. Ed., with Patrick O'Neill, of Le Misanthrope as translated and staged by Paul Mascarène at Port-Royal , for the "Nuit des Rois 1744" (Julian Calendar). On facing pages re-edition of original Amsterdam text from 1741. No word variants. Bourassa studies role of punctuation and intonation in live readings.

BURCHELL, EILEEN (Marymount C.). Contrib.Ed., French 17.

BURY, EMMANUEL (U. Versailles-St.Quentin-en-Yvelines). Directeur, DSS. See SEMINAIRE 2003–2004 "Pour une Histoire de la philologie" Thursdays, 2–4 p.m., at ENS, 45 rue d'Ulm, <>.

CAHIERS DU DIX-SEPTIEME (C 17). CdDS Journal accessible exclusively on-line in HTML format, beginning with vol. VIII,1. Contact Francis Assaf 706.542.3164 / write <>.

CARLIN, CLAIRE (Victoria). Recent: Ed., with Kathleen Wine. Theatrum mundi: Mélanges offerts à Ronald W. Tobin,. Charlottesville, VA: Rookwood Press, 2003. Arts: "La nuit du couple: la dissolution du mariage dans l'imaginaire des XVle et XVlle siècles," in Penser La Nuit (Xve-XVIIe siècle), ed. Dominique Bertrand. Paris: Champion, 2003, pp.505–23. "Préciosité et théologie: l'amour conjugal dans Clélie et dans quelques traités catholiques sur le mariage," in Madeleine de Scudéry: une femme de lettres au XVIIe siècle, Actes du colloque international de Paris (28–30 juin 2001), éds. D. Denis et A.-E. Spica, UP Artois, 2002, pp.141–53. "The Staging of Impotence: France's Last congrès" in Theatrum mundi: Mélanges offerts à Ronald W. Tobin, Charlottesville, VA. Rookwood Press, 2003, pp. 102–112. "Le Miroir du mariage: La métaphore dans quelques traités catholiques du XVIIe siècle", in La Spiritualité / L'épistolaire / Le Merveilleux, eds. D. Wetsel and F. Canovas. Biblio 17, vol. 145. Tübingen, G. Narr, 2003, pp. 95–109. "Misogamie et misogynie dans les complaintes des mal mariés au XVIIe siècle," in La Femme au XVIIe siècle, ed. Richard G. Hodgson. Biblio 17, 138. Tübingen:G. Narr, 2002, pp. 365–78. "Les Soeurs Mancini en Méditerranée," in Les Méditerranées du XVIIe siècle, ed. Giovanni Dotoli. Biblio 17, 137. Tübingen, G. Narr, 2002, pp. 321–35. "Transforming the Myth of Marriage in Early Modern France," in Attending to Early Modern Women: Gender, Culture and Change. UP Delaware, 2002, pp. 105–07.

CARR, THOMAS M., JR. (Nebraska). Art., "Les Abbesses et la parole au dix-septième siècle: les discours monastiques à la lumière des interdictions pauliennes," in Rhetorica, 21 (Winter 2003), 1–23. In Progress: Writing and speeches by nuns. Ed. EMF vol. 11: Early Modern Convent Voices: The World and the Cloister. (See EMF infra).

CENTRE D'ETUDES DU ROMAN ET DU ROMANESQUE, Colloque: "Sottise et ineptie, de la Renaissance aux Lumières. Discours du savoir et représentions romanesques," March 2004, U.P.J.V. Amiens. Proposals to Nicole Jacques-LefËvre, 146 Bd. Magenta, 75010 Paris. <>

CIR 17. Colloque International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe Siècle, Nantes, March 18–20, 2004. Joint colloquium on Literature and History Topic: War and Armies in the 17th C. Organized by Jean Garapon. President Cecilia Rizza, Secretary Pierre Ronzeaud (see infra). Annual Dues, for North America only: $25, payable to BUFORD NORMAN (infra).

CLARKE, JAN (Durham). Secretary, Society for French Studies. <>, <>.

CMR 17 (Colloque de Marseilles). For Mémoires on CD-ROM, see DUCHENE, R. (Website:

CONROY, DERVAL (Trinity C. Dublin; <>. Recent: "In the Beginning was the Image: Feminist Iconography and the Frontispiece in the 1640s", Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 23 (2001), 27–42; "Mapping gender transgressions? Representations of the warrior woman in seventeenth-century tragedy (1642–1660)" in La Femme au XVIIe, coll. Biblio 17 (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2002), 243–254. "The cultural politics of disguise: female cross-dressing in tragi-comedy (1630–1642)", Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 24 (2002), 133–147. Forthcoming: "La mise en scène d'un pouvoir illusoire: les quatre livres d'entrées de Marie de Médicis en exil', Les Arts du spectacle, Vol. 3, eds Louise Frappier et Marie-France Wagner (Paris: Champion, forthcoming). In progress: Bk. "Ruling Women: Gender, Government and Sovereignty in Seventeenth-Century France". Bk on Text and image in the C17 gallery book and royal entry book. Contrib. ed. French 17.

CORNEILLE (MOUVEMENT). CENTRE INTERNATIONAL PIERRE CORNEILLE, organized in 1982. Colloques. Hôtel des Sociétés Savantes, 190 rue Beauvoisine, 7600 Rouen. Présidente, Myriam Maître (U.Rouen), <>.

DANDREY, PATRICK. Directeur, Le Fablier. See SEMINAIRE 2003–2004 "Ecrire, décrire."

DAUGE-ROTH, KATHERINE (Bowdoin C.). Project tentatively entitled "Signing the Body in Early Modern France" (the body as a literally inscribed object). The marking or writing on the body across a wide range of discourses, in an attempt to assemble and think through the theories that inform its textualization during the (long) period from the mid 16th- mid 18th centuries. Also, ways in which inscribing/ imprinting the body is construed in terms of both writing and printing; primary texts and scholarly work on birthmarks, devil's marks, stigmata, the brand and the tattoo. Most sources are from medicine, theology, demonology, and jurisprudence, and I am eager to examine a greater number of literary works that make reference to or exploit the idea of a corporeal mark; any suggestions welcome @ e-mail, <>. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

DENNIS-BAY, LAURA (Cumberland C.). Forthcoming: Article on teaching literary adaptations in French cinema accepted for publication in Women in French. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

DUCHENE, ROGER (U. de Provence). See WEB 17.

DUTCH PHILOSOPHERS (DICTIONARY OF 17th-18th C.) . Publ. 10/30/03 by Thoemmes Press. 400+ entries on many figures representing the golden age of the Dutch republic. <Thoemmes>.

EMF 10: Studies in Early Modern France. Eds. Russell Ganim and Anne L. Biberick. "Modern and Contemporary Perspectives on the Early Modern": How do modernity and post-modernity interpret early modernity? This volume examines the ways in which the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries view life and letters in Early Modern France. Areas of research may include literature, philosophy, music, art history, religion, cinema, and other media. Possible topics: Reconstruction and Deconstruction of the new "Ancient" by the new "Modern." Literary depictions of the early modern in the 19th and 20th centuries; cinematic representations of the early modern; artistic reaction to the Renaissance and the Grand Siècle in post-revolutionary painting, and sculpture. Articles due January 1, 2004. Contact Eds.: <> or <>. For more information on EMF, visit

EMF 11: Early Modern Convent Voices: The World and the Cloister. Ed., Thomas M. Carr. Projected for 2005. See website above for details.

ESTHER (Racine). Esther, Tragédie de Jean Racine. Intermèdes musicaux de Jean-Baptiste Moreau. Ed. Anne Piéjus. Paris: Société Française de Musicologie, 2003, 160 pp.. Presents oral text in contemporary spelling and complete music; illustr., crit. notes; 15 euros.

GETHNER, PERRY J. (Oklahoma SU). Crit. eds., Rotrou's La Pèlerine amoureuse, Mairet's Chryséide et Arimand, and Voltaire's Irène. Arts. on Villedieu's plays and on the role of minor characters in Quinault's libretti. Recent: Art., "Carthage et Rome au théâtre: le conflit entre générosité et machiavélisme," in Actes de Tunis (2003) concerning tragedies showing the enmity between Carthage and Rome. Treasurer, NASSCFL. Dues $20 to PJG, Head, Dept.of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Oklahoma State U., Stillwater, OK 74074 <>.

HARRISON, HELEN (Morgan SU). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

HENEIN, EGLAL (Tufts). See SATOR. <>.

ISPAFA (International Society of Phenomenology, Aesthetics and the Fine Arts). 9th Annual Conference, May 14–15, 2004, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. Topic: "Human Creation between Reality and Illusion" (art, dance, digital art, film, light, music, theatre). Abstracts due Jan. 1, '04; full papers Mar 1. Registration $125. Webpage: <http://www.phenomen.> Contact Patricia Trutty-Coohill, Dept. of Creative Arts, Siena C., 515 Loudon Rd., Loudonville, NY 12211–1462. <> vox 518.783.2912.

JONES, DAVID H. Editor, Current the U.K. (online version): 17th C. section. See Part I: CURRENT. <>.

KOCH, EREC (Tulane). Publications: Ed., Classical Unities: Place, Time, Action. Actes du 32e congrès annuel de la NASSCFL, Tulane U., Avril 13–15, 2000. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag/ Biblio 17, 2002. Arts., "Nicole, Pierre," in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Seventeenth-Century French Writers. Ed. Françoise Jaouën. Vol. 268. Columbia, SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman., pp. 264–71. "Pascal, Blaise." ibid., pp. 272–89. "Individuum: the Specular Self in Nicole's De la Connoissance de soi-même.," in New Trends in Port Royal Studies: Actes du 33e congrès annuel de la NASSCFL, Arizona SU, Tempe, May 2001. Ed. David Wetsel and Frédéric Canovas. Vol 1. Tübingen: G. Narr, 2002, pp. 259–268.

KUIZENGA, DONNA (Vermont). Appearing: "La Généricité dans les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière." In Féminités et masculinités dans le texte narratif, eds.Suzan van Dijk and Madeleine van Strien, Louvain: Editions Peeters, pp.43–54. "Writing in Drag: Strategic Rewriting in the Early Epistolary Novel," Early Modern France 8 (2002), pp. 149–72. "Ecriture à la mode/modes de réécriture: Les Femmes illustres de Madeleine et Georges de Scudéry," La Femme au XVIIe siècle, ed.Richard Hodgson, Biblio 17, 138. Tübingen: G. Narr, 2002, pp.151–63. "Madame de Villedieu," Dictionary of Literary Biography. Seventeenth-Century French Writers, vol. 268. Ed. Françoise Jaouën. Detroit: Gale Group, 2002, pp.383–90. In Press: "Madame de Villedieu Englished: les traductions en anglais de Villedieu au XVIIe siècle." To appear: collection of articles on Villedieu, ed. Edwige Keller, PU Lyons. "Traductions et trahisons: le sort de trois romans français en Angleterre." In Femmes et traduction, ed. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, PU Ottawa. "Playing to Win: Villedieu's Henriette-Sylvie de Molière as Actress. ." In Theatrum mundi: Mélanges offerts à Ronald W. Tobin, eds. Claire Carlin and Kathleen Wine, Early Modern France. Charlottesville, VA: Rookwood Press. "Espaces féminins? La topique des lieux dans les Nouvelles afriquaines et les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette- Sylvie de Molière de Mme de Villedieu." In Locus in Fabula, ed.Nathalie Ferrand, Louvain: Editions Peeters. "Une Altérité voilée: images de l'Afrique dans la fiction de Madame de Villedieu." In L'Afrique au XVIIe siècle: Mythes et réalités, ed. Alia Baccar. Tübingen: PFSCL. In Progress: English translation of Les Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Molière de Mme de Villedieu, for "Other Voices in Early Modern Literature," UP Chicago. Book on strategic re-writing by women writers, French and British, of the latter 17th and early 18th centuries.

LA FONTAINE (Colloque). Société des Amis de La Fontaine. Paris, 27–29 May, 2004. President: Patrick Dandrey.

LE FABLIER (Journal of the Société des Amis de Jean de La Fontaine). La Fontaine et l'Héritage de l'Europe Humaniste. Actes du Colloque de l'Institut de France, 15–16 November 2001 (2e partie). Contains articles, documents, bibliography of the poet for the year 2000. Next Colloque in Paris, 27–29 May, 2004. President & Directeur of publications, Patrick Dandrey. SEE Part V: LA FONTAINE (Analyses by Marie-Odile Sweetser).

LEINER, WOLFGANG (U. Washington, U. Tübingen). Prix de rayonnement de la langue et de la littérature françaises, décerné par l'Académie Francaise, 2003. Editor, NASSCFL; Biblio 17; Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature (PFSCL); Œuvres et Critiques, ELF. Past President, CIR 17. Romanisches Seminar, Wilhelmstrasse 50, D-72074, Tübingen, Germany. E-mail: <> or <>. See also CMR 17.

LYONS, JOHN D. (Virginia). Ed., Actes de Charlottesville Meeting, Biblio 17, 2003. President, NASSCFL 2002. Dept. of French, Box 400770, U. Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4770. <>, also <>.

MABER, RICHARD (Durham). Editor, The Seventeenth Century (see infra); Director, Durham 17th C. Biennial Conference. University Library, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RN England. <R.G.>.

MAZOUER, CHARLES (U. Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III). Treasurer, CIR 17. Ed., L'Animal au XVIIe siècle. Tübingen: G. Narr (Biblio 17, 146), 2003, illustr. Summarizes the Actes...du Centre de Recherche sur le XVIIe siècle européen (1600–1700): 1ère journée d'études, 11/01. Double aspect: literary representations; the animal in the arts of Europe. For summary of the articles see Website:

McCLURE, ELLEN (Illinois-Chicago). Presentations: "Restoration, Not Innovation: Louis XIV and the Religious Wars, RSA (Toronto, March 2003); "Lieu Tenant: Diplomacy and Dementia in Racine's Andromaque" (Utrecht); "The End of Absolutism and the Beginning of Professional Diplomacy" at a journée d'études on Anglo-French Treaties 1713–1803 at the Université de Rouen (June 2003); "The Problem of False Kings in Seventeenth-Century French Theater," MMLA (Chicago, November 2003). Articles: "Sovereign Love and Atomism in Racine's Berenice," forthcoming in Philosophy and Literature; "Getting Noticed: Sovereignty, Agency and Legitimacy in Corneille's Don Sanche d'Aragon," in progress. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

MILLER, MICHELLE H. (Michigan-Ann Arbor). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

MOLIERE WEBSITE. Prepared by Gabriel Conesa and Robert Garapon, for widest public on all levels. Contains Announcements of new performances, colloquia and bibliography; illustrated Chronology of life and times (limited); Œuvres with apparatus, from early eds.; multiple-aspect Dictionary with articles, accessible by letter, then word; contemporary Iconography with links alsewhere in the site; Bibliography of c. 5000 items; useful Filmography on life and works, both ciné and TV.

NASSCFL 2004. 36th Annual Conference, Portland State U., Portland, Oregon, 6–8 May 2004. President: Jennifer R. Perlmutter, <> [see infra]. Theme: "Relations/ Relationships." See website for sessions/contact information: (no "www"). Dues: U.S.$20 to Perry Gethner; Canadian $30 to Claire Carlin (supra); Reductions for Students, Retirees, Part-Timers, Untenured]. NASSCFL Teaching Award: contact Erec R. Koch, Office of the Associate Dean, Tulane U., New Orleans, LA 7018-5698 <>.

NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina). Treasurer (US), CIR 17. Répertoire des 17istes $24 ; checks payable to Buford Norman/CIR-17. Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Columbia, SC 29208-0001. <NormanB@GWM.SC.EDU>.

O'HARA, STEPHANIE (Iowa State U.) Recent: Diss., "Tracing Poison: Theater and Society in Seventeenth-Century France" (Duke, 5/03, dir. Michèle Longino).

ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA. Contains figures in History of ideas from ancient to modern times. Recent entries: Elizabeth of Bohemia, Scaliger, and others. Access:

PAIGE, NICHOLAS (Calif.-Berkeley). In preparation: A translation of Lafayette's Zayde; also in preparation: interrelated articles on the "rise of the novel" in France. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

PCI (Periodicals Contents Index). Full text., in collaboration with ARTFL. Includes many important journals. Access ; see YEAR'S WORK (infra).

PERLMUTTER, JENNIFER R. (Portland SU). President, NASSCFL 2004. Dept. of Foreign Langs., Portland, OR 97207. (503) 725–3522 <>.

PROBES, CHRISTINE (U. South Florida). Honors, Awards and Appointments: Elected to the Executive Committee of the MLA Division on 17th Century French Literature (through 2006); re-elected to the Executive Committee of NASSCFL. Recently organized the Florida-France Globalization Symposium, bringing together French experts, academic, business and community leaders, held at USF on 2/25/03; sponsored by a grant from the State of Florida. Publications: Ed., with Buford Norman and David Wetsel, the volume La Femme à l'âge classique: le baroque, musique et littérature. Tübingen, Biblio 17. Arts.: "Feminine Friendship at the End of the Century: Testimony from Madame Palatine's Lettres françaises," SCFS. "La Littérature et l'art au service de la théologie: le voyage terrestre et le voyage spirituel, la poésie de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet mise en rapport avec les emblèmes de Pierre de Loysi," in La Spiritualité, l'Épistolarité, le merveilleux au Grand Siècle, Tübingen, Biblio 17, 145). "Le pouvoir des sens: une exploration des poésies de Mademoiselle de Scudéry," in Madeleine de Scudéry: Une Femme de lettres au XVIIe siècle, UP Artois. Contrib. Ed., French 17. In Press: "Des lectures au sein de la famille royale: la correspondance de Madame Palatine comme révélant des modes féminins de connaissance au XVIIe siècle," for refereed volume ed. by M. Camus, at PU de Franche Comté. Presented and delivered to editor: "Les Sonnets franc-comtois de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet: la représentation du 'premier lecteur' et la persuasion du lecteur idéal", éd. A. Cullière (Metz). "Une exploration de la profusion des sens dans la poésie de Tristan l'Hermite", éd. Jacques Prévost. In Progress: "Rhetorical Strategies for a locus terribilis: Senses, Signs, Symbols and Theological Allusion in Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris," for June 29–July 4, 2003 international Marlowe Conference at Cambridge U, England. "Avez-vous senti Dassoucy? Pour une rhétorique des sens chez 'l'Empereur du Burlesque,'" for international conference organized by Dominique Bertrand, for June 2004 at Clermont-Ferrand. "Translating the Renaissance" for SAMLA, Nov. 2003. Session on "Beaux-Arts et Belles Lettres" for MLA 2003 Convention at San Diego, CA.

REPERTOIRE CHRONOLOGIQUE DES SPECTACLES A PARIS, 1673–1715. Includes information on lyric theatre, Italian comedians, other theater, by Guy Spielmann. To be enriched with other visual documents. <>.

REPERTOIRE INTERNATIONAL DES DIX-SEPTIEMISTES. New ed. projected (24 euros), publ. by CIR-17: send inquiries / informational updates / corrections / e-mail addresses to Treasurer Charles Mazouer, 8 rue de la Chênaie, F-33170, Gradignan, or $24 to North American Treasurer: SEE NORMAN, BUFORD (supra). Edition 2000 copies still available.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). Recent: "Bibliography of North American Theses on Seventeenth-Century French Literature and Background (2001–2002)," in PFSCL XXX, 58 (2003), 231–246. "Research in Progress 2002," in French 17, v.50 (2002), 185–196. Tribute to Editor J.D.Vedvik, ibid., p. iii. Paper, "The 17th Century Gates of Paris," Phenomenology Conference, Harvard U., Cambridge, 5/17/03. Bibliography Reports, Dartmouth Conference, 5/03. Forthcoming "The 'Front de Seine' in 1630–1660" and "Perelle's Veües des Plus Beaux Endroits de Versailles," for CdDS. In Press: "Saint-Amant, Holland House, and the Queen of England," Analecta Husserliana, 2004. Directeur, CM; Contrib. ed., French 17.

RONZEAUD, PIERRE (U. de Provence). Secretary, CIR-17. Faculté des Lettres d'Aix-en-Provence, 29 ave. de Robert Schumann, 13 Cedex 1.

RUBIN FESTSCHRIFT. The Shape of Change: Essays in Honor of David Lee Rubin, ed. Anne Birberick & Russell Ganim, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. ISBN 90-420-1449-0, $33.50. Contains essays by 14 scholars, exploring how artistic endeavor shapes and is shaped by literary memory. Large section on La Fontaine. Contact: <>.

SADR, TABITHA SPAGNOLO (Duke). Thesis in progress: "Transvestism in Seventeenth-century French Literature and Society: Fact, Fiction and Theater". Contrib. Ed., French 17.

SAFTY, ESSAM (St. Thomas U., Canada). Bk., La Psyché humaine: Conceptions populaires, religieuses et philosophiques en Grèce, des origines à l'ancien stoïcisme. Paris: Editions Harmattan, 2003. Contact: "Dr. E. Safty" <safty@NBNET.NB.CA>

SATOR 04 (Société d'Analyse de la Topique dans les OEuvres Romanesques avant la Révolution). Contact Eglal Henein <>. XVIIIe Colloque 2004: to be organised by Daniel Maher and Glen Campbell, 5–7 July 2004, Calgary (Canada). Theme: "la temporalité narrative" . Contact: Daniel Maher, <>.

SATOR 05. XIXe Colloque annuel, Clermont-Ferrand, Summer 2005. Topic: "Mémoires d'Europe: topographie de la rencontre dans le roman européen." Deadline for proposals, 15 décembre 2003. Contact: Jean-Pierre Dubost, <> OR Eglal Henein.


SCHRODER, VOLKER (Princeton). Forthcoming: Arts., "Ecolier, ou plutôt singe de Bourdaloue: portrait du satirique en prédicateur," in Boileau: poésie, esthétique, ed. Emmanuel Bury; "Versailles, opéra aux fantômes: the Ghosts of Versailles," in Versailles dans la littérature: mémoire et imaginaire aux XIXe et XX siècles, ed. Véronique Léonard-Roques; "Ecrire les Gracques sous Louis XIV," in Le Savoir au XVIIe siècle. Actes de Charlottesville (NASSCFL 2002). ed John D. Lyons. Crit. ed., with Alicia Montoya, of Marie-Anne Barbier, Cornélie mère des Gracques (tragedy, 1703). In progress: art. on responses to Boileau's Satires; Bk. on satirical writing in the second half of the 17th C. (Boileau, Molière, La Bruyère, Deshoulières, et al.). Review Editor, PFSCL. <volkers@PRINCETON.EDU>.

SE17 (Society for Interdisciplinary French Studies). 23rd Annual Conference, 28–30 October 2004, at William & Mary C. Themes: "Travel/Le Moyen de Parvenir." 250-word abstracts due by April 15, 2004, directly to session chairs. President: Martha M. Houle, Modern Languages and Literatures, The College of William & Mary in Virginia, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795. <>. Website updates forthcoming. Recent: 2003 Joint Meeting at U. Durham, U.K., with Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies. See ASSAF, FRANCIS. (supra).

SEMINAIRE 2003–2004: "Ecrire, décrire: régimes littéraires & discursifs du regard au 17e s." Patrick Dandrey et Delphine Denis (MLM Fr 413 et A37513 Fr). Salle des Actes de Paris-Sorbonne, Tuesdays 18h-20h. Nov. 4 through May 18.

SEMINAIRE 2003–2004: "Pour une histoire de la philologie." Emmanuel Bury, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45, rue d'Ulm, le jeudi de 14h à 16h. 6 novembre–29 janvier; scéances prévues pour le second semestre. Interdisciplinary EBYBury@AOL.COM.

SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, THE. Editor, Richard Maber. Journal covers all aspects of the 17th. Encourages period study so as to transcend national and disciplinary boundaries. Vol. XVIII,1 (April 2003). Also accessible online Two issues per year. website: See MABER (supra).

SOCIETY FOR FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.). Annual Conference, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 5–7 July, 2004. Contact: Michael Sheringham (President), French Dept., Royal Holloway U. of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK. Fax: +4 (0) 1784 70180. E-mail: <> SFS Home page:

SOCIETY FOR SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES (U.K.). 27th Annual Conference, 16–18 September, 2004, U. of Glasgow. Topic: "The Knowledge Economy in the Long Seventeenth Century / L'Economie du savoir, 1580–1715." Also celebrating the 25th anniversary of its journal, SCFS. Call for papers on website: Contact: Amy Wygant,

STEDMAN, ALLISON (Bucknell). Forthcoming: "Charmed Eloquence: Lheritier's Representation of Female Literary Creativity in Late Seventeenth-Century France," in CdDS.

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE (Illinois-Chicago). In press: Bk., Parcours lafontanien: d'Adonis au Livre XII des Fables. Biblio 17, vol. 150, Tübingen, Gunter Narr, 2004. Arts., "Mirrors of Affectivity and Aesthetics: Gardens, Parks, Landscapes as seen by Théophile de Viau and La Fontaine." Analecta Husserliana, ed. A.T. Tymieniecka, LXXVIII (2000), 7–24. "Voix féminines dans la littérature classique," in Actes de Tempe, ed. David Wetsel. Biblio 17, vol. 144, II (2002), pp. 41–52. "De l'idéal galant à l'héroïsme amoureux," in Actes du Colloque Madeleine de Scudéry, éd. Delphine Denis, PU de l'Artois, 2002, pp. 133–40. "Vénus et Adonis: le mythe dans la tradition humaniste de la Renaissance européenne," Le Fablier, no. 14 (2002), pp. 9–7 , éd. Patrick Dandrey. In Preparation: Paper for session "Beaux Arts et Belles Lettres: comment peut-on parler d'esthétique au XVIIe Sc." MLA 2003 Convention, Dec. 27–30, San Diego (to be publ. in PFSCL). Paper for Mtg. of Société des Amis de Jean de La Fontaine, Paris, May 27–29, 2004 (organized by Patrick Dandrey, President). Topic "Le musée imaginaire de La Fontaine". To be publ. in Le Fablier. Research: La Fontaine and questions of Aesthetics in 17th C. Honorary Contrib. Ed. to French 17 (vol.51, 2003).

TOBIN, RONALD (Calif.-Santa Barbara). Publications: "Booking the Cooks: Literature and Gastronomy in Molière," Literary Imagination 5.1 (2003), 125–36. "Qu'est-ce que la gastrocritique?", DSS 217 (2002), 621–30. "Rehearsal and Reversal in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme" (rpt.), Molière, ed. Harold Bloom (Modern Critical Views), Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2002, 107–22. "Authority and Censorship in Tartuffe," (rpt), Molière, ed. Harold Bloom (Major Dramatists), Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2003, 49–61. Forthcoming: "La fête gastronomique chez Molière," Actes de Pèzenas. "L'hospitalité dans les comédies de Molière, Molière hier et aujourd'hui." Several reviews, notably of The Shape of Change, Rubin Festschrift, for PFSCL. "In Memoriam Paul Bénichou" and Introduction to Panel on "La Mythologie," Actes de Charlottesville. Introduction to panel on "Racine et La Mythologie," Actes des Journées de Racine en Ile de France. Future projects: "Edo ergo sum: Dassoucy ou l'odysée d'un gosier," Colloque: Avez-vous lu Dassoucy?, Université Blaise Pascal, June 2004. Bk on L'hospitalité dans la littérature française du 17e siècle.

TOBIN FESTSCHRIFT. Theatrum mundi: mélanges en l'honneur de Ronald W. Tobin. Claire Carlin and Kathleen Wine, eds. This hardbound volume (EMF Critique), containing articles by well-known 17istes, will be presented at the 2003 NASSCFL Meeting. $38.95 to Rookwood Press, 520 Rookwood Place, Charlottesville, VA.22903-4734. For subscription information contact Claire Carlin, Dept.of French, U. Victoria ccarlin@UVIC.CA.

TOCZYSKI, SUZANNE C. (Sonoma State U.). Editor, French 17, an Annual Descriptive Bibliography of French 17th Century Studies. Recent: Number 50 (50th Anniversary issue) awarded the Prix Web 17 2002. Art.: "Corps sacré, discours souverain: le couple dans Les Femmes illustres," published in Madeleine de Scudéry: Une femme de lettres au XVIIe siècle (eds. D. Denis & A.-E. Spica); "A Brief History: The Love Affair between France and Chocolate" in Chocolate French (ed. André K. Crump); with C. Renaudin, pedagogical website on Camara Laye's L'enfant noir (a text recently included in the AP French exam.) In progress: With C. Renaudin, a study of the fairy tale origins of Lilas Desquiron's Les Chemins de Loco-miroir. Correspondance: Modern Languages & Literatures, Sonoma State U., 1801 Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park, CA 94928. <>.

VOS-CAMY, JOLENE (Calvin C.). Art.: "Theatrical Intersections in the Novel: Scarron's Roman comique. Actes of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century FrenchLiterature, Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting at Dartmouth College. (forthcoming).Contrib. Ed., French 17.

WALLIS, ANDREW (Whittier C.). C.V. at Contrib. Ed., French 17.

WEB 17. Roger Duchêne (U. de Provence), is a website for those interested in 17th C. Invites additions & corrections, information about correspondence, books, articles, and other items particularly interesting to the Web. RD requests suggestions for web 17 prizes 2003. Alphabetic index of site, at bottom left-hand book icon on welcome page. RD: 174 rue abbé de l'Epée, 13005 Marseille

WETSEL, DAVID (Arizona State). President, NASSCFL 01. Ed., with Frédéric Canovas, Actes de Tempe. Volume I. Pascal/New Trends in Pascal Studies; Volume II. Les femmes au Grand Siècle/Le Baroque: musique et littérature; III. La Spiritualité/ L'épistolaire/Le Merveilleux au Grand Siècle; IV. Cérémonies et rituels en France au XVIIe siècle; V. Philosophies au siècle classique en France; VI Présences du Moyen-Age et de la Renaissance en France Classique. [The complete set runs to some 1438 pages.] To order: Vols. I-III may be ordered via the following links in the collection Biblio 17: ACTA, 1–3 and Gunter Narr Verlag, A. Francke Verlag, Attempto Verlag. Vols. IV-VI may be ordered via the following links: roma15 and Romanice. Photos of the Jean Gilles Réquiem may be downloaded from the following site: Index: Wetsel Images. Other photographs of the conference are available by request. [Many of you may not know that the beautiful Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Anglican), where the Requiem took place, was destroyed by fire last year (DW)]. <>.

WINE, KATHLEEN (Dartmouth). President, NASSCFL 2003.

WOMEN AND THEATER IN EARLY MODERN FRANCE. Conference at Scripps College, Claremont, CA, April 22–24, 2004. Contact: Diane Kelley <> Web:

William Roberts

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