French 17 FRENCH 17

1999 Number 47


BALLARD, MICHAEL and LIEVEN D'HULST, eds. La traduction en France à l'âge classique. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1996.

Review: Valerie Worth-Stylianou in FS 52.4 (1998), 462–463: Volume contains sixteen conference papers with diverse approaches. The period under consideration is broadly 1650–1800 and a number of the papers look beyond the narrow remit of 'la traduction en France.' Alongside reassessments of some 'belles infidèles,' there are surveys of non-literary translations. The study of literary translations is divided between evaluations of the aesthetic/linguistic qualities of individual works and statistical appraisals of the reception of foreign texts in France.

BARBIER, FREDERIC, ANNIE PARENT-CHARON, FRANÇOIS DUPUIGRENET DESROUSSILLES, CLAUDE JOLLY, DOMINIQUE VARRY, éds. Le livre et l'historien. Etudes offertes en l'honneur duProfesseur Henri-Jean Martin. Genève: Droz, 1997.

Review: J.-F. Gilmont in BHR 61.2 (1999), 619–21: " . .. près de soixante contributions concernant l'histoire du livre et de la lecture depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours." Voir "Des pratiques de la lecture savante au style de l'érudition" (Châtelain); "L'amateur d'estampes en France aux XVIe et XVIIIe siècles" (Grivel); "Les imprimeurs-libraires au confessionnal" (Neveu et Sauvy).

BENSELER, DAVID P. and SUZANNE S. MOORE. "Doctoral Degrees Granted in Foreign Languages in the United States,: 1998." MLJ 82 (1998), 387–403.

Lists first by discipline, then by institution, then by author alphabetically, with no attempt at periodisation.

BEUGNOT, BERNARD. Les muses classiques: Essai de bibliographie rhétorique et poétique. Paris: Klincksieck, 1996.

Review: Michael Hawcroft in FS 52.4 (1998), 463: "No dix-septiémiste should be without this extremely useful work of reference. Beugnot lists well over 1000 works published in the seventeenth century that deal with rhetoric or poetics. . . . Each category has a short bibliography of modern historical or critical studies."

CARON, PHILIPPE. Des 'Belles Lettres' à la 'Littérature': Une archéologie des signes du savoir profane en langue française. Louvain-Paris : Éditions Peeters, 1992.

Review : Edward Nye in FS 52.3 (1998), 341–342: The way subjects are classified, as 'belles lettres' or 'bonnes lettres,' 'sciences' or 'érudition,' makes the history of the ideas of 'literature' difficult to determine. "Caron's book is an exhaustive study of this terminology, carried out according to the linguistic analysis of semantic fields, so that no item is analysed in isolation, but always in terms of its boundaries with other items. . . . Caron's study is a valuable tool for the historian of ideas who is concerned not to make teleological errors in his interpretation of terminology."

CHARTIER, ROGER and HANS-JÜRGEN LÜSEBRINK, eds. Colportage et lecture populaire. Imprimés de large circulation en Europe, XVIe–XIXe siècles. Paris: IMEC Editions/Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1996.

Review: Sabine Juratic in RFHL 100–101 (1998), 430–431: Accompagnés d'une introduction de Chartier et d'une postface de Lüsebrink, la publication des actes de ce colloque à Wolfenbüttel en 1991 est "particulièrement bienvenue, car elle ne met pas seulement à la disposition des historiens un ensemble précieux de matériaux sur la librairie de colportage en Europe, mais apporte aussi des éléments nouveaux pour nourrir leur réflexion sur la notion de 'littérature populaire'."

CHAURAND, JACQUES, dir. Nouvelle histoire de la langue française. Paris: Seuil, 1998.

Review: J.-Cl. Chevalier in QL 754 (1999), 20–21: "Face à la monstrueuse et géniale Histoire de la langue française, poursuivie sur onze tomes par F. Brunot, coiffée d'un bizarre XIXe siècle limité par Charles Bruneau aux mouvements littéraires, achevée par les trois tomes collectifs, disparates et passionnants..., pilotés par G. Antoine et R. Martin, puis B. Cerquiglini, les 800 pages de la Nouvelle histoire de la langue française de Jacques Chaurand sont une solution médiane, dans la ligne qu'avait fait Dauzat: une histoire d'ensemble raisonnable — parfois un peu trop — et, généralement, bien informé. Un ouvrage ouvert et de bonne foi."

DESGRAVES, LOUIS. Le livre en Aquitaine, XV–XVIIIe siècles. Bordeaux: Atlantica, 1998.

Review: Albert Labarre in BB (1999–1), 182–85: Summa by late authority covering the history of printing in the area and the community of booksellers (constituted in 1608–10), as well as analysis of commercial relations—including a chapter on the "livre interdit" in Part I; Part II,, "Lire en Aquitaine" is a panoramic view of what was produced.

DUBOIS, ELFRIEDA. Years Work in Modern Language Studies. 59 (1997). Modern Humanities Research Association, 1998. 17th c. section, pp. 122–142.

Brief commentaries; highly selective.

FRAISSE, LUC, ed. Le manuscrit littéraire. Son statut, son histoire, du Moyen Age à nos jours. Paris: Klincksieck, 1998.

Review: Marie-Odile Sweetser in PFSCL 26 (1999), 469–472: "Cet important volume trouvera sa place dans les bibliothèques universitaires et celles des dix-septiémistes désireux de faire comprendre aux futurs chercheurs les travaux les plus significatifs basés sur l'étude des manuscrits."

GILMONT, JEAN-FRANÇOIS ,éd. Jérôme Hornschuch. Orthotypographie: Instruction utile et nécessaire pour ceux qui vont corriger des livres imprimés et conseils à ceux qui vont les publier (1608). Trad. du latin parSusan Baddeley. Paris: Editions des Cendres, 1997.

Review: H. Genton in BHR 61.1 (1999), 216–17: "Traduit en français pour la première fois, ce traité de typographie est le fruit de la colère et de la lassitude de l'auteur, Jérôme Hornschuch, témoin allemand pendant dix ans de l'élaboration des livres au début du XVIIe siècle."

GIRAUD, YVES, ed. Contacts culturels et échanges linguistiques au XVIIe siècle en France. PFSCL/Biblio 17, 106 (1997).

Review: Jean Marmier in PFSCL 26 (1999), 219–220.


l7th-century entries: nos. 1455–1842.

JOHNS, ADRIAN. The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.

Review: D. Graham Burnett in New Republic 4,400 (May 17 1999), 50–53: Very positive account of Johns' claim that the reading context has a history, which is the history of how the "Print culture" changed "the shape of knowledge in Europe."
Review: S. Goodlett and Raymond Birn in ECS 33 (1999), 149–50: Centered by archival work and historical focus in 17th century England. Continues valuably to add to the modifications of Elizabeth Eisenstein's The Printing Press as Agent of Change (1979) by showing how the world of printers and booksellers is not fixed but is rather in on-going definition. Interesting chapter on reading practices.

KILGOUR, FREDERICK G. The Evolution of the Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Review: J. H. Kaimowitz in Choice 36.2 (1998), 300: K. analyzes "societal needs and technological improvements since the book was first introduced 4,000 years ago" and includes a description of "the technological progress of Western printing during the last 500 years."

KLAPP,OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 35 (1997). Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 1998.

17th c. section, pp. 296–369. Includes reviews; no commentaries.

LASADA GOYA, JOSE MANUEL. Bibliographie critique de la littérature espagnole en France au XVIIe siècle. Geneva: Droz, 1999.

LEMOINE, ANNE-MARIE. "Dissertations in Progress." FR 72 (1998), 403–24.

17th c. sections. Cross references to other periods.

MELLOT, JEAN-DOMINIQUE and ÉLISABETH QUEVAL. Répertoire d'imprimeurs/libraires, XVIe–XVIIe siècles. État en 1995 (4000 notices). Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1997.

Review: Louis Desgraves in RFHL 100–101 (1998), 431–433: En offrant aux chercheurs ces 4000 notices concises—qui donnent les dates biographiques, les dates et lieux d'exercice, les marques, les sources citées—cette publication apporte une contribution essentielle à l'histoire du livre. "Un classement par lieux d'activité permet de retrouver les noms des imprimeurs/libraires qui ont exercé dans telle ou telle localité en renvoyant aux noms des 4000 imprimeurs/librairies recensés."

O'DONNELL, JAMES J. Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.

Review: R. Halverson in Choice 36.6 (1999), 1047: "Taking 'avatar' to mean 'manifestation,' [O'D.] offers insights into the history of the written word as a bearer of culture from antiquity to the present age... O'D. first traces the word from the oral tradition to the written, from the scroll to the bound book, from the copied manuscript to the printed manuscript, and from print on paper to cyberspace...."

PERNOO-BECACHED, MARIANNE. Bibliographie de la littérature française (XVIIe – XXe siècles). Année 1998. Paris: A. Colin, 1999. Also issued as no. 4 of RHL 99 (1999).

17th c. section, pp. 596–614.

QUEMADA, BERNARD and JEAN PRUVOST, eds. Le Dictionnaire de l'Académie française et la lexicographie institutionelle européenne, Actes du colloque international ... 1994. Paris: Champion, 1998.

Review: Mireille Pastoureau in BB (1999), 197–98: 13 papers on the edition of 1694 and 6 on other contemporary national lexicographical projects. Analyses of the dictionaries of Richelet, Furetière, Trévoux, as well as Thomas Corneille's project for a dictionary of arts and sciences.

QUEMADA, BERNARD, ed. Les Préfaces du Dictionnaire de l'Académie frangaise, 1694–1992. Paris: Champion, 1997.

Review: Mireille Pastoureau in BB (1999), 196–97: Annotated integral publication of the entire paratext of 1694 (and of subsequent eds.) analyzed as a lexicographical project. The seemingly definitive work on the subject.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM. "Bibliography of North American Theses on Seventeenth-Century French Literature and Background (1997–98)." PFSCL 26 (1999), 511–28.

Lists 22 new dissertations in progress and 181 completed. Notes changes in title and/ or director. Covers fine arts, music and history, as well as general and French literature of the 17th C.

SAUNDERS, ALISON. "French Emblem Books or European Emblem Books: Transnational Publishing in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries." BHR 61.2 (1999), 415–27.

"An interesting pattern of progression can thus be traced in the development of the emblem throught the sixteenth century and into the mid seventeenth century, a progression from internationalism to nationalism and then back to internationalism."

SCHAER, ROLAND. Petite histoire de la BNF." RDM (octobre 1998), 109–22.

S. esquisse l'histoire et l'évolution de la Bibliothèque nationale française de l'Europe médiévale à l'époque actuelle. Au XVIIe siècle, S. note l'accroissement des collections par la politique active d'enrichement de Colbert et le travail de classement et de catalogage de Nicolas Clément.

SGARD, JEAN, ed. Dictionnaire des journalistes, 1600–1789. 2 vols. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1999.

Review: Gwynne Lewis in TLS 5032 (17 Sept, 1999), 26: Glowing praise for the treasurehouse of information and the cultural roadmap (in a generalizing supplement) that is this companion to the same editorial team's 1991 Dictionnaire des journaux, 1600–1789. Inclusion derives from the expanded definition of journalist to "tous ceux qui ont exercé les fonctions d'informateurs, de critiques, de médiateurs."

TURNER, SILVIE. The Book of Fine Paper. New York: Thames&Hudson, 1999.

Review: S. Visser in Choice 36.10 (1999), 1775: "In this comprehensive introduction and reference on fine paper, T. ... describes the manufacturing processes, various materials used, characteristics of different paper types, and a portrait of numerous paper mills and the papers they produce. She focuses on handmade papers and their production, within the context of the history of paper production.... The book is divided into Western and Eastern traditions of paper production; the process of each tradition is explored in depth and shown in high-quality black-and-white photographs."

TYERS, MERYL. Current Research in French Studies at Universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland (1997–98). Vol. 24. Glasgow: The Society for French Studies,1998.

17th c. literature, pp. 48–49; alphabetical subject listing, indexes, pp. 73–149.

WOOLF, D.R. et al. A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing. New York/London: Garland, 1998.

Review: T. M. Izbicki in Choice 36.6 (1999), 1044: "The coverage is truly multicultural in scope, and all periods and countries get due attention. Each entry has bibliographic information attached, divided into texts and references. Writers ... are examined with an eye to their later influence. Cross-references and an index are provided.... Inevitably, some few historians are omitted, but no like source covers the field with such breadth."

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