French 17 FRENCH 17

1994 Number 42

Part VI — Research in Progress

ASSAF, FRANCIS. (Georgia) La Mort du Roi (Bk. ELF); Rhétorique: la querelle des oraisons funèbres de Louis XIV (SCS); Topique de la fiction en 1715: study of narrative topos. Les structures du pouvoir et l'individu dans l'histoire comique; Souvenir et figures du passé dans Gil Blas (MLA projects). Crit. ed., La Motte's translation of l'Iliade (1712). President, SE17 1995 Conference, Univ. of Georgia.

AULD, LOUIS. (Central Connecticut SU). Ed., Ars Lyrica; comédie ballet, monograph, ballet de cour.

BEUGNOT, BERNARD (Montréal). les Muses classiques. Essai de bibliographie rhétorique et poétique, Paris Klincksieck (sous presse). la Mémoire du texte. Etudes de poétique classique, Paris, Champion (recueil d'articles). "loin du monde et du bruit": le discours de la retraite au XVIIe, Paris, PUF, Collection "Perspectives littéraires" (1995).

BIRBERICK, ANNE L. (Northern Illinois). Ed., Jean de La Fontaine: Tercentenary Essays, Charlottesville, EMF Monographs, Rookwood Press (collection of ten essays to commemorate the anniversary of L's death, 1995); "From world to text: the Figure of the Nun in La Fontaine's Contes" (in above collection).

BURCHELL, EILEEN. (Marymount College - Tarrytown) Contr. Ed. French 17.

CHOUINARD, DANIEL. (Univ of Guelph) Contr. Ed. French 17.

COLLINS CLARK, KATHY. (U. Michigan Dearborn). Ed, crit., poésie de Saint Pavin.

DANNER, RICHARD. (Ohio Univ) Contr. Ed. French 17. "La Fontaine's Dalogic World: A Bakhtinian Approach to Two Fables," accepted for Refiguring La Fontaine: Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Biberick (Rookwood Press, EMF, 1995); art. on discourse and silence in Book 11 of La Fontaine's Fables.

DE LEY, HERBERT. (ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN). Bk. tentatively entitled "Le Bricolage de La Fontaine. La Fontaine and Lévi Strauss."

DOCK, STEPHEN V. (East Carolina). Art., "Problems in Molière Iconography: The Sganarelle Costumes Revisited" (disagrees with Susan Picinich that there is a correspondence between the descriptions in M.'s inventaire après décès and the iconography for the plays. Bk.: crit. ed. of Thomas Corneille's Le festin de Pierre (Slatkine). Rev., R.W. Berger's The Palace of the Sun. The Louvre of Louis XIV (Penn SU Press), for PFSCL.

DOIRON, NORMAND. (McGill). Ed. crit., Diéreville, Relation du voyage du Port Royal (Rouen 1708, voyage de 1699), Montréal, Presses de l'Université, Bibl. du Nouveau Monde. Intro. comprenda une étude sur Michel Bégon intendant de la Marine à Rochefort, et sur le prosimètre (m_lange de vers et de prose) au XVIIe sc.

DUBOST, JEAN PIERRE. (Stuttgart). "Iconoclastie et iconolatrie de l'écriture libertine." Bk., "Eros et raison: genèse de la notion moderne de jouissance " (synthesis of personal research since 1980 on libertine literature, for 1995). Bk., "Critique de la fiction pure" (réflexion on modern text theory in the context of philosophical approaches to Literature in contemporary France). Bk., ed. of texts of international conference "Morale et politique," personally organized in Paris (for 1994/95).

DURHAM CENTRE FOR SEVENTEENTH CENTURY STUDIES. 6th International Conference, July 24–27, 1995. For information contact Dr. Richard Maber, Univ. Library, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RN, ENGLAND. Fax: 091–374–2716.

EMELINA, JEAN. (U. de Nice). French 17th c. theatre, Molière, le comique, le rire et le comique. Arts., "Le grés d'Agnès," Le Nouveau Moliériste, no. 1 (Glasgow U.); "L'esthétique du plaisant," Colloque sur la comédie, Univ. de Reims, 1994.

FUCALORO, LILIANE. (Calif. State Poly) Contr. Ed. French 17.

GANIM, RUSSELL. (Nebraska - Lincoln) Contr. Ed. French 17.

GETHNER, PERRY. (Oklahoma State). Anthology of plays by French women 1650–1750, in English translation (for Heineman Press). Crit. ed., Du Ryer's Lucrèce (in collab. with Jim Gaines), for Droz. Monograph on poetic justice in French classical drama.

GIORDANO, MICHAEL. (Wayne State). Socio political paradox and narrative form in Béroalde de Verville's Le Moyen de Parvenir.

GOODKIN, RICHARD. (Wisconsin Madison). Generations of French Classicism 1635–1677 (study of the evolution of theater between the two distinct generations that comprise classicism. Treats both Corneille brothers, Racine, Molière).

HODGSON, RICHARD. (British Columbia). Falsehood Disguised: Unmasking the Truth in La Rochefoucauld, forthcoming in Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, vol.7 (study of the concepts of truth and falsehood in the Maximes and Réflexions diverses).

HOFFMANN, KATHERYN A. (U. of Hawaii Manoa). Arts., "The Extravagant Project of Royal Praise: Boileau's Epistles to the King;" "Of Innocents and Hags: The Status of the Female in the Seventeenth Century Fairy Tale;" Bk., "Writing in the Interstices: Literature and the Body of Power in 17th century France" (chapters on Louis XIV's Mémoires, Racine, Molière, Pascal, Furetière, anti monarchical pamphlet literature. Focuses on notions of power and the body in literary, historical, culinary, religious and erotic texts).

JAYMES, DAVID. (Oakland Univ) Contr. Ed. French 17.

JENSEN, KATHERINE. (LSU). Bk., Writing Love: Letters, Women, and the Novel (1605–1776), for Southern Illinois UP, Carbondale, 1994 (argues for a tradition of women's epistolary writing in relation to men's promulgation of a feminine epistolary ideal of abandonment and suffering). Bk., Embattled Bodies: Mother Daughter Relations in French and Francophone Literature, 17th–20th Centuries (takes into account both mothers' and daughters' perspectives, investigating how different historical periods, cultural climates and familial structures—widowed mothers; nuclear family; extended family—in France, Algeria, and the Caribbean affect how these women relate to one another's bodies).

JUDOVITZ, DALIA. (Emory). Bk., The Culture of the Body: Figure and Style in French Baroque and Classical Literature (on representation of the body)

KRONEGGER, MARLIES. (Michigan State). Ed. (with J. C. Vuillemain), Esthétique baroque et imagination créatrice. Actes du colloque de Cerisy la salle, Editions Interuniversitaires.

KUIZENGA, DONNA. (Vermont). Bk., On Her Own: Gender in the Writings of Madame de Villedieu. To appear: "La Topique du secret chez Lafayette: Histoire et histoires," Actes du 5e Colloque International de la Sator (Lisbon); "Mixed Media: Word and Inage in Les Peintures morales," Early Modern French Studies; "L'Utopie dans les oeuvres de Lafayette: Topique utopique?," Actes du 6e Colloque International de la Sator (Edmonton, Alta Press).

LALANDE, ROXANNE (Lafayette C.). "Intruders in the Play World: Gender Delineation in the Works of Molière" (to appear, Associated UP, Fairleigh Dickenson Press).

LAUDE, PATRICK. (Georgetown). Travail sur les Essais de morale de Pierre Nicole.

MALLINSON, JONATHAN. (Oxford). Bk., "True Fictions": Studies in the French 17th C. Novel. Crit. ed., Molière, le Misanthrope, for Bristol Classical Press.

NORMAN, BUFORD. (South Carolina). Crit. ed., Quinault's Alceste, accompanied by polemical texts by Racine, Charles and Pierre Perrault. Co authored with William Brooks and Jeanne Morgan Zarucchi (for Droz). Ed., Quinault's libretti. Bk. on opera libretti, on Phèdre and Rameau and Pellegrin's Hippolyte et Aricie, for Abraham Festschrift. Paper on Quinault's Roland.

O'CONNOR, NANCY M. (Middlebury). A Provincial "Précieuse": the Marquise de Robiac (at least two MSS. exist containing letters, maxims, reading notes, composed or recorded by this wife [d. 1685] of the permanent secretary of the Académie d'Arles—apparently not published).

PASCAL, BLAISE. Le Centre International Blaise Pascal includes an Association "Amis et Correspondents," publishes an illustrated yearly volume. Contact Amis CIBP, Bibliothèque, 1 boulevard Lafayette BP27, F 63001 Clermont Ferrand, Cedex, FRANCE..

PFOHL, RUSSELL. (Indiana). Art., "The Poetics of Farewell in Racine's Bérénice: Classical Paradigm and Tragic Innovation" (study of the tragic actions of the play with particular reference to Virgil's Aeneid, Book IV).

PROBES, CHRISTINE McCALL. (U. of South Florida). "Lieux de mémoire in Renaissance dévotion magdalénienne" with MIFLC; "Lieux de mémoire in the Lettres françaises of Madame Palatine (for WSFH); "A Woman's Sentiments and Philosophy: the Maxims of Madame Palatine" (for PFSCL); "Jean Calvin et Strasbourg, leurs apports mutuels: le témoignage des lettres" (for Foi et vie, Paris); "Degrees of Madness: The Madeleine in French Baroque Poetry"; art. on nature imagery and the poetic composition; bk. on John Calvin. Accepted: "Les 'lieux de l'Ecriture' comme 'lieux de mémoire,': Memoria: ses racines bibliques et son fonctionnement dans la poésie dévote" for vol. Les "lieux de mémoire" et la fabrique de l'oeuvre, ed. Volker Kapp, Kiel; "La Mort dans la correspondance de Madame Palatine" and "Death in the Fables of La Fontaine: Commentary" (PFSCL, ed. Jean Charron). Contr. Ed., French 17.

RIGGS, LARRY W. (Butler U.). Bk., "Anti ocularcentrisme, anti textualisme, anti transcendentalisme in Molière (continuation of previous work on anti hegemonism—for EMF); Arts., "Molière, Paranoia, and the Presence of Absence" (C17); "Textes, désir et paranoia: la double canonisation de Tartuffe" (Seminari Pasquali di Analisi Testuale, Pisa); "Semiotics, Simulacra, and the Consumerist Rhetoric of Status in Molière's cérémonie turque at Flaubert's château de la Vaubyessard.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM. (Northwestern). "Saint Amant and Boisrobert: a Parisian Tryptich"; "Saint Amant in England"; "La Nouvelle Bibliothèque de France—forme et contexte"; Cumulative 17th Dissertation Bibliography, 1972–1994 (NASSCFL/ PFSCL); Contr. Ed., French 17. Forthcoming: "Maynard et la mort d'un enfant," Actes de Lexington.

ROMANOWSKI, SYLVIE. (Northwestern). "Molière's Le Misanthrope: a Critique and Reluctant Defense of Courtly Life," in Contemporary Theatre Review, special issue Molière Today: Re-stagings, Re-readings.

RUBIN, DAVID (Virginia). (1) In Production: "Cognitive Traps in La Fontaine's Fables," in La Poétique des 'Fables' de La Fontaine (Acta of London); "Refabulations," in La Fontaine: Tercentenary Studies. (2) In Progress: auth., Refiguring Classicism: Translation Strategy and the Image of Early Modern French Literature; auth., "[Dis]solving Double Irony: The case of 'Les Compagnons d'Ulysse'," invited for André Lefèvre's forthcoming collection on translation strategy; gen. ed., La Poésie française du premier 17e siècle: textes et contextes, rev., enlarged ed.; new annual, EMF: Studies in Early Modern France [Vol. 1 (1994): "Word and Image";. (3) Other: Ed., new series, EMF Monographs: Jules Brody, Lectures de La Fontaine; Eric Johnson, Montaigne: Knowledge and Society). Ass't. Ed. (17th Century Literature), FR; Assoc. Ed., Purdue UP Studies in Romance Languages; Ed. Board, PFSCL,OeC.

RUOFF, CYNTHIA. (Western Michigan U.). Forthcoming: "Imaginatio creatrix et diversité: l'art du comédien," Esthétique baroque et imagination créatrice, eds. Vuillemain and Kronegger, Saint Pierre du Mont, Editions Interuniversitaires.

SALLUSTIO, ANTHONY T. (Pace U.). Study on Camus and Bandello (viz. the tragic story in France); Crit. ed., one of Camus's works of short fiction—possibly samples of the tragic story.

SLATER, MAYA. (U. of London). La Fontaine Conference, February 17 18, 1995. Institute for Romance Studies, School of Advanced Studies, U. of London. Contact M.S., Queen Mary and Westfield College, Mile End Rd., London E1 4NS, ENGLAND.

SOARE, ANTOINE. (U. de Montréal). President, NASSCFL 27th Annual Conference "Et in Arcadia ego," April 20–22, 1995. (Département d'études françaises, C.P. 6128, Succ. centre ville, Montréal (Québec), CANADA H3C 3J7). Fax: 514–343–2256.

SWEETSER, MARIE ODILE. (U. of Illinois Chicago). "Madame de Lafayette romancière: aspects de la société et des mentalités de son temps," CAIEF, 46; "Le Poète et le petit prince: stratégies d'éducation dans Les Compagnons d'Ulysse," Mélanges J. Grimm (1994/95); "La Modernité de La Fontaine," in La Fontaine: A Collection of Tercentenary Essays, ed. Anne L. Birberick, EMF (1995); "Refus de la culpabilité: Médée et Corneille," Travaux de Littérature (1995); "Féminisme avant la lettre," Constant Venesoen's Etudes sur la littérature féminine au XVIIe siècle," EMF l (1994); "Naissance fortuite et fortunée d'un nouveau genre: les Fâcheux," Mélanges Abraham.; "Vision de l'Autre dans la tragédie classique: le romain et l'oriental," French Literature Conference,U of SC, 1995. Bk. reviews for DSS, FR, PFSCL

SZOGYI, ALEX. (Hunter C.). Bk., L'Art de La Fontaine (le style de LF., for the Tricentenaire), to be publ. in France. Planning to organize readings and an exhibition of LF inspired art work and MSS., at the New York Public Library in 1995.

TOBIN, RONALD W. (California Santa Barbara). President, North American Society for 17th C. Literature (NASSCFL), 1993–94.

VEDVIK, JERRY D. Editor, French 17.

WILLIAMS, CHARLES G. S. (Ohio State). Contr. Ed., French 17; Bk. on Mme de Motteville; political discourse of the 1630s; La Fontaine.

ZARUCCHI, JEANNE MORGAN (Missouri St. Louis). Bk., "Reading the Royal Image: The Medals Chronicle of Louis XIV" (study of the medals and their catalogues as a revisionist history of the reign for EMF Monographs).

William Roberts

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