French 17 FRENCH 17

1995 Number 43


ADAMS, D.J. Bibliographie d'ouvrages français en forme de dialogue, 1700–1750. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1992.

Review: Robert L. Frautschi in FR 67 (1994), 685–86: Introduction briefly situates the generic conventions and parameters (epistemological and esthetic) from Plato to the 18th century. 484 entries (39 undated and attributed) describe works among wthich many were published before the designated period.

ARVEILLER, RAYMOND. "Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia), 21e article." ZRP 108 (1992), 515–549.

Continues careful and important work of the FEW, with entries from "saih" (leader, prelate, elder, judge) to "sarbin" (cedar). Numerous 17 c. entries from diplomatic correspondance, accounts of voyages, histories, botanical studies as well as literary sources and dictionnaries. Further testimony to fascination with things Eastern.

ARVEILLER, RAYMOND. "Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia), 22e article." ZRP 109 (1993), 47–83.

Entries from (prince) to (talc) are rich and carefully done. Numerous significant 17th c. entries including roccoco and a lengthy section on "tambour."

ARVEILLER, RAYMOND. "Addenda au FEW XIX (Orientalia), 23e article." ZRP 110 (1994), 372–409.

Entries from "tamr hindi" to "turcique," including lengthy articles on "blé de Turquie" and "cucurbitacées." Section should be particularly useful for criticism focusing on clothing and gastronomy. Numerous 17 th c. examples.

BAL, WILLY, JEAN GERMAIN, JEAN-RENE KLEIN and PIERRE SWIGGERS. Bibliographie sélective de linguistique romane et française. Paris: Louvain-la-Neuve: Duculot, 1991.

Review: W. Schweickard in ZRP 109 (1993), 730–31: Includes sections on: I. Langues du monde and II. Langues romanes. Categories are: bibliographie; revues; manuels, synthèses, aperçus; approche synchronique de la langue; approche historique de la langue; onomastique; versification; anthologies de textes. Also contains an index of authors. Valuable reference tool.

BERGER, GUNTER. "Klassik als Ware: Selektion der classiques in Buchandelskatalogen des 18. Jahrhunderts," in "Diversité, c'est ma devise." Studien zur französischen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts. PFSCL/Biblio 17 86 (1994), 63–80.

BIEDERMANN-PASQUEZ, LISELOTTE. Les Grands courants orthographiques au XVIIe siècle et la formation de l'orthographe moderne. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1992.

Review: Corinne Etienne in FR (1995), 886–87: Careful analysis, rich with examples, of 44 works from the well-known (Vaugelas, D'Olivet) to anonymous writings of journalists and printers. Part I focuses on the reasons for the absence of orthographic standards; II, on problems of a developing phonology, and the first forward-looking attempts at description (especially Buffier); II offers a synthesis of the three currents of orthographic usage. A fine reference work.

BINGEN, NICOLE. Philausone (1500–1600). Répertoire des ouvrages en langue italienne publiés dans les pays de langue française de 1500 à 1660. Genève: Droz, 1994.

Review: M. Danzoni in BHR 57 (1995), 239–40: Nouveau volume est la suite de son Maître italien (1510–1660) de 1987.

BLECHET, FRANÇOISE. Les Ventes publiques de livres en France, 1630–1750. Répertoire des catalogues conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1991.

Review: C. Sorgeloos in RBPH 72 (1994), 1031–33: "Classé selon l'ordre chronologique des ventes, il recense près de 400 catalogues de ventes publiques appartenant aux collections de la Bibliothèque Nationale, de 1630 à 1750."

BREDNICH, ROLF WILHELM, HERMANN BAUSINGER, WOLFGANG BRÜCKNER, LUTZ RÖHRICH and RUDOLF SCHENDA, eds. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Vol. 6. Gott und Teufel auf Wanderschaft. Berlin/New York: Hyltén-Cavallius/Walter de Gruyter, 1988–1990.

Review: A. Gier in Archiv 230 (1993), 137–140. Midway to the proposed goal of the collection, this 6th volume, like its predecessors, contains much information on narrative subject matter, types, motifs, notes on literary texts, narrative historical theory, method and accounts of research by regions, countries or linguistic communities.

CARRIER, HUBERT. La Presse de la Fronde (1648–1653): les Mazarinades. II. Les Hommes du livre. Geneva: Droz, 1991.

Review: Nicole Aronson in FR 67 (1994), 513–14: Index, chronology, and vast bibliography for earlier La Conquete de l'Opinion. Information on the status of printers and authors, censorship measures, reflections of the people in this "Etats generaux du verbe."

CHAMBERS, BETTYE THOMAS. Bibliography of French bibles. II: Seventeenth Century French-Language Editions of the Scriptures. Genève: Droz, 1994.

Includes all French-Language editions of the complete Bible, the complete Old Testament, and the complete new Testament, published in any country between 1601 and 1700, including any diglot or polyglot editions where French is one of the languages. Valuable appendices listing libraries, holdings, printers, and publishers.

CHARLES, MICHEL, ed. Vingt-cing ans de Poétique, 1970–1994. Tables et index des numeros 1 à 100. Paris: Seuil, 1995.

CHARTIER, ROBERT. The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe between the 14th and 18th Centuries. Oxford: Polity Press, 1994.

Review: L.R.N. Ashley in BHR 57 (1995), 133–34: Erudite work which describes "the various systems that were devised to straighten out the world of manuscript and printed books over the centuries, the registration of titles, the classification and arrangement of works, the setting up of organized libraries, etc."

CHATELAIN, JEAN-MARC. Livres d'emblèmes et de devises, une anthologie (1531–1735). Paris: Klincksieck, 1993.

Review: M. Engammare in BHR 56 (1994), 565–67: "Cette anthologie offre un choix de près de cent livres d'emblèmes et de devises, précédé d'une introduction avertie et subtile qui fait la part large aux rapports entre rhétorique et société aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles."

CIFARELLI, PAOLA. Catalogue thématique des fables épisodiques françaises du XVIe siecle. Paris: Champion, 1993.

Review: Hans R. Runte in FR 68 (1995), 729–30: A "user's guide" to the catalogue is followed by succinct characterizations of 16th-century fable literature (citing Latin editions, French translations and adaptations, and in musical form), good biblio and index of characters, listing of collections. Wide-ranging, voluminous, and clearly-presented information on sources, occurences, and analyses.

COLEMAN, KATHLEEN. Guide to French Poetry Explication. New York: G.K. Hall, 1993.

Review: Michael Brophy in FR 68 (1995), 859–60: Reviewer is negatively critical on omissions and on principles of selection and inclusion but singles out the ampleness of the entry of La Fontaine.

DE MULDER, WALTER, FRANC SCHUEREWEGEN, and LILIANE TASMOWSKI, éds. Enonciation et parti pris. Actes du colloque de l'Université d'Anvers. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1992.

Review: M. Wauthion in LR 47 (1993), 299–303: Thirty essays of linguistic, literary or interdisciplinary nature convince the reader "que le texte littéraire a beaucoup à prendre de l'analyse énonciative et inversement." Although W. regrets numerous typographical errors, he underscores several helpful analyses among which Ch. Angelet's on sincerity in La Princesse de Cleves and Anne Ubersfeld's on theatrical discourse in its relation to the spectator.

DI CESARE, DONATELLA and STEFANO GENSINI, eds. Iter Babelicum. Studien zur Historiographie der Linguistik, 1600–1800. Münster: Nodus, 1990.

Review: W. Schweickard in ZRP 110 (1994), 680–81: Stimulating collection of ten essays (in English, French and German) provides "a synthesis . . . of linguistic issues in European culture between 17th and 19th centuries from a variety of vantage points." 17th c. specialists will appreciate essays on scientific vs. ordinary language from Galileo to Leibniz, the French tradition of linguistic analysis (1660–1822) and on Vaugelas.

HARRIS, JOHN. Current Research in French Studies at Universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Bath, England: The Society for French Studies, n.d. Vol. 22 (1993–94).

17th c. literature, pp. 29 31; history, p. 39, and passim.

HAUSMANN, FRANZ JOSEF, OSKAR REICHMANN, HERBERT ERNST WIEGAND and LADISLAV ZGUSTA, eds. Wörterbücher/Dictionaries/Dictionnaires, Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie. Vol. 3 Berlin/ New York: de Gruyter, 1991.

Review: G. Holtus in ZRP 109 (1993), 390–92: An important research tool, this international encyclopedia attests to the flourishing state of lexicography.

HAUSMANN, FRANK RUTGER. "Pierre Marteau ou Pierre du Marteau, imprimeur imaginaire à l'époque de Louis XIV." in "Diversité, c'est ma devise." Studien zur französischen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts. PFSCL/Biblio 17 86 (1994), 229–244.

Studies the production of the fictitious publisher as a model for all clandestine literature published during the period.

HUDSON, NICHOLAS. Writing and European Thought, 1600–1830. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Review: D. L. in Choice 33 (1995), 457: "Except in price [$49.95] this is an admirable book,," says P. "Combining Hans Aarsleff's approach to the history of linguistics with interest in orality and literacy, H. . . . isolates four stages in Western attitudes to writing between the Renaissance and Romanticism. (1) Renaissance: high valuation of the hieroglyph for its provision of occult knowledge; low valuation of merely demotic alphabets and speech." Also included are Enlightenment, Later 18th Century, and Romanticism (2, 3, and 4, respectively). "Individual elements in this history are familiar; H.'s virtue," in the reviewer's opinion, "is drawing them into a single story . . . . The author is weaker in providing explanations for change, but students of literature, philosophy, and linguistics will find this detailed and trustworthy connected history immensely useful."

HUPKA, WERNER. Die Illustrationem in Wörterbüchern und Enzyklopädien. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1989.

Review: H. Klöden in ZRP 109 (1993), 392–96: This reference tool comprises historical, linguistic, psychological, semiotic and aesthetic perspectives. Chapter six includes a history of illustrations in French dictionaries.

KESSELRING, WILHELM. Dictionnaire chronologique de la langue française: le XVIIe siècle. Tome I: 1601–1606. Heidelberg: Winter, 1989.

Review: G. Ernst in RF 105 (1993), 135–138: Limited to words still in the language, K.'s dictionary is here greeted by a number of reservations including methods of classification and omission of a bibliography of sources. Reviewer hopes that the next volume will be more pédantesque, in the non-pejorative sense "qui tient du maître."

KLAPP, OTTO. Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. Ed. by Astrid Klapp Lehrmann. Vol. 31 (1993). Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 1995.

17th c. section, pp. 275 334.

LA LINGUA FRANCESE NEL SEICENTO. Prefazione diMaurice Gross. Bari/Paris: Adriatica/Nizet, 1989.

Review: G. Ernst in RF 104 (1992), 416–420: Volume 9 of the review Quaderni del Seicento francese is of high quality, similar to its preceding issues. Demonstrating intensive reflection on the language, essays treat numerous aspects including neologisms, preciosity, the popular "Bibliothèque bleue," and surprisingly, French creole speech.

LEFRERE, JEAN JACQUES. "Littérature clandestine." QL (16–31 juillet 1995), 16–18.

"L'histoire littéraire n'est pas seulement affaire de livres, d'oeuvres et de biographies d'écrivains. Elle inclut également, et dans une proportion non négligeable, le monde des éditeurs tout comme celui des collectionneurs et des bibliophiles. L'apport des éditeurs dans la vie littéraire est reconnu de tous, bien qu'il ait fait jusqu'ici l'objet de peu d'attention. On peut le déplorer. . . . Quant au monde des collectionneurs et des bibliophiles, il est encore moins connu." Includes brief reference to 17th century.

LEROY-TURCAN, ISABELLE. Introduction à l'étude du Dictionnaire étymologique ou Origines de la langue françoise, Gilles Ménage (1694). Lyon: Centre d'études linguistiques Jacques Goudet, 1991.

Review: M. Pfister in ZRP 110 (1994), 561–63: Partial publication of a thesis written under Colette Demaizière (1990). L.-T. recognizes M.'s errors but appreciates his originality and concludes that he was "un précurseur de la linguistique moderne." Two-part study: 1) Ménage et l'étymologie: De la théorie à la pratique; 2) Les étymologies proposées: Bilan des résultats gives an objective and accurate depiction of M.'s etymological achievements. Based on two copies of the 1650 Origines and the 1694 Dictionnaire, L.-T.'s work is an important contribution to the history of French etymology.

MECKING, VOLKER. "Der französische Wortschatz im Diaeteticon (1682) des Johann Sigismund Elsholtz (1623–1688)." ZRP 110 (1994), 195–99.

Born in France, J.S.E. studied medicine in Wittenberg, Königsberg and in Padua. His Diaeteticon, an original work on the healing and culinary arts, is valuable for the history of French vocabulary and is of particular interest to specialists of 17th c. French gastronomy. M. includes three pages of examples.

MEINEL, CHRISTOPH. Die Bibliothek des Joachim Junius: Ein Betrag zur Historia littereria der früher Neuzeit. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992.

Review: Howard R. Bernstein in Isis 86 (1995), 109–10: Complete catalogue of the library of this polymath (1587–1657), inventory of 1614, acquisition record for 1616–24. Introductory essay insists on the value of private book collecting as a guide to intellectural development: a concise intellectural biography is based on the time-lapse development of the library.

MÜLLER, BERTRAND. Bibliographie des travaux de Lucien Febvre. Paris: Colin, 1990.

Review: P. Schöttler in HZ 256 (1993), 126–127: Impressive and exceedingly useful bibliography of the extensive, rich and deep work of Febvre who, with Marc Block, founded the periodical Annales d'histoire économique et sociale. Focusing on 16th c. as well as modern times, the bibliography is a precious instrument for students of every period because of the wide spectrum of its scholarship.

PARUSSA, GABRIELLA. Les recueils français de fables ésopiques au XVIIe siècle. Genève: Slatkine, 1993.

Review: A. Gier in ZRP 110 (1994), 772–73: Carefully prepared catalogue with index of each collection and extensive introduction focusing on the history of French fables printed from 1600–1715. Authors include: La Fontaine, Fénelon, Furetière and Perrault. Includes a section on translations from Greek, Latin and Italian.
Review: Hans Runte in FR 67 (1994), 1067: "A rich, if by no means complete, harvest" of 300 eiditions published during the "golden age" of the fable. Authors, "full-fledged fabulists" are in small number (14) but are accompanied by 13 "occasionals." Important dépouillement of 14 anonymous collections and periodicals. Excludes even the most basic dates for La Fontaine, but he figures prominently in the intro. Entries include library numbers. Chronological listing and index of incipits.

PEACH, TREVOR et JEAN BRUNEL. Le "Fonds Goujet" de la Bibliothèque municipale de Versailles. Textes littéraires du XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Catalogue alphabétique. Genève: Slatkine, 1992.

Review: R. Arbour in BHR 57 (1995), 268–70: Ouvrage solide et d'une remarqable clarté qui présente toutes les oeuvres contenues dans ce fonds.

PRICE, GLANVILLE and DAVID A. WELLS, eds. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. Vol. 50 (1988), London: The Modern Humanities Research Association, 1988.

Review: W. Engler in ZRP 109 (1993), 729–730: Notes increased breadth and sections on francophone studies. Also incorrectly classified items such as Festschrift in honor of Wolfgang Leiner which is much more than a contribution to the classical period.

PRICE, GLANVILLE and DAVID A. WELLS, eds. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. Vol. 51 (1989), London: The Modern Humanities Research Association, 1990.

Review: W. Engler in ZRP 109 (1993), 729–730: This volume dropped the chapter on 17th c. Notes other items inadequately presented. Offers supplemental list of items (some 17 th c.).

RABIN, SHEILA, ed. "Recent Bibliographical Tools, Critical Editions, Translations, and Essay Collections." RenQ 46 (1993), 220–224.

Useful commentary on a number of works of interest to 17th c. scholars. Entries range from architecture, law, manuscripts, prohibited books and concordances of literary works.

RANCOEUR, RENE. Bibliographie de la littérature française (XVIIe–XXe siècles). Année 1994. Paris: A. Colin, 1995.

17th c. section, pp. 43–80. Also issued in no. 3–4 of RHL 95 (1995), 395–432.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM. "Bibliography of North American Theses on Seventeenth Century French Literature and Background (1994)." PFSCL 22 (1995), 699–712.

Expanded coverage corresponds to vol. 54 of DAI (7/93 6/94) and to DA Ondisc CD ROM Retrieval (1/93 6/94). Corresponding FR and MLJ listings consulted. Cites 156 active and recent titles, of which 118 completed in literary, background and foreign areas.

ROUSSEL, BERNARD. "L'Equipe d'Histoire des protestantismes." BSHPF 141 (1995), 435–36.

Description of the committee and a biblio. of their publications.

STEEN, SARA JAYNE. "Recent Studies in Women Writers of the Seventeenth Century, 1604–1674." ELR 24 (1994), 243–274.

Review article includes selected background studies, editions, general studies, studies of individual genres and studies of individual writers. As S. remarks on the state of criticism, she underscores its historical and literary contexts, and the broad scope of the inquiries. Believes that 17th c. women writers are now receiving "the amount and kind of recognition accorded a few years ago only to much later women writers." 17th c. French specialists will note with interest several works on Katherine Philips, translator of Corneille, Ann Rosalind Jones' The Currency of Eros: Women's Love Lyric in Europe, 1540–1620 (1990), Gerda Lerner's The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy (1993).

WUNDERLI, PETER. Französische Lexikologie. Einführung in die Theorie und Geschichte des französischen Wortschatzes. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1989.

Review: M. Pfister in ZRP 109 (1993), 445–47: This welcome addition to field includes a historical classification of French vocabulary along with section on borrowings, word formation, semantics, connotations, translation and a bibliography.

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