French 17 FRENCH 17

2000 Number 48


ARNAUD, VANESSA H. (UCLA). In progress: Gossip as a Social Force in Seventeenth-Century French Culture (Dissertation). Contributing Editor, French 17.

ALBANESE, RALPH (Tennessee). Bk., La Fontaine à l'Ecole républicaine.

ASSAF, FRANCIS (Georgia). Bks., Topique de la fiction narrative en prose pour l'année 1715 (interim title) [on narrative topoï in French prose fiction published in the year 1715]; 1715: l'année dela mort de Louis XIV (accepted by P.U. de Grenoble). Crit.ed., Antoine Houdar de la Motte's Discours sur Homère (1714) (accepted by Droz). Arts., Pour une épistémè lexicologique de l'esprit au XVIIe siècle [on the lexicology of the word "esprit" and its derivatives in 17th century dictionaries and other sources (possibly PFSCL); L'Illusion comique: le voir et le savoir [on the modes of knowledge]; L'écriture de Francion (tentative title, for Littératures Classiques). Other, Festschrift in honor of Basil Guy (Calif.-Berkeley). Papers, L'Irréel dans le réel: le cas des histoires comiques, for conference "Le Réalisme en question(s)" at Dijon, France.

BREE, SUSAN M. (Independent Scholar). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

BUCHER, ANNE-LAURE (SUNY-Buffalo). Art., L'Iphigénie de Racine: à la césure du classicisme et de l'archaïque [l'intrusion de l'altérité archaïque dans cette pièce considérée comeme un modèle de "classicisation"].

BURCHELL, EILEEN (Marymount C.-Tarrytown). Contrib.Ed., French 17.

CAMBOLAS, Mis de (Bibliothèque Catholique de l'Ouest, Emérite). Président, Association des Amis de Maynard; Directeur, CM. Cahier no.21 in preparation. [La Petite Rivière — Epiré, 49170 Savennières, France <Francois.Decambolas@TPS.FR> <>].

CARLIN, CLAIRE L. (U. Victoria). Bks., Women Reading Corneille, Peter Lang Publishing; Stories of Marriage in Seventeenth-Century France (in progress). Editor, special issue of Dalhousie French Studies, "Le Mariage sous l'Ancien Régime" (to appear). Forthcoming: "Misères et épines dans la forêt nuptiale au tournant du siècle" in Entre Deux Siècles: 1595–1610 (Klincksieck); "Les Soeurs Mancini en Méditerranée", Biblio 17.

CIR 17 2002 [Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe Siècle]. 7e Colloque International "L'Afrique au XVIIe siecle. Mythes et réálités," 3/14–16/02, U. de Tunis, Wolfgang Leiner, Président du CIR 17; Pierre Ronzeaud, Secrétaire général. American proposals by 1/15/01 to Pr. Alia Baccar, Président/ 19, rue de la Kahéna, Tunis 1082, TUNISIE. Fax (216–2) 286 515; e-mail <>. Dues $30, to Treasurer [See Norman, Buford].

CUCHE, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER. "Fénelon. Une politique tirée de l'Evangile?" (article pending, DSS 206 (2000), 73–96).

DECLERCQ, GILLES. "Topique de l'ineffable dans l'esthétique classique: Rhétorique et sublime" (article pending, DSS 207 (2000), 199–220).

DENNIS-BAY, LAURA (Indiana). Diss. Silent Object or Speaking Subject? Variations on the Theme of La Vieille in Early Seventeenth-Century French Texts. [Maynard, Régnier, Saint-Amant, Sigogne, Sorel].

DICTIONARY OF SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH PHILOSOPHERS, Gen. Ed., Andrew Pyle. [from Thoemmes Press, 111 Great George St., Bristol BS1 5RR, England <>]. 2 vol.,$450.

DOCK, STEPHEN (East Carolina). Thomas Corneille. Secretary, SE17. Phone (252) 328–6024, e-mail <>.

KELLEY, DIANE DUFFRIN (Puget Sound). Forthcoming Art., "Justifying the Refusal: Social Exchange in La Princesse de Clèves," in Biblio 17, Actes de La Femme au XVIIe siècle, U. of British Columbia (2000).

DUTTON, DIANNE (Queen's U.). De l'argument à la littérature: les instances juridiques à l'époque classique (thesis). XVIIth C. factums, from a rhetorical, narrative and argumentation theory perspective, focusing particularly on lieux communs].

ELMARSAFSKY, ZIAD (NYU). Suitable Arrangements: Authority and Desire in Seventeenth-Century France.

FLECK, STEVE (Calif. State-Long Beach). Bk., On Comic Identity, Paradox, and Pleasures. Anthropologically centered study of comic theory and practice (for 2004).

GAINES, JAMES (Mary Washington C.). Mainly working on the Molière Encyclopedia, for Greenwood.

GANIM, RUSSELL (Nebraska-Lincoln). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

GETHNER, PERRY (Oklahoma State). Nearing completion: Associate Ed., Anthology of Women Playwrights, 1650–1750, vol. 2 In progress: crit. eds., Voltaire's Irène and Rotrou's La Pelerine amoureuse. U.S. Treasurer, NASSCFL [Foreign Langs.&Litts., Oklahoma State U., Stillwater, OK 74078–0602, e-mail <>].

GRADUATE STUDENT CONFERENCE. 10th Annual Conference "Fictions of the Machine" (Descartes, Zola, et al.), Maison Française, Columbia U., 3/24/01. Send abstracts by 1/15/01 to French Graduate Student Union, Dept. of French&Romance Philology, MC 4906, Columbia U., 1150 Amsterdam Ave., NY, NY 10027, Columbia U. [phone (212) 854–2500; e-mail <>].

GUENOUN, SOLANGE M. (U. Connecticut). Arts., La passion Racine. Sous le lierre de la psychologie et la résistance à la psychanalyse, Présences de Racine, OeC; Passions fin-de-siècle, in Francographies; Séparation et mélancolie créatrice au féminin: du style au symptôme, Colloque, "La femme au XVIIe siècle:, U. British Columbia; Mélancolie, vanité classique et écriture. Les leçons de Roger Caillois, in Sincroni (Roma). Bks., Racine. Une écriture entre rature et signature; Racine. Les passions du père. Doctorat nouveau régime en Psychopatho-logie et Psychanalyse, U. de Paris XIII, Théories classiques et contemporaines de la mélancolie et invention littéraire.

HARRISON, HELEN (Morgan State U.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

HINDS, LEONARD (Indiana). Bk., Narrative Transformations: The Death and Birth of Literature in Honoré d'Urfé's L'Astrée and Charles Sorel's Le Berger Extravagant (proposal accepted by Purdue UP). Président, SE 17 2000. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

JAOUEN, FRANCOISE. (Yale). Bk., L'Histoire oubliée. Naissance de la fiction au 16e siècle [re: fiction et histoire].

KLEIN, NANCY. (Independent Scholar). Ninon de Lenclos: A Feminine Perspective on Friendship.

KOCH, EREC R. (Tulane). The Aesthetics of Power: Art and the Dawn of Absolutism in Early-Modern France (publ. 2001). Entries on "Blaise Pascal" and "Pierre Nicole," Dictionary of Literary Biography, Seventeenth-Century Literature, ed. Françoise Jaouën (publ. 2001). Président, NASSCFL 2000.

KOCH, PHILIP (Emeritus, U. Pittsburgh). Crit. ed. and English transl. of Bartolomeo Rossi's pastorale/burlesque "La Fiammella" (2002?).

KRONEGGER, MARLIES (Michigan State). Maxime et allégorie (accepted for publ., Concordia U., Montréal). Christine de Suède et sa correspondance avec les princes de son époque en Pologne, en France, en Italie (in preparation). President, International Society for Phenomenology, Aesthetics&The Fine Arts.

LEINER, WOLFGANG (Tübingen). Editor, PFSCL, Biblio 17, Oeuvres et Critiques. [Romanisches Seminar, Wilhelmstrasse 50, D-72074 Tübingen,; <>].

McCLURE, ELLEN (Illinois-Chicago). Bk., Sovereignty and Mediation under Louis XIV (supported by Mellon Fellowship at Newberry Library). Contrib. Ed, French 17.

MELZER, SARA (UCLA). Bk. in progress: France's Hidden Colonial Policy: The Underside of France's Civilizing Mission and Classicism. Forthcoming Arts., "Incest and the Minotaur: The Monsters of State-Building in Racine's Phèdre" and "Assimilating the Barbarian 'Other': France's Hidden Colonial Politics" in PFSCL — NASSCFL conference in New Orleans (2000).

MURATORE, M.J. (U. Missouri). "Expirer au féminin: Narratives of female dissolution in neo-classical French literature," for Dec., 2001.

NASSCFL (2001). 36th Annual Conference, Arizona State U., Tempe, May 3–5, 2001. Contact David Wetsel, 3508 N. Pueblo Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85251–5235. Phone (480) 994–8942, Fax (480) 965–0135, e-mail <> [Dues U.S $20 (see Gethner, Perry); Canadian $30 (see Carlin, Claire). Reductions for Students, Retirees, Part-Timers].

NORMAN, BUFORD (South Carolina). Book on the libretti of Quinault (under consideration). Database on history of opera performances under Louis XIV, 1650–1689. Art. on musical and poetic structure in Quinault's Persée (Nov. 2000). Racine and Music (book project, just getting started). Treasurer, CIR 17 (Dues $30), Dept. of French&Classics, U. South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208.

PETERS, JEFFREY (Kentucky). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

PHENOMENOLOGY, FINE ARTS AND AESTHETICS 2001. Conference "Metamorphosis of Reality in the Fine Arts, Poetry and Aesthetics," Cambridge, MA, 4/21–22/01. Send abstracts by 12/1/00 to Marlies Kronegger, French&Comp. Lit. Dept., 313 Old Horticulture Bldg., Michigan State U., East Lansing, MI 48824. Fax (571) 432–3844.

PROBES, CHRISTINE M. (U. South Florida). Arts., L'entrelacement des sens et de la nature chez Jean-Baptiste Chassignet, for a vol. publ. in France, ed. Anne Mantero; La Rhétorique des sens et la célébration de la nature chez Racine poète: soleil et mer, for vol. Racine et la Méditerrannée, Soleil et mer, Neptune et Apollon, ed. Jean Emelina; Le Jeu et la sagesse d'une princesse de la Renaissance: une enluminure de Marguerite de Navarre et les maximes de l'Heptaméron, for bk. A Quoi joue-t-on? Pratiques et Usages des Jeux et des Jouets à travers les âges, vol. to be publ. in France; La subversion au sein de la famille royale: Les Lettres françaises de Madame Palatine, accepted by SCFS (England); Lamentation in the Service of the Dramatizationn of History: the Choir in Pierre Matthieu's La Guisiade, accepted for Medievalia et Humanistica; Countering Suppression in the Royal Court of France: Madame Palatine's Lettres Françaises, for a vol. on the Feminine Principle; Des lectures au sein de la famille royale: la correspondance de Madame Palatine comme révélant des modes féminins de connaissance au XVIIe siècle, for vol. in France: Lectures de femmes. Les Sonnets franc-comtois de Jean-Baptiste Chassignet: la représentation du "premier lecteur" et la persuasion du "lecteur idéal," for vol. to be publ. at Metz. Secretary, NASSCFL. Contrib. Ed., French 17.

RACEVSKIS, ROLAND (Iowa). Bk., Time and Ways of Knowing under Louis XIV: Moliere, Sévigné, Lafayette. Will focus on representations of time in literary works. Close reading of texts to be contextualized by a historical study of time measurement in Early Modern Europe, and particularly during the reign of Louis XIV.

REPERTOIRE 17e. Répertoire International des Dix-septiémistes, Edition 2000. Publ. CIR 17. Order from Buford Norman @ $25.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM (Northwestern). Forthcoming: Arts., The "Front de Seine" in 1630–60, and Perelle's Veües des Plus Beaux Endroits de Versailles, for C17; Bibliography of North American Theses (1999–2000), PFSCL (in press); Saint-Amant's and Boisrobert's Pont-Neuf Poems, PFSCL; The Tuileries Gardens of Le Nôtre, as seen by Perelle, Silvestre, and Others, in Actes de Tulane, ed. Erec Koch. In progress: Perelle's engravings, Maynard, Saint-Amant. Directeur, CM; Bibliographer, NASSCFL; Contrib. Ed., French 17.

RUBIN, DAVID LEE (Virginia). Nearing completion: Bk., Refabulations: La Fontaine Rewriting/Rewritten — Essay on Textual Transfer. Paper, Racine and the Disciplines of Inquiry." Lecture: Translating the Early Modern: Robert Lowell's Materialistic Phèdre invited by the Early Modern French Studies group, Oxford U. Projected: Book-length study, Against the Grain: French 'Classicism' and the Semantic of Modes. Rewriting: a Heuristic Profile, French Forum, to be reprinted in Hypotheses: NeoAristotelian Analysis. Editor, EMF: Studies in Early Modern France (annual), EMF Critiques, and Rookwood Texts (all three distributed in France by Librairie Honoré Champion).

SCHRODER, VOLKER (Princeton). Forthcoming: "Situation des études raciniennes: histoire et littérature," in Actes du Colloque du Tricentenaire Racine (Garnier). In progress: "The Representation of Roman Heroines in French Tragedy (1660–1715)"; "La matrice mystique des Lettres portugaises", for UBC-Vancouver colloquium "La femme au XVIIe siècle". Review Editor, PFSCL.

SE17 2001. [Society for Interdisciplinary French 17th C. Studies]. 20th Annual Conference, Oct. 25–27, 2001, U. of Georgia, Athens. Topics: Pamphlets, tracts, propaganda; Magie, sorcellerie, sciences occultes; Moderation and extravagance; La Mort des rois; La Machine; Etrange et étranger; Open Teaching Session. [Contact Francis Assaf, Romance Languages, Athens, GA 30602. Tel. Office (706)542–3164; Fax (706) 542–3287; e-mail <>].

SEIFERT, LEWIS (Brown). Arts., On Fairy Tales, Subversion, and Ambiguity: Feminist Approaches to Seventeenth-Century Contes de fées, for Marvels&Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies; Monstrous Husbands: Violence and Masculinity in Le Prince Marcassin and Le Roy Porc, for High Anxiety: Masculinity in Crisis in Early Modern France, ed. Kathleen P. Long; Aggression and Pleasure: Masculinity and the Satire of Sodomy in Late Sixteenth-Century France, for anthology of essays on homo-sexualities in France, ed. Jeffrey Merrick. Contrib. ed., The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales, ed. Jack Zipes, Oxford UP. Bk., Man against Man: Masculinity, Civility and Violence in Early Modern France.

SIMHON, DANIEL (U. Washington). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

STEFANOVSKA, MALINA (Calif.-Los Angeles). The Jesuits as a Solipsistic Monarchy: A Seventeenth-Century Political Satire [develops the political implications of the "Jesuit myth" as it relates with views on (and criticism of) the absolutist monarchy, through reading an apocryphal satire against the Jesuits. Chapt. in bk., Fictions of factions: Imagining the Social Bond in Early Modern France [treats the Memoirs of Retz]. Forthcoming Art., "Démarches et itinéraires de la Fronde: Paris dans les Mémoires du cardinal de Retz" in PFSCL — NASSCFL conference in New Orleans (2000).

SWEETSER, MARIE-ODILE (Illinois-Chicago). Forthcoming: Vaux et son goût: l'exemplarité de La Fontaine, Colloque international de Nancy, ed. Roger Marchal, PU de Nancy; Avatars du couple chez Corneille, in Mélanges offerts à Madeleine Bertaud, ed. Luc Friasse, Tra Lit XII or XIV; The Art of Praise in XVIIth Century Poems, in The Shape of Change. Essays in Early Modern Literature in Honor of David Lee Rubin, ed. Anne L. Birberick&Russell Ganim. Gardens, Parks, and Landscape as Mirror of Affectivity and Aesthetics, in Théophile de Viau, Saint-Amant and La Fontaine, Analecta Husserliana, ed. Marlies Kronegger, 2002.

THOMAS, DOWNING A. (Iowa). Bk., Early French Opera and the Waning of Absolutism (for Cambridge U. Press).

T0CZYSKI, SUZANNE C. (Sonoma State). When She Hides: Celinte removed from the Social Space, in La femme au XVIIe sc., Vancouver. Forthcoming: Teaching Phèdre: Desire and the Phenomenology of Action (Racine: Actes de Santa Barbara); Ed. special section of Women in French Studies, "Feminine Theatricality: Woman and Her Masks;" Reviews of J. Lyons, The Tragedy of Origins; Roméo Arbour, Les Femmes et les métiers du livre; A. Zanger, Scenes from the Marriage of Louis XIV, C17. Editor, French 17: An Annotated Descriptive Bibliography of French 17th Century Studies, 2000–. [Dept. of Modern Languages&Literatures., Sonoma SU, 1801 E. Cotati Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. e-mail: <>].

TRISTAN L'HERMITE. Manifestations prévues 2001: PARIS. Bibliothèque Mazarine, exposition (4/6–6/29); U. de Paris-X (Nanterre), colloque international (11/22–23); Archives nationales, causerie à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de la mort de TLH à l'hôtel de Guise le 7 septembre 1655; Comédie-Française hommage à TLH (forme à déterminer). LIMOGES. Bibliothèque francophone multimedia, exposition&journée commemorative, avec la participation d'universitaires français&étrangers. LA CREUSE. Janaillat, 3e Journée TLH (août) avec les participations du Théâtre de la Fontanelle&de l'Ensemble Baroque de l'Ouest. Guéret, Archives départmentales, conférences (septembre).

VERSAILLES. CENTRE DE MUSIQUE BAROQUE. Atelier d'études Dept. includes a chantier on "Airs de Cour" (c.1600–1660), which has catalogued c.4000 different works. Collaboration by foreign specialists in music, literature and history is invited. Contact Mme Georgie Durosoir, <>, or <>.

VEDVIK, J.D. (Colorado State). Editor, French 17 Bibliography, 1968–99.

VINCENT, MICHAEL (Wichita State). Bk., The Picture(d) Frame(d): Explorations in Ekphrastic Literature, Ancient and Modern (in progress). [Explores relations among textuality, orality, and iconicity through study of major ekphrastic texts from the Western literary tradition in light of recent theoretical work on aesthetic, narrative, and text theory. Primary examples are drawn from works by Homer, Vergil, Ovid, Pliny, Longus, Philostratus, Montaigne, Le Moyne, La Fontaine, Diderot, Balzac, Flaubert, Barthes].

VOS-CAMY, JOLENE (Calvin C.). Diss. The Art of the Novel through Theatrical Lenses: Paul Scarron's Le Romant comique. Examines the influence of theatrical practice on Scarron's narrative. Contrib.ed., French 17.

WETSEL, DAVID (Arizona State). Président, NASSCFL 2001.

WOSHINSKY, BARBARA (U. Miami). Arts., Conventual Spaces in Les Lettres Portugaises; The Ambiguity of the Conventual Space. Edited bk., The Comic Turn: Laughter and the Early Modern Tradition (under consideration).

ZUERNER, ADRIENNE (Skidmore C.). Contrib. Ed., French 17.

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